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09-18 投稿


jested 发音

英:[ˈdʒestɪd]  美:[ˈdʒestɪd]

英:  美:

jested 中文意思翻译





jested 词性/词形变化,jested变形

动词过去分词: jested |副词: jestingly |动词过去式: jested |动词第三人称单数: jests |动词现在分词: jesting |

jested 常用词组

in jest ─── adv. 开玩笑地;诙谐地

jest with ─── vt. 开某人玩笑

jested 相似词语短语

1、tested ─── adj.经受过考验的;经验定的;v.考验(test的过去分词);测验

2、nested ─── adj.嵌套的,内装的;v.筑巢;嵌入(nest的过去分词)

3、beasted ─── 攀缘植物

4、jester ─── n.(中世纪宫廷或贵族家中的)小丑;爱开玩笑的人;n.(Jester)人名;(英)杰斯特

5、bested ─── adj.在……境遇的;v.超过;克服(best的过去分词)

6、jestee ─── 对

7、vested ─── adj.既定的;穿着衣服(尤指祭服)的;(美)带背心的(指西服套装);v.(财产、权利等)授予(vest的过去式和过去分词);使穿衣服

8、zested ─── n.风味;热心;强烈的兴趣;vt.给…调味

9、rested ─── adj.精力充沛的;休息得好的;v.休息(rest的过去分词);静止

jested 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But you should not jest about our affection for one another. ─── 但你不应讥讽我们相互间的感情。

2、A skit called "The Nut Buying Cider" embodies an old folk jest about a fool who tries to carry a beverage home in his hat. ─── 一出叫做《傻子买果汁》的滑稽剧,表现一位老年乡民取笑一个傻瓜,那傻瓜想用他的帽子装一些饮料回家。

3、Don't jest with me! ─── 别跟我开玩笑!

4、Szukaj w pamieci mego imienia,ono powie: ze nie jest tak. ─── 关于自己 Gdy w chwili zwatpienia powiesz: przyjaciol Ci brak.

5、Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna (SSE) jest wydzielonym ... www. re-zone.gov.cn . Hangzhou High-Tech Industrial. Development Zone. Zhejiang Province ... ─── 包头稀土高新技术产业开发区--开发区--人民网

6、Strip majesty of its exteriors(the first and last letters) and it becomes a jest. ─── 剥掉了majesty[威严]的外皮(头尾两个字母)就成为ajest[一则笑话]啦。

7、He said it in jest. ─── 他说这话是开玩笑的。

8、The drunkard red nose was at a glance through my mind, and still jested at me ─── 醉鬼红鼻头一眼就看穿我的心思,他依然“嘿嘿”冷笑着说:跑?没门。

9、He pointed his finger in friendly jest and went over to the parapet, laughing to himself. ─── 他友善而打趣地指了一下,一面暗自笑着,走到胸墙那儿。

10、The arc-plasma jet in jested into the reactor exerted influences on the flow field in the hear-axis zone, while no influences in the transition and the near-wall zones. ─── 喷入电弧等离子体射流对等离子体反应器流场的影响区域是近轴区,对过渡区和近壁区没有影响。

11、His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest. ─── 他的答覆看来是半开玩笑半认真的。

12、Even she does have many shortcomings many ugly aspects, I dont wanna others to censure her jest her.It will be felt like yourself has been censured or jested. ─── 即使她有很多缺点有很多丑陋的地方,我就是不愿意别人指责她、笑话她,就好像是在指责我、笑话我。

13、Peregrine presents himself as a merchant to the knight and informs Politic that word has gotten out of his plan to sell Venice to the Turks.Politic, who once mentioned the idea in jest, is terrified. ─── 他扮成一位商人并故意告诉SirPolitic他计画将威尼斯卖给土耳其一事已被洩密,曾经提及过此事的SirPolitic备受惊吓。

14、They made a jest of his ignorance. ─── 他们笑话他无知。

15、His reply was taken half seriously half in jest. ─── 他的答复看来是半开玩笑、半认真的。

16、A young machine hand, attracted by her looks, make bold to jest with her. ─── 一个年青的机械师被她的美貌所吸引,壮着胆子跟她开玩笑。

17、there are two things in the life that are too serious to be jested on, one is matrimony, then what is the other thing? ─── 谚语说道,世界上只有两样东西不能开玩笑,一个是婚姻,那么另外一个是什么呢?

18、Life is a jest; and all things shown it. I thought so once; but now I know it. ─── 人生闹剧一场;事事可以佐证。我曾如此想过;如今知之确凿。

19、Not a word with him but a jest. ─── 他的每一句话都是一个笑话。

20、Strip majesty of Its exterior ( the first and last letter ) and It become a jest . ─── 剥掉了majesty [威严]的外皮(头尾两个字母)就成为a jest [一则笑话]啦。

21、Don't jest at her. ─── 不要取笑她。

22、Oh, dad, you have got a jest? ─── 哦,你开玩笑吧。

23、"You seem to be afraid of me lately. You don't even like to talk to me. What's wrong?" he asked, half in jest, toying with an overhanging branch. ─── “你近来好像害怕我,连话也不肯跟我多说,究竟是为什么?” 他半正经半开玩笑地说,一只手在玩弄旁边下垂的树枝。

24、When I have to set to work, I will do it as no one else could, but now I can jest, and the more serenely I jest the more calm and confidence and admiration for my genius you ought to feel. ─── 一着手干起来,谁也比不了我,现在我可以开开玩笑,我愈是谈笑自若,你们就愈有信心,愈镇静,也就愈惊奇于我的天之。”

25、You presume to jest with me in this free manner. ─── 你敢在我面前这么放肆地开玩笑。

26、It began as a jest and ended as a tragedy. ─── 事情以玩笑开始,以悲剧告终。

27、Why do you jest at my honesty? ─── 你为何要取笑我的诚实?

28、Making the situation bigger than life can help us to regain a humorous perspective, says Patty Wooten, R.N., an award-winning humorist and author of Compassionate Laughter: Jest for the Health of It. ─── 吹嘘实际情形可以帮我们找到幽默的视角,帕蒂.沃特说,他是一位获奖幽默家,“同情的欢笑”一书的作者。

29、He speaks with a disposition of lively rattle, pun, and jest, amusing to a grave man, because it is what he himself can least easily command. ─── 他说起话来,口若悬河,一语双关,诙谐动听,甚至使一个严肃的人也觉得有趣,因为他是最不善于此道的。

30、His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest . ─── 他的答覆看来是半开玩笑半认真的.

31、A true jest is no jest. ─── [谚]真笑话并非笑话。

32、He lit upon some jest books in the bookstore. ─── 他在书店偶然发现了一些笑话集。

33、returned the other, affecting to jest. ─── "另一个假装开玩笑地说。

34、He speaks with a disposition of lively rattle, put, and jest, amusing to a grave man , because it is what he himself can least easily command . ─── 他说起话来,口若悬河,一语双关,诙谐动听,甚至使一个严肃的人也觉得有趣,因为他是最不善于此道的。

35、Direction: Jest daub the floor with upper wax by a wax swob. ─── 使用方汉:用干净蜡拖,涂于物表面,无需抛光。

36、"Ad yet they say orphans are to be pitied," said Danglars, wishing to prolong the jest. ─── “大家说孤儿是应该怜悯的,”腾格拉尔说,借开玩笑来延长时间。

37、O single-soled jest, solely singular for the singleness. ─── 啊,好一个又呆又秃的笑话,真配傻子来说。

38、" The Emperor jested with Ney, who said, " Wellington will not be so simple as to wait for Your Majesty. ─── 内伊也说:“威灵顿不至于简单到候陛下的圣驾吧。”

39、An instance of foolish behavior or speech; a jest. ─── 做蠢事愚蠢言行的事例;玩笑

40、Are you in jest or in earnest? ─── 你在说笑话还是当真的?

41、You jest my lord. None but a fool would undertake such a venture. ─── 你在和我开玩笑,除了傻瓜,没人会参加这个冒险行动。

42、"I know what happiness and what despair are, and I never make a jest of such feelings. ─── “我知道快乐和失望是怎么回事,我从来不拿这种感情开玩笑。

43、To act, perform, or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest. ─── 嘲弄轻率无礼的行事,说话;取笑,开玩笑

44、Then, the financial jest with acerbic only zealous those past economist, what had become American at one's leisure today is newfangled. ─── 于是,那些过去只有尖刻的经济学家热衷的金融笑话,今天已经成为了美国人茶余饭后的最新流行。

45、jested a hussar, whose horse, prancing , sent a spurt of mud on an infantry soldier. ─── 一个骠骑兵开了个玩笑,他骑着的那匹马一踢蹄子,就把烂泥溅到了那个步兵身上了。

46、He was so vain and reckless that he would break a friendship, rather than not break a jest. ─── 他是如此虚荣狂妄, 宁可和人翻脸, 有笑话却不能不说。

47、Do not say that even in jest! ─── 不要说这种话,哪怕是开玩笑,也不要说这种话!

48、Strip majesty of its exterior(the first and last letter) and it become a jest. ─── 剥掉了majesty[威严]的外皮(头尾两个字母)就成为ajest[一则笑话]啦。

49、He is not a man to jest with. ─── 他是个不能开玩笑的人。

50、He had seen no jest in ambiguities and roguery, as the Casterbridges tosspots had done. ─── 他不象卡斯特桥的一般酒鬼,专门在胡说八道和恶作剧里去寻开心。

51、Ah, what a kingly jest was it to open thy palm to a beggar to beg! ─── 呵,这开的是什么样的帝王的玩笑,向一个乞丐伸手求乞!

52、That young man jested at other people's ideas. ─── 那年轻人嘲笑别人的意见。

53、He could not divine what her look signified.whether she spoke in earnest or in jest. ─── 他看不透她脸上的表情,究竟她说的是认真的还是戏谑的。

54、"No, you won't," said Carrie, who was coming to feel a certain faint power to jest with the drummer. ─── “不,你骗人。 "她现在稍稍有了点自信心,敢跟这个推销员开开玩笑了。

55、Tell him man wants him to think method solves a problem, cried the family is met of jest. ─── 告诉他男子汉要自己想办法解决问题,哭了人家会笑话的.

56、He often speaks in jest, and seldom says anything serious. ─── 他那个人就是玩笑话多,正话少。

57、They have pleasant mouths turned up at the corners, to which the great Master of Marionettes has fixed the strings and he holds them in his nimblest fingers to twitch them at the slightest jest. ─── 他们令人愉悦的嘴唇能险中取径;那最细微的俏皮话,如同牵线木偶伟大的主人,用灵敏的手指牵动手中的细绳颤动出它们的动作。

58、Villagers in Jombang in East Java remembered him, as a boy, tied to the flagpole in the front yard for some jest that had gone too far. ─── 原译:东爪哇省班宗县的村民们记得他,那个因为说了太过火的笑话而被系在前院旗杆子上的小男孩。

59、You mustn't jest at me. ─── 你不可以取笑我。

60、Half in jest, First Hostess also dropped me a hint: ─── “第一号”一半嘲弄,一半劝告的说:

61、He's not a man to jest with. ─── 他不是一个可以玩笑的人。

62、Better lose a jest than a friend. ─── (谚语)宁肯少说笑话,决不得罪朋友。

63、Upon whom have you jested? upon whom have you opened your mouth wide, and put out your tongue? are not you wicked children, a false seed. ─── 你们戏谑谁呢?你们向谁张口吐舌呢?不是你们这些反叛的儿子,不忠的后裔。

64、Don't jest with me. ─── 不要和我开玩笑。

65、He could not divine what her look signified, whether she spoke in earnest or in jest. ─── 他看不透她脸上的表情,究竟她说的是认真的还是戏谑的。

66、They jested at the idea that man will someday fly to the moon. ─── 他们嘲笑过关于人总有一天要飞到月球上去的想法。

67、He often breaks a jest. ─── 他时常说笑话。

68、Never jest about serious matters. ─── 千万不要就严肃的事开玩笑。

69、He is indebted to his memory for his jest and to his imagination for his fact. ─── 他的诙谐有赖于记忆力,而其事实则有来于想象力。

70、He teased Mary with a jest. ─── 他说俏皮话逗玛丽。

71、A young machine hand, attracted by her looks, made bold to jest with her. ─── 一位年轻的机工, 被她的美貌所吸引, 壮着胆子跟她开玩笑。

72、cried Caderousse, "ah, sir, do not jest with me!" ─── 卡德鲁斯大声叫道。“啊!先生,您不是在跟我开玩笑吧?”

73、'Ah,' said the other, 'that's jest it. ─── “嗯,”另一个道:“可真是。

74、Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail. ─── 你跟驴子开玩笑,将被驴尾打耳光。

75、You shouldn't jest about other people's misfortune. ─── 你们不该对别人的不幸幸灾乐祸。

76、But in the most secret recesses of her soul the question whether her engagement to Boris were really a mere jest or a solemn, binding promise worried her. ─── 但是在她那隐秘的灵魂深处,她对鲍里斯作出的保证是否是戏言,还是紧要的、具有约束力的诺言,这个问题一直使她觉得难受。

77、He spoke it in a kind of jest, but it was with such an awkward smile. ─── 他用一种说笑的口吻说着,但是说时带着那么不自然的微笑。

78、This, however, was a remark which was confined to the drawing-rooms. The populace, which perceives no jest in holy deeds, was touched, and admired him. ─── 不过那是上层阶级客厅里的一种说法。对圣事活动不怀恶意的人民却感动了,并且十分钦佩主教。

79、"It may," he says, "have been uttered as a whim, in jest. ─── 他说:“可能只是一时兴起的戏言。”

80、He is fond of breaking a jest. ─── 他爱说笑话。

81、Complaining, even in jest, is not a recommended icebreaker. ─── 准备简单的对他说声“对不起,我不是故意的。”

82、Even she does have many shortcomings many ugly aspects, I dont wanna others to censure her jest her. It will be felt like yourself has been censured or jested. ─── 即使她有很多缺点有很多丑陋的地方,我就是不愿意别人指责她、笑话她,就好像是在指责我、笑话我。

83、You cannot be always sure whether he is in jest or earnest. ─── 你总是闹不清他究竟是开玩笑呢还是认真。

84、He spoke in jest when he asked me to marry him. ─── 他以开玩笑的口气向我求婚。

85、"We had a lot of partners 2005, will talk about a hope we grow in the outstanding achievement inside shorter time decuple, everybody feels at that time is jest. ─── “2005年我们有很多合作伙伴,来谈希望我们在比较短时间内业绩增长十倍,那个时候大家觉得是笑话。

86、The spirit of each is sovereign, jest suffices to open the field to the unexpected. ─── 一句玩笑话已够打开一个意外的场面。

87、I told her that Mr. Robert had rattled and jested. ─── 我告诉她洛宾先生老是喋喋不休,乱开玩笑。

88、Ha! You jest about it. ─── 哈,你还耍嘴皮子!

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