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09-18 投稿


precarious 发音

英:[prɪ'keərɪəs]  美:[prɪ'kɛrərɪəs]

英:  美:

precarious 中文意思翻译



precarious 短语词组

1、precarious worker ─── 不稳定的工人

2、precarious work ─── 不稳定工作

3、precarious right ─── [法] 不确定的财产权, 不确定的权利

4、precarious work meaning ─── 不稳定的工作意义

5、precarious population ─── 不稳定的人口

6、precarious position ─── 危险状态

7、precarious employment ─── 不稳定的工作

8、most precarious precarious( ─── 危险的)的最高级形式

9、precarious work in canada ─── 加拿大不稳定的工作

10、more precarious precarious( ─── 危险的)的比较级形式

precarious 词性/词形变化,precarious变形

名词: precariousness |副词: precariously |

precarious 相似词语短语

1、precipitous ─── adj.险峻的;急躁的,鲁莽的

2、gregarious ─── adj.社交的;群居的

3、precious ─── adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的;n.(Precious)人名;(英)普雷舍斯,普雷舍丝(女名)

4、precariously ─── adv.不安全地;不牢靠地

5、predacious ─── 食肉的

6、urticarious ─── 荨麻疹

7、precautious ─── adj.警惕的;谨慎的

8、precocious ─── adj.早熟的;过早发育的

9、precautions ─── n.防范;预防措施;预警(precaution的复数)

precarious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But Mr Ackroyd is especially good at conveying Poe's precarious state, ever on the brink of self-destruction. ─── 但埃克罗伊德特别善于表现坡漂泊不定、总是处在自我毁灭边缘的状况。

2、Alarm and grief at the crisis in his wife's precarious health were enough to distract Liang. ─── 警报和伤心事在他的妻子不稳定的健康危机对转移两是充足的。

3、The company has since been losing orders and customers due to its precarious financial situation and the overall global economic downturn. ─── 该公司由于其不稳定的财政状况及全球经济衰退的大环境一直在失去订单和客户。

4、My position was thus at the same time unprecedently strong and precarious. ─── 因而我的地位是空前地强大,又是空前地汲汲可危。

5、A warning voice told him that this campaign, even so far, was too dangerous for a man in his precarious position. ─── 一个声音在告诫着他,这场战役对于他那样一个地位摇摇欲坠的人,即使是不再往下开展,也是极其危险的了。

6、The task of the legislator thus “involves a complex and morally precarious balancing act. ─── 因此,立法者的任务是“将一种复杂的和道德上风险权衡的行为包含在内”。

7、Illiteracy and inaccessibility to a good education complete the precarious social condition of the majority of the population in this country, and in particular of the economic minorities. ─── 人民知识水平低落,加上缺乏良好教育设施,为国内大部份人口,尤其是经济环境差劣的一群,带来不稳定因素。

8、He earned a precarious living as an artist. ─── 作为一个艺术家,他过的是朝不保夕的生活。

9、In fact, when inclement weather arrived, there is a hidden danger for us to ignore that as a result of supporting the "over" and in precarious circumstances AC extrapolated machines. ─── 其实,当恶劣天气来临时,还有一个隐患为我们所忽视,那就是由于支架“超龄”而处于风雨飘摇境况的空调外挂机。

10、They eke out a precarious existence(= they have hardly enough money to live on). ─── 他们勉强维持着朝不保夕的生活。

11、Low level of development and a precarious life. ─── 发展水平低下,人民生活朝不保夕。

12、Price could not rise forever, and financial structure was so precarious that even a slight recession would set off a panic. ─── 价格不可能永远上涨,金融结构又如此不稳定,稍有衰退就会引起恐慌。

13、The 4-wheel drive flies over the rims of the dunes at such precarious angles that for a moment you feel the jeep will topple over. ─── 4轮驱动苍蝇在轮缘的沙丘在这种不稳定的角度,对于一个时刻你觉得吉普车将倒下。

14、He earns a precarious living as a window washer. ─── 他靠做擦窗工维持着朝不保夕的生活。

15、He is unable to get down from his precarious position on the rock. ─── 他无法从岩石危险的位置上下来。

16、Finally , we've begun to understand, how precarious is the state of our once lucky planet. ─── 最终,我们明白,我们曾经幸运的星球其状态时多么的脆弱。

17、However, the Ministry of Cities still faces many serious problems, the most immediate being its precarious institutional organization, small team and limited budgetary resources. ─── 可是,城市部门仍面临着很多严重的问题,最直接的一个就是他不稳定的机构组织,小型团队和有限的预算资源。

18、This critical slowing down at the "edge" could help explain why a precarious embryonic vivisystem could keep evolving. ─── “边缘”处关键的减速能帮助我们解释为什么不稳定的胚胎活体系统能不断进化。

19、But it highlights the increasingly precarious financial position Hicks finds himself in. ─── 但是日益严峻的财务状态只有希克斯心知肚明。

20、Faced with this contemptuous woman, what he desired most, as ageing man and precarious actor, was respect rather than admiration. ─── 在这个目空一切的女人面前,像他这样上了年纪的老人和一个日暮穷途的演员,最希望得到的不是崇拜,而是尊重。

21、The situation of some schools is quite precarious. ─── 一些学校的情况非常危险。

22、That was just as well: its current state is awfully precarious. ─── 不过其实也差不了多少:美国的现状极其不安定。

23、By the very nature of socialization, subjective identity is a precarious entity. ─── 在社会化的过程中,主观认同为不确定的实体。

24、For a few precarious seconds, the chaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation . ─── 在吉凶未卜的几秒钟时间里,牧师心头猛地一动,出现了一种神秘古怪的感觉。

25、Man's survival, from the time of Adam and Eve until the invention of agriculture, must have been precarious because of his inability to ensure his food supply. ─── 人类的生存,从亚当、夏娃开始,直至农业的发明,一直处于不确定状态,因为人们无法保证自己的粮食供应。

26、He toiled over the precarious political swamps, tasted its volatile flavors.But that fugitive world engendered him not a change.He is always that person, made real every promise, honored every check. ─── 在他所经历的那个世界风云变换莫测的时代,无论何时,无论何地,他都依然如故,说到做到,兑现自己所许的诺言。

27、Abstract: China now although went out near the humiliation age which precariously is in a precarious state, but absolutely was not may have no more worries. ─── 内容提要:中国现在虽已走出临风雨飘摇朝不保夕的屈辱年代,但是绝对不是可以高枕无忧了。

28、Photos of their home's precarious situation were posted on the Internet, sparking outrage among Chinese across the country. ─── 他们房子的照片被发到网上,引发了全国的愤怒。

29、Scotland, his native country, stood at this time in a very precarious and doubtful situation. ─── 他的家乡苏格兰,其时正处于动荡不安,前途不稳的局面。

30、While enjoying the conveniences brought by the Internet, people should develop kind of precarious consciousness towards the cyber eco-ethics. ─── 在充分享受网络带来的美好生活的同时,我们应该树立一种网络生态伦理观的忧患意识。

31、The second is that China’s MFN status in some countries (such as the United States) were still in a precarious position, and likely to collapse at any time. ─── 二是中国的最惠国地位,在一些国家(如美国)仍然是在一个岌岌可危的地位,并可能崩溃,在任何时候。

32、He was sensible that he existed only by the precarious indulgence of his name sake Duncan of Knockdunder. ─── 他知道,他之所以能在这立足,仅仅是由于和他同名的人--诺克邓达的邓肯的姑息。

33、This is needless to say, a very precarious path for a professional to negotiate as he or she looks up to political master. ─── 不用说,这对于专业人士而言是一条危险之物,因为他们在与政治层磋商时要看政治领导人的脸色?

34、Images of the precarious conditions of Romanian orphanages shocked the world in the early nineties. Deprivation stills haunts those orphans, now young adults... ─── 在九零年代初期披露于世的罗马尼亚孤儿院悲惨境况的影像,令举世震惊。那些孤儿现已是年青的成年人,但资源匮乏的状况至今仍缠扰著他们。

35、He took advantage of other's precarious position to steal. It's shameful. ─── 他乘人之危进行偷盗,真是太可耻了。

36、In the precarious transitional society, the consumption of social drink is becoming the medium of individuals to seek the certainty, but which simultaneously casts them into greater uncertainty. ─── 在当前转型社会里,饮酒社交消费在成为个体寻找确定位置媒介的同时,其本身也沦为更大不确定性的媒介。

37、He took with him his Chief of Intelligence in the East, General Gehlen, who with maps and diagrams tried to explain to the Fuehrer the precarious German position on the eve of the expected renewal of the Russian offensive in the north. ─── 他带着他的东线谍报处长盖伦将军,盖伦企图用图表向元首说明,在预料俄国即将于北方以动攻势的情况下,德国所面临的十分危急的处境。

38、From the precarious role in the world arena to the present WTO membership, we have come a long way. ─── 从世界舞台上的一个小角色到现在的世贸成员,我们经历了很多。

39、The Bo left no written records and the onlyremaining clues to this extraordinary tribe are their5) precarious hanging coffins. ─── 僰族没有留下文字记载,这个不凡的部族仅余的线索就是这些岌岌可危的悬棺。

40、Daily (Reporter Wang Lei) has been the most popular ones among high-priced shares plates, the market continued to fall in the process of already "precarious. ─── 商报讯(记者王磊)曾经红极一时的高价股板块,在市场持续下跌的过程中已然“朝不保夕”。

41、A soldier leads a very precarious life. ─── 军人过着非常危险的生活。

42、He holds his life on a precarious tenure. ─── 他过着朝不保夕的生活。

43、That ladder looks very precarious. ─── 那梯子看来摇摇晃晃的。

44、My position was thus at the same time unprecedentedly strong and precarious. ─── 因而我的地位是空前地强大,又是空前地汲汲可危。

45、Did he gain his precarious bread by some petty trade, by menial toil, by violence, or by theft? ─── 他究竟是在做小生意,当奴仆,还是靠打家劫舍来获得朝不保夕的口粮呢?

46、A power-cut, for instance, or an exceptionally heavy snowfall can make city dwellers realize how precarious the balance is. ─── 例如断电或特大风雪的发生就舍使市民感到我们交通上这种表面上的平衡是多么脆弱。

47、But by the time he had reached here a couple of years ago his money had run out and he had gone to live in the temple where he made a precarious living by working as a scrivener. For this reason Shiyin saw a good deal of him. ─── "自前岁来此,又淹蹇住了,暂寄庙中安身,每日卖字作文为生,故士隐常与他交接."

48、"Rapid urbanisation in developing countries means that slums are expanding on to precarious land. ─── “在发展中国家,城市化进程很快,这就意味着那些生活环境较差的城乡结合部还会被进一步推向本来需要得到合理保护的土地上。

49、Almost a week later, Trotter faces another consequence of her family's precarious financial condition. ─── 大约一星期后,Trotter又面临家庭财务状况不稳定的另一个后果。

50、Our financial situation had become precarious. ─── 我们的财政状况已经不稳定了。

51、That in turn can lead to declining health, frequent hospitalizations and ultimately death, especially in older patients whose health may be more precarious to begin with, he said. ─── 他说这当然会威胁到健康,频繁住院,最后导致死亡,对于那些身体状态不稳定的老年患者来说问题更甚。

52、TITLE of PAPER Made in China: precarious employment and female migrant workers in the age of globalization. ─── 中国制造:全球化时代不稳定的就业与外来女工。

53、The position of the company is still precarious. ─── 公司的地位仍然不稳固。

54、Many of the sources of today's growth are temporary and precarious. ─── 今天经济增长的很多来源只是暂时且不稳固的。

55、Precarious sleeping, those Elizabethan nights were, when beds were kept from sagging with a rope strung around the mattress. ─── 伊丽莎白女王那个时代,夜晚常常睡不安稳,当时为了不让床铺下塌,得用一根绳子绕着床垫绑妥。

56、His situation was too precarious to allow him even time to reflect on any thought but one. ─── 他现在的处境太危险了,不容他有时间去想别的事。

57、Hodgson, Dorothy. Precarious Alliances: The Cultural Politics and Structural Predicaments of the Indigenous Rights Movement in Tanzania. ─── 危险的结盟:坦尚尼亚原住民主权运动之文化政治与结构。

58、PRECEPT II. What can be done, with Care perform to Day, Dangers unthought-of will attend Delay; Your distant Prospects all precarious are, And Fortune is as fickle as she's fair. ─── 今日事今日毕,工作要仔细,拖延耽搁会出现意外危机;遥远的未来捉摸不定,财富可爱,却不易抓紧。

59、At present, his health is very precarious. ─── 在目前,他的健康情况是很使人担心的。

60、The landing site where they arrived is at the bottom of a sharp escarpment which is accessible only by small trucks going down a very precarious road. ─── 他们登陆的地方正位于一个陡峭悬崖的底部,只有用小型卡车沿一条危险的小路向下行驶才可到达。”

61、He earned a precarious living as an artist. ─── 作为一个艺术家,他过的是朝不保夕的生活。

62、They lead the most precarious existence of all. ─── 他们是人类生活中最不安定者。

63、Amazingly, a furry cat is fast asleep on top of the music machine, ignoring everything around it as if this was some peaceful garden rather than a precarious perch that shakes with every turn of its owner's arm. ─── 使人惊愕的是那只毛茸茸的猫居然卧在那架乐器上熟睡,完全忽视周围的一切,似乎这是某个静谧的花园,而不是一个不稳定的栖木,随乐者手臂的每次倾斜而摇晃。

64、One resolution would be a precarious balance of additions and subtractions of large numbers, standing for the contending contributions of different particles. ─── 一种解决办法是,先假设不同粒子具有的大数量贡献,这些贡献在加加减减之后刚好留下一个小质量。

65、It will be seen that my reason for thinking the earth is not round are rather precarious ones. ─── 人们将看到,我认为地球不是圆的,其根据相当不牢靠。

66、A warning voice told him that this campaign, even so far, was too dangerous for a man in his precarious position. ─── 一个声音在告诫着他,这场战役对于他那样一个地位摇摇欲坠的人,即使是不再往下开展,也是极其危险的了。

67、There is a precarious ledge on top of the crater to gaze into the volcano. ─── 在山口上有一排蛮危险的架子,从这里望下去就能见到火山口了。

68、Over on the eastern edge of the pocket, the Das Reich kampfgruppe was in an equally precarious position, with six Panthers, five Panzer IVs and four StuG IIIs ready for action. ─── 在包围圈的东部边缘,“帝国”师战斗群也同样处在危险的境地,6辆豹式坦克,5辆IV型坦克和4辆III型突击炮可以作战。

69、Abe handpicked them out from among the ministers and head of offices of the previous administration in an attempt to save his precarious office and earn recognition within the party. ─── 他从自民党中挑选了数名前任大臣和部门领导,希望通过此举挽救其危在旦夕的首相职位,获得党内的肯定。

70、A difficult or precarious situation; a predicament. ─── 困境困难或不稳定的境况; 困境

71、"You remembered, my lady?" he queried, with something like precarious delight in his voice. ─── “你想起来了,大人?”他问道,嗓音中愉快的语气闪烁不定。

72、They were going to cross a precarious suspension bridge. ─── 他们要渡过一些危险的吊桥。

73、"This is a precarious time for Phoenix," said Project Manager Barry Goldstein, of JPL. ─── “对‘凤凰’号而言,这是一段不稳定的时期”喷气推进实验室的项目经理巴里戈尔茨坦如是说。

74、Following the dramatic scenes in the Commons, Mr Brown was increasingly convinced that the Speaker's position was precarious. ─── 在下议院出现戏剧性场面后,首相布朗越来越相信,议长的地位已经岌岌可危。

75、The story of the human race is war. Except for brief and precarious interludes, there has never been peace in the world. ─── 人类的历史就是战争,除了短暂而不安的间断之外,世界上未曾有过和平。

76、On either side furniture was piled in high, precarious heaps. ─── 两边的家具都堆高了,很不稳固。

77、International relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul's Bilgi University said this has put Turkey in a precarious position. ─── 伊斯坦布尔比尔基大学国际关系专家厄泽尔表示,这种情况将土耳其置于危险的境地。

78、The Hindus and Arabs were conscious of the precarious basis for arithmetic and algebra but had the audacity to develop these branches. ─── 印度人和阿拉伯人体会到算术与代数的基础是不可靠的,不过他们胆子大,敢于进一步发展这两门学科。

79、He watched the game from his precarious perch on top of the wall. ─── 他无视安全,高坐在墙头上观看比赛。

80、The Bucks found themselves in a precarious situation after their first six games, Sporting a 2-4 record after two humbling road losses to the Houston Rockets and the San Antonio Spurs. ─── 六场比赛之后,现在雄鹿的处于一种不稳定状态,留下2胜4负的记录,其中包括2场输给火箭和马刺,这是2场羞耻的失利。

81、They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps. ─── 他们靠在垃圾场捡垃圾维持着朝不保夕的生活。

82、A precarious posture;precarious footing on the ladder. ─── 不安全的姿势;在梯子上没站稳

83、She makes a rather precarious living as a novelist. ─── 作为小说家,她过着不太稳定的生活。

84、Professional ancient architectural style of this precarious careful mapping, and all of its components safekeeping. 2002 - City Park, the construction of the Park reconstruction. ─── 专业人员对这座岌岌可危的清代古建筑进行细心测绘,并将其所有构件妥善保管。

85、The former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan says the precarious balance between the opposition and the government in Zimbabwe cannot continue. ─── 前任联合国秘书长安南称,津巴布韦政府和其反对组织之间的不稳定关系要停止。

86、Events of the past week had also demonstrated how precarious was the base from which our diplomacy was operating. ─── 上周的事态发展表明我们开展外交活动所依据的基础是何等不牢固。

87、These levels are often observed in crisis situations with overcrowding, limited access to health care, and precarious environmental management. ─── 在过度拥挤、获得卫生保健有限和环境管理不稳定的危机情况下通常可观察到这些病死率。

88、A difficult or precarious situation;a predicament. ─── 困境困难或不稳定的境况;困境

89、But today, just a few years into the twenty-first century, we already find ourselves in a different and precarious position. ─── 但是就在刚刚进入21世纪的几年前,我们发现自己处在了不同以往而并不稳定的位置。

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