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09-18 投稿


interplay 发音

英:[ˈɪntərpleɪ]  美:[ˈɪntəpleɪ]

英:  美:

interplay 中文意思翻译




interplay 网络释义

n. 相互影响,相互作用vi. 相互影响,相互作用

interplay 短语词组

1、interplay viewer interplay ─── 查看器

2、interplay global interplay global ─── 公司

3、interplay entertainment interplay ─── 娱乐

interplay 词性/词形变化,interplay变形

动词过去分词: interplayed |动词过去式: interplayed |动词第三人称单数: interplays |动词现在分词: interplaying |

interplay 相似词语短语

1、interlays ─── v.放在……之间,嵌入;n.垫衬;中垫

2、interclan ─── 跨局域网

3、interplays ─── n.相互影响,相互作用;vi.相互影响,相互作用

4、interpled ─── 解释

5、interplant ─── v.间种;套种;n.套种

6、interpolar ─── adj.极间的;两极之间的

7、interlap ─── vt.互相交搭;相互重叠

8、interplead ─── v.(使)互相诉讼

9、interlay ─── v.放在……之间,嵌入;n.垫衬;中垫

interplay 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper aims to analyze the different experiences of the imperial examination system to reveal the interplay between examination systems and society. ─── 分析两者不同命运的目的在于揭示考试制度与社会性质之间的相互影响。

2、There has been an interplay between light and water throughout the italics sections and here they merge. ─── 在斜体的部分,先前光与水间相互作用,此刻却合而为一。

3、A complex interplay of state policy, opaque dealmaking, questionable accounting, insider trading, mergers and acquisitions, interlocking holdings and rampant rumors have fueled the boom. ─── 国家政策的复杂影响,不透明的交易,可疑的账目,内部交易,合并和收购,交叉持股和猖獗的谣言在烈火上浇着油。

4、Market visions: the interplay of ideas and institutions in Chinese financial restructuring; Edward S. Steinfeld ─── 市场的幻象:中国金融重建的思路和机制的相互作用

5、New approach proposed by Colombia deals with interplay between limitations and exceptions and technological protection measures to safeguard user's interests. ─── 哥伦比亚提出的新方案涉及如何通过利用限制和例外与技术保护措施之间的相互关系来确保用户的利益。

6、The informal tea and the many interviews carried on during the year, as well as new ways of reporting pupils progress, can significantly aid achieving a harmonious interplay between school and home. ─── 在这年中进行的非正式茶话会和多次的接见,作为报告学生进步的新的方式,极大地促进了学校与家庭之间的和谐关系。

7、Containment and Interplay: Support for the System of Judicial Authority ─── 制衡与互动:司法权威的制度支撑

8、It is also the product of interplay of the Persian nationality and the Persian civilization with the Arabian civilization and Islam. ─── 它是波斯民族及波斯文明同阿拉伯民族及伊斯兰教相互作用的产物。

9、In the complex interplay of solar and planetary gravity, asteroids and comets are routinely pulled into short-lived orbits around the giant planets. ─── 在太阳与行星重力如此复杂的交互作用下,小行星和彗星通常会被拉往巨行星的短周期轨道上。

10、Their observations suggest that fat oxidation during exercise reflects a fine interplay between the cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine and muscle metabolic systems. ─── 他们的研究结果显示,运动过程中脂肪的氧化反映出心血管系统、神经、内分泌以及肌肉代谢系统间的精确相互影响。

11、Professor Lane added: "The findings help us to understand the interplay between molecular structure of VWF, blood flow and common diseases, which will help to refine development of treatments. ─── VWF对人体循环至关重要。它能够控制血凝出血平衡;对VWF有影响的异常状况能够导致诸如出血失调、心脏病等健康问题。

12、For the student, the educational value of examining the interplay between theory and experiment transcends the value of the specific knowledge gained in the subject matter. ─── 对于学生来讲,验证理论与实验的相互关系要比从课程本身获得的专业知识更有意义。

13、The interplay between the two characters is mind boggling. ─── 之间的相互作用牢记两个字符是令人难以置信。

14、As a social phenomenon, the group of proletarian revolutionists was the outcome of the interplay of all the following factors: geography, environment, society, politics, economy, culture and so forth. ─── 作为一种社会现象,现代湖南无产阶级革命家群体是近现代湖南地理环境、社会政治、经济文化诸多因素共同作用下的产物。

15、Study on the facies models indicates that sedimentary features and the distribution of lithofacies are controlled by the interplay between marine processes(waves and tides) and fluvial processes. ─── 对其相变模式研究表明,河口湾沉积特征及岩相分布受波浪、潮汐和河流三种水动力所控制。

16、But it is in modern fundamental physics that we find the most subtle interplay between symmetry and asymmetry. ─── 但是在现代基本物理,我们发现在对称和非对称之间有著最微妙的互相作用。

17、He viewed mind as an organized, unitary, and dynamic interplay of ideas ─── 他把心理看成是各种观念有机的,整体的和能动的相互作用。

18、The disk exerts its own gravitational tug, and this interplay of forces robs the planet of momentum in its orbital path, forcing it to spiral in toward the star. ─── 圆盘产生自己的引力拖曳,这种相互作用的力夺走了行 星在其轨道上的动量,迫使它盘旋向恒星的方向。

19、The exhibits also show the interplay of the LAPD and Hollywood. There are two wallet badges with the picture-identifications of two fictional detectives from the radio and television show Dragnet. ─── 博物馆展品还体现了洛杉矶警署和好莱坞之间的良好互动。展品中有两个有警徽的钱包,印有电台和电视节目“法网”中的虚构侦探照片。

20、Interplay Between Literature and History Vs.Mutual Corroboration Between Epic and History ─── “文史互通”与“诗史互证”

21、In becoming aware of such an interplay of energies, one can choose to sort them out and uncover their own unique truth underneath, and then and only then intend one's own truth into manifestation. ─── 在觉知到这样的能量相互影响中,你能选择挑选出他们并揭示其下他们自己独特的真相,随后并只能意愿显化你自己的真相。

22、a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature). ─── 倾向和反对力量处于平衡状态。

23、CHANG Xian-min,WANG You-gong,LI Li-qin.The effect of interplay between impregnant and film to the performance of polypropylene film[J].Power Capacitor,1985,3(6):1-6. ─── [5]常宪民,王友功,李丽琴.油-膜相互作用对聚丙烯薄膜击穿性能的影响[J].电力电容器,1985,3(6):1-6.

24、Because ideas and beliefs have this electromagnetic reality, then, constant interplay between those strongly contradictory beliefs can cause great power blocks, impeding the flow of inner energy outward. ─── 因为观念和信念具有这种电磁现实,在这些强烈的相矛盾的信念之间不断地相互影响,可以造成力量巨大的障碍,并阻止内在能量的向外流动。

25、She examines the interplay between changing gender divisions and urban change. ─── 她研究性别差异的变化和城市变化之间的相互影响。

26、Interplay between the"invisible hand"and the "visible hand" ─── 两手并用

27、EMR's great magnitude, however, is caused by the interplay of the curved paths and the detailed geometry of the EMR device at the nanometer scale (billionths of a meter). ─── 不过,EMR之所以会有那麽大的值,通常是由于曲线路径以及奈米级EMR装置的细部几何形状所造成的。

28、"The history of publishing is characterized by a close interplay of technical innovation and social change, each promoting the other. ─── 出版史具有技术进步和社会变革相互作用的特征,这两种因素又相互促进。

29、the interplay of light and shadow ─── 光与影的交错,明与暗的相互作用

30、The vasculitis shown here demonstrates the destruction that can accompany the acute inflammatory process and the interplay with the coagulation mechanism. ─── 图示:脉管炎损伤性病变在于急性炎症和凝血机制的共同作用。

31、In this interplay deformations are a key factor. ─── 在相互影响中,变形是一个关键因素。

32、The cause is not biological, but a result of the interplay between parents and children and the children themselves. ─── 原因不是生物学方面的,而是父母和兄弟姐妹们以及兄弟姐妹们之间相互影响的结果。

33、For more than half a century the fundamental story of living things has been a tale of the interplay between genes, in the form of DNA, and proteins, which the genes encode and which do the donkey work of keeping living organisms living. ─── 半个多世纪以来,关于生命的大部分故事说白了就是DNA基因和这些基因经过编码和简单的组合形成的蛋白质间相互作用的故事,而正是这些蛋白质使有机体具有了生命。

34、The interplay of guitars is tremendous. ─── 吉他的相互作用真是巨大。

35、Halloween, always a highly creative holiday, will be much more so this year, thanks to a lovely interplay between Mars and Uranus. ─── 万圣节,总是一个非常有创意的节日,今年这次会比往年更甚。这要归功于火星和天王星之间的美丽对话。

36、The mechanisms of diseases are concered with the interplay of the pathogenic agents disrupting homeostasis and the body's response to maintain hemeostasis. ─── 一个人生病与否还与诱发和易感因素有关。

37、In describing the interplay between Hellenic and Hebrew culture at the dawning of Christianity, Mr Wade makes exaggerated claims. ─── 在描述基督教萌芽时期,希腊文化和希伯来文化相互影响的时候,韦德先生夸大了事实。

38、The findings suggest that this interplay is complicated, and it is not easy to tease apart the effect of various factors. ─── 研究表明,这是复杂的相互作用,这是不容易挑逗的效果之外的各种因素。

39、RESFEST is a global touring festival exploring the dynamic interplay of film, art, music and design. ─── RESFEST是全球性的巡回式展览,发掘动态互动影片,艺术,音乐和设计。

40、The colour and materials concept for the interior further enhances the impression of personal luxury and the interplay of surfaces and lines. ─── 在色彩及室内装饰材料的概念,进一步提高了个人豪华的印象和表面的相互作用和线路。

41、As part of cultural ideology,there has been a complex interplay between college students' opinions and ideological and political education. ─── 大学生舆论与思想政治教育都是文化意识形态,它们共同存在于一个空间之中,必然会相互影响,相互渗透。

42、No single one of these currents prolongs the crisis. It is the product of the complex interplay between them. ─── 并非其中任何单个趋向拖延了此次危机——这是这些趋向之间复杂的相互作用的产物。

43、The interplay between the belief structure and the external environment shaped the immediate policies and choices and provided a rationale to support them. ─── 信仰结构和外部环境的相互作用形成的直接政策和选择,并提供了一个基本原理去支持他们。

44、On the interplay between measurable and topological dynamics ─── 使用相当的笔墨介绍了拓扑

45、What's different about this book is that it turns all we think we know about the interplay between the Group of Two on its head. ─── 这本书的不同之处在于它从根本上转变了我们认为我们所了解的两国集团之间的相互作用。


47、complex interplay of species in symbiotic relationships highlights an important point about communities: Their structure depends on a web of diverse connections among organisms. ─── 物种在共生关系中复杂的相互作用突出了群落的一个重要特点:它们的结构取决于生物之间多样的联系网络。

48、In you work there's always this kind of hybrid quality of a natural force in some sort of interplay with creative force. ─── 自然的力量和创造力总是以某种方式混在一起出现在你的作品里。

49、Brand World is a sensory surround that maximizes involvement through picking points of contact which will intensify involvement and working the interplay between them ─── 品牌世界时一个感觉的世界,它通过选择不同有相互影响的接触点,加强消费者对品牌的投入度

50、He gave up sharp delineation and glaring colour contrasts for a softened spectrum based on a delicate interplay of tones. ─── 他一改清晰的描绘和强烈的色彩对比,代之以一种柔和的色彩关系,这种关系是以色调微妙的相互影响为基础的。

51、On the basis of pilot-aircraft system response the interplay between pilot workload and system dynamics is exposed. ─── 基于人-机系统响应特性可揭示出驾驶员工作负荷和系统动态特性之间相互影响。

52、They will mean an increased interplay of cultures, greater use of both English and Chinese, greater multiplicity of perspectives, and denser interaction of peoples. ─── 它们意味着更多的文化交流、更多人使用英文和华文、更多观点的出现、和不同国家人民更紧密的交往。

53、The theoretical and experimental projects are key parts of learning about interplay between theory and experiment in developing knowledge about cell physiology. ─── 学习生理学过程中,理论和实验项目对于理解理论与实验之间的相互关系是非常重要的一个环节。

54、In urban centers like New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, the music concentrated on vocal interplay and smooth productions. ─── 如在大都市城市如纽约、城和芝加哥,音乐的重点放在人声的交替轮唱和流畅的制作上。

55、interplay model ─── 交互模型

56、command file-to-terminal interplay ─── 命令文件与终端的相互作用

57、A successful design solution must also take into account the interaction of personnel, the paths of communication and the interplay between and groups as well as between individuals. ─── 一个成功的设计方案应考虑内部人员的相互联系、通信路径、以及服务部门和客人之间的相互作用。

58、You could easily find a way to add gold coins to your pocket, thanks to a lovely interplay between Mars and Pluto. ─── 你会很容易的找到增加你收入的方法。这得感谢火星与冥王星之间的相互影响。

59、The back-and-forth on Wednesday between Mr.Liddy and the committee exposed the awkward interplay between AIG and the U. ─── 周三李迪与众议院委员会的交锋暴露出AIG同美国政府之间棘手的相互作用。

60、But, oh, how much I must miss, and how much pleasure you seeing ones can derive from watching and hearing the interplay of speech and movement in the unfolding of a dramatic performance! ─── 但是,啊,我可能失去了多少,你们能看的人从戏剧表演中看动作,听语言的相互作用中产生了多少喜悦!

61、If we look then only at what is peculiar to our age or characteristic of our age, we see hardly more than the interplay of mass taste with high-grade but strictly speaking unprincipled efficiency. ─── 只需留心一下我们这个时代的独特性质,我们几乎只能看到一些雅俗不分、龙混杂的大杂烩,但在严格意义上说,都是一些没有道德原则的东西。

62、In most people, the disease stems from a complex interplay of genetic and environmental causes. ─── 参考翻译:在大多数人,这一疾病是由基因和环境因素相互的复杂作用引起。

63、Due to the interplay of these diverse independent factors, in rare instances, the optimizer might select less than optimal execution plans. ─── 在这些不同的独立因素的相互作用下,优化器可能会选择不太优化的执行计划。

64、The interactionist view holds that language develops as a result of the complex interplay between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops. ─── 互动主义者认为语言的发展是儿童身上人类的特点是与儿童发展所在的环境之间复杂的相互作用的结果。

65、"Understanding the interplay of vascular disease in these 2 organs holds the promise of finding novel means to reduce the risk of impaired function, especially in the brain. ─── 他们写道,了解这两个器官之血管疾病的相互影响,可以发现新的降低功能衰退的方法,特别是脑部;

66、To them,Their coalescent have farreaching significance.They interplay and interpenetrate. ─── 两者的结合对两者而言都具有十分深远的意义,两者互相促进,互相融合。

67、While much attention has been placed on the interplay of PLM and ERP, some experts believe the new frontiers in product definition management are in sourcing, quality, and service management. ─── 尽管人们非常关注PLM和ERP的相互关系,一些专家认为产品定义管理的前沿课题是采购管理、质量管理和服务管理。

68、Studies concerning the complex signal transduction and their interplay may contribute to the illustration of the mechanism of RIF and the prevention of RIF progression. ─── 为了证实Rho/Rock信号转导通路在RIF形成中的意义,并对其可能的作用机制进行初步探讨,我们进行了下面体内和体外两部分研究。

69、The equipment design must grow by continual interplay between the technical specification and the packaging ─── 仪器设计必须根据工艺指标和装配之间不断地交互影响而发展。

70、This interplay between mechanics and electromagnetism is less evident ─── 力学和电磁学的这种相互关系不太明显。

71、The age of post-bureaucracy will be marked by interplay of co-operative organizations, which will become the leading social organization, replacing the bureaucratic organization. ─── 后官僚制时代将是合作制组织发挥作用的时代,合作制组织将取代官僚制组织而成为主导性的社会组织形式。

72、It is a monumental scientific achievement, and its development illustrates the essential interplay between observation, prediction, and testing required for scientific progress. ─── 它是一项不朽的科学发现,而且它的出现说明了观察、预测和检验(科研进程中必须的活动)之间基本的相互影响。

73、Some of its aspects include data organization, sampling, irreducibility (or redundancy) and the interplay between the local and global character of the representation and/or of the classifier. ─── 复杂度的问题关系到数据的组织方法、取样方法、还原性(或冗余性),还有表示方法和分类器中的局部和全局特征之间的相互影响。

74、In the transculture communication, two languages can interact and interplay, further enriching both of them. ─── 两种语言在跨文化交际中就会相互影响,相互作用,进一步丰富了彼此的语言。

75、Bad Bugs and Beleaguered Bladders: Interplay between Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli and innate Host Defenses ─── 尿路致病性大肠埃希菌和宿主膀胱防御反应的相互作用

76、" There is an undisciplined but skilful interplay of type, patterns and images. ─── 在这里不用遵守纪律,但凭技巧高超运用的字体,模式和图像的相互结合。

77、It is the interplay of the traditions and his irrational notion that made his poetry unique and eminent. ─── 传统与非理性观念在他的诗歌中交融,并最终共同构成了他不可替代的诗歌面貌。

78、At the same time, the team also is expected to delve into more-complex factors dealing with the interplay of flight-control surfaces and pilot commands. ─── 与此同时,预计调查小组会深入研究飞行控制界面和飞行员指令互动等更为复杂的因素。

79、a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature) ─── 倾向和反对力量处于平衡状态

80、In all learning paradigms there is an interplay between inductive, abductive and deductive principles. ─── 在所有的学习方法中,归纳、演译和溯因推理法则之间相互影响着。

81、The ethical interplay is a process in which the ethical awareness, norms, conduct and mode among the interest subjects interact with each other, as well as a common phenomenon in modem society. ─── 伦理互动是利益主体间道德意识、道德准则、道德活动和道德状态相互影响的过程,是现代社会的一种普遍现象。

82、interplay relationship ─── 交互关系

83、Classical Feng Shui began as an interplay of construction and astronomy. ─── 古典风水开始于建筑物与天文学的相互影响。

84、” To be successful there has to exist a deep understanding of the interplay of the medium with those who participate with it. ─── 为了成功必须要有一种对媒介和参与它的人之间相互影响的深入理解。

85、A composition or passage for two or more parts, suggestive of conversational interplay. ─── 对话乐曲起联想到对话作用的两个或两个以上部分的作曲或乐曲段落

86、For a time the child is in sum entirely caught up in the interplay between these two lines. ─── 总之,有一阵子,小孩完全套陷在这两行之间的互动。

87、The work shows a suitable interplay of scope of inquiry and intricacy of discussion. ─── 作业展示出质询之范畴和讨论复杂性之间适合的相互影响。

88、The future goals will be not only to identify the genes involved but also to understand the interplay of genetic predisposition with environmental influences. ─── 将来的研究目标不仅要明确参与疾病发生、发展的基因,还要了解遗传易感性与环境因素对于疾病发生的相互作用。

89、There seems to be interplay between an individual's innate vulnerability and her degree of light exposure. ─── 个人易患病特质与光照程度有相互作用。

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