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09-18 投稿


jibing 发音

英:[ˈdʒaɪbɪŋ]  美:[ˈdʒaɪbɪŋ]

英:  美:

jibing 中文意思翻译




jibing 词性/词形变化,jibing变形

动词第三人称单数: jibes |动词现在分词: jibing |动词过去式: jibed |动词过去分词: jibed |

jibing 相似词语短语

1、gibbing ─── n.拉销;凹形楔;雄猫;vt.用扁栓固定

2、dibbing ─── v.(把钓饵轻轻放在水中沉浮弹跳着)垂钓(等于dap);n.(Dib)(美、法、巴)迪卜(人名)

3、gibing ─── v.嘲笑,嘲讽;与……一致;移帆转向(gibe的现在分词)

4、jobing ─── 工作

5、fibbing ─── v.撒小谎(fib的现在分词)

6、jibbing ─── n.船首三角帆;(起重机的)悬臂;v.踌躇不前,停止不动;不愿做,不愿接受;转帆

7、bibbing ─── 围嘴

8、bribing ─── vt.向……行贿;诱哄(尤指小孩)(bribe的现在分词形式)

9、jibingly ─── 诙谐地

jibing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whether this work you like it or not, they must do well, because you jibe, we should not let this wage, Many university students can not this concept. ─── 无论这个工作你是否喜欢,要做就一定要做好,因为你拿了钱,就要对得起这份工资,可很多大学生没有这个概念。

2、A lawyer for the estate said the separation agreement stipulated Cristina would have to pay taxes on her quarterly alimony check after Ford's death. This, apparently, does not jibe with Cristina's understanding of the document. ─── 一位管理遗产的律师说,分居协议规定克里斯提娜在福特死后必须为每三月一次的赡养费付税。这显然与克里斯提娜对文件的了解不符。

3、Nazi jibe ─── 有关纳粹的玩笑

4、Zhong Daotong,Liu Jibing,Yan Junjie,et al.Experimental research on the influence of air in-leakage upon condenser performance[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2005,25(4):152-157(in Chinese). ─── [20]种道彤,刘继平,严俊杰,等.漏空气对凝汽器传热性能影响的实验研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2005,25(4):152-157.

5、His words and action don't jibe. ─── 他的言行不一。

6、But this doesn't jibe with "de-evolution" as Humans would picture it; surely his self-remolding should have taken him away from such feelings. ─── 但这不符合人类想象中的“反进化”图象;确实,他的自我重塑本应剥离他的这种感情。

7、They did not jibe so well. ─── 他们之间并不太和谐。

8、Academic Value of Zhang Jibe's Theory on "Dizziness Is Ever Caused by deficiency" ─── 张介宾"无虚不能作眩"论的学术价值浅识

9、Author Wang Yu Wang Jibing Li Ming(Shenyang Academy of Instrument Science;Shenyang 110043); ─── 作者王玉;王记兵;李民;

10、What he says does not jibe with what others say. ─── 他所说的与其他人说的不一致。

11、On the Origin of Common Words "JIBING" ─── 常用词“疾病”的历史来源考辨

12、Authors: Chen Yiqing, Wang Jibing, ─── 作者:陈毅清,汪继兵

13、How does this jibe with the goals that you set eight years ago and I'd like to follow up. ─── 这如何能与阁下八年以前所订的目标相吻合?本人愿闻其详。

14、jibe v. ─── 与...一致;符合;

15、3 R-type h ierarch ica l clustering ana lys is of rocksand e lem en ts for A g-bearing form ations in Jibe i area. ─── 标题: 图3冀北含银岩石建造岩石元素分析数据的R型聚类分析谱系图 F ig.

16、What makes them different makes them jibe. ─── 他们的不同也带来了一些争议。

17、His position did not jibe with his ideal. ─── 他的地位不合乎他的理想。

18、Far from being discriminatory, this is a jibe aimed at one of the great communist dictators of the 20th century. ─── 杂志根本就没有歧视中国人的意思,而是旨在讽刺20世纪最大的独裁者。

19、Your statement doesn't jibe with the facts. ─── 你的说法与事实不符。

20、Gybe: To shift the mainsail from one side to the other when sailing with the wind behind; also "jibe". ─── 转帆:顺风行驶时将主帆从船的一侧转到另一侧。

21、Author Yang Yuquan Ou Jibing Zheng Qin; ─── 作者杨玉泉;欧济兵;郑勤;

22、Author Lan Fang Chen Ning Cai Liaoyuan Zhang Jibing Xiang Ming (Research Institute of Polymer Material;Sichuan Union University); ─── 作者蓝方;陈宁;蔡燎原;张季冰;向明;

23、jibe with ─── 符合 ..., 与 ... 一致

24、This, apparently, doesn't jibe with Cristina's understanding of the document. ─── 这显然与克里斯提娜对文件的了解不符。

25、SIR Alex Ferguson has offered the perfect riposte to Ramon Calderon's senility jibe - We've got Ronaldo. ─── 弗格森爵士对卡尔德隆嘲笑他已经老了的言论做出了最完美的回击-我们得到了C罗。

26、"Our players are like eunuchs in a brothel: no one can shoot," runs a typical jibe. ─── 一种典型的嘲笑就是:“我们的球员就像太监上青楼,没人会射”。

27、Above all, he will have to work much harder at disproving Nixon's “dumb” jibe if he is to beat Hillary Clinton. ─── 如果他要打败希拉里,最重要的是汤普森得更加努力证明尼克松对他的嘲笑说他太笨是错的。

28、His words do not jibe with his actions ─── 他说的和做的不一致(言行不一)。

29、accounts that don't jibe ─── 账目不符

30、Then the jibe at the Army officer caste: ─── 接着他就讽刺陆军军官团:

31、That may not seem to jibe with the millions of Americans who are buying the iPhone each quarter and signing up for an AT&T service plan that costs a minimum of $70 per month. ─── 那些调查似乎与每个季度都有数以万计的美国人购买iPhone手机,使用AT&T服务,每月花费70美元的事实并不相称。

32、Some people keep smoking while running, but I’ve seen tons of runners who quit smoking, because they know that smoking doesn’t jibe with their lifestyle. ─── 如果你坚持适度的跑步计划,我几乎可以保证,你会变得更苗条,心脏更强壮,胆固醇也会下降。

33、Chuanwu Wang; Jibing Yang; Deming Zhao( College of veterinary medicine; China Agricultural University; Beijing China; 100094); ─── 中国农业大学动物医学院;

34、Jibe River ─── 藉河

35、On the Origin of Common Words "JIBING" ─── 常用词"疾病"的历史来源考辨

36、JING H.Analysis of results assessed healthy chinese peoples with SCL-90[J].Zhongguo Shenjing Jingshen Jibing Zazhi, 1986,12(5): 260. ─── [2]金华.中国正常人SCL-90评定结果初步分析[J].中国神经精神疾病杂志,1986,12(5):260.

37、Author Shenyang University of Technology Wang Jibing;Liu Zhengjun;Zeng Xiebo;Yin Yijun; ─── 作者王记兵;刘政军;曾谢波;尹奕君;

38、Tight dark jeans don't usually jibe with the seaside, but her top's bright print and floaty cut make this outfit just summery enough. ─── 深色牛仔裤紧通常不海边穿的,但她配上大项链和大图案的上衣一切都那么和谐。

39、"Thank you," she said sweetly, deliberately misunderstanding his jibe. ─── "谢谢你,"她温柔地说,故意装做不懂他的意思。

40、4 Mock not the worn cloak and jibe at no man's bitter day: For strange are the works of the LORD, hidden from men his deeds. ─── 在穿衣上,不要打扮;光荣之日,不要自大;因为上主的工程,虽是惊人的,光荣的,但他的行动在人间,却是隐匿不现的。

41、We kept fairly close to them until the downwind leg where we couldn't jibe for a long time because of technical issues. ─── 我们的战术是紧跟对手,但是到了逆风航道时由于技术问题我们很长一段时间无法作转帆变向。

42、The "Watergate" jibe has come from Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn, a long-standing criticof Mr Blair. ─── 嘲笑长期被人们指责的布莱尔正处于”水门事件”,是英国下议院议员。

43、Then ten thousand of an order, concealed in JiBing MaLingDao sides agreed, "said the fire will burn saw dark. ─── 然后命令一万名善于射箭的齐兵,隐伏在马陵道两旁,约定说“天黑看见点着的火就万箭齐发”。

44、When used as a noun, jibe refers to a remark that attacks someone. ─── 当这个字当名词使用时,意指攻击某人的言论。

45、Their long-standing jibe against the secular Kemal Ataturk, modern Turkey's founder, was that he was “really a Jew”. ─── 他们长期以来一直反对现代土耳其的创始人、不朽的凯末尔,就是因为他“实际上是一个犹太人”。

46、But this doesn't jibe with "de-evolution" as Humans would picture it; ─── 但这不符合人类想象中的“反进化”图象;

47、Inter director Lele Oriali has aimed a sarcastic jibe at Juventus heir Lapo Elkaan following the Nerazzurri’s Scudetto victory. ─── 译文:蓝黑军团夺冠后,国米俱乐部经理莱莱.奥里亚利嘲讽了尤文图斯老板拉波.埃尔坎。

48、Her story didn't jibe with the witnesses' account. ─── 她的说法和证人的描述有出入。

49、In an apparent jibe at his son, he added: "I have had several divorces just as my children also have had several divorces." ─── 带着一点嘲笑儿子的意味,老萨科奇说:“我离过几次婚,我的孩子和我一样。”

50、Your figures jibe with mine. ─── 你的外貌和我相似

51、Then, we have to figure out what they mean, what those actions and practices say about us, and how well they jibe with who we want to be. ─── 我现在已经持续这个计划有几个月了,老实说,终点遥遥无期(毕竟,我正在改变工作,也在修补我的人际关系)。

52、Author LIU Zhifeng(Hefei University of Technology;Hefei;China)LIU Guangfu LIN Juguang ZHU Huabin JIANG Jibing SHI Zhen; ─── 作者刘志峰;林巨广;刘光复;朱华炳;江吉彬;施震;

53、This was a final jibe at the Army, which had done most of the fighting and lost most of the men killed in the war. ─── 对在战争中出力最大、死人最多的陆军,这是一次最后的嘲弄。

54、Dave is a brilliant thinker and an extraordinary debater, and he is of course entitled to his opinion.But it is exactly that -- an opinion, based on his worldview, which does not jibe with mine. ─── 戴夫是个才华出众的思想家,一个杰出的辩论者,他当然有权维持他的意见,但是,确切地说,他表达的是建立在他的世界观上的意见,而不是建立在我之上的。

55、Then ten thousand of an order, concealed in JiBing MaLingDao sides agreed, "said the fire will burn saw dark. " ─── 然后命令一万名善于射箭的齐兵,隐伏在马陵道两旁,约定说“天黑看见点着的火就万箭齐发”。

56、Author Zhang Xueqin;Zhang Jibing;Wang Hongfeng;et al.; ─── 作者张雪芹;张际兵;王洪峰;申勇;赵清斌;

57、Opinions don't always jibe. ─── 会员的意见不一定一致。

58、Zhang KW.Endoscopic neurovascular decompression for the treatment of idiopathic hemifacial spasm[J].Zhonghua Shenjing Jingshen Jibing Zazhi(Chin J Nerv Ment Dis),1999,25(3):148-149. ─── [4]张开文.内窥镜辅助下显微神经血管减压术治疗特发性偏侧面肌痉挛[J].中华神经精神疾病杂志,1999,25(3):148-149.

59、Author DU Jibing;CONG Hongliang;YANG Wansong;ZHOU Lijuan;NI Yanping;HUANG Tigang Tianjin Chest Hospital;Tianjin 300051;China; ─── 作者杜纪兵;丛洪良;杨万松;周丽娟;倪燕萍;黄体钢;

60、There’s something to this but it doesn’t jibe with the high value we put on being generous and giving selflessly. ─── 虽然有这个原因,但是这不不足以补偿我们慷慨解囊、无私奉献所付出的高昂代价。

61、What he described does not jibe with the facts ─── 他所描绘的与事实不符。

62、The report does not jibe with the facts. ─── 报告与事实不符。

63、The England midfielder added a jibe at Arsenal, comparing his certainty about staying with Thierry Henry's reluctance to prolong his tenure in north London. ─── 这位英格兰中场顺便嘲笑了一下阿森纳,将自己已然确定的留守同亨利不情愿留在北伦敦作了一下对比。

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