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09-18 投稿


immigrate 发音

英:['ɪmɪgreɪt]  美:['ɪmɪɡret]

英:  美:

immigrate 中文意思翻译



immigrate 同义词

migrate | enter | found |settle | come | discover | colonize | come into | arrive | into | establish

immigrate 词性/词形变化,immigrate变形

动词过去式: immigrated |动词现在分词: immigrating |名词: immigration |动词第三人称单数: immigrates |动词过去分词: immigrated |

immigrate 反义词


immigrate 短语词组

1、immigrate to ─── 移民到

2、immigrate to the united states ─── 移民到美国

3、immigrate to american ─── 移民到美国

4、emigrate vs immigrate ─── 移民与 ─── 移民

5、emigrate immigrate ─── 移民

6、immigrate to china ─── 移民到中国

7、immigrate to america ─── 移民美国

immigrate 相似词语短语

1、immigrants ─── n.移民(immigrant的复数)

2、emigrate ─── vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民

3、in-migrate ─── 在迁移中

4、immigrated ─── vi.移入;vt.使移居入境

5、immigrator ─── n.移民;移居入境者

6、migrate ─── vi.移动;随季节而移居;移往;vt.使移居;使移植

7、remigrate ─── vi.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

8、immigrates ─── vi.移入;vt.使移居入境

9、immigrant ─── adj.移民的;迁入的;n.移民,侨民

immigrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Education and the Training Problem Research that the Greatly Southwest National Minority Agriculture Immigrate ─── 大西南少数民族农业移民的教育和培训存在的问题与对策

2、Besides the minority of native residents, 1980 percent of the residents in the Northeast is immigrate from the middle of China. ─── 摘要东北居民除少数为原土著民族外,百分之八十是由关内移居而来的移民。

3、Hawaii also emulated this truth in the centuries before other races began to immigrate to our islands. ─── 夏威夷也在过去数个世纪中,当其它族类还没有移民到我们群岛上来之前,效仿了这个真相。

4、As a identified frame, the psychological indicator of individual logistics enterprise to logistic park was discussed to satisfied the psychological demand to promote enterprise immigrate in park. ─── 将不同企业对园区的心理需求作为识别框架,使园区的特征指标能够反映企业的心理需求变化,以推动企业入驻物流园区,保持物流园区的稳定与繁荣。

5、A small number of Chinese were allowed to immigrate each year, and Chinese could become American citizens ─── 每年允许一小部分中国人移民美国,有些人也能入籍成为美国公民。

6、They are black, and Israel welcomes them to immigrate to their ancestral homeland. ─── 他们拥有黑色,而以色列欢迎他们回归其祖先的家园.

7、My family and I are planning to immigrate to America next year.I have so many questions.Can you help me? ─── 我的家人和我打算明年移民到美国,我有很多问题,你能帮我忙吗?

8、The next step to immigrate and move was smooth, but my mind was not always so peaceful. ─── 接下来的移民和搬迁办得很顺利,但是我的心情并不平静。

9、They plan to immigrate to Finland next year. ─── 他们计划明年移居芬兰。

10、During the Six Dynasties, people from other places (mainly northerners) began to immigrate in a large number into Jiangxi area. ─── 六朝时期是外地民众(主要是北方民众)开始成规模地向江西地区移民的历史时期。

11、Will you want to immigrate to _________? / Will you want to settle in _______? ─── 你想到 移民吗?

12、The first Chinese arrived in Jamaica as indentured laborers for British sugar plantations in the 1850s and 1860s, and continued to immigrate voluntarily in small groups right up until the 1940s. ─── 从19世纪五六十年代一直到二十世纪40年代,陆续有很多中国人移民到牙买加,主要是福建人和广东人。

13、Immigrants who took big risks and sacrificed significantly to immigrate to Canada have put the same spirit into their work and business in Canada. ─── 承担很大风险、作出许多牺牲的移民们在加拿大工作、做生意也同样注入心血。

14、Two guys immigrate to America. ─── 两个人移民到美国。

15、In contrast, it is extremely difficult for highly educated, wealthy people to immigrate to Norway. ─── 在挪威正好相反,高学历或富裕的人要移民挪威极端困难;

16、Afteryears of working as an accountant in a small company, she now decided to quit the job and immigrate to Australia, where she hoped she could start again. ─── 她在一家小公司里干了很多年会计,现在决定辞职,移民到澳洲,希望在那儿重新开始。

17、Recently, an overseas friend called me saying that he would like to immigrate to Hong Kong. ─── 最近有一位外地朋友来电,谈及有意移民香港。

18、Someday he hopes to immigrate to New Zealand. ─── 他希望有一天能移民到纽西兰。

19、If you get chance, will you immigrate? ─── 如果有机会,你会移民国外吗?

20、How to immigrate to Singapore ─── 如何移民“花园国家”新加坡

21、The intenttoimmigrate rule would make sense if it were limited to those who intended to use a visa as a means to immigrate illegally. ─── 这一条款如果只限定针对那些打算利用签证而非法移民的人,那它是有意义的。

22、My family and I are planning to immigrate to America next year. I have so many questions.Can you help me? ─── 我的家人和我打算明年移民到美国, 我有很多问题, 你能帮我忙吗?

23、Have you ever been the beneficiary of an immigrant visa petition or indicated to a US consular officer a desire to immigrate to the USA? ─── 是否有人为你提出过美国移民签证申请,或者你向美国领事官员表达过你移居美国的愿望?

24、When people immigrate to a country where the colorectal cancer rate is higher, they seem to quickly come up with the same occurrence rate of the cancer. ─── 当移民们来到一个肠癌机率较高的国家,他们会很快接近于当地肠癌病发率。

25、Eventually I decided to give up all my possessing to immigrate to the United States looking for wonderful life and exploring unknown world. ─── 在寻求生命之精彩与探知陌生环境的驱使下,七年前我决定放弃所有而移民到美。

26、Those people who have good education, and the skills Canada requires, can immigrate to Canada. ─── 你只要拥有良好教育,合适的工作技能,就可以作为独立移民定居加拿大,成为加拿大永久居民。

27、Do a visa, if want after the Australia exist still need two years to immigrate. ─── 办签证,如果想在澳大利亚生存还需两年之后移民。

28、They plan to immigrate to Finland next ─── 他们。阅读全文

29、Whether you wish to immigrate?to Canada,?invest or purchase a Canadian business or expand your services in Asia - We can help you. ─── 不管您是否要移民加拿大,投资或购买加拿大企业,或是将您的服务扩展到亚洲-我们都能帮您的忙。

30、people are expected to immigrate in the next two years. ─── 在今后两年里,一万人有望移民。

31、There are many Chinese spend much money to immigrate to Canada, but because of their poor English, they can't find a job, some of them have to go back China, many of them have to go to college again. ─── 有许多中国人花了很多的钱来到加拿大,因为他们的英语水平很低,所以他们很难找到工作,他们当中的一些人不得不返回中国,他们当中的另一些人不得不到大学里去继续学习。

32、They loathed seeing maliciousness, indifference and slyness and the best way to prevent them are that people love their local life and reluctant to immigrate to foreign land. ─── 他们对险恶、冷漠、狡诈的人心自然是排斥而不愿意见到的。

33、When the change comes, some species have the urge to immigrate ,they call it "Zugunruhe". ─── 当变化来临时,某些物种便有了迁徙的冲动,人们把这叫做“迁徙冲动”。

34、The promise of prosperity in the United States encouraged many people to immigrate(that is,move to the United States). ─── 兴旺发达的前景吸引了众多的移民到美国(也就是指,迁入了美国)。

35、Knowing I was at risk, and advised by American friends, I decided to leave my home in Rwanda and to immigrate to the United States. ─── 认识到自己的危险处境之后,我接受了美国朋友的建议,决定离开我在卢旺达的家,移民到美国。

36、There are many ways to immigrate to Canada.If you don't meet the criteria to apply under the Federal Skilled Worker Program, you may qualify under another category.Learn more about your options. ─── 不能满足上述条件的联邦技术移民将会被通知上面的内容,并且他们的处理费用会被退还。

37、"Both young men have immigrate immigrant backgrounds. ─── 两个年轻人都具有移民背景。

38、It' hard to say if her daughter should immigrate into Italy. ─── 很难说她的女儿是否应该移居意大利。

39、You cannot immigrate with a work permit . If you want to come and live in Canada as a permanent resident based on your work ski ... ─── 不用心虚,我想它的意思是说工作许可并不代表你可以成为技术移民。它上面不是也说了,要想成为永久居民,还要看你是不是符合技术移民的条件。

40、European families emigrating from their homelands in the aftermath of World War II were encouraged to immigrate to Australia. ─── 二战后一段时期,从故土移居来的许多欧洲家族被鼓舞移入澳洲定居。

41、You raised my grandfather,who made all our family immigrate to gz,a better city. ─── 您抚养大了我的爷爷,是他,把我们一家迁到广州,一个更好更大的城市。

42、Providing the full service for the Chinese nationals intending to visit or immigrate into Canada as a skilled worker. ─── 为国内人士欲申请短期访问或技术移民加拿大者,提供全程服务。

43、Last but not least, the citification made more and more people immigrate to the main cities. ─── 不明白这句到底是为了证明什么。人少了能说明什么呢?

44、The promise of prosperity in the United States encouraged many people to immigrate (that is, move to the United States). ─── 兴旺发达的前景吸引了众多的移民到美国(也就是指,迁入了美国)

45、HAVE YOU OR ANYONE ACTING FOR SIRE TO IMMIGRATE TO THE U.S.? ─── 是否您本人或有人曾代表您向美国领事部门或移民部门的工作人员表达过要移居美国的愿望?

46、Some Questions about "The Immigrate of Manchu Area" ─── 日本"满洲移民"诸问题探讨

47、The promise of prosperity in the United States encouraged many people to immigrate ─── 兴旺发达的前景吸引了众多的移民到美国

48、Others say the rights of those waiting in line to immigrate legally should also be respected, and that the border needs to be secure. ─── 还有一些人说,那些合法来到美国的移民的权益也应该受到尊重,并应该强化边境安全。

49、We trust this guide will help you to make the right decision as to whether or not to immigrate to Australia. ─── 我们相信此指南将协助您做出是否移民澳大利亚的明智决定。

50、Maybe, you do not know that the OZ government have already made decision to adjust immigrate policy and I expect I will not be able to immigrate. ─── 学术界是很讲求人脉网,如果到时在香港找不到工作,就要过外国找工,所以尽早在外国建立人际网较好。

51、Because foreign immigrate and Thailand society fusion of degree more deep, so general all see them as Tai a person. ─── 由于外来移民与泰国社会融合的程度比较深,因此一般都把他们看作为泰人。

52、These people who want to immigrate are not all for children's education, tax evasion etc. the more reasons are because Chinese passport is not free at all. ─── 想移民的国民,并不都是全因为话题中所写的,为了孩子的教育,逃税等。更多得是,因为中国护照太不自由了。

53、For the last two centuries, since the Tamils started to immigrate to sri Lanka with its Sinhala majority, the two ethnic groups have been in conflict. ─── 从公元前两世纪,淡米尔人开始移居到以僧伽罗人占多数的斯里兰卡之后,两族人民就开始有矛盾。

54、Why do you want to immigrate to Canada? Why do you think you have the qualification for immigrating to Canada? ─── 你为什么要移民加拿大,请写在纸上。你为什么认为你有资格移民加拿大?

55、Although “immigrate” means to come into a country with the intention of settling there, all persons entering a country must go through immigration, no matter how short their stay will be. ─── 尽管“移民”(一词)意味着进入一个国家打算定居在那儿,所有的人进入一个国家都必须办入境移民手续,不管他们呆多短(时间)。

56、In order to preserve their peculiar lifestyle, they began to immigrate to the British colonies in North America in about 1720 (before Canada and the United States were formed as independent countries). ─── 为了保存他们独特的生活方式,他们于1720年左右(在加拿大和美国成为独立国家之前)开始移居到北美的英国殖民地。

57、Computer animation designer Xu Datong sponsors his father to immigrate to the US. ─── 电脑动画设计师许大同事业有成,把父亲接来美国同住,一心想融入美国社会。

58、My View- point on Our Country's Illegal Immigrate Punishment System ─── 我国非法移民刑事追究制度之我见

59、For the above reasons, the consultants of the Wall Street Group sincerely offers consultancy services, advice and assistance in application to those who wish to immigrate or study abroad. ─── 因此,华之杰顾问公司之移民顾问专诚为有意移民人士提供咨询、问及协办申请等服务。

60、The immigrate of Guangxi region during Yuan, Ming Ching Dynasty ─── 元明清时期广西地区的外来移民

61、Humans may need to choose to live with several types of plants in the future in order to immigrate to space. ─── 未来人类可能要选择数种共生植物一起包被,才有离开地表至太空长居的可能。

62、Investigation on immigrate schistosomiasis from Three Gorges in Dongtai City: a report of 978 cases ─── 东台市978名三峡移民血吸虫病调查

63、And the policy of Northern Wei was error, generals were very cruel, finally it caused a big revolution and immigrate which directly caused the Northern Wei's perdition. ─── 再加上北魏政权救济应对的不力和镇将的贪婪残暴,终于引发了大起义和随后的南迁,直接导致了北魏的灭亡。

64、I am going to immigrate to Australia with my whole family next month! ─── 我下月和全家一起移民澳大利亚。

65、Will you be okay when you immigrate to America? ─── 你移民美国感觉还可以吧?

66、They planned to immigrate to Finland next year. ─── 他们准备明年移民去芬兰。

67、We won't grant a visa to you because you have the tendency to immigrate. ─── 我们不能给你签证,因为你有移民倾向。

68、European families emigrating from their homelands were encouraged to immigrate into Australia after World War II. ─── 二战以后欧洲移出原籍的家庭被鼓励移居澳大利亚。

69、There are many different countries and regions people immigrate into Canada, and they shape the Canada. ─── 有很多不同的国家和地区的人们移民到加拿大,他们塑造了这加拿大。

70、The promise of prosperity in the United States encouraged many people to immigrate(that is, move to the United States). ─── 兴旺发达的前景吸引了众多的移民到美国(也就是指,迁入了美国)

71、They plan to immigrate to Finland next year. ─── 他们计划明年移居芬兰。

72、They approve the way of doing of"immigrate an examinee". ─── 他们赞成“移民考生”的做法。

73、Tom immigrate into the unite state. ─── 汤姆移居美国。

74、They plan to immigrate to Austraia next year. ─── 他们计划明年移澳大利亚。

75、As an immigrate living in the bay area, I had encountered my share of racism. ─── 作为一个生活在湾区的移民,我也曾尝试过被歧视的滋味。

76、A great aunt in Detroit, Mich. , offered to help him immigrate to the United States, he said. ─── 他说,住在底特律的姑奶奶Mich帮他移民到了美国。

77、The serious problem that the quantity of the information increases in geometric series and the share request of the cross platform makes many application systems now face one same problem that they must immigrate themselves to the internet. ─── 但是随着信息量的几何级增长和跨平台跨地域的共享要求,大量的应用系统都面临着向Internet迁移这样一个共同的课题。

78、However, during the War II, when China was an ally of the United States, the Exclusion laws were ended; a small number of Chinese were allowed to immigrate each year, and Chinese could become American citizens. ─── 但在第二次世界大战期间,中国是美国的盟国,这个排华法便告终止了;每年允许一小部分中国人移民美国,有些人也能人籍成为美国公民。

79、He decided to immigrate to Australia to find work. ─── 他决定移居到澳大利亚找个工作。

80、You'll be interviewing Tang Sher Ling who's applied to immigrate to Australia under the skilled migration stream. ─── 你即将面谈的是邓舍玲(音),她申请技术移民到澳大利亚。

81、If Chinese degree-holders were simply overstaying their visas and remaining in the United States illegally, the intent to immigrate criterion would be a valid one.But such is not the case. ─── 如果拿到美国文凭的中国学生的所为就是使用过期签证而非法滞留在美国,那么评判移民倾向的标准是正确的,但情况并非如此。

82、I really look forward to the day I can immigrate to the USA and become a citizen. ─── 我期待着移民去美国、成为美国公民的那一天。

83、The supposed alpaca shoppers likely chose to sign up with a visa fixer because they feared they'd be pegged as risks to immigrate illegally. ─── 为了不被视作非法移民,这两名所谓的羊驼商人很可能选择了一家签证代理机构。

84、My family and I are planning to immigrate to America next year. I have so many questions. Can you help me? ─── 我的家人和我打算明年移民到美国,我有很多问题,你能帮我忙吗?

85、When did the Greeks immigrate to australia? ─── 希腊人是什么时候移居到澳大利亚的?

86、The family went to live with relatives for a while;however, the strong-willed mother decided that the family should immigrate to the U. ─── 由此,奥斯曼当局就没收了纪伯伦家的财产,而使他们全家无家可归,只能到亲戚那里暂时过了一段时间。

87、However ,he is ]ust In the middle of the process to comp!ete his graduate program toward a Ph.D.Degree.He never sought to work in or immigrate to the United States. ─── 两个星期之后,在我已经忘记这事情时,我回到新东方咨询处时,看见办公室里一片欢腾,林河带来好多巧克力,以及她需要的美国签证。

88、Calgary hua ren new immigrate home inn ─── 卡尔加里华人新移民之家

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