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09-17 投稿


juristical 发音


英:  美:

juristical 中文意思翻译



juristical 短语词组

1、juristical act ─── [法] 法律行为

2、juristical rigour ─── 法律严谨性

3、juristical works ─── 法律著作

juristical 相似词语短语

1、eristical ─── 经验的

2、poristical ─── 多孔的

3、juristic ─── adj.法律的;法理学的,法学的

4、puristical ─── adj.修辞癖的;用语简洁的

5、juridical ─── adj.司法的;法院的;裁判上的

6、juristically ─── 法律上

7、humoristical ─── 幽默家

8、juristic act ─── 法律行为;法律行律

9、puristically ─── 纯粹地

juristical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (798-829). ─── 华盛顿,布什洛德:(7'2-829)美国法学家,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(798-829年)

2、World Jurist Association of the World Peace Through Law Centre; ─── 以法律求世界和平中心世界法律工作者协会;

3、Instead of a mystic of genius, we have the dry-as-dust jurist; ─── 在这里我们所看到的,不是天才的神秘主义者,而是一个枯燥无味的法学家;

4、The Study on Legislation of the Ethic of Ancient Chinese Jurist ─── 中国法家道德法律化研究

5、Beccaria was the most wall known Italian criminal jurist and enlightened thinker in modem times. ─── 摘要贝卡利亚是近代意大利最富盛名的刑法学家及启蒙思想家。

6、And yet the most elementary comparative jurisprudence should show the jurist what this free consent really amounts to. ─── 但是,把各国的法制做一个最简单的比较,也会向法学家们表明,这种自愿究竟是怎么一回事。

7、Legal History - JURIST The Law Professors'Network ─── 来自法学家,法律教授网

8、He is a learn jurist, who has written several books on civil law. ─── 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。

9、Juristical Meditation on Technical Criteria ─── 关于技术标准的法律思考

10、Abstract: Cardozo is a famous judge and a prominent jurist in particular. ─── 文章摘要: 卡多佐是一位著名的法官,更是一位成果卓著的法哲学家。

11、Brandeis was not the first American jurist to challenge the exploitation of legal pedantry in the service of reactionary politics. ─── 在反动政治掌权的过程中,布兰迪斯并非挑战滥用法律虚妄言辞的美国法官第一人。

12、The nature of juristical act is the unity of opposites of rights and duties or power and responsibility. ─── 法行为实质上是一种权利义务(权力职责)的统一。

13、Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish mathematician, astronomer, physician, classical scholar, translator, Catholic cleric, jurist, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist. ─── 哥白尼是波兰的数学家,天文学家,物理学家,古典主义者,翻译家,天主教传教士,法律学者,地方长官,军人领袖,外交官以及经济学家。

14、Mr.HAN Depei is a famous Jurist, educationalist and social practitioner of China. ─── 摘要韩德培教授是我国著名的法学家、教育家和社会活动家。

15、Derek Bok is a famous higher educationist, jurist and socialist of America. ─── 德里克·博克是美国著名的高等教育学家、法学家、社会学家。

16、juristical act ─── [法] 法律行为

17、It is an important tradition and content of politics in the west to keep faith in the law while it is empty of traditionally and universally juristical faith in China. ─── 对法律的信仰是西方法治主义的重要传统和内容,而中国缺乏这种普遍法律信仰的传统,这是有其历史渊源的。

18、Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted --Peters, American jurist ─── 人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费。--美国法学家波得斯

19、National Union of Jurist of Cuba, The ─── 古巴全国法学家联合会

20、Being a juristical concept,forest right plays an important role in forestry practice. ─── 林权作为一个法律概念,在林业实践中具有十分重要的地位。

21、Shen Jiaben is famous jurist in modern China, and he is also advocate of the reform of legal system of the end of Qing dynasty and leader of reform party of legal system. ─── 沈家本是中国近代著名法学家、清末法制改革的倡导者和法制革新派领袖。

22、Chapter 4 expounds the resolution of the conflict of juristical value between freedom and order, as well as the principle of resolution. ─── 第四章阐述了法的自由与秩序之间的价值冲突的消解意义以及消解原则。

23、Cardozo:american jurist and writer who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1932-1938). ─── 卡多佐:美国法官和作家,曾任美国最高法院的助理法官(1932-1938年) 。

24、One day before Saddam Hussein's trial resumes, court officials named a new chief judge Monday and ousted another jurist off the five-member panel trying the former Iraqi leader. ─── 星期一,就在萨达姆的庭训重开的前一天,法庭宣布了一个新的主审法官,并免除了审讯着那位伊拉克前领袖的五人小组的中的另一名成员。

25、Biddle:French-born american jurist and public official who was U.S. attorney general (1941-1945) and a judge at the Nuremberg trials (1945-1946). ─── 比德尔:法裔美籍法官和政府官员,1941-1945年任美国司法部部长,1945-1946年在纽伦堡审判中任法官。

26、celebrity from financial, enterprises, education, culture, medical and juristical fields. ─── 金融、企业、教育、文化、医疗及法律界的名人。

27、Not only is ethical informed consent different from juristical's, but also is contact mutually.What ethic and law sustain each other is the effective premise to carry out informed consent. ─── 伦理上的知情同意与法律上的知情同意,既有区别又相互联系,德法并济是有效履行知情同意的前提。

28、See Lei Lei. Meaning, Type and Thinking Ways of Legal Conflict[C]. Juristical Means( vol. 7). ─── 参见雷磊:“法律规范冲突的含义、类型与思考方式”,载《法学方法》第7卷。

29、Pleasure is nothing else but the intermission of pain, the enjoying of something I am in great trouble for till I have it. --John Selden, British jurist ─── 快乐不过是痛苦的间歇,享受之前要进行艰苦的努力。--英国法学家塞尔登.J.

30、Pleasure is nothing else but the intermission of pain, the enjoying of something I am in great trouble for till I have it.--John Selden , British jurist ─── 快乐不过是痛苦的间歇,享受之前要进行艰苦的努力。英国法学家塞尔登

31、He is a learn jurist, who have write several book on civil law ─── 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书

32、Court verdict is an old style, first appeared as juristical document.During the long history of development, it absorbed literary nature because of various reasons. ─── 判词是一种古老的文体,最早作为法律文书出现,但在其漫长的发展过程中,受到各种因素的影响,兼备了文学性。

33、economic jurist ─── [法] 经济法学家

34、The paper then points out that it is necessary to adopt both moral and juristical means to deracinate biological weapon. ─── 此外,本论文也对用技术手段减轻生物武器的伦理负载问题作了初步思考。

35、A jurist of great breadth and wisdom. ─── 一个非常开明且睿智的法官

36、” The other two mission members are Hina Jilani, a Pakistani jurist and Desmond Travers, a retired Irish army officer. ─── 另外两名成员中一名是位巴勒斯坦籍法学家,名叫HinaJilani,另一名是位爱尔兰籍已退休军官,名叫DesmondTravers。

37、Meanwhile, as a lawyer and jurist, Webber would not give up the analysis of the rational factors which contained in the law. ─── 同时,作为律师和法学家的韦伯,自然也不会放弃对法律中蕴涵的理性因素的分析。

38、Chapter three analyzes the principle of laws that setting up medical dispute,particularly analyze economical, societal and juristical background,set up some proper legal ideas. ─── 具体分析了纠纷加剧的经济、社会、法制背景和树立了一些正确处理纠纷的法律理念。

39、bourgeois jurist ─── [法] 资产阶级法学家

40、And, economist Wu Jinglian and jurist Jiang Ping collaborates the Shanghai Economics institute which founds, is a pioneer who and example explores this both union. ─── 其中,经济学家吴敬链和法学家江平联手创建的上海经济研究所,是探索这两者结合的一个先驱和榜样。

41、The Community Corrections are the sign of the progress of human civilization, and an inevitable trend of the juristical globalization. ─── 社区矫正是历史的产物,也是人类文明进步的重要产物,是法律全球化的必然趋势。

42、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (858-88). ─── 克利福德,内森:(803-88)美国法学家,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(858-88年)

43、The political attribute and the juristical attribute are two kinds of important instrinsic attributes of constitution. ─── 政治性与法律性是宪法固有的两种重要属性。

44、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court(1937-1971). He was noted for his ardent support of civil rights. ─── 布莱克,约瑟夫1728-1799英国化学家,重新发现二氧化碳(1756年),并建立潜热和比热概念

45、The Four-dimensional Academic Surroundings for The Democracy System Exist in --A Certification and Discrimination of The Democracy from Political and Juristical Philosophy ─── 民主制度生存的四维理论环境--一种对民主来自政治哲学和法哲学意义上的证辨

46、Among them,the political attribute is the most essential,and the juristical attribute is basic,their relationship is of dialectical unity under the domination of the political attribute. ─── 其中,政治性是最根本的,法律性是基本的,两者是政治性主导下的辩证统一关系。

47、Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.--C.Pollock ,British jurist ─── 幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。英国法学家波洛克

48、Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted.R. Peters, American jurist ─── 人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费。美国法学家波得斯,R。

49、Australian Jurist Reports ─── 《澳大利亚法律学家报告》

50、State-owned business enterprise reformation problem is a "public choice" problem, need the jurist, sociologist, philosopher, politician, economist and many social communities to participate in. ─── 国有企业改革问题是一个“公共选择”问题,需要法学家、社会学家、哲学家、政治学家、经济学家以及诸多社会群体的共同参与。

51、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (789-80). ─── 库欣,威廉:(732-80)美国法学家,曾担任美国最高法院的副职法官(789-80年)

52、As a famous representative person of Legalists in the period of War State, Shang Yang was a distinguished statesmen and jurist from the new emerging landlord class. ─── 商鞅是战国时期的著名法家代表人物,是新兴地主阶级的一位杰出的政治家与法学家。

53、Juristical consideration of constructions of general personality interests ─── 构建一般人格权的法律思考

54、This article first discusses the status of classification society, outline its operation extension and correlative juristical questions. ─── 本论文首先讨论船级社的法律地位,然后提出船级社的业务范围及相关法律问题。

55、a learned jurist; an erudite professor. ─── 博学的法理学家;博学的教授。

56、However, only on condition that it makes juristical connection with social real-life can the virtual estate be involved into the normalization of jural realm. ─── 但是,虚拟财产只有与现实的社会关系发生具有法律意义的联系时,才能切实进入法律调整的范畴。

57、He is a learned jurist, who has written several books on civil law. ─── 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。

58、A man has to live with himself, and he should see to it that he always has good company. -Charles Evans Hughes, jurist (1862-1948 ─── 一个人必须和他自己生活在一起,他应该认识到这样他就总有一个好的陪伴--查尔斯.伊万斯.休斯,法官。

59、According to the juristical theory,the doctrine of ICO combines the interests of states and mankind through the best way of science and justice. ─── 它把国家利益与人类共同利益作出了最科学和最合乎正义的结合。 利益与正义,是法所要促进的最重要的两大类价值。

60、Construction of New Countryside and the Juristical Security of Farmer's Right of Equality ─── 新农村建设与农民平等权的法律保障

61、proletarian jurist ─── 无产阶级法学家

62、identity certification or juristical competency certification of the lessee. ─── 承租人身份证明或者法律资格证明。

63、comparative jurist ─── 比较法学家

64、a learned jurist; ─── 有学识的法官;

65、He was a jurist, a statesman and a political leader of the Revolutionary period;George Washington sent him a pamphlet on the cultivation of potatoes;and he had a lot to do with steam.Who is he? ─── 在革命时期,他是个法律专家、政治家和政治领导者,乔治华盛顿还曾经送给他一本栽种马铃薯的小册子,他对蒸汽的发明有诸多贡献。

66、American jurist who was a member of the Constitutional Convention (787) and served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (789-79'). ─── 布莱尔,约翰:(732-800)美国法官,立宪大会(787年)的成员之一,曾任美国联邦最高法院陪审法官(789-79'年)

67、The concept of the right to privacy has a history of more than 100 years since it was first put forward by the American jurist Warren and Brandeis. ─── 从美国法学家沃伦和布兰代斯第一次提出隐私权的概念至今已有一百多年历史。

68、penal jurist ─── [法] 刑法学家

69、Happiness is a station between too much and too little. ----------Pollock, British jurist ─── 幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。

70、JURIST: Law Professors on the Web ─── 法学家:网上法律教授

71、civil jurist ─── 民法学家

72、constitutionalist jurist ─── 宪法学入

73、juristical sustaining system of agricultures ─── 农业法律救济体系

74、American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (923-939). ─── 巴特勒,皮尔斯:(8''-939)美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(923-939年)

75、6.He dismissed both Ulpian the jurist because he was a righteous man and Silvinus the rhetorician, whom he had appointed tutor to Alexander. ─── 他驱逐了西维纽斯和法学家乌尔比安,因为乌尔比安是一个正直的人,而修辞家西维纽斯曾是亚历山大的指导教师。

76、dispensing jurist ─── 执行法律, 实施法律

77、political jurist ─── 政治法学家

78、Juristical Thought to That the American Government Exerts Pressure to Upvaluation of Exchange Rate of RMB ─── 对美国施压人民币汇率升值的法律思考

79、World Jurist Association of the World Peace Through Law Center ─── 以法律求世界和平中心世界法律工作者协会

80、a juristical concept, forest right plays an important role in forestry practice. ─── 林权作为一个法律概念,在林业实践中具有十分重要的地位。

81、criminal jurist ─── 刑法学家

82、historical jurist ─── [法] 历史法学家

83、The identity certification or juristical competency certification of the lessee. ─── 承租人身份证明或者法律资格证明。

84、Dole:american jurist and first governor of the Territory of Hawaii (1900-1903). ─── "多尔:美国法学家,夏威夷准州首任州长(1900-1903年)."

85、The jurist and philosopher were trying their best to provide a universally accepted definition at all times and in all lands, but did not succeed. ─── 古今中外的法学家和哲学家们都致力于提供一个普遍接受的法的定义,却收效甚微。

86、Juristic act, which was created by jurist of Germany historical school of law, is praised highly in civil law system. ─── 德国历史法学派法学家创造的法律行为理论在大陆法系民法学中倍受推崇。

87、The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress.--E.Coke, British jurist ─── 每个人的家对他自己都像是城堡和要塞。英国法学家科克

88、World Jurist Association ─── 世界法理学家协会

89、British jurist and historian noted for his many works on the history of English law ─── 梅特兰,弗雷德里克·威廉1850-1906英国法学家和历史学家,以其众多记述英国法律历史的著作而著称

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