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09-18 投稿


supplementary 发音

英:[ˌsʌplɪˈmentri]  美:[ˌsʌplɪˈmentri]

英:  美:

supplementary 中文意思翻译




supplementary 常用词组

supplementary agreement ─── 补充协议;增补协议

supplementary food ─── 补料

supplementary civil action ─── 附带民事诉讼

supplementary 词性/词形变化,supplementary变形


supplementary 短语词组

1、supplementary benefit n. ( ─── 英国的)政府给的额外津贴

2、supplementary cost ─── [经] 补充成本, 辅助成本

3、exchange supplementary duties ─── [经] 外汇附加税

4、supplementary condition ─── [化] 附加条件

5、supplementary design formula ─── [化] 补充设计公式

6、idle time supplementary rate ─── [经] 停工时间(空闲时间)补充率

7、supplementary budget for expenditures ─── [经] 追加经费预算

8、supplementary budget ─── [经] 追加预算

9、supplementary acceleration ─── [机] 补充加速度

10、supplementary account ─── [经] 补助帐户(科目)

11、supplementary balance sheet ─── [经] 补充资产负债表

12、supplementary calls ─── [经] 追缴股款

13、supplementary credit ─── [经] 补充信用状辅助成本

14、supplementary contract ─── [经] 补充契约(合同)

15、supplementary budget for annual receipts ─── [经] 追加岁入预算

16、supplementary angle ─── 补角

17、supplementary characteristic ─── [计] 补充特性

18、supplementary articulation ─── [医] 附加关节, 假关节

19、supplementary appropriations ─── [经] 追加拨款

supplementary 相似词语短语

1、explementary ─── adj.相辅的,辅角的

2、supplementer ─── n.补充,补遗;补充物;附录(supplement的变形)

3、supplementally ─── 补足的地;追加地

4、supplementals ─── 补充

5、complementary ─── adj.补足的;(基因序列等)互补的;补充医学的;辅助性的;互补色的;余角的

6、supplementaries ─── adj.补充的;追加的;n.补充者;增补物

7、supplementarily ─── 增补地(supplementary的副词形式)

8、supplemental ─── adj.补充的(等于supplementary);追加的

9、supplement ─── n.增补(物);补品;增刊;(书籍的)附录;额外服务费用;补角;v.增补,补充

supplementary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She satisfies the work of supplementary property. ─── 她满足于辅助性的工作。

2、They had to get a job to supplement the family income. ─── 他们不得不找一份工作以贴补家庭收入。

3、A supplementary set of keys, usually numerical and arranged like a calculator, added to a keyboard. ─── 一组增设的键盘,通常是数字型的,其排列方式与计算器的排列方式相似,附设在主键盘上。

4、The Charter Card member should have no supplementary cards in the past 6 months upon application. ─── Charter卡会员在申请时须于过去6个月不曾拥有附属卡。

5、Besides, appropriate supplementary teaching materials may be introduced in the light of the progress of the trainees. ─── 另外,导师将按各级既定的教学大纲教授,再会按学员学习进度,加入合适的补充教材。

6、Not applicable when Supplementary Requirement S11 is specified. ─── 当规定了补充要求S11时则不适用。

7、Will they supplement their service offerings? ─── 他们将补充他们的服务提供吗?

8、Whey Proteins As A Food Supplement in HIV-Seropositive Individuals. ─── 乳浆蛋白补充剂用于HIV血清阳性个体。

9、Emergency Caesarean delivery: is supplementary maternal oxygen necessary? ─── 急诊剖腹产增加孕妇氧供应有必要吗?

10、After a supplement to wear personally! ─── 以后补回一只亲手戴上!

11、An accomplice is one who plays a secondary or supplementary role in a joint offence. ─── 在共同犯罪中起次要或者辅助作用的是从犯。

12、Supplement for Western room at Hakone Lake Hotel at HK$100/person. ─── 如于箱根湖滨饭店入住西式房间须另加附加费每位HK$100.

13、He said he 'welcomes' private insurers to offer and expand supplementary health insurance for those who want a higher level of medical care. ─── 他说,他欢迎私人保险公司向那些希望获得更高水平医疗保健服务的人提供并扩大额外的健康保险。

14、And as things stand now, that supplement is indispensable. ─── 今天看来可以说是不可缺少的补充。

15、The various types of fast food will provide supplementary diets for people. ─── 各种类型的快餐为人们提供补充的食谱.

16、The Member asking a question is allowed to ask a short supplementary question on his question. ─── 提出质询的议员可就其质询提出一项简短的补充质询。

17、A supplementary set of keys, usually numericaland arranged like a calculator, added to a keyboard. ─── 一组增设的键盘,通常是数字型的,其排列方式与计算器的排列方式相似,附设在主键盘上。

18、The supplementary reading in sociology led her to a book on village-improvement. ─── 在有关社会学的补充读物里,她读到一本改善乡镇面貌的书。

19、The Mann-Elkins Act of 1910 had become legislation comprehensive in character, not merely supplementary. ─── 1910年的曼-埃尔金斯法成为一项综合立法,不仅仅是补充而已。

20、Activities in each session (bold numbers have supplementary notes, overleaf). ─── 培训内容(粗体数字在次页有补充说明)

21、Do you offer Supplementary Cards on accounts? ─── 您们会否以账户签发附属卡?

22、Penalties are classified as principal and supplementary. ─── 刑法区分为主型和附加刑。

23、Magmas in transit to the surface will further supplement this heat. ─── 向地表运移的岩浆将进一步补充这种热量。

24、MQ: I started a supplement line called Lifestyle Essentials. ─── 传输:我开始了一项补充线称为生活必需品。

25、Mixing Directions: An ideal supplement for babies 8 months and over. ─── 开调方法:八个月以上婴儿理想的辅助食品。

26、Supplement Courtesy Campaign with a Finesse Campaign. ─── 一、把礼貌运动进一步提升为“注重修养”的运动。

27、Loestrin 24 Fe includes an iron supplement. ─── Loestrin24Fe可以给你补铁。

28、He has written a summary for the supplement to a dictionary. ─── 他给这本字典的增补部分写了总结.

29、There is a supplementary water supply in case the rain supply fails. ─── 万一主水源断了, 我们另外有供水的地方。

30、The last 2 balls are the supplementary numbers. ─── 一共抽取8个球,其中前6个是获奖号码,后2个是补充号码。

31、It is a function of their life Studios, a rhythm, a supplement. ─── 它是自己人生运转的一个片场、一段节奏、一种补充。

32、Do you want to invest your cash savings in the Supplementary Retirement Scheme? ─── 您想不想把您的现金存款用来投资辅助退休计划?

33、It is proved that the supplementary readings are very useful to lower classman. ─── 多年课堂教学的实践结果表明,这对学生全面理解这方面的知识有很大的帮助。

34、'The economies of China and Africa are supplementary, ' he said. 'We think Africa will become a very important driver of global growth. ' ─── 他说,中国和非洲经济互为补充,我们认为非洲将成为全球增长的重要动力。

35、The money they get from fruit-picking is often a supplement to incomes earned in the town. ─── 他们靠采摘水果所得的钱常常是城里所挣收入的补贴。

36、First 2 years annual fee is waived, both for principal and supplementary cards. ─── 主卡及附屬卡之年費均獲豁免首2年年費。

37、The rate for an urgent call is twice that of an ordinary call. But the supplementary charge is not doubled. ─── 加急电话的资费是普通电话的两倍,但是附加费不加倍。

38、A book or bound collection of maps,sometimes with supplementary illustrations and graphic analyses. ─── 地图册,图表集将地图装订而成的书册,有时附有增补说明或图表分析。

39、Caltrate should supplement a healthy diet. ─── Caltrate应是健康食谱的补充剂。

40、Rousseau's dream consisted of making the supplement enter metaphysics by force. ─── 卢梭的理想在于使替补强行进入形而上学。

41、S., it is available in teas, tinctures and as a dietary supplement. ─── 在美国,可在茶饮、药酒和膳食补充剂中见到它的踪影。

42、Its designers were not high-end with supplementary lines. ─── 它的设计者没有高端的补充线。

43、Houses are advertised in a supplement of the New York Times. ─── 《纽约时报》的附刊里有房产广告。

44、The company gives him a supplement to pension. ─── 公司给他增补了退休金。

45、We will supplement the warehouse staff with six part - timers during the Christmas rush. ─── 圣诞节繁忙争购期间我们将增加六个临时仓库工作人员。

46、But it seems to me that quite often supplementary information in blog comments stray away from the writer's key objective. ─── 但根据我的观察,很多时候博客评论里补充的信息大多和作者的主要目的无关。

47、Peace and development supplement and complement each other. ─── 和平与发展相辅相成。

48、Dietary Supplement Health and Eduction Act(DSHEA), 1994 in U.S.A. ─── 中华人民共和国卫生部:保健食品管理办法.1996.


50、The two laws are not incompatible and they supplement each other. ─── 因此,两者并不是互相对立的关系,而是适用于不同层面的相辅相成的关系。

51、Develop and supplement related procurement &Logistics policy. ─── 建立和完善相关的采购与物流政策。

52、Pregnant and nursing women should be given supplementary vitamin A. ─── 妊娠和授乳中的妇女应该服用额外的维生素A。

53、To solve these two problems, supplementary medical scheme is recommended. ─── 为解决这两个问题,可采用补充型医疗保险方案。

54、Andro XSrevolutionized the supplement industry. ─── 安珠-XS革命了补剂工业。

55、Accordingly, this Annex provides notes and supplementary provisions to the Agreement. ─── 因此,本附件为本协定提供注释和补充规定。

56、Your dietitian may suggest a nutritional supplement. ─── 你的营养师可能会建议一些营养补品。

57、A supplementary grant may is awarded at the discretion of the committee. ─── 委员会可能酌情追加一笔补助金.

58、She get a part time job to supplement the family income. ─── 她找了一个兼职工作以补充家庭收入。

59、In this plant oil is supplementary to coal as fuel. ─── 在这个工厂,原油是煤的补充燃料。

60、We would provide you with supplementary information upon your specific request. ─── 如贵方另有具体要求,我们当提供补充资料。

61、Supplement would only be given when medically indicated. ─── 婴儿健康上有需要才可添加奶粉。

62、It should be noted that UCS-2 format is identical to UTF-16 format without the supplementary characters support. ─── 应该注意,UCS-2格式与不带补充字符支持的UTF-16格式相同。

63、A bit more supplement: Hope keeps the heart from breaking. ─── 存有希望就不会心碎。

64、Use of supplementary tryptophan to modify the behavior of pigs. ─── 使用补充色氨酸来限制猪的行为。

65、OWF is an ideal supplementary resource for learners to engage in word-building activities during topic-based lessons. ─── OWF 是一个理想的补充资源,让学习者在以主题为基础的课程参与构词活动。

66、Could you issue the supplement coupons? ─── 你们发行增刊的优待券吗?

67、Supplementary information on the estimated cost of the adoption of these new standards is provided in Annex IV. ─── 关于采用此项新标准所需费用概算的补充信息见附件四。

68、We should supplement with lysine for our health. ─── 我们的身体需要适量地补充赖氨酸。

69、I never refuse odd jobs to supplement my income it's all grist to the mill. ─── 我为增加收入,对于做零活总是来者不拒--多多益善。

70、You can also use a tickler file to supplement this. ─── 你也可以使用一个备忘录文件作为增补。

71、A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee. ─── 委员会可能酌情追加一笔补助金。

72、We can use foreigners to supplement but not to replace the indigenous Chinese intellectual and cultural elite. ─── 外来的人才能辅助但不能代替本土的人才。

73、Accidental Total Disability Supplementary Allowance? ─── 全残补助金?

74、I can supplement it for you . ─── 同学,我可以给你补充一下。

75、Supplement description of Paulownia Sieb. & Zucc. ─── 属补充描述

76、We must draft more men to supplement the forces. ─── 我们得征募更多的人以补充兵员。

77、In 1998, I wrote the following poem as a supplementary marriage vow to my wife. ─── 在1998年,我写了以下的诗当作是对我太太的另一项婚姻誓约。

78、At the same time,the government has adopted some necessary economic and administrative measures as supplementary means. ─── 同时,政府也采取一些必要的经济和行政的措施作为辅助手段。

79、You can pay a full-board supplement. ─── 你们可以吃包伙。

80、LifePak is a full-spectrum trace element supplement, including chromium. ─── 如沛是包括铬在内,完善的微量元素补充品,。

81、Supplementary Provisions on Procedures for the Administration of the Raising of Sunk Ships of the P. ─── 中华人民共和国打捞沉船管理办法补充规定。

82、Wood ash and poplar-root soil was better supplementary cultural materials. ─── 以北芪渣为辅料的栽培料效果最佳,菌丝生长快,菌核形成多,其次是杨树根土和草木灰栽培料。

83、She gives private lessons to supplement her income. ─── 她给私人授课以贴补收入。

84、Pyruvate is a new, safe and effective dietary supplement. ─── 丙酮酸是一种新型的,安全有效的膳食补充剂。

85、Only rarely are supplementary worksheets distributed in a maths class. ─── 只有在很少的情况下,才会在数学课上发放补充作业纸。

86、A book or bound collection of maps, sometimes with supplementary illustrations and graphic analyses. ─── 地图册,图表集将地图装订而成的书册,有时附有增补说明或图表分析

87、Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding. ─── 工业界的赞助是对政府拨款的补充。

88、But in everyday things I live by the light of a supplementary set of laws. I'd better call them rules of thumb. ─── 然而,生活中的我还履行著另外一套附加的法则,即经验法则。

89、It is a low fat supplement designed to complement the regular diet. ─── 它是一种为日常营养而设计的低脂肪营养补充剂。

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