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09-19 投稿


iliac 发音

英:[ˈɪliˌæk]  美:[ˈɪlɪˌæk]

英:  美:

iliac 中文意思翻译



iliac 常用词组

iliac artery ─── 髂动脉

iliac crest ─── 髂嵴;髂骨

iliac fossa ─── 髂窝

iliac 短语词组

1、circumflex iliac artery un. ─── 旋髂动脉

2、lumbo-iliac ─── [医] 腰髂的

3、common iliac vein ─── 髂总静脉

4、iliac abscess ─── [医] 髂脓肿

5、external iliac artery ─── 髂外动脉

6、iliac roll ─── [医] 髂卷

7、external iliac vein ─── 髂外静脉

8、common iliac artery ─── 髂总动脉; ─── 髂动脉

9、iliac colon ─── [医] 髂部结肠(即乙状结肠的首段)

10、iliac vein ─── 髂静脉

11、chscrnic aorto-iliac obstruction ─── [医] 慢性主动脉髂动脉梗阻

12、internal iliac vein ─── 髂内静脉

13、iliac artery ─── 髂动脉

14、acromio-iliac presentation ─── [医] 肩髂先露, 横产位

15、iliac region ─── [医] 髂区, 腹股沟区

16、internal iliac artery ─── 髂内动脉

17、line bi-iliac ─── [医] 髂嵴间线

18、iliac bursae ─── [医] 髂腰肌囊(小转子处)

19、circumflex iliac vein ─── [网络] 回旋髂静脉

iliac 相似词语短语

1、bilian ─── 数十亿

2、iliacus ─── n.髂肌

3、ileac ─── adj.回肠的;肠阻塞的

4、filial ─── adj.孝顺的;子女的,当做子女的

5、viliaco ─── 维拉克

6、Lilian ─── n.莉莲(女子名)

7、ilia ─── n.髂骨(ilium的复数);n.(Ilia)人名;(保、希、阿尔巴)伊利亚;(匈)伊利奥

8、iliaci ─── 髂骨

9、celiac ─── adj.腹的;[解剖]腹腔的

iliac 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ilium Software Screen Capture is a free, fast, a. ─── 免费手机截屏软件。

2、Review of software formatted for the Windows Mobile-based palm Treo 700w, including ALK CoPilot Live, Developer One Code Wallet Pro 2005, Ilium Software ... ─── 审查软件的格式,为基于Windows Mobile的Palm Treo 700瓦特,包括中ALK的CoPilot生活,开发一个代码钱包亲2005年,髂骨软件...

3、Figure 5. Oblique scan in right iliac fossa showing the zone of transition (arrow). ─── 右侧髂窝斜向扫描显示过渡区(箭头)。

4、Iliac crest autograft bone has traditionally been used for lumbar fusion. ─── 自体髂嵴骨移植成为腰椎融合的传统方法。

5、Nevertheless, pelvic CT still showed an abscess within right psoas muscle and iliac fossa. ─── 但是骨盆腔计算机断层仍旧显示在右腰肌处有脓疡存在,于是病人进行计算机断层导引的引流术。

6、I stopped off in Ilium to see what I could see. ─── 我在伊利姆市逗留了一下,看看是不是能找到点有趣的线索.

7、Method: A set of special instruments was designed, a threading tool can make a threaded Cylindrical bone from the iliac crest. ─── 方法:设计了一套特殊器械,从髂骨上取出圆柱状骨块并用螺纹成形器制成螺纹柱状骨块。

8、Under X ray, the appliance was placed into the canine thoracic aortic for elastin enzyme perfusion through iliac arteries or abdominal aorta. ─── 在X线透视下,将造瘤器经实验动物(犬)髂总动脉或腹主动脉导入至胸主动脉中膜中,然后通过导管注入肝素、肝素化血液和弹力蛋白酶。

9、Through the iliac opening,the tumor at lateral part of sacrum was resected,the vertebral tumor was rese... ─── 内固定牢靠,植骨愈合良好。大小便及双下肢功能正常。结论经髂骨后入路高位骶骨肿瘤切除重建,效果良好。

10、Posterior iliac crest trephine biopsy in every patient who need do bone marrow aspired test,and observe the pathology changes in bone marrow. ─── 用骨髓环钻法获取骨髓组织,采用常规包埋切片染色后,观察骨髓病理结构。

11、Itamochi H,K jgawa J,Minagawa,Y,et al.Antitumor effects of internal iliac arterial infusion of platinum compounds in a rabbit cervical cancer model[J].Obstet gynecol,1997(89):286. ─── 李志建,陈忠,苏玛,等.中晚期宫颈癌术前介入治疗效果评价[J].右江民族医学院学报,2005(6):845-846.

12、A longitudinal midline incision was made from L4 to the sacral hiatus, and a portion of the right iliac crest was remoed to improe isualization. ─── 从腰4到骶管裂孔作纵行中线切口,切除部分右侧髂嵴以增加暴露。

13、For full-thickness grafts, also strip the iliacus muscle from the inner table of the ilium (Fig. 1-22). ─── 如切取全层骨块也需从髂骨内侧骨板剥离髂肌(图1-22)。

14、A Ilium cepa L. ─── 洋葱

15、Tubal its end, missing you in the pelvis slightly below the plane, near the external iliac vein, and with the sacroiliac joint relative. ─── 其输卵管端,位于骨盆上口平面的稍下方,髂外静脉附近,恰与骶髂关节相对。

16、When chip or slier grafts are required, remoe them with an osteotome or gouge from the outer surface of the wing of the ilium taking only one cortex. ─── 如需要碎骨片或骨条植骨,可用骨凿或弧形凿从髂骨冀外板取骨。

17、TCP seems to be an alternative to iliac crest bone grafting in corrective osteotomies of the distal radius. ─── 结论:磷酸三钙在桡骨远端截骨术中可能是髂骨移植物的一种替代物。

18、Methods:79 cases with iliac vein compression syndrome were angiographed including simple deep vein angiography in 17 cases and femoral venous cannula angiography in 62 cases. ─── 方法:对79例髂静脉压迫综合征患者行血管造影检查,其中单纯下肢深静脉顺行造影17例,另62例加做股静脉插管造影。

19、Among them,5 cases with the opening of SMA within the false channel received visceral artery reconstruction through right or left iliac artery-SMA graft bypass for the prevention of intestinal ischemia before endovascular repair(EVR)of AD. ─── 其中有5例SMA完全开口于假腔,为了预防腔内修复(endovascular repair,EVR)术后出现肠道缺血,先行髂动脉-SMA人工血管旁路术,再行腔内修复降主动脉夹层动脉瘤。

20、Furthermore, there does not appear to be any significant difference in the location of the connector for the iliac screw. ─── 此外,在髂螺钉的连接器位置上似乎没有任何显着性差异。

21、For osteogenesis the thick cortical graft has largely been replaced by thin cortical and cancellous bone from the ilium. ─── 以骨生成为目的时,大多使用取自髂骨的薄皮质骨和松质骨,而非厚皮质骨。

22、Seidman DS, Nassebakht F, NeZnt F, et al. Delayed recognition of iliac artery injury during laparoscopic surgery. Surg Endosc, 1996, 10: 1009. ─── 巴明臣,陈训如.腹腔镜术与腹膜后人血管损伤.中华外科杂志,1999,37:697

23、Objective: To evaluate the functions, indication, complication and safety of iliac bone's prolonging operation in the case of nanomelia correction. ─── 摘要目的:评价髂骨延长术在短肢矫正中的作用、适应证、并发症及安全性。

24、It originates from Poupart's ligament/inguinal ligament and the inner anterior crest of the ilium. ─── 从外面就可以看到这些肌肉被三条或更多腱划经过。

25、This white pelvic ligament from missing you iliac bifurcation of the vessel, living in the sacroiliac joint in front, even down in the fallopian tube-ovary. ─── 此韧带起白骨盆上口、髂总血管的分叉处,居于骶髂关节前方,向下连于卵巢的输卵管端。

26、The terminal branches of the aorta are the common iliac arteries, which themselves then bifurcate into external and internal (hypogastric) branches. ─── 主动脉的末端分支就是两条髂总动脉,它们自己又分支成为髂外和髂内(下腹部)动脉。

27、After2 years of age, siginal intensities of anterior ilium and acetabulum were always higher than those of other regions. ─── 旰

28、Method Seventy-four cases of early diagnosed cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) were treated with anterior cervical decompression and autologous iliac bone graft fusion. ─── 方法报告并讨论74例脊髓型颈椎病患者早期诊断,并经颈前路减压、自体髂骨融合术的临床表现、治疗方法及结果等。

29、All patients underwent anterior vertebrectomy and decompression; anterior fusion was carried out with costal or iliac ala grafts. ─── 所有患者均进行了前路椎体切除减压,并用肋骨或髂骨进行了前路植骨融合。

30、Objective To prospectively investigate the efficacy of chemoembolization of bilateral internal iliac arteries in patients underwent Miles operation. ─── 摘要目的:对髂内动脉栓塞化疗在直肠癌腹会阴联合切除术的应用进行前瞻性研究,并探讨其近、远期效果。

31、Methods: A bonygroove was made on the upper rim of the acetabulum, and extended medially and upward on the ilium. ─── 方法:在真臼上缘缺损处,向内上方凿一深骨槽。

32、Exposure of the ilium is simple but may cause considerable bleeding. ─── 显露髂骨非常简单,但可导致相当多的出血。

33、Methods The medical records of 598 surgical patients who had undergone autotransplantation of iliac graft were reviewed to explore the donor site morbidity. ─── 方法回顾性分析598例实施髂骨供骨手术患者临床资料,分析髂骨供骨区并发症及相关因素。

34、The ureters were located at the bifurcation of the iliac vessels, mobilized and divided near the uretero-vesical junction. ─── 在接近内外骼血管分支处发现输尿管之后,将输尿管加以游离并在接近输尿管膀胱交界处切断;

35、Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of superficial iliac circumflex artery island flaps in repairing soft tissue defects in hand. ─── 摘要目的:探讨旋髂浅动脉岛状皮瓣修复手部软组织缺损的临床效果。

36、If a cancellous graft with one cortex is desired, eleate only the muscles from either the inner or outer table of the ilium. ─── 如仅需带一侧皮质骨板的松质骨植骨块,仅需剥离外侧或内侧髂骨板表面的肌肉。

37、However, the authors note study limitations and caution that the findings may not apply to patients with hemodynamically significant iliac stenosis. ─── 但是作者提出了研究的局限性和应注意的地方,这项研究的结果不能应用于在血液动力学上出现髂骨动脉狭窄的患者中。

38、He recalled reading the lines somewhere: was this face that lanched a thousands ships, And burned the topless towers of Ilium? ─── 他记得在哪儿读到过这样的句子:这就是那张令征帆叠进、让特洛伊化为焦土的脸吗?

39、When the crest of the ilium is not required as part of the graft, split off the lateral side or both sides of the crest in continuity with the periosteum and the attached muscles. ─── 如果不需要髂嵴作为植骨块的一部分,则可将髂嵴的外侧或双侧劈下,使之与骨膜及附着的肌肉相连。

40、Methods In chemoembolization,11 cervical cancer patients were perfused by superselective and two sides internal iliac artery cannula,and we explored its nursing and observation. ─── 方法采用超选择性双侧髂内动脉插管对11例子宫颈癌患者进行灌注化疗栓塞术的疗效观察及护理。

41、The entire ilium and hip joint can be reached through the iliac part of the incision. ─── 整个髂骨和髋关节都可以通过本切口的髂骨部分到达。

42、Method 15 patients with femoral neck fracture were treated by open reduction followed by compressed screw and sartorius pedicled iliac graft. ─── 方法对15例中青年股骨颈骨折采用上述手术方式治疗。

43、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Skinfold thickness of triceps brachii, anterior superior iliac spine, inferior angle of scapula and gastrocnemius.Four indexes were compared with other groups in China. ─── 主要观察指标:测量不同年龄组毛南族成年女性的肱三头肌皮褶厚度、肩胛下皮褶厚度、髂前上棘皮褶厚度及腓肠肌皮褶厚度,并与国内其他群体进行比较。

44、The harden bone of fracture end were repaired and planted the fibula bone flap.Then all patients were treated by single brachial external fixation and planted the iliac bone flap. ─── 先按原切口取出带锁髓内钉,选择合适的切口修整骨折端硬化骨,行排骨斜行截骨植骨,全部采用单臂外固定支架固定并髂骨植骨治疗。

45、Figure 3. Oblique scan of the right iliac fossa showing the zone of transition (arrow) of the dilated to nondilated bowel. ─── 图3右侧髂窝斜向扫描显示扩张和非扩张肠管的过渡区(箭头)。

46、Objective To report clinical application of iliac cancellous bone grafting in alveolar cleft repair. ─── 目的报告自体髂骨松质骨修复牙槽突裂的临床应用。

47、To deepen acetabulum,we turned over the external ilium lamina as a hinging graft coving on the femoral head when performing iliumotomy. ─── 加之手术切开复位时切开关节囊,对关节囊的动脉也有一定的影响,这样就会造成股骨头的血供相对不足;

48、Methods: The origin, course, branches, distribrtion, outer diameter and anatomosis of the vessels of anterior iliac crest were analyzed on 32 adult cadavers perfused with red latex. ─── 方法:在32侧经动脉内灌注红色乳胶的成人标本上,解剖观测供应髂嵴前部血管的起源、走行、分支、分布、外径和吻合情况。

49、Fig. 1-23 Defect in ilium after large graft was remoed. ─── 图1-23髂骨大块取骨遗留的缺损。

50、Materials and Methods:Analysed X-ray film and CT manifestations of sacro-iliac joint of 15 patients with iliac condensing ostitis,and followed up clinical results. ─── 材料与方法:对15例临床诊断为致密性髂骨炎患者的骨盆平片、骶髂关节X线平片及CT表现进行分析,并对临床情况进行随访。

51、Methods After extracted the self ilium at anterior superior iliac spine, the extraction was made as an adaptive round orbital implant. ─── 方法于髂前上嵴处手术截取自体髂骨,制作一与眼窝相适应的球形义眼座,按常规方法植入眼眶内。

52、Methods Conventional bone marrow biopsy of posterior superior iliac spine was conducted,paraffin-embedded sections were stained with HE,Gomori and Prussian blue staining,and observed under light microscope. ─── 方法收集经临床初诊的各种血液病75例,行常规髂后上棘骨髓活检,石蜡包埋,HE、Gomori、Perls普鲁蓝铁染色及光镜观察。

53、Study Design. Patients with a thoracolumbar injury had a reconstruction of the anterior column using an tricortical iliac crest autograft. ─── 研究设计:胸腰椎损伤的病人需要利用三面皮质骨的髂嵴自体骨移植重建前柱。

54、Methods Thirty-two cases of low rectal cancer were treated surgically with single internal tube stapling device with intra-internal iliac artery implantation pump chemotherapy. ─── 方法用单个国产弯管型消化道吻合器行直肠结肠吻合加髂内动脉置泵化疗治疗低位直肠癌32例,并对临床结果进行分析。

55、Ilium will endure forever. ─── 伊利厄姆将永世不衰。

56、Purpose: To explore the value of iliac venography for diagnosing congenital iliac vein compression syndrome. ─── 目的:探讨先天性髂静脉受压综合征的静脉造影诊断价值。

57、Secondary grafting with iliac marrow consistently produces trabecular bone to unify the maxilla and provide odontogenic support. ─── 牙槽突植骨能否产生足够的牙槽骨支持后期的正畸治疗,尚需进一步研究。

58、The iatrogenic case was reported as a complication of iliac bone graft procurement. ─── 据报告说这是肠骨取骨术所引致的并发症。

59、Methods Inserted a catheter from the femoral artery of the normal side into the internal iliac artery of the opposite side and furthermore inturn into the target vessel. ─── 方法经健侧股动脉穿刺插管至患侧髂内动脉灌注化疗并超选择至前支的脏支靶血管处作碘油及明胶海绵栓塞,同时作健侧髂内动脉灌注化疗和适量栓塞。

60、Objective: To probe into nursing measures for congenital alveolar process cleft patients undergoing ilium grafting. ─── [目的]探讨先天性牙槽突裂髂骨植骨术病人的护理措施。

61、Methods We performed a SEM analysis of bone structure in iliac bone biopsies of 14 elderly patients with hip fracture and 11 control subjects. ─── 方法对14例老年髋部骨折患者和11例对照者进行了髂骨活检和扫描电镜观察。

62、CT scans showed that there were 4 caes of fracture of acetabular bone,10 cases of fracture of iliac bone,2 cases of sacrococcyx fracture and 2 cases of transverse fracture of pubic bone. ─── CT发现髋臼骨折 4例 ,髂骨骨折 10例 ,骶尾骨骨折 2例 ,耻骨横形骨折 2例。

63、Method: 5 cases of MFH-B, Disease position: 1 case of ilium, 3 cases of femor and 1 case of tibia. ─── 此肿瘤为高度恶性,预后差,5年生存率极低。

64、An arteriogram revealed a massive arteriovenous malformation arising from the left internal iliac artery. ─── 动脉造影显示发自左髂内动脉的巨大动静脉畸形。

65、Methods: A prospectie, double-blind randomized study of patients oer eighteen years of age who were undergoing haresting of iliac crest bone graft was conducted. ─── 方法:本研究是一项关于年满十八岁以上的,进行了髂嵴处取骨病人的前瞻双盲随机性研究。

66、A possible explanation is that dendritic cells from iliac arteries are better able to sense flagellae because of the abundant bacterial flora that inhabits the gut, Weyand says. ─── 例如,位于消化道的附近来源于髂动脉的细胞,对鞭毛的反应较为敏感,但向上肢供血的锁骨下动脉的细胞则不敏感。

67、The cold abscess were distributed at the presacral,unilateral iliac fossa and/or the gluteal region. ─── 冷脓肿分布于骶前区、髂窝区和 /或臀肌区。

68、When the three militiamen arrived in Ilium and said that district had arrested Xing and Wang and were sending a clerk to investigate their crimes, the villagers were delighted. ─── 三个民兵回到刘家峧,一说区上把兴旺金旺二人押起来,又派助理员来调查他们的罪恶,真是人人拍手称快。

69、Method:We reviewed 48 patients with infrarenal aortic and iliac arterial occlusion. ─── 方法:对我院1996年3月至2002年1月48例主髂动脉闭塞病例进行回顾性总结。

70、To assess the extent of atherosclerosis(AS)of iliac artery in middle aged male subject with hyperlipoproteinemia(HLP),the increased intima media thickness(IMT)was directly detected with non invasive high resolution ultrasound(HRUS). ─── 利用高分辨力超声直接测量髂动脉管壁内膜-中膜厚度(IMT)值,评价男性高脂蛋白血症(HLP)患者动脉粥样硬化(AS)的发病情况。

71、Methods: Ultrathin skin flap with circumfiexa ilium superficial artery was employed to repair the wound with digital bone exposure in 8 cases. ─── 方法:对8例患者采用带旋髂成动脉超薄皮瓣修复指骨外露创面。

72、It originates from Poupart's ligament, the inner lip of the ilium, the lumbar fascia and the inner surface of the cartilages of the six lower ribs. ─── 下界在体表成沟状。耻骨棘上方两边是腹股沟环,是腹壁肌肉层的开口,在男性的精索在此通过。在此可发生腹股沟疝。

73、Methods Aortography (in level of lumber 4) and bilateral common iliac arteriography were taken in 51 normal adults. ─── 方法 测量51例正常成人双侧髂总动脉间的夹角、双侧髂内动脉开口的高度和髂总动脉长度;

74、Objective To investigate the effect of Sini decoction (SND) in preventing vascular restenosis and protecting against oxidative stress after rabbit iliac artery balloon injury. ─── 摘要目的通过球囊损伤兔髂动脉造成动脉损伤的动物模型,观察四逆汤对损伤后动脉内膜的保护和修复作用,以及对氧化应激的影响。

75、The lateral plexus interconnects with other enous systems to form the inferior esical ein, which empties into the internal iliac ein. ─── 侧枝静脉丛同其他静脉系统相互汇合形成膀胱下静脉,然后汇入髂内静脉。

76、Objective To discuss the effectiveness and safety of selective iliac artery embolization in treating severe postpartum hemorrhage. ─── 摘要目的探讨髂内动脉栓塞治疗产后大出血的疗效与安全性。

77、Methods We operated 8 patients with enchondroma combined pathological fracture at metacarpal or phalanx,one block of ilium autografts was fixed by plate steel or Kirschmer pins. ─── 方法对手掌、指骨内生性软骨瘤合并病理性骨折8例病人,施行了手术治疗,彻底刮除病灶后取自体髂骨块植入,用钢板或交叉克氏针内固定。

78、Sensors were attached to the skin, with adhesive tape, over the greater trochanter and the anterior superior iliac spine bilaterally. ─── 传感器用胶带粘在双侧大粗隆和髂前上棘上方的皮肤。

79、Methods Three methods:the ilium traction, the pelvic bag traction and the diaplasis of operation incision, were used to treat the unstable pelvic frature. ─── 方法分别采用髂骨牵引、骨盆兜牵引、手术切开复位三种方法。

80、Follow the aorta to its caudal extent, to examine the lymphocentres which are located where it divides to form the caudal [external and internal iliac] arteries. ─── 沿着主动脉到它的尾端,检查位于主动脉分歧,成为许多尾动脉[例如内外肠骨动脉]的位置,的淋巴中心。

81、Immediately after gene transfection, blood flow of the internal iliac artery had no significant difference between three groups. ─── 术后立即测定的髂内动脉血流量各组间无明显差异。

82、Arthrodesis was done with autogenous iliac bone graft or titanium cage supplemented with anterior self-lock plates in both groups. ─── 两组均用前路自锁装置进行自体髂骨移植或钛网填充,从而完成关节固定术。

83、Colour duplex ultrasonography showed DVT extending from the left external iliac vein to the foretibial vein. ─── 彩超显示左侧髂外静脉至胫前静脉段DVT。

84、"Ilium will endure forever," said the boastful Trojans as they looked at its solid walls and its noble buildings. ─── “伊利厄姆将永世不衰,”自吹自擂的特洛伊人看着那坚固的城墙和富丽的建筑说。

85、Methods 19 cases with femoral head and neck tumor-like lesions and benign tumors acre treated with foci curettage and autogeneous iliac hone grafting. ─── 方法对19例股骨头颈部瘤样病变及良性肿瘤患者行病灶刮除+自体髂骨植骨术。

86、Objective:To investigate the effect of repairing degloving injury of thumb with superficial circumflex iliac artery based ilioinguinal flap. ─── 目的:探讨旋髂浅动脉为蒂的髂腹股沟皮瓣修复拇指脱套伤的效果。

87、Due to large osteolytic lesion in right ilium and right femur revealed on planar X-ray examination, whole body bone scan was arranged to see if there was any abnormal uptake. ─── 因为放射学检查在右侧肠骨与大腿骨发现大面积蚀骨病灶而安排全身骨骼扫描,看看身体是否有其他不正常吸收病灶。

88、And intertransverse process arthrodesis was managed by means of bone chip grafting obtained from the iliac crest, and SOCON system was installed by pedicle screw fixation devices. ─── 对18例腰椎滑脱患者采用腰椎管减压,横突间植骨和SOCON内固定手术。

89、The left zygapophyseal joint was implanted with calcium sulfate tablet, and the right with iliac crest bone graft. ─── [方法]建立家兔腰椎后外侧融合模型,以自身作为对照,双侧横突间植骨,左侧植入硫酸钙颗粒,右侧植入自体髂骨。

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