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09-18 投稿


jetted 发音

英:[ˈdʒetɪd]  美:[ˈdʒetɪd]

英:  美:

jetted 中文意思翻译



jetted 短语词组

1、jetted binary ─── 喷射二进制文件

2、jetted tub ─── 按摩浴缸

3、jetted out ─── 喷射出

4、jetted well ─── 喷射钻井

5、jetted pocket ─── 唇袋

6、jetted off ─── 乘飞机离开

7、jetted pile ─── 射水沉桩

8、jetted a n.(Jeta) ─── 人名;(塞)耶塔

jetted 词性/词形变化,jetted变形

动词过去分词: jetted |名词: jetful |动词现在分词: jetting |动词过去式: jetted |动词第三人称单数: jets |

jetted 相似词语短语

1、betted ─── v.打赌(bet的过去式和过去分词)

2、jettied ─── n.码头;防波堤;adj.乌黑发亮的,煤玉似的;vi.伸出

3、retted ─── v.将(亚麻,麻)沤软;浸水(使)柔软;n.(Ret)(美)雷特(人名)

4、-etted ─── 已删除

5、petted ─── v.宠爱;爱抚;亲吻(pet的过去式和过去分词)

6、letted ─── let的过去式及过去分词的异体

7、jutted ─── v.突出,伸出;将(下巴)翘起(jut的过去式及过去分词)

8、jotted ─── v.摘记下来

9、netted ─── adj.网状的;用网捕获的;v.赚,得到(net的过去分词)

jetted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jet Digital Imaging Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 前瞻影像科技有限公司。

2、Jet airliner is the fastest way to fly to Australia. ─── 到澳大利亚搭乘喷气式客机最快。

3、Print the postcards on an ink jet desktop printer. ─── 在喷墨桌面打印机上打印明信片。

4、The flame-thrower jetted out flames. ─── 喷火器喷出火焰来。

5、Kathy : Really? My friend wants to rent a jet ski. ─── 卡西:真的?我朋友想要租一部水上摩托车。

6、A jet flies much faster than a helicopter. ─── 喷气飞机比直升飞机飞得快得多。

7、Talk poured from him in a jet. ─── 他口若悬河般地谈着。

8、An aircraft powered by two jet engines. ─── 双喷气发动机的飞机

9、Jet planes have displaced propeller ones. ─── 喷气式飞机取代了螺旋桨飞机。

10、Shanghai Masters Jet Bathroom Product Co., Ltd. ─── 上海亿展卫浴设备有限公司

11、Jet A/C is training for acrobatics FLT at 6000m. ─── 喷气机在特技飞翔训练,高度6000米。

12、The accident happened as the jet was about to take off. ─── 喷气式飞机正要起飞时出了事故。

13、The effects of jet detachment must be kept in mind. ─── 喷气流分离的影响要牢牢记

14、In September he jetted to Washington to see President Bush. ─── (去年)九月份,他飞往华盛顿去见布什。

15、Doctors and nurses were jetted to the disaster area to help the victims. ─── 医生护士被喷气式飞机送往灾区救助灾民。

16、He hated the deafening noise of a jet plane. ─── 他讨厌喷气式飞机震耳欲聋的噪音。

17、In comparison with designers of helicopter, designers of jet aircraft have greater freedom in deciding where to place their engines. ─── 与直升飞机的设计者们相比,喷气飞机的设计者们有更大的自由来决定把他们的发动机放在什么地方。

18、Kevin: Jet lag never really bothers me. ─── 凯文:我从来没什么时差的困扰。

19、There was the sound of a jet aircraft overhead. ─── 上空一架喷气机呼啸而过。

20、What can we do in order to overcome Jet Lag? ─── 为了克服时差反应我们能做些什么呢?

21、He later blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag. ─── 他后来把自己的错误判断归咎于时差反应。


23、Donald trump is one of the most famous in the jet set of america. ─── 在美国喷气机阶层中,唐纳德·杜普是最有名的一个。

24、Smith returned from holiday in Florida but immediately jetted off to Dubai. ─── 史密斯从佛罗里达度假归来之后立刻去了迪拜。

25、He asked to be jetted to borders. ─── 他要求用喷气飞机将他送到边境。

26、Anyone in a moving jet plane can feel the power of the engines. ─── 在一个正在运动着的喷气式飞机里,任何一个人都可以感觉到这些发动机的力量。

27、A simple,essentially tubular jet engine,such as a ramjet. ─── 压式喷气发动机一种简单的,主要为管道式的喷气发动机,如喷压式发动机

28、February 23rd Bahrain's king jetted off to Saudi Arabia for further talks about the unrest. ─── 二月二十三号,巴林国王乘飞机前往沙特阿拉伯,对目前的不安局面作进一步讨论。

29、He left on the jet plane. ─── 他坐飞机离开了。

30、An English engineer invented the jet engine. ─── 一位英国工程师发明了这种喷气式发动机。

31、He asked to be jetted to borders. ─── 他要求用喷气飞机将他送到边境。

32、A self-contained jet fuel engine starter was added. ─── 一个独立工作的喷气燃油发动机的启动机被加了上去。

33、Doctors jetted to the disaster area are a help to the victims. ─── 医生们乘喷气式飞机被送到灾区救助灾民。

34、The jet aeroplanes are flying over the sky. ─── 一架架喷气式飞机正掠过天空。

35、He travelled to Paris by jet. ─── 他乘喷气式飞机去巴黎旅行。

36、He pressed the accelerator again and the car jetted on once more. ─── 他又踩了下油门,汽车再次飞驰起来。

37、A jet of water shot up into the air. ─── 一道水柱喷向空中。

38、An aircraft takeoff aided by an auxiliary jet or rocket. ─── 助飞用喷气机或火箭帮助航空器起飞

39、To that end envoys have jetted to Khartoum from all corners of the globe, including China, one of his chief backers. ─── 各国使团从世界各个角落飞往喀土穆,苏丹最重要的盟友中国也派出了自己的特使。

40、Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says. ─── 专家称飞机失事是因为有问题。

41、A jet planed in from the south. ─── 一架喷气机从南面飞来。

42、They have been designinga new jet plane. ─── 他们一直在设计一种新型喷气机。

43、Jet travel is now a commonplace. ─── 乘喷射机旅行现在是寻常的事。

44、Vapor jetted from the brood hose as from a little steam engine. ─── 大鼻子里象小小的蒸气机似的冒出热气。

45、They all along his eyes look, just cut watermelon and half full red liquid, is continuously jetted forth STH. As spring the same! ─── 他们都顺着他的目光看去,刚切开的西瓜还有一半,外面全是红红的液体,正在不停地向外涌出……象泉眼一样!

46、He was flown to the hospital by a military jet. ─── 一架军用喷气飞机把他送往医院。

47、He blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag. ─── 他把自己的判断失误归咎于时差综合症。

48、He jetted (off) to Tokyo for a conference. ─── 他坐喷气机去东京参加一个会议。

49、Nell did not full for John's story about being a jet pilot. ─── 内尔不相信约翰讲的自称是喷气机飞行员的事。

50、and an actuator for breaking up, a fluid jetted out of the outlet channel. ─── 以及致动器,其用于使喷出出口通道的流体分裂。

51、A jet engine exploits famous physics principles. ─── 喷射引擎的运作是根据著名的物理原理。

52、Oil suddenly jetted out of rig number four. ─── 油突然从四号钻井中喷了出来。

53、A jet plane sheared the blue sky . ─── 一架喷气式飞机划破蓝空。

54、Jet aircraft now can fly the Atlantic in a few hours. ─── 喷气式飞机如今数小时就可飞越大西洋。

55、He comprehended it at a single jet. ─── 他一想就明白了。

56、Jet Airways brings you Three Fare Plan periods. ─── Jet Airways为您带来三个票价计划假期。

57、Are you over your jet lag yet? ─── 你是否克服了时差综合症?

58、The jet plane is flying at the velocity of sound. ─── 喷射机以声音的速度飞行。

59、Jet Engine Test cell work experience is preferred. ─── 具有发动机试车台经验者优先考虑。

60、Jet planes screamed through the air. ─── 喷气式飞机在空中呼啸而过

61、Have you ever had a ride in a jet plane? ─── 你坐过喷气式飞机吗?

62、There were jet planes flying overhead. ─── 头顶上有喷气式飞机在飞。

63、And Avery has been everything to Jet, as well. ─── 同时约翰逊对特里来说也太重要了。

64、The flamethrower jetted out flames. ─── 喷火器喷出火焰。

65、A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron . ─── 咖啡的蒸气从打磨得锃亮的大壶里喷出来。

66、All but one of the bures have indoor jetted spas. ─── 套房内都安装有室内喷射按摩浴池设施。

67、The jet zoomed low over our heads. ─── 喷气式飞机在我们头顶上空轰的一声低飞而过.

68、The jet soared away into the distance. ─── 喷射机不停高飞进入远方。

69、The dark outline of a jet loomed through the mist. ─── 喷射机的黑色轮廓在雾中隐隐显现。

70、A flight of jet fighters thundered past. ─── 一队喷气式战斗机轰轰飞过。

71、Hey, look, that jet airliner is hopping off. ─── 嗨,看啊,那架喷气式班机起飞了。

72、The trouble with "buffer states" in an age of jet aircraft and atomic weapons is that they do not buff. ─── 在这个喷气式飞机和原子武器时代,缓冲国不再起缓冲作用了。

73、A: Are you still feeling jet lag? ─── 你还有时差问题吗?

74、The screech of jet planes violated the peace of the afternoon. ─── 喷射机的尖啸声侵犯了下午的平静。

75、Acid is pumped down tubing and out a ported nipple or a washing tool and jetted into the perforation tunnels to clean them of debris. ─── 酸液沿油管向下泵入,再从带孔短节或冲洗工具出来,并被喷射入射孔孔道以清除其中的碎片。

76、"A jet, I'm impressed," said Petra. ─── “一架喷气机,真给了我深刻的印象。”

77、A bus jockey; a computer jockey; a jet jockey. ─── 公共汽车司机; 电脑操作员; 喷气式飞机驾驶员

78、DMX fire machine can jet out true flame. ─── DMX 喷火机,喷出的是效果很好真正的火焰.

79、Jet dyeing is good for knitted fabric. ─── 喷染适合于针织布。

80、A jet plane screamed past overhead . ─── 一架喷气式飞机发着啸声从头顶掠过。

81、An artificially created jet or stream of water. ─── 人造喷泉,喷泉水一个人造的喷嘴或一股人造水流

82、She cut his wrist so badly that blood jetted out. ─── 她把他的手腕砍伤得很厉害,鲜血喷射出来。

83、Thomas Hudson took a shower, scrubbing his head with soap and then rinsing under the prickling drive of the sharp jetted shower. ─── 托马斯·赫德森在淋浴间里先用肥皂搓头,随后用喷头里射出来的清清细流冲洗干净。

84、Do you think jet repos will become common? ─── 你认为回收飞机会变得稀松平常吗?

85、It flies and lands a Jumbo Jet oh so nicely. ─── 它可以非常漂亮地驾驶一架喷气式客机或让飞机着陆。

86、Jetted from Houston to Los Angeles. ─── 乘喷气式飞机从休斯顿到洛杉矶

87、ARJ21 is seen as the precursor to a jumbo jet. ─── ARJ21型飞机被看作是大型喷气式飞机的前身。

88、Snow Hey, you're hit. Is your jet still flyable? ─── 嘿!被击中了。你还能飞吗?

89、The fountain send up a jet of waterdrop. ─── 喷泉喷出一根水柱。

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