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juridical 发音

英:[dʒʊˈrɪdɪk(ə)l]  美:[dʒʊəˈrɪdɪk(ə)l]

英:  美:

juridical 中文意思翻译



juridical 短语词组

1、juridical day ─── 法院开庭日

2、juridical action ─── [法] 审判行为, 法律行为

3、juridical organization ─── [法] 司法组织

4、juridical assocication ─── [法] 社团法人

5、juridical divorce ─── [法] 判决离婚

6、juridical business ─── [法] 司法事务, 审判事务

7、juridical association ─── 社团法人

8、Doctor of Juridical Science ─── 法理学博士

9、consortium as a juridical person ─── [经] 财团法人

10、juridical practice ─── [经] 司法惯例

11、juridical entity ─── [经] 法律实体

12、juridical status ─── [法] 法律地住

13、juridical aggravation ─── [法] 裁判上的加重

14、juridical consciousness ─── 法律意识

15、juridical extenuation ─── [法] 裁判上减轻

16、juridical person ─── [经] 法人

17、juridical personality ─── [法] 法律人格

18、juridical expense ─── [法] 审判费用, 诉讼费用

19、juridical change ─── 司法变革

juridical 常用词组

juridical person ─── 法人

juridical 词性/词形变化,juridical变形

异体字: juridic |副词: juridically |

juridical 相似词语短语

1、acritical ─── adj.(疾病)不危急的;无极期的;不批评的

2、critical ─── adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的

3、puristical ─── adj.修辞癖的;用语简洁的

4、biradical ─── adj.二基的;n.双游离基

5、veridical ─── adj.不虚伪的;诚实的

6、juristical ─── adj.法律的;法理学的

7、juridically ─── 法律上

8、juridic ─── adj.司法上的;法律的

9、periodical ─── adj.[数]周期的;定期的;n.期刊;杂志

juridical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The HKSARG also obtained the CPG's authorisation for the conclusion of another 18 bilateral agreements, including eight on air services, five on overflight, and five on reciprocal juridical assistance. ─── 另有18份双边协定也获中央人民政府授权签署,计有民用航空运输协定八份、民航过境协定五份及司法互助协定五份。

2、How to Strengthen International Juridical Cooperation in Investigating and Disposing Transnational Commercial Bribery from Lucent and Diagnostic Products Corporation Cases ─── 从朗讯、德普案看如何加强查处跨国商业贿赂的国际司法合作

3、juridical assocication ─── [法] 社团法人

4、A juridical corporate, which is organized under ROC laws, with main office situated within ROC territory and at least two- thirds members and the statutory representative being ROC nationals. ─── 四依中华民国法律设立,在中华民国有主事务所之法人团体所有,其社员三分之二以上及负责人为中华民国国民者。

5、Research on the Personality Disregard System for the Corporate Juridical Person ─── 关于公司法人人格否认制度的研究

6、juridical justice ─── 司法公正

7、juridical control ─── 司法控制

8、juridical interpretation ─── 司法解释

9、The reflection on the jurisprudence basis of criminal responsibility and penalty provides the legislative grounds for the criminologists, and directs the juridical practice. ─── 刑事责任和刑罚的法哲学思考为刑事立法者提供了立法依据,并且指导着司法实践。

10、It requires two stages for the building: harmony on the stage of juridical law and ethic, the former being basic while the latter mature. ─── 和谐社会的构建需要历经两个阶段:法理阶段的社会和谐和伦理阶段的社会和谐,前者是和谐的基础阶段,后者则是成熟阶段。

11、military juridical relation ─── 军事法律关系

12、It can promote the juridical equity, efficiency and specialism. ─── 同时,专家陪审制也并不否认陪审制度的政治性价值。

13、Theoretical Basis and System Construction of the Denial of Company Juridical Person Personality ─── 公司法人人格否认的理论基础与制度构建

14、And then, this part studied the sovereignty of Diaoyutai Islands and the juridical position and effect of Diaoyutai Islands on the delimitation. ─── 其次结合相关实践对钓鱼岛的主权归属问题、钓鱼岛等岛屿在中日东海划界中的法律地位和作用进行了分析;

15、Then, the countries or areas of civil law system, such as Germany, France, Japan and TaiWan of our country established this system and radicate its juridical status. ─── 之后,大陆法系国家和地区如德国、法国、日本和我国台湾地区都相继确立了这种制度的法律地位。

16、Then I went to the United States, twice, to study law and in 1993 I got my Doctoral degree (Doctor of Juridical Science, SJD) from the Northwestern Law School (Illinois). ─── 后来,我先后两次赴美学习法律,于1993年从美国依利诺伊州的西北大学获得了法学博士学位(SJD)。

17、Innate rights, alse called internal properties, belong to everyone by nature, independent of any juridical acts. ─── 天赋的权利又称为内在所有权,是生来属于每一个人,独立于任何法律的行为。

18、Discussion on the Juridical Cognizance of the Aircraft Hijacking crime ─── 关于劫持航空器罪的司法认定

19、juridical association ─── n. 社团法人

20、”88 Murray notes that this principle establishes an “indissoluble connection between the moral and the juridical orders. ─── [88]默里认为,这一原则构成了“道德和法律秩序之间的不可分离的联系”。

21、Juridical Corporation Dissolution ─── 司法解散

22、In jurisprudence,it means a confirmation of equality by way of juridical protection of those who suffer inevitably unequal treatment in the history development. ─── 在法学意义上是一种以法律的手段来确认、平衡现实生活中那些反映历史必然的以实质不平等为内容的平等;

23、juridical aggravation ─── [法] 裁判上的加重

24、mistakes in juridical practice ─── 司法实践误区

25、Juridical authentication ─── 司法鉴定

26、The company may set up subsidiaries which enjoy the status of an enterprise juridical person and shall be independently bear civil liabilities. ─── 公司可以设立子公司,子公司具有法人资格,依法独立承担民事责任。

27、Juridical Considerations about Strengthening the Protection of Weather Detecting Condition and Establishments ─── 加强气象探测环境和设施保护的法律思考

28、With the approval of juridical administrations, we have set up a liaison office in Hong Kong and cooperated closely with the largest Hong Kong local law firm. ─── 在北京、上海、深圳、杭州、广州、昆明及天津设立办公室,并在香港特别行政区与当地最大的律师事务所进行紧密协作。

29、Foreign natural person, juridical person and other organization must notarize the contract if purchase a house. It's compulsive. ─── 与中国人买房最大的不同,境外自然人、法人和其他组织买卖商品住房签订的合同,需要办理合同公证手续,这个公证是强制性的。

30、juridical expense ─── [法] 审判费用, 诉讼费用

31、CASB is established in the light of modern enterprises and has clear ownership and perfect structure of juridical person. ─── 公司按现代企业的模式组建,产权明晰,并将完善其法人治理结构。

32、juridical practice ─── 司法惯例

33、A juridical precedent is nothing but "authenticated custom" ─── 司法惯例只不过是“权威的惯例”罢了。

34、One considers that juridical activities should start from the pursuit of objective facts,aim at the realization of entity justice and evaluate the juridical justice via social standard. ─── 另一种则认为在司法活动中应当以法律事实作为逻辑起点,从而追求程序公正,并以法律标准对司法活动过程和结果进行评价。

35、most countries and regions, the public school is not a juridical person. ─── 大部分国家和地区的公立义务教育学校都不是法人。

36、foreign juridical perso ─── 外国法人

37、Juridical personality in public internal law; ─── 国内公法法人资格;

38、Juridical Analysis on the Accepting of Old-age Insurance Dispute Cases by Labor Arbitration ─── 养老保险缴费争议不应纳入劳动仲裁受案范围

39、The article provides the reference for perfecting the management structure of juridical person within the exploration and design corporations. ─── 为勘察设计企业完善法人治理结构提供了参考。

40、This paper focuses on the detailed study of crime construction,juridical practice,penal responsibility and legislation perfection. ─── 在犯罪构成论中,明确了其双重客体;

41、However, the inquiry object shall be only limited to a juridical person enforce determined in an effective judgment or ruling. ─── 查询对象仅限于生效判决和裁定所确定的法人被执行人。

42、juridical democracy ─── 司法民主

43、Juridical Person in Commercial Law ─── 商法人

44、Any agent, whether natural person or juridical person, is accusable for his deliberate offence when he infringes upon the journalist’s right to interview. ─── 不论其为自然人或者是法人,行为主体侵害新闻采访权主观上都有故意的过错,是一种典型的可归责的心理状况。

45、juridical independence ─── 司法独立

46、A New Look at the Reform of Juridical Judgment ─── 司法鉴定改革之我见

47、The relationship between the judge and the law is one of key issues of jurisprudence from the juridical perspective. ─── 法官与法律的关系是以司法为视角进行法学研究时所应当关注的核心问题之一。

48、In the lawsuit mediation, the core for guaranteeing the parties to freely exercise their right of disposition is to control the over-interference of juridical power. ─── 在诉讼调解中,为保障当事人的处分权得到自由行使,其核心就是控制司法权的过度介入。

49、juridical divorce ─── [法] 判决离婚

50、It is unique in international law in its juridical and legalistic system for disputes. ─── 在国际法中,它的立法和司法体制都独具特色。

51、Cleveland school voucher litigation has gone through many juridical inquisitions and on June 27,2002,it was made out a final judgment by American Supreme Court. ─── 克利夫兰市教育券诉讼案历经法院的层层审理,最终在2002年6月27日由美国联邦最高法院做出终审判决。

52、Juridical corruption ─── 司法腐败

53、International Juridical Institute ─── 国际法律研究所

54、Juridical ideas should be implanted in the mind of citizens. ─── 法制观念应该被灌输进公民脑海中。

55、In the juridical practice of China , identifying the mafia-style organization and judging the mafia-style organization crime are synchronous . ─── 在我国司法实践中,认定黑社会性质组织和判定黑社会性质组织犯罪几乎是同步的。

56、juridical days ─── n. 法院开庭日期

57、juridical business ─── 司法事务, 审判事务

58、However, a unilateral juridical act by the intervener as a representative of the principal has no effect if the person to whom it is addressed rejects the act without undue delay. ─── 但是,如果意思表示相对方并无不当迟延地表示了拒绝,则管理人作为本人代理人所为的单方法律行为无效。

59、Corporate juridical person personality denial system and applications ─── 公司法人人格否认制度及其适用

60、In 30 years this when legal system restores to rebuild, even if has outstanding juridical copy clerk, be afraid also already annihilation is in the running water of time. ─── 在法制恢复重建的这30年中,即便有优秀的裁判文书,恐怕也已湮没在时间的流水里了。

61、Juridical Almsgiving ─── 司法救济

62、The intervener may conclude legal transactions or perform other juridical acts as a representative of the principal in so far as this may reasonably be expected to benefit the principal. ─── 在可以合理地被期待有利于本人的范围内,管理人得作为本人的代理人为法律交易或者其他法律行为。

63、juridical person ─── n. 法人

64、The writing of juridical reasons is always recognized as the soul of judgment documents writing. ─── 裁判理由的写作历来被公认为是裁判文书制作的灵魂。

65、Also possible juridical issues have to be solved before commerce can be done on a global scale. ─── 同样的,可行的统一规则的制定,才能使得电子商务在全球范围内得到大规模的应用。

66、(n) a juridical person is ─── (n)法人

67、It isn't difficult at all to make a correct judgement as long as the judge has juridical consciousness,and conducts a simple analysis. ─── 其实,只要法官出于公信和良知,稍微分析一下案情,就能做出正确的判断。

68、Several Juridical Adoptive Problems Concerning The Crime Subject of Privately Dividing The State Property ─── 关于私分国有资产罪主体认定的几个问题

69、A Comparison of the Juridical Protection Systems between China and Japan of Nonage Criminals ─── 中日未成年人违法犯罪司法保护制度比较

70、International alike trend of company juridical person management structure ─── 公司法人治理结构体制的国际趋同趋势

71、Research about Juridical Attribute of the Criminal Record of Inspection ─── 关于刑事勘验、检查笔录的法律属性研究

72、The Latest Development in the World Legislation for Business Secret Protection and an Analysis into the Juridical Logic ─── 世界商业秘密保护立法最新发展及法理分析

73、juridical change ─── 司法变化

74、A juridical precedent is nothing but "authenticated custom" ─── 司法惯例只不过是“权威的惯例”罢了。

75、If it was difficult to examine entity fairness, the assumed justice is Rawls, "the pure procedure justice" manifested in juridical practice. ─── 在承认实体公正难检验性的前提下,“视为公正说”正是罗尔斯“纯粹程序正义”在司法审判中的体现。

76、Some characteristics of the French and Chinese Law systems The role, the juridical value and the juridical effects of a judicial decision in France and China ─── 大陆法系中司法判决书之地位和作用

77、In St.Petersburg Tchaikovsky received juridical education at the School of Jurisprudence and later became a professional musician when he finished the Conservatoire of St. ─── 在圣彼得堡,他先在法律学校接受法学教育,尔后从圣彼得堡公立音乐学院毕业后,成为一名专业的音乐家。

78、It is both a juridical person under the guidance of CETA and a comparatively independent academic institution in the industry. ─── 专业委员会是协会领导下的二级法人单位,又是演艺设备行业内一个相对独立的学术组织。

79、Treat of Chinese Juridical Modernization from the Viewpoint of Modernity ─── 从现代性问题论及中国法制现代化

80、(j) "person" means either a natural person or a juridical person ─── (j)“人”指自然人或法人。

81、A sovereign state is a "juridical person." ─── 主权独立国家是一个法人。

82、Comparison Study on the Juridical Protection for Domain Name Between the United States and China ─── 中美域名资源法律保护的比较分析

83、At the same time, analyze the distribution of civil liability after negating personality of juridical person starting with stockholders, directors, parent companies, and registered accountants. ─── 同时从股东、董事、母公司、注册会计师等入手,探析了法人人格否认后民事责任之分配。

84、Under the background of tradition of power worship, to control the juridical power is the key to realize the creative transformation of lawsuit mediation. ─── 在中国这种权力崇拜的传统文化中,控制司法权力是实现诉讼调解创造性转化的关键。

85、dissolution of juridical person ─── 公司解散

86、(m) "juridical person of another Member" means a juridical person which is either ─── (m)“另一成员的法人”指

87、juridical extenuation ─── [法] 裁判上减轻

88、With the assistance or authorization of the CPG, the HKSARG may also make appropriate arrangements with foreign states for reciprocal juridical assistance. ─── 在中央人民政府协助或授权下,香港特别行政区政府可与外国就司法互助关系作出适当安排。

89、international criminal juridical co-operation ─── 国际刑事司法合作

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