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09-19 投稿


irreducibility 发音

英:[[ɪrɪdju:sə'bɪlɪtɪ]]  美:[[ɪrɪdju:sə'bɪlɪtɪ]]

英:  美:

irreducibility 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 不可约性


irreducibility 短语词组

1、irreducibility tests ─── 不可约性判别法

irreducibility 词性/词形变化,irreducibility变形


irreducibility 相似词语短语

1、ineducability ─── n.不可教性

2、inducibility ─── n.可诱导性(指酶分子在存有适当的去阻遏物的情况下可以诱导产生)

3、irrefutability ─── n.不可辩驳的事;不可反驳性

4、irrevocability ─── n.不能挽回的事

5、irreducibly ─── adv.不能减少地;不能简化地

6、deducibility ─── n.可推断性

7、irreproducibility ─── n.[经]非再生性

8、irreductibility ─── 不可约性

9、reducibility ─── n.[化学]还原能力,[化学]还原性;[数]可约性

irreducibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Irreducibility for Strongly Continuous Cosine Operator Functions ─── 强连续余弦算子函数的不可约性

2、Atomic implies indivisibility and irreducibility, so an atomic operation must be performed entirely or not performed at all. ─── 这里“原子”的意思是看不见和不可分,因此原子操作要么必须全部做完,要么一点也不做。

3、In the meantime, the matrix's eigenwert and nonsingular problem was analyzed under the condition of irreducibility and diagonally dominance. ─── 另一方面,从若干角度分析了在不可约且对角占优条件下,矩阵的特征值和奇异性问题。

4、Abstract: As known today, brain, one of a classic giant system, is characterized by open complexity.While mind, brain’s advances functional property, is irreducibility. ─── 摘要: 人脑是目前所知具有开放复杂性特征的典型巨系统之一,而心智作为人脑的高级功能属性具有不可还原性。

5、irreducibility test ─── 不可约判别法

6、Some Critical Theorems of the Irreducibility of the Integer Polynomial in the Rational Field ─── 整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的几个判定定理

7、irreducibility criterion ─── 不可约性判别准则

8、deterministic irreducibility ─── 确定性不可归约性

9、This paper is a further effort to investigate the irreducibility of this semigroup. ─── 文中将进一步讨论该半群的性质,证明该半群是不可约的。

10、Atomic implies indivisibility and irreducibility, so an atomic operation must be performed entirely or not performed at all. ─── 这里“原子”的意思是看不见和不可分,因此原子操作要么必须全部做完,要么一点也不做。

11、The Irreducibility and Isomorphism of Piecewise Algebraic Sets ─── 分片代数集合的不可约性和同构

12、point of irreducibility ─── 不可约性点

13、Irreducibility for Strongly Continuous Cosine Operator Functions ─── 强连续余弦算子函数的不可约性

14、In the meantime, the matrix's eigenwert and nonsingular problem was analyzed under the condition of irreducibility and diagonally dominance. ─── 另一方面,从若干角度分析了在不可约且对角占优条件下,矩阵的特征值和奇异性问题。

15、of teaching activities is a special complex system; it has the characteristics of non-linear, irreducibility, self-organization, contingency, openness etc. ─── 课堂教学活动是一个特殊的复杂系统,具有非线性、不可还原性、自组织性、偶然性和开放性等特征。

16、it has the characteristics of non -linear, irreducibility, self -organization, contingency, openness etc. ─── 课堂教学活动系统的复杂性探索,为组织课堂教学活动带来诸多启示。

17、Strong irreducibility of operator weighted shifts ─── 算子权移位的强不可约性

18、Irreducibility Testing and Learning Algorithms of Multivariate Polynomials Based on Algebra Neural Networks Model ─── 基于代数神经网络的多元多项式不可约判定及学习算法

19、Inguinal hernia with irreducibility ─── 不能还纳性腹股沟疝

20、case irreducibility ─── 事件不可简化

21、The M-radical of V(CFT type) is determined and a criterion for irreducibility of an admissble module for an arbitrary vertex operator superalgebra V is given. ─── 设V是一个顶点算子超代数,M是一个可容许的V-模.刻划了V的M-根(V是CFT型的),并给出了一个可容许V-模不可约性的差别准则

22、The M-radical of V (CFT type) is determined and a criterion for irreducibility of an admissble module for an arbitrary vertex operator superalgebra V is given. ─── 刻划了V的M-根(V是CFT型的),并给出了一个可容许V-模不可约性的差别准则。

23、A Discussion of the Irreducibility of the Integer Polynomial in the Rational Field ─── 整系数多项式在有理数域上的不可约性

24、Multiple cultures mainly contain two implications: the coexistence of many cultures and irreducibility. ─── 多元文化主要有多种文化共存和不可化约性两层蕴涵。

25、Despite Nietzsche's downright contempt for the social-which is highly problematic too, the Nietzschean caveat is precisely the irreducibility of the individual to the soical. ─── 尽管尼采对于社会性的轻视不是没有问题,但是尼采对那些将个体性化约到社会性的计画的批判,对于任何认真于培力政治和转化政治的人而言,则是不能不面对的。

26、The issue is closely parallel to that of the irreducibility of teleological explanation. ─── 这个议题平行于对不可还原的目的论解释。

27、casus irreducibility ─── 事件不可约性

28、Irreducibility and spectral radius of random bipartite tournament matrices ─── 随机二部竞赛矩阵的不可约性和谱半径

29、weakly irreducibility ─── 弱不可约

30、One-dimension uniformity testing is extended, irreducibility and frequency slots lingering are suggested.Frequency slots lingering is put forward to test the performance of DFH patterns. ─── 将常规跳频图案的一维均匀性检验进行了扩充,同时建议采用不可约性、频隙滞留检验,其中频隙滞留是本文提出应用于差分跳频图案性能的检验。

31、Irreducibility and spectral radius of random bipartite tournament matrices ─── 随机二部竞赛矩阵的不可约性和谱半径

32、topological irreducibility ─── 拓扑不可约性

33、Some of its aspects include data organization, sampling, irreducibility (or redundancy) and the interplay between the local and global character of the representation and/or of the classifier. ─── 复杂度的问题关系到数据的组织方法、取样方法、还原性(或冗余性),还有表示方法和分类器中的局部和全局特征之间的相互影响。

34、On the Irreducibility and Reducibility on Maximum Genus of Graphs ─── 关于图的最大亏格的可约与不可约性

35、It is also a form of dualism, because it allows the irreducibility of mental states and properties. ─── 它也是一种二元论形式,因为它承认心理状态和属性的不可还原性。

36、Multiple cultures mainly contain two implications: the coexistence of many cultures and irreducibility. ─── 多元文化主要有多种文化共存和不可化约性两层蕴涵。

37、system of educational activities is a special complex system, it has the characteristics of nonlinear, irreducibility, self organization, contingency etc. ─── 教育活动系统是一个特殊的复杂系统,具有非线性、不可还原性、自组织性、偶然性等特征。

38、Eisentein Discrimination Method 1 to decide the irreducibility of the multinomial polynomial of integral coefficients is one of the main methods offered in higher algebra. ─── 判定整系数多项式的不可约性,艾森斯坦因判别法[1](以下简称“艾法1”)是高等代数中给出的主要方法之一。

39、This paper is a further effort to investigate the irreducibility of this semigroup. ─── 文中将进一步讨论该半群的性质,证明该半群是不可约的。

40、strong irreducibility ─── 强不可约性


42、absolute irreducibility ─── 绝对不可约性

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