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09-19 投稿


infringement 发音

英:[ɪn'frɪn(d)ʒm(ə)nt]  美:[ɪn'frɪndʒmənt]

英:  美:

infringement 中文意思翻译



infringement 词性/词形变化,infringement变形

动词过去式: infringed |动词现在分词: infringing |名词: infringer |动词第三人称单数: infringes |动词过去分词: infringed |

infringement 短语词组

1、infringement of patent ─── [法] 侵犯专利权

2、copyright infringement ─── [法] 侵犯著作权

3、infringement of title ─── [法] 侵犯所有权

4、slight infringement ─── 轻微侵权

5、infringement of territorial sovereignty ─── [法] 侵犯领土主权

6、unlawful infringement ─── [法] 不法侵害

7、infringement of rights ─── [法] 侵犯权利

8、unwarranted infringement ─── [法] 无端侵犯

9、infringement of copyright ─── [经] 版权的侵犯

10、copyright infringement suit ─── [法] 侵犯著作权诉讼

11、infringement of trade mark ─── [经] 商标权的侵犯

12、patent infringement ─── [经] 侵犯专利

13、infringement of freedom ─── [法] 侵犯自由

14、infringement of trademark ─── 侵犯商标专用权

15、infringement of trade marks ─── [法] 侵犯商标权

16、infringement case ─── 侵权案件

17、infringement of patent right ─── [经] 专利权(特许权)的侵犯

18、trade mark infringement ─── [经] 侵犯商标专用权

19、innocent infringement ─── 非有意侵权

infringement 相似词语短语

1、infringements ─── 侵犯;违反(infringement的名词复数)

2、infringe on ─── 侵犯;侵害;破坏

3、inshrinement ─── 宣誓

4、impingement ─── n.冲击;影响;侵犯

5、noninfringement ─── 不侵犯

6、noninfringements ─── 不侵权

7、unhingement ─── 精神错乱

8、arrangement ─── n.布置;整理;准备;安排

9、abridgement ─── n.节略,缩写;减少

infringement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In Article 94 the acts and omissions, which constitute infringement of a CPVR is described. ─── 在第94条中针对于一些行为或疏忽而构成侵权加以描述。

2、Case of Infringement of Trademark: Beijing Pudun Clothes Manufacturing Co., Ltd. V. Beijing Xianzi Clothing Co., Ltd. ─── 北京市普顿服装制造有限责任公司诉北京市仙姿制衣有限公司侵犯商标权纠纷案。

3、The state has adopted measures to efectively protect women's rights against infringement. ─── 国家采取各种措施,切实保护妇女各项权利不受侵犯。

4、Pitt pure water infringement suit in 1996 is the typical case. ─── 1996年的“碧纯”水侵权案就是典型的关联公司之间的诉讼。

5、Monsanto accused Bowman of patent infringement and won an $ 84,456 damage award. ─── Monsanto 指控鲍曼侵犯专利权,从而得到了84456美元的赔偿金。

6、Patent infringement litigation between Pfizer and Ranbaxy over Lipitor will continue in Finland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark and Romania. ─── 专利侵权诉讼之间的辉瑞和兰伯西超过立普妥将继续在芬兰,西班牙,葡萄牙,丹麦和罗马尼亚。

7、Islamabad says the strikes are an infringement of its sovereignty and are counterproductive in the battle against extremists. ─── 伊斯兰堡称空袭是对其国家主权的危害而且在与极端主义者的斗争中起到反作用。

8、Carrie felt this question to be an infringement on her liberty. ─── 嘉莉觉得这个问题是对她的自由的侵犯。

9、to which one comment replied that theft was a crass term to call copyright infringement. ─── 对此,一条帖子回复道,把著作权侵犯行为称作偷窃是愚蠢的。

10、What are the criminal liabilities under copyright infringement? ─── 侵犯版权会带来甚麽刑事责任?

11、Therefore, we must adopt the corresponding relief and the protective measures to dodge the network publication copyright infringement question. ─── 因此,必须采取相应的救济与保护措施来规避网络出版物著作权侵权问题。

12、No infringement will be permitted. ─── 不许有违。

13、Sanctioning infringement in relation to the law, required technical measures. ─── 制裁侵权行为,需要技术措施。

14、Otherwise by legal way solution right infringement dispute. ─── 否则将以法律方式解决侵权纠纷。

15、That law is an out-and-out infringement of our civil rights. ─── (那项法令完全侵犯了我们的公民权。)

16、Are Clinical Trials Exempted from Liability for Patent Infringement? ─── 专利药品的新药临床实验不构成专利侵权?

17、China's system of basing filing fees on the amount of damages requested makes large-scale infringement actions unnecessarily costly. ─── 中国以请求的损害赔偿额为基数计算诉讼案件受理费的体制,使提起大规模侵权诉讼的费用变得不必要地昂贵。

18、The State protects the lawful rights and interests of schools and other institutions of education from infringement. ─── 国家保护学校及其他教育机构的合法权益不受侵犯。

19、"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom" (William Pitt the Younger). ─── “迫不得已是每一次侵犯人身自由的借口” (小威廉·皮特)

20、Buyer shall promptly notify Seller of any infringement by a third party of intellectual property rights licensed to Buyer under this Contract. ─── 买方应将第三方侵犯本合同项下许可给买方的知识产权及时通知卖方。

21、After two questions, it is the courts in recent years web for video copyright infringement trial mode to be explored. ─── 后两个问题则是对近年法院针对视频网站版权侵权审判方式加以探讨。

22、This is a universally accepted principle of international law that the territory sovereignty doesn't admit of infringement. ─── 一个国家的领土不容侵犯,这是国际法中尽人皆知的准则。

23、In another example,Hong Kong's Sendon International Co.,Ltd. brought suit against Shenzhen's Huada Electronics Co. Ltd. for trademark infringement. ─── 又如,香港山顿国际有限公司诉深圳华达电子有限公司侵犯商标专用权纠纷案。

24、Infringement liability can be divided into injunctions and damages.Fault liability applies to injunctions, and no-liability applies to damages. ─── 侵权责任可分为停止侵权和损害赔偿,停止侵权使用无过错责任原则,损害赔偿则适用过错责任原则。

25、You know, is government the only infringement on personal liberty? ─── 你知道,政府是唯一侵犯个人自由的实体吗?

26、However, if only emphasize news infringement will limit news workers idea, influent democratic aura which is not easy to get therefore it is baneful. ─── 但从另一角度讲,过多地强调新闻侵权又会束缚新闻从业人员的思想,打压来之不易的民主气氛,同样是有害的。

27、Do you handle cases of patent and trademark infringement? ─── 你们受理专利和商标侵权的案件吗?

28、Thirdly, Judicial Interpretation on IPR Infringement Crimes was smoothly promulgated. ─── 三,顺利出台了知识产权侵权刑事犯罪司法解释。

29、One of the most flagrant of infringement of independence of States is intervention. ─── 公然侵犯国家独立的行为之一是干涉。

30、Unfortunately, it appears patent infringement and suchlike is a fact of life for inventors. ─── 不幸的是,对于发明家而言,专利侵权以及诸如此类的遭遇似乎是无法改变的事实。

31、Reformatting of material to make it accessible should not be considered an infringement of copyright and should be considered as reasonable access. ─── 为了让残障的人可以获取信息而进行的资料格式转换,不应被视作侵权,而应视为合理使用。

32、Spencer believed that individual freedom was the most laudable goal in society, and he sought to protect it from infringement by others. ─── 史宾赛相信个人的自由是社会上最值得称赞的目标,而他试图保护它免受其他人的侵犯。

33、But the court was satisfied that copyright infringement was the main reason for the P2P software's existence. ─── 但法院感到满意的是以侵犯版权方式使用是P2P存在的主要原因。

34、Hewlett-Packard, sued Acer in March for patent infringement, aiming to stop the Taiwan firm from selling some products in the United States. ─── 在今年3月下旬惠普起诉宏基侵犯其专利权,试图阻止宏基在美国市场销售相关专利的电脑。

35、The infringement of debt that illegal profit forms on the civil law, is an illegal civil behavior. ─── 不当得利构成民法上的债的侵权,是一种具有非法性的民事行为。

36、Any claims in copyright infringement please contact HCA. ─── 如发现涉及版权问题,请联络以便纠正。

37、Avoid copyright infringement action by making sure that you have the right to use an image before you publish it. ─── 在发布图像之前请确保您有权使用该图像,以免侵犯版权。

38、Copyright infringement phenomenon, which is not been regarded as illegal, is extensive interiorly. ─── 在我国,版权侵权比比皆是,尤其是盗版现象屡禁不止。

39、To subject to a penalty, especially for infringement of a law or an official regulation. ─── 使受处罚尤指由于犯法或违反官方法令而受处罚

40、In 2005, my parents received a letter from Sony BMG, Warner, Atlantic Records, Arista Records, and UMG Records claiming "copyright infringement". ─── 2005年,我的父母收到了一封由索尼BMG、华纳、亚特兰大唱片公司、芒刺唱片和UMG唱片公司联合署名的来信,信中声称我们“侵犯版权”。

41、A mechanism of law enforcement whereby different departments are coordinated in combating copyright infringement and piracy has gradually taken shape. ─── 各个部门相互配合打击侵权盗版的执法机制正在形成。

42、Treated unjustly, as by denial of or infringement upon one's legal rights. ─── 受到不公正对待的被不公正对待的,如合法权益被拒绝或受到侵害

43、Pass off the patent is a serious infringement and is one of the main targets of the enforcement legislation as well. ─── 假冒他人专利是一种严重的侵犯专利权的行为,同时也是我国相关立法重点打击的对象之一。

44、Treated unjustly,as by denial of or infringement upon one's legal rights. ─── 受到不公正对待的被不公正对待的,如合法权益被拒绝或受到侵害。

45、It says thiskind of handball offence is not classed as "a serious infringement"necessary to prosecute Henry under Fifa's disciplinary code. ─── 他们声称,根据足联的纪律准则没有任何相关的法规条款能判定这类手球严重违规。

46、The amount of compensation can also be calculated based on how much the copyright violator profited from the infringement. ─── 也可以按照侵权人因侵权行为所得利益计算赔偿数额。

47、Infringement dissension is the major object with which the civil action mechanism deals. ─── 侵权纠纷是民事诉讼机制解决的主要对象。

48、The State shall protect the legal rights and interests of trade unions and any infringement of these rights and interests shall be prohibited. ─── 国家保护工会的合法权益不受侵犯。

49、As copyright infringement, infringement on patents or trademarks can result in serious consequences and penalties. ─── 同侵犯版权一样,侵犯专利权或商标权会导致严重的后果和处罚。

50、Disputes for infringement of the applicant right and the exclusive rights of the variety certificate owner. ─── 侵犯申请人权利及品种证书所有人专属权利的争议。

51、The European Commission said Wednesday that it had launched infringement proceedings against six member states over air passenger rights. ─── 欧洲委员会周三宣布,他们已经针对六个成员国对飞机乘客侵权的事宜采取了制裁。

52、The obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. ─── 本节中的责任,并不适用于任何索赔或损失有关的任何实际或指称进犯知识产权。

53、FANDOM: Harry Potter DISCLAIMER: The characters of HP aren---'t mine, and no copyright infringement is intended. Please don---'t hurt me! ─── 声明:所有HP的人物都不属于我,所有侵犯版权的行为都不是有意的,请不要伤害我。

54、Patents were filed more for strategic purposes, to be used as bargaining chips to ward off infringement suites or as a means to block competitors' products. ─── 专利申请更多的是出于战略目的,被用作抵御侵权案件的讨价还价筹码,或者作为阻止竞争对手产品发展的手段。

55、Representing La Chemise Lacoste France, sue Hong Kong Crocodile Garment Ltd., For trademark infringement. ─── 代理法国拉科斯特衬衫股份有限公司,起诉新加坡鳄鱼国际私人有限公司商标侵权案。

56、Last year, law-enforcers transferred 18 major Internet copyright infringement cases to judicial departments. ─── 去年,执法者移交了18起重大因特网产权侵害案至司法部门。

57、Protect your domain name from trademark infringement! ─── 保护你的域名从商标侵权!

58、Similarly, a person can be liable as a joint tortfeasor provided that the act of infringement in question took place in Hong Kong. ─── 同时,侵权人士亦可被控为共同侵权者,只要涉案的侵权行为是在香港发生。

59、The driver is then issued with the infringement notice. ─── 司机立刻收到违反通知。

60、The RIAA could make a claim that bloggers who direct people to pirated music may be committing "contributory copyright infringement. ─── RIAA可以起诉这些引导人们下载盗版音乐的博客犯了“帮助版权侵害”的罪。

61、Infringement of intellectual property rights could be a criminal offense. ─── 侵犯知识产权可以是刑事罪行。

62、To protect its patent, NuGenEra sues Dolly for patent infringement, saying that it owns his genome. ─── 但新平众为保护其专利,遂宣称自己才拥有窦利的基因组,并对他提出侵权的诉讼。

63、Previously, indirect infringement occurred only when someone sold an unpatented component that was used exclusively to manufacture a patented part. ─── 从前,只有出售那些被广泛用于制造专利组件的未经专利注册的组件,这才会构成间接侵犯专利权。

64、IPR infringement in international S&T cooperation includes infringement of patent, copyright, computer software and trade secret. ─── 国际科技合作中的侵权主要为侵犯专利权、著作权、计算机软件和商业秘密的行为;

65、Infringement of copyright is a serious offence and may lead to civil remedies or even criminal sanctions. ─── 侵犯版权属严重罪行,可能招致民事责任甚或刑事制裁。

66、Seller is promptly informed and furnished a copy of each communication, notice or other action relating to the alleged infringement. ─── 卖方被及时告知侵权指控的发生,并得到与该侵权指控有关的每一通讯、通知或其他诉讼文书的副本。

67、If you are not reading this material in your news aggregator, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement. ─── 如果你不是通过新闻聚合看到这篇文章,那你访问的网站就已经侵犯版权。

68、The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief. ─── 传统的侵犯版权的救济是衡平法上的救济。

69、Zend Encoder: The Zend Encoder allows ISV's &PSP's to protect source code from copyright infringement. ─── Zend Encoder(编译器):确保软件独立开发商或开发个人对源代码的保护和版权争端。

70、With respect to judicial guarantee, China stipulates clearly the penalties for the infringement of citizens' right to freedom of religious belief. ─── 在司法保障方面,中国对侵犯公民宗教信仰自由权利的行为有明确的惩处规定。

71、As for judicid protection,It is said that indirect infringement system should be regulated,the final reexamination of patent system should be ... ─── 关于行政保护 ,应确立专利管理机关行政执法地位 ,赋予其行政处罚权。

72、Sovereignty will not suffer any infringement. ─── 主权不容侵犯。

73、The MPAA began its action in 2006 for "abusing technology to facilitate infringement of copyrighted works". ─── MPAA的开始行动,在2006年为“滥用技术,以方便侵犯版权保护的作品” 。

74、Territory sovereignty doesn't admit of infringement. ─── 一个国家的领土不容侵犯

75、But, loss of human rights, often mentioned by people, involves human rights infringement, which will definitely produce unintegrated human rights. ─── 但是,社会人类常谈及人权丧失,这就是遭受侵犯的问题,有侵犯必带来不融合的人权。

76、The using trademark action is the first constituent element of infringement of trademark. ─── 侵害商标权的构成以商标使用行为的存在为先决条件。

77、In fixing the amount of the fine, regard shall be had both to the gravity and to the duration of the infringement. ─── 在决定罚金数量时,对于违法的严重性和持续期间均应予以关注。

78、He claimed the show was plagiarizing his name, infringement of trademark, and was defaming his good character. ─── 他声称,节目正在剽窃他的名字、侵犯商标、并诽谤他的良好品格。

79、The kuifei-aquic in the early part of the time, "said “ cotton women writers bring a lawsuit against a website, the infringement proceedings. ─── 于奎潮说:“前段时间女作家棉棉状告某网站侵权的官司,格外引人注目。

80、On the other hand, we should guard against infringement by others,picking up the weapon of law to protect our own rights. ─── 另一方面也要防止被别人侵权,在自己的版权受到侵害时要拿起法律武器维护自己的权利。

81、The representative of China stated that most IPR enforcement actions in China resulted in administrative measures to address the infringement. ─── 中国代表表示,中国的大多数知识产权执法行为都导致对侵权行为的行政处理。

82、Committing other acts of infringement of copyright and of other rights and interests related to copyright. ─── 其他侵犯著作权以及与著作权有关的权益的行为。

83、China's Customs offices were granted authority to investigate any suspected shipment and confiscate the goods in case infringement was proved. ─── 中国海关被授权检查任何被怀疑侵权的装运货物,并在证明属实的情况下没收货物。

84、Users are reminded that they will be held fully responsible for any legal consequences arising from copyright infringement. ─── 使用者如侵犯版权法,须承担因此而引起的全部法律责任。

85、Unbundling violates the software license and constitutes copyright infringement. ─── “非绑定”侵犯了软件许可并且构成版权侵犯。

86、Furthermore, the law discusses regulations concerning the infringement or violation of the patent law. ─── 另外,对于专利侵权和违反专利法的后果也在其法律规定之列。

87、Stealing is an infringement of the law. ─── 偷窃是触犯法律的。

88、There might have been an infringement of the rules. ─── 也许有违反规章制度的情况。

89、Patent/trademark searches include patentability, validity, infringement, right-to-market, state-of-the-art, and scheduled updates. ─── 其中提供的专利和商标研究服务包括:专利性、有效性、侵权、技术状态、以及预定补充材料。

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