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pontiff 发音

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pontiff 中文意思翻译



pontiff 网络释义

n. 主教,教皇;罗马教宗

pontiff 短语词组

1、pontiff sulyvahn ─── 苏利瓦教皇

pontiff 词性/词形变化,pontiff变形

名词复数: pontifices |

pontiff 相似词语短语

1、pontile ─── adj.脑桥的,影响脑桥的;桥的(等于pontine);n.用于制造玻璃的金属棒

2、pontiffs ─── n.主教,教皇;罗马教宗

3、pontific ─── adj.自以为是的;武断的(等于pontifical)

4、goniff ─── n.同性恋男子;vt.从…身上偷窃

5、pontifex ─── n.(古罗马宗教的)大祭司;教皇

6、pontify ─── 庞蒂夫

7、ponties ─── 桥梁

8、pontils ─── n.铁棒

9、pontil ─── n.铁棒

pontiff 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A letter from Viborg pontiff on 1560 among them.This pontiff had three to four house property,and he leased a house to a man named Flank,Nikulas. ─── 其中有1560年维堡主教的一些信,这位主教在维堡市有三四处房产,他把其中的一座房子租给了一个叫尼古拉斯.弗兰肯的人。

2、The pontiff also delivered comments in Spanish, recognizing a growing Catholic population in the Unites States. More than 550 priests were on hand, who distribute communion to the participants. ─── 教皇用西班牙语承认美国的天主教人口在增加。有550多个祭司当时在那里给神父在分发圣餐。

3、The 82-year-old pontiff made the comments in his weekly appearance in St. Peter's Square, already decked with a towering Christmas tree and parts of the creche, the traditional scene depicting Christ's birth in a manger. ─── 这位82高龄的教皇是在出席每周一次的圣彼得广场见面会时说这番话的。 广场已经装饰了高大的圣诞树,部分还布置成了传说中耶酥基督在马槽出生时众人围绕初生婴儿的的情景。

4、During an audience for the general chapter of the Franciscan order in 1909, the pontiff appeared to enter a trance. ─── 在1909年的接近圣方济各修会成员期间,这位教宗明显是进入了一种出神状态。

5、Pope Benedict swapped out his gold-coloured robes for a long-white apron.The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St.John Lateran Basilica in Rome. ─── 教皇本笃十六今日解下金色长袍,换上白色围裙,在罗马圣约翰大教堂为信徒举行了濯足仪式。

6、The pontiff's eco-friendly message says natural resources like water need to be preserved and shared to avoid conflict. ─── 教皇在这段关于善待环境的信息中指出,人们应该节约并共享水资源等自然资源,以避免由争夺资源引起的冲突.

7、Having the dignity, pomp, or authority of a pontiff or a bishop. ─── 有教皇权威的,有教皇身份的具有一位教皇或一名主教的尊严、华贵或权威的

8、The Vatican announced on Friday that the pontiff would have his own YouTube channel. ─── 梵蒂冈周五宣布,主教会拥有他个人的YouTube主页。

9、The pontiff says he hopes to alert people to the issue of climate change. ─── 这位罗马教皇表示他希望他能提醒人们关注气候变化问题。

10、At least eight security officers who were trailing the uncovered popemobile as the pontiff passed by grabbed the man and wrestled him to the ground. ─── 当时至少有8名保安尾随教皇的白色敞篷专车,他们擒住该名男子,并把他按倒在地。

11、The Pontiff is scheduled to arrive Tuesday for his first trip as Pope to the US. ─── 按计划教皇将于星期二到达美国,这是他作为教皇首次赴美。

12、The 82-year-old pontiff made the comments in his weekly appearance in St. Peter's Square,already decked with a towering Christmas tree and parts of the creche,the traditional scene depicting Christ's birth in a manger. ─── 这位82高龄的教皇是在出席每周一次的圣彼得广场见面会时说这番话的。广场已经装饰了高大的圣诞树,部分还布置成了传说中耶酥基督在马槽出生时众人围绕初生婴儿的的情景。

13、As Pope Benedict XVI thanks journalists, the Vatican prepares for the open-air mass in St. Peter's Square that will formally install him as pontiff. ─── 在罗马教皇致词感谢新闻界时,梵蒂冈正在为其在圣彼得广场的露天弥撒做准备,以使他正式就任罗马教皇。

14、The Pontiff challenged the Socialist government's reforms, including gay marriage. ─── 教宗质疑社会党人政府改革,包括同性恋婚姻。

15、The vestments and insignia of a pontiff or a bishop. ─── 主教的祭服,主教的徽章教皇或主教的法衣或徽章

16、On his arrival, the pontiff circled the packed stadium in his popemobile. ─── 他到来了之后,教皇用他的专用公众电话对着充满人的体育馆。

17、The pontiff also delivered comments in Spanish, recognizing a growing Catholic population in the United States. ─── 教皇还用西班牙语发表了演说,认识到在美国天主教徒人数的增长。

18、But the Vatican says the pope's views were distorted and taken out of historic context and that his speech will still be sent to the university even though the pontiff will not deliver it. ─── 但是梵蒂冈的发言人宣称,教皇的观点受到了曲解,并被断章取义。将由其他人替代教皇进行演讲。“可能是凑巧忽略了某些事,”梵蒂冈知情人士对美联社说。

19、The pontiff also made ecific mention of conflicts in Sri Lanka and in Sudan's Darfur region. ─── 教宗特别提到斯里兰卡和苏丹达尔富尔地区的冲突。

20、The office or term of officeof a pontiff. ─── 教皇的职位或任期。

21、1.Pope Benedict was at Yankee Stadium leading the final Mass in his six-day visit to America.Thousands cheered and waved as the pontiff entered in his popemobile. ─── 本尼特教皇在杨基队主场举行了其为期六天美国之行的最后一次集会,当其乘坐坐驾入内时,成千上万的人欢呼雀跃!

22、In a statement issued first on his behalf and then twice in person, the pontiff expressed deep regret for the offence that had been taken. ─── 在首先以他的名义,以后两次又亲自发表的声明中,教皇对造成的冒犯深表歉意。

23、It will mark his first visit to the US as pontiff. ─── 这将是他任职教皇以来首次访问美国。

24、But Christians have turned out at every stop to celebrate Mass with the pontiff. ─── 但是,基督信徒在每一站的哦举行隆重的弥撒迎接教皇。

25、On his arrival, the pontiff circled the packed stadium in his pope mobile. ─── 当罗马教皇到来的时候,他乘坐他的专车环绕拥挤的运动场一圈。

26、Throughout the document, leftish ideas about economics nestle alongside the austere moral reasoning that is a hallmark of the German-born pontiff. ─── 在整份文件中,经济学的左派思想与简朴的道德推理相依偎,简朴的道德推理是这个出生于德国的主教的标志特征。

27、The Pontiff celebrated mass in Mexico City. ─── 教皇在墨西哥城主持了弥撒。

28、The pontiff brought his message of peace to hallowed ground as the popemobile descended the ramp to the lowest levels of the former World Trade Center site. ─── 在教皇乘坐的专车徐徐驶下斜坡抵达前世贸中心遗址的最低一层时,教皇给这个神圣的地方带来了和平的信息。

29、Thousands cheered and waved as the pontiff entered in his popemobile. ─── 当教皇坐驾抵临时,数以万计的人振臂欢呼。

30、For me, I will learn something useful from "Surrealism".But I will not fall into the pontiff by simple imitation. ─── 对于我来说,我会吸取“超现实主义”中的一些有益因素,但不会落于单纯模仿的窠臼之中。

31、The pontiff's critics grumbled that he had not really apologised. ─── 教皇的批评者们指出,教皇并没有真正道歉。

32、Pope Benedict XVI made the final stop of his trip to France, visiting the pilgrimage city of Lourdes. In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism . ─── 教皇B十六世到达了他法国行程的最后一站---拜访圣城洛德斯。在他的布道中,他集中抨击了现代唯物主义的弊端。

33、But the pontiff says that promise was not fulfilled for all in America. ─── 但是教皇说,并不是所有美国人都实现了自己的愿望。

34、His 81th birthday is Wednesday and Saturday will mark the third anniversary of his election as pontiff. ─── 星期三是他81岁的生日,星期六是他当选为教皇的三周年纪念日。

35、supreme pontiff ─── n. 罗马教宗

36、After entering the open “popemobile”,the pontiff was riding around the colonnade. ─── 进入敞蓬的“教皇之车”后,主教环柱廊而行。

37、The pontiff says it is difficult for him to understand how priests could betray their mission to children. ─── 教皇说,他很难理解神父怎么能够背叛他们对儿童的使命。

38、It's thought to be the first time the Pontiff has specifically apologized for the alleged offences. ─── 这被认为是天主教皇第一次特意为被指责的罪行道歉。

39、However, the Pontiff had been too busy and they had been forced to make do with an audience with one of his cardinals. ─── 但是教皇太忙,他们不得已只能谒见了一位大主教了事。

40、Emperor, Caliph, Pontiff, Pope Empire, Caliphate, Pontificate, ─── 皇(教皇、哈里发)皇国(教皇国、哈里发国)

41、It was unclear whether the Pontiff's words would end the backlash. ─── 究竟教皇的话能不能结束这种激烈反应尚不明确。

42、The pontiff noted that America has been generous in helping to meet the world's humanitarian needs, and said diplomacy is the solution to solving disagreements. ─── 教皇指出,美国很慷慨地帮助实现世界人道主义需求。教皇还说,外交是解决分歧的办法。

43、His 81st birthday is Wednesday and Saturday will mark the third anniversary of his election as pontiff. ─── 他的81岁生日在周三,周六将会是他当选为天主主教的三周年纪念日。

44、The ailing pontiff did however appear before the crowd in St. Peter's Square attempting to speak, but opting instead to bless pilgrims silently. ─── 朝圣者。我们再来听第二个播音员说的什么,他说教皇虽然身体欠佳,但还是出现在人群面前,他曾试图讲话,但后来还是默默地向信中祝福。

45、But they also take the pontiff to task on lots of things. ─── 但是,他们也向教皇提及了许多其他事情。

46、The 82-year-old pontiff was standing on a trolley when he was pushed into the basilica. He then sat near the altar to conduct the consecration ─── 现年八十二岁的教宗是站在推车上被推入教堂内,然后坐在圣坛一旁主持祝圣仪式。

47、The letter challenges the pontiff to engage in the thing he says he wants most: a robust, courteous exchange about faith and reason. ─── 信件向教皇发出挑战,要求教皇参加他曾言及的他所最希望看到的事情:一场有关信仰和理性的生动而礼貌的交流。

48、And the Pope faces a major test this week, traveling to his native Germany on his first foreign trip as pontiff for World Youth Day. ─── 教皇于世界青年日到他的故乡德国旅游,这是他首次以教皇身份到国外旅行,也是他本周面临的主要考验。

49、-year-old pontiff stopped twice to bless babies held up to him. ─── 岁的教宗,在此过程中两次停下,赐福那些高高举到自己面前的婴孩。

50、During his trip to the United States Pope Benedict will mark two personal milestones.His 81st birthday is Wednesday and Saturday will mark the third anniversary of his election as pontiff. ─── 在他访问美国的旅途中,教皇B.也将完成他个人的两个里程碑.周三是他的81岁生日周六则是他当选罗马教皇的第三个纪念日.

51、The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St.John Lateran Basilica in Rome. ─── 罗马教皇在罗马圣约翰拉特兰教堂举行一个加冕仪式。

52、The clip was quickly yanked from YouTube, because the Catholic Archdiocese says the toy pontiff was not wearing authentic attire. ─── 但是这个片断被迅速的从优比网上撤掉了,因为天主教的主教说这个玩具教皇没有穿真正的教皇衣服。

53、In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism . ─── 在布道中,教皇主要抨击了现代物质主义的种种弊病。

54、The pontiff wiped sweat from his brow with a handkerchief on a day when health workers treated several hundred of those in attendance for heat stroke. ─── 星期天罗安达当地天气炎热,教皇本笃用方巾擦去额头上的汗水,会场里也有几百人中暑,他们接受了医务工作者的治疗。

55、The pontiff was speaking to pilgrims at his summer palace. ─── 教皇正在其夏宫向朝圣者布教。

56、The Pontiff also urged dialogue and brotherhood between faiths. ─── 教皇同时希望宗教之间有一个和平对话和兄弟关系。

57、The pontiff also delivered comments in Spanish, recognizing a growing Catholic population in the United States. ─── 教皇还用西班牙语发表了他的演说,指出现在美国天主教徒的人数在日益增长。

58、Viborg citizen didn't like Flank,Nikulas,some people wrote letters to pontiff,they said he is a wizard and rascal.They wanted to expel him . ─── 维堡市民不喜欢尼古拉斯.弗兰肯,有些人给主教写信说弗兰肯是个巫师,是个坏蛋,他们想把他赶出维堡市。

59、Some of the protesters called for the arrest of the pontiff when he visits the predominantly Muslim country in late November. ─── 一些抗议者呼吁,在教皇11月底访问穆斯林占人口多数的土耳其时,将教皇抓起来。

60、The pontiff praised America as a land of opportunity and hope. ─── 这是教宗本笃美国朝圣时的首次公开弥撒。

61、She says the late Pontiff cured her Parkinson's disease. ─── 她表示这位已故的主教治愈了她的帕金森氏症。

62、Indeed, the new pontiff was known to be sceptical of the value of that inter-religious dialogue dear to the heart of his predecessor. ─── 事实上,新教皇明确怀疑价值他的前任教皇重视的宗教间的对话政策的价值。

63、His background as a conscript in the Hitler Youth and German army in World War II demanded something more personal and contrite from this particular pontiff. ─── 他在第二次世界大战时作为希特拉青年及德国军的徵兵这个背景,令人期待这个教皇会发表更个人化及更有悔意的感受。

64、Pope John Paul blessed Easter Sunday pilgrims with a sign of the cross. But the ailing pontiff couldn't speak, bringingmany in the crowd to tears. ─── 教皇划十字送祝福,教众感动落泪。

65、From the residence of the nuncio, the Pontiff headed to the White House for an official reception ceremony. ─── 教宗专车途经之处,有很多美国居民 夹道欢迎,圣座大使馆门外也有不少人预先在向教宗祝贺生日快乐。

66、The 82-year-old pontiff made the comments in his weekly appearance in St. ─── 这位82高龄的教皇是在出席每周一次的圣彼得广场见面会时说这番话的。

67、In the message, a beautiful young woman asked the Pontiff to perform a secret marriage. ─── 在这条消息里,一位年轻貌美的女子请求大祭司去主持一场秘密婚礼。

68、His popemobile passed the cheering crowds and while the Whitehouse ceremony crowded 13,000 people sang Happy birthday to the pontiff. ─── 教皇车从欢呼的人群旁驶过,与此同时,白宫的欢迎仪式上13000人为教皇唱起了生日快乐歌。

69、In a statement issued first on his behalf and then twice in person, the pontiff expressed deep regret for the offence that had been taken. ─── 在首先以他的名义,以后两次又亲自发表的声明中,教皇对造成的冒犯深表歉意。

70、Pontiff visited Canada, E-SUN metal detector used to ensured secutiry at echibition place. ─── 罗马教皇访问加拿大,东方企业集团金属探测器产品在安检中使用。

71、He looked tired. However, he was happy to serve the city of Krakow again. He was the local archbishop before he succeeded the office of pontiff in 1978. ─── 他看来疲倦,但很高兴能再次巡牧克拉科市,因为他在一九七八年继任教宗之前,曾担任当地的大主教。

72、The pontiff praised America as a land of opportunity and hope.He expressed grief that the nation's promise fell short for blacks and Indians. ─── 主教赞扬美国是希望和机遇的摇篮,但同时表示美国对黑人和印第安人没有履行承诺,而感到悲伤。

73、At that time, the pontiff, Pope John Paul II may attend the meeting ─── 届时教宗若望保禄二世或将参加这次会议。

74、On his arrival, the pontiff circled the park packed stadium in his popemobile. ─── 教皇到达后,乘坐其座驾环绕满是人群的体育场。

75、The office or term of office of a pontiff. ─── 教皇的职位或任期

76、The pontiff says it is difficult for him to understand how priests could betray their mission to children. ─── 教皇说,他很难理解神父怎么能够背叛他们对儿童的使命。

77、He spoke before thousands in Amman international stadium, the pontiff called on Middle East Christians to hold to their faith despite hardships threatening their communities. ─── 在安曼国际体育场,有数千人参加集会。教皇号召中东基督教信徒不管遇到多么大的困难都要坚持信仰。

78、On his arrival, the pontiff circled the parked stadium in his pope mobile. ─── 当他到达的时候,这位教皇坐在教皇专车里环绕体育场。

79、1、This cute little dog is wearing a Pope outfit to celebrate the Pontiff's visit to his native Germany. The costume was designed by owner Hildegard Bergbauer. ─── 一只小狗身穿教皇服装,以庆祝罗马教皇访德。为了庆祝罗马天主教皇本笃十六世访问家乡德国,巴伐利亚州的一位居民给自己的狗狗也设计了一套教皇服装。

80、In his first interview as pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI warned yesterday that Europe was caught up in a crisis of "self-pity" and lacked belief. ─── 就任后第一次受访,教宗本笃16世在15日提出警告,表示欧洲陷入自怜的危机,并且缺乏信仰的力量。

81、the Sovereign Pontiff ─── 罗马教皇

82、On his arrival the pontiff circled the packed stadium in his pope mobile. ─── 在教皇到达后,他乘坐着汽车围绕着拥挤的体育场行进。

83、The German-born pontiff said that his visit aimed at "dialogue, brotherhood, a commitment for understanding between cultures, between religions, for reconciliation." ─── 这位德国出生的罗马教皇说他此次拜访的目的是“对话,手足情谊,不同文化与宗教间相互理解、相互包容的义务。”

84、He was the first non-Italian pontiff after 455 years, and the first Polish one.His 26-year reign was the third-longest pontificate. ─── 他是455年来第一位非意大利籍主教, 也是第一位担任该职位的波兰人,而他26年的统治也是历史上第三长的主教任期。

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