lurching 发音
英:[ˈlɜːtʃɪŋ] 美:[ˈlɜːrtʃɪŋ]
英: 美:
lurching 中文意思翻译
lurching 词性/词形变化,lurching变形
动词过去分词: lurched |动词第三人称单数: lurches |副词: lurchingly |动词过去式: lurched |动词现在分词: lurching |
lurching 短语词组
1、lurching allowance ─── 倾斜裕量
2、lurching from ─── 蹒跚而行
3、lurching grief ─── 悲痛欲绝
4、lurching into ─── 陷入
5、lurching gait ─── 蹒跚步态
6、lurching back ─── 颠簸着退后
7、lurching up ─── 蹒跚而行
lurching 相似词语短语
1、lunching ─── v.为…供应午餐;吃午饭(lunch的现在分词形式)
2、birching ─── n.桦木;桦树;桦条;vt.用桦条鞭打;n.(Birch)人名;(英、西)伯奇;(瑞典)比尔克
3、clutching ─── [机]离合器
4、arching ─── n.弓状结构;拱架;拱作用;adj.形成拱的;v.成弓形弯曲;成弓形(arch的ing形式)
5、Kuching ─── n.古晋(马来西亚)
6、glunching ─── 胶合
7、churching ─── n.安产感谢礼;v.把(某人,尤指产后妇女)带到教堂接受某种宗教仪式(church的ing形式)
8、lurchingly ─── 蹒跚地
9、launching ─── n.发射;下水;创设;v.发射;发动;开始从事(launch的ing形式)
lurching 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Careen: To lurch or swerve while in motion. ─── 在运动过程中突然侧倾或偏斜。
2、to lurch about a place ─── 在某地方悄悄逡巡
3、He got what he wanted and left me in the lurch as a scapegoat. ─── 他倒称心如意了, 却叫我一人背黑锅。
4、Street, Hollywood and Detrait are also left in the lurch. ─── [参考译文]同样也陷于困境的有华尔街,好莱坞和底特律。
5、An impulsive stride, with one lurch to right and left of the shoulders brought him to the table. ─── 他凭着冲动迈一大步,肩膀子左一摇右一摆的,就到了桌子边。
6、She braked the car with a lurch. ─── 她猛然刹住车。
7、Quite funding the operations of the company by then and ceased all forms of communication with the 'reluctant' resident director, leaving the latter in a lurch. ─── 处在这种情况下,常驻董事只好依法继续执行他的法定职责。
8、Nay, they left them in the lurch: but that was their falsehood and their invention. ─── 不然,他们已回避他们了。那是他们的妄言,也是他们所伪造的。
9、Also left in the lurch: Wall Street, Hollywood, and Detroit. ─── [结构简析]这句句子连接上文而说。
10、"Oh, Mr.Fox," shouted the cat."You and your hundred tricks are left in the lurch. ─── “哎呀,狐狸先生,”猫喊道,“你的千百种本领就这么给扔掉了!
11、leave sb. in the lurch ─── v. 在某人有难时离去
12、As governments, we stumble from crisis to crash programme, lurching into the future without plan, without hope, without vision. ─── 作为政府,我们只是从一个危机走向一个毁灭,毫无计划、毫无希望、毫无远见,在通往未来的道路上磕磕碰碰。
13、Peering in the window, Nathan felt his heart lurch in horror: a figure was slumped across the seat! ─── 从车窗往里一看,内森感到自己的心因恐惧而猛地一抽:有个人倒在车座上!
14、Extensor lurch ─── 伸肌倾斜
15、They will not leave you in the lurch. ─── 他们不会在你有困难时袖手旁观的。
16、Harry turned to look at her and his stomach gave a weird lurch as though he had missed a step going downstairs. ─── 哈利转身望着她,他的胃奇怪地翻动着,仿佛踩空了楼梯。
17、To stumble around; lurch. ─── 四处徘徊;举步蹒跚
18、I wonder what he made that lurch for, he thought. ─── 不知道这鱼为什么刚才突然摇晃了一下,他想。
19、Ice streams moving through an ice sheet leave crevasses at their sides as they lurch forward. ─── 冰流穿越冰原而移动,当它踉跄前进时,会在两侧留下冰隙并形成缺口。
20、Harry was only asking for a small loan. How could you have left such an old friend in the lurch. ─── 哈里只要借一点钱,你怎能把这样一个老朋友置于困难中而不顾呢!
21、He ran lurching down the steep slope to the road. ─── 他蹒跚着冲下陡峭的山坡,来到公路上。
22、He's lurching right when it suits him, and he's zigging with the kind of reckless abandon that's guaranteed to cause disillusion, if not whiplash. ─── 其政策导向将适时转向右翼.如果不对他予以口诛笔伐,奥巴马左右摇摆的肆意胡为注定会使人们对他的幻想走向破灭.
23、leave someone in the lurch ─── 不顾别人的安危
24、However, in an interview, Mr Wu worried that some recent developments in China suggested a populist lurch. ─── 但是,在一次采访中,吴稼祥担心中国近来的一些发展显示民粹主义倾向。
25、He walked with a lurch. ─── 他步履蹒跚。
26、An impulsive stride, with one lurch to right and left of the shoulders, brought him to the table, where he began affectionately handling the books ─── 他冲动地迈出一大步,双肩左右一晃扑到了桌边,急切地翻起书来。
27、You mustn't leave them in the lurch like that. ─── 你不能在他们处于现在这样狼狈状态而不管。
28、AT FIRST glance, Nokia, the world's biggest handset-maker, seems to be lurching about. ─── 乍一看,最大手机设备制造商诺基亚似乎策略有所倾斜。
29、The next time you lurch towards the toilet-roll holder, will you choose to use a few sheets fewer to reduce your carbon footprint, no matter how infinitesimally small the saving might be? ─── 下一回,你成了厕纸“吝啬儿”,你会选择使用更少碳排放的厕纸,无论这个减少有多么小?
30、Earthquake, the enemy of human happiness, is always lying at lurch. ─── 地震,这个人类幸福的大敌,总是伺机作恶。
31、He said the rupture represented a "lurching" across the fault surface of about 50 feet. ─── 他说这个断裂表明断层表面有一道约50英尺的“突倾”。
32、"We were all pro-American (during the war) but then America left us in the lurch and everything went to pieces, including Afghanistan." [... ─── “我们都是亲美的(在战争期间),但是后来美国在我们危难之时弃我们于不顾,一切都瓦解了,包括阿富汗。”(......
33、In the decades to come, Asia-- home to more than half the world's6.3 billion people-- will lurch from one climate extreme to another, with impoverished farmers battling droughts, floods, diseases, food shortages and ever rising sea levels. ─── 在未来几十年里,亚洲(球63亿人口中超过一半人的家园)气候将从一个极端走向另一个极端,贫困的农民将和干旱、水、病、物短缺以及不断升高的海平面进行斗争。
34、I'm going to check on the driver. he told Kelly, racing into the ravine. Peering in the window, Nathan felt his heart lurch in horror: a figure was slumped across the seat! ─── “我去看看驾车人,”他对凯丽说着,往隘谷疾跑下去。从车窗往里一看,内森感到自己的心因恐惧而猛地一抽:有个人倒在车座上!
35、The yen has risen against the dollar since June but there has been no sharp lurch higher; perhaps because the Japanese economy is itself weak. ─── 从6月起,日元兑美金的比价在上升,但是没有突涨,这可能是由于日本经济本身很弱。
36、Donald always seems to be short of cash and make a habit of lurching from one misadventure to the next. ─── 唐老鸭好像总是缺钱花,好像习惯于从一个不幸摇摇摆摆地走向另一个不幸。
37、The enemy of human happiness is always lying at lurch. ─── 人类幸福的大敌总是伺机进行破坏的。
38、What explains this leftward lurch? ─── 如何解释左翼联盟的惨败?
39、Harry was only asking for a small loan. How could you have left such an old friend in the lurch? ─── 哈里只要借一点钱,你怎能把这样一个老朋友置于困难中而不顾呢?
40、Poor Sylvia got left in the lurch. ─── 可怜的西而维亚在危难中被人遗弃了。
41、Trendelenburg lurch ─── Trendelenburg倾斜
42、She pushed his hand out of the way, causing the pot to lurch and send one boiling wave cresting onto John's exposed wrist. ─── 她把他的手推开,结果把壶给弄歪了,滚开的水洒到了约翰裸露的手腕上。
43、Indeed, corporate-bond spreads did edge higher earlier this year, before taking another downward lurch in the autumn. ─── 事实上,在秋季出现向下走势之前,公司债券息差确实在本年初缓缓上升。
44、His heart gave a lurch when he saw her. ─── 他见到她时心怦然一跳。
45、This is the fire sale of a continent lurching from the farm to the factory. ─── 这是一个从农场到工厂转化的大陆贱卖的土地资源。
46、At any time a kick on the shins will cause the strongest man to lurch forward and stick out his chin leaving him open for a chin jab or uppercut. ─── 任何时候,对胫骨的一记猛踢会使最强壮的人向前趔趄,下颌伸出,暴露在掌根或上勾拳的打击之下。
47、How could you have the heart to leave the kids in the lurch and went out traveling yourself? ─── 你怎么能忍心放下两个孩子不管自己去旅游那?
48、By dawn of October 2, the ship began to lurch and stagger, Lt Colonel Stewart authorized a small party to attempt to break out, and Lieut. ─── 10月2日拂晓,“里斯本丸”船体明显地左右摇晃起来。
49、They soon found walking sticks. I laughed as I watched Wes lurching along the trail ahead of me struggling with all his gear. ─── 韦斯带着他的全部装备在我前面费劲地沿山道蹒跚而行,看见此景我笑了起来。
50、AT FIRST glance, Nokia, the world's biggest handset-maker, seems to be lurching about. ─── 乍一看,最大手机设备制造商诺基亚似乎策略有所倾斜。
51、George Pataki and U.S.Rep.Pete King as possible GOP candidates for Senate, Giuliani said: "I don't feel that I've left the party in the lurch. ─── 乔治保陶基和美国众议员金恩尽可能为参议院共和党候选人朱利安尼说:“我不觉得我留在党陷入了困境。”
52、You must not leave them in the lurch like that . ─── 你不能让他们处于现在这样狼狈的状态而不管。
53、In the decades to come, Asia-- home to more than half the world's6.3 billion people-- will lurch from one climate extreme to another, with impoverished farmers battling droughts, floods, disease, food shortages and rising sea levels. ─── 在未来几十年里,亚洲(球63亿人口中超过一半人的家园)气候将倾向另一个极端,贫困的农民将和干旱、水、病、物短缺以及不断升高的海平面进行斗争。
54、lurching allowance ─── 倾斜裕量
55、That's the feeling that many Americans have today -- as if we are lurching through an economic storm with no one in charge. ─── 这是美国目前很多人的担心,在经济震荡下是否有人在引领我们。
56、But there will be occasions to come where he deserves the glory and gurgle boy or lurch will steal it. ─── 不过这种场合下他是那个应该感到荣耀的快乐的小伙子,或者其它场合,步履蹒跚的人会偷走他的胜利。
57、The economy is lurching along on IMF-provided crutches, just a few months from the next crisis. ─── 巴基斯坦经济拄着国际货币基金组织提供的拐杖步履蹒跚,而下一个经济危机再过几个月又回到来。
58、One by one the soldiers around him stumbled back, turning to run sobbing or praying down the hill, lurching into the darkness of the girdling trees. ─── 围绕在他四周的卫兵们,一个接一个地踉跄后退,转身跑开,有人哭泣着跑下山,有人祈祷着跑下山,有人冲进周围黑暗的树丛里。
59、We may find the heroics of D-Day stirring in the extreme.We may struggle to imagine the special hell of those beaches, the almost despairing lurch of the landing craft as they motored toward France. ─── 今天我们仍然会因为想到诺曼底登陆那天的英雄壮举而心潮澎湃,我们可能会尽力去想象当年海滩上地狱般的激战,仿佛看到冲向法国海岸的登陆艇在波涛中绝望地颠簸前行。
60、He felt the quick, liquid, spastic lurching of the gun against his shoulder. ─── 他感到枪托迅速,滑溜,痉挛地撞在自己的肩头上。
61、Their pitchers lurch suddenly, and water spills when they reach this spot. ─── 她们的水瓶忽然倾倒,水倒出来了,当她们走到这地点的时候。
62、Reason and Countermeasure about Lurching of "three soft" Unstable Coal Seam Drift Supporting ─── "三软"不稳定煤层走向巷道支架倾斜原因及对策
63、The lurch and outlet of the state-owned WR management basic unit ─── 国有基层水管单位困境及其出路
64、The Prince gathered up his reins; but the old man, lurching forward, touched his stirrup. ─── 王子挽起了马缰;但是老头踉跄向前,摸着他的马镫子。
65、" In fact they will have lost their souls, and the things they invented will leave them in the lurch. ─── 他们确已亏折了自身,他们所捏造的事已回避他们了。
66、He walks with a lurching gait, scarcely moving. ─── 他脚步蹒跚,几乎没往前移动。
67、She had to stand in the aisle.As the lurching vehicle pulled her in all directions, her gloom deepened. ─── 她只好站在过道上,车颠簸着,让她四处摇晃站立不稳, 这更加重了她的烦躁。
68、George quitted his job, leaving his boss in the lurch. ─── 乔治辞职了,使他的老板陷入困境。
69、They had begun to disperse, lurching here and there muttering, singing; sailors on the deck of insane destiny. ─── 他们已开始散去了,东倒西歪地颠跳着,咕哝着、唱着,个个都是精神病这块命运甲板上的水手。
70、Twenty five years ago, Mozambique and Namibia were also being torn apart by war and Ghana was lurching from coup to coup. ─── 25年前,莫桑比克和纳米比亚也是被战争搞得分崩离析,加纳也曾被一波又一波的冲击弄得举步维艰。
71、leave sb in the lurch ─── 在某人危难时舍弃不顾
72、Their pitchers lurch suddenly, and water spills when they reach this spot. ─── 她们的水瓶忽然倾倒,水倒出来了,当她们走到这地点的时候。
73、How could you have the heart to leave the kids in the lurch and went out traveling yourself ─── 你怎么能够忍心放不两个孩子不管自己去旅游呢
74、"In such a situation, you are not supposed to leave the children in the lurch" ─── 在这种情况下,你不能放下这些孩子们不管
75、If Labour loses its hinterland, what remains of the union might lurch to the right under an entrenched Tory majority. ─── 如果工党失去了它的腹地,那么联合王国内剩余的力量就会右倾,倒向根基稳固、占大多数的托利党之下。
76、The (deities) they used to invoke aforetime will leave them in the lurch, and they will perceive that they have no way of escape. ─── 他们生前所祈祷的,将回避他们,他们将确信自己无所逃罪。
77、"In such a situation, I wouldn't leave them in the lurch" ─── 在这种情况下,我不会丢下他们不管的
78、Toshiba offered free repairs and compensation for faulty laptop computers sold in the U.S. While Chinese buyers were left in the lurch. ─── 同样地,东芝公司对在美国卖出的瑕疵笔记型电脑不仅免费修理并且提供赔偿,却丢下中国用户不管。
79、As usual, the bus was late - and jammed. She had to stand in the aisle. As the lurching vehicle pulled her in all directions, her gloom deepened. ─── 公车象往常一样晚点且拥挤不堪。她只好站在过道上。车颠簸的她四处摇晃站立不稳,更加重了她的烦躁。
80、Their relationship seems to lurch from one crisis to the next. ─── 他们的关系好像坎坷不平,危机不断。
81、leave (someone) in the lurch ─── 临危舍弃(某人),把(某人)丢弃在困境里
82、It has been suggested that the ground movements were a form of lurch movements. ─── 地震的地面运动曾被认为是一种突然倾斜的运动形式。
83、Wall Street, Hollywood and Detrait are also left in the lurch. ─── 同样也陷于困境的有华尔街,好莱坞和底特律。
84、But we must accept that, left to their own devices, they will lurch dangerously in both directions. ─── 但是我们必须承认,如果任由其自生自灭,那么无论政治还是经济都将陷入危险境地。
85、However, it was not true that state authority had no boundary in rural society.Frequently, the desirability of official policy gone by the board, got into lurch and encountered irony. ─── 但是同时,国家权威在乡村社会也不是没有边界,也常有政策愿望落空、陷入困境及遭遇反讽的时候。
86、But with one small lurch he could break it. ─── 可是只消鱼稍微歪一歪,就能把钓索绷断。
87、The unfortunate natives were left in the lurch . ─── 倒霉的当地人就在危险时被舍弃不顾了。
88、Ultimately, members of her staff say, she had no interest in lurching from crisis to crisis as presidential advisers see fit. ─── 她的职员说,对于总统顾问们习以为常的在危机中摸爬滚打的事儿她一点也不感兴趣。
89、As governments, we stumble from crisis to crash program, lurching into the future without plan, without hope, without vision. ─── 作为政府,我们从危机到项目停摆一路跌跌撞撞,蹒跚地步如未来,没有计划,没有希望,也没有远见。
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