neolithic 发音
[ 'niə'lɪθɪk]
英: 美:
neolithic 中文意思翻译
neolithic 网络释义
adj. [古] 新石器时代的;早先的
neolithic 短语词组
1、neolithic earthworks ─── 新石器时代土方工程
2、Neolithic flint mines of Spiennes ─── 新石器时代斯皮恩的火石矿
3、neolithic people ─── 新石器时代的人
4、Neolithic Age n. ─── 新石器时代 [网络] ─── 新石器时期; ─── 新石器时代的; ─── 新石器文化
5、neolithic pottery ─── 新石器时代陶器
6、Neolithic Revolution ─── 新石器革命
7、neolithic era ─── 新石票代
8、neolithic tech ─── 新石器时代技术
9、neolithic architecture ─── 新石器时代建筑
10、neolithic monument ─── 新石器时代纪念碑
11、neolithic system ─── 新石器时代
12、Neolithic signs in China ─── 中国的新石器时代标志
13、neolithic iberians ─── 新石器时代伊比利亚人
14、neolithic period ─── [古]新石器时代
neolithic 相似词语短语
1、endolithic ─── adj.[生态]石内的(指生活在石头内或其他石质物体内的);(青苔等)紧贴岩石表面生长的
2、neolith ─── n.新石器时代的石器
3、Mesolithic ─── adj.中石器时代的;n.中石器时代
4、Aenolithic ─── 无石器时代
5、eolithic ─── adj.原始石器时代的;n.原始石器时代
6、neogothic ─── 新哥特式。
7、Neolithic ─── adj.新石器时代的;n.新石器时代
8、Eneolithic ─── 烯醇
9、xenolithic ─── 排外的
neolithic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Archaeological Finds from the analysis of MA-6000 years ago Hamamatsu site, a Neolithic period (interim). ─── 从出土文物分析,马家浜遗址距今6000多年,属新石器时代(中期)。
2、A range of unique stone outdoor furniture exporter has been excavated in Skara Brae a Neolithic village, located in Orkney, Scotland. ─── 印度人为了抵抗酷暑,靠吃放足香辛料的咖喱来促进新陈代谢,但是,不见得我们也能把咖喱当作家常饭。
3、Shanxi has an extremely large number of excavated tombs and neolithic sites. ─── 山西发掘出不计其数的坟墓和新石器遗址。
4、BA Xiang Chu County Taiwan Baoziwan, chukars BA Xiang Ping Walled Hanan Majiayao Yangshao culture are the type of the Neolithic cultural sites."Book of History. ─── 县境内堡子坝乡朱家台,石鸡坝乡哈南寨坪均有新石器时代仰韶文化马家窑类型的文化遗址。
5、Late Dawenkou Culture of the Neolithic Age ─── 年代:新石器时代大汶口文化晚期
6、Siwuqiannian ago in the Neolithic Age, the ancestors are here to propagate interest-bearing. ─── 在距今四五千年的新石器时代,先民们就在这里繁衍生息。
7、The peculiar pressure that it exerted on human beings between the Neolithic Age and the early twentieth century has disappeared and been replaced by something quite different. ─── 人类在新石器时代到二十世纪初期之间受到的这种特殊压力,现在已经消失,而由一种完全不同的东西所取代。
8、It is easy to see how important the man of knowledge and experience, the man who knew about the blood sacrifice and the stars, became in this early Neolithic world. ─── 很容易理解,在这个早期新石器时代的世界里,一个富有知识和经验、熟悉血祭和星球的人变得多么举足轻重。
9、Baoding has a long history, from the Xushui Nanchuang first excavated early Neolithic sites prove far years ago our ancestors have been here, flourish. ─── 保定市历史悠久,从徐水县南庄头发掘的新石器时代早期遗址证明,远在万年前我们的祖先已在这里繁衍生息。
10、In the past, most archaeologists classified sites with blackware as typical late Neolithic sites of the Tahu Culture found only in southwestern part of Taiwan. ─── 台湾西南地区的史前文化年代学,将出土灰黑陶之遗址皆划分为新石期时代晚期的大湖文化。
11、The early history of man in Iran goes back well beyond the Neolithic period, it begins to get more interesting around 6000 BC, when people began to domesticate animals and plant wheat and barley. ─── 伊朗人的早期历史要回溯到新石器时代以前,它在公元前6000年左右,当人们开始驯养动物和种植小麦与大麦的时候,开始变得更加有趣味。
12、We are talking about the Neolithic period here, which was the time before stone tools began to be replaced by tools made of bronze and other metals. ─── 我们这里在说的是新石器时代,是石器开始被青铜和其他金属制工具所取代之前的那个时代。
13、In 1991, a tomb of the Neolithic age at Wuwei, Gansu Province also produced a colorful pottery basin, whose upper inside is painted with two groups of dancers. ─── 1991年,甘肃武威一处新石器时代墓葬中也发现了舞蹈纹彩陶盆,也是在盆的内壁上部绘制了两组舞队,
14、Most of the superfine and typical Neolithic objects uneathed in Shanghai area are from Qingpu. ─── 上海新石器时代的文物精品和典型器物绝大多数出土于青浦,种类齐全、器型丰富;
15、Long-handed Neolithic spoons of yew wood preserved in Alpine villages dating to 3000 B.C. have survived. ─── 保存在阿尔卑斯山一带的村庄中的新石器时代的长柄紫杉木质勺子一直留存到现在,其历史可以追溯到公元前3000年。
16、A Neolithic Graveyard Excavated at Danangou,Chifeng,Inner Mongolia ─── 内蒙古赤峰大南沟新石器时代墓地的发掘
17、Neolithic Cultures in the Central Balkan Region ─── 中巴尔干地区新石器时代文化
18、Their own technology is neolithic. . . bows and spears, clay pots, animal skins, that sort of thing. ─── 他们自己还在使用新石器时代的…弓箭和长矛,陶壶,兽皮,诸如此类。
19、Natural Environment in Shandong Province in the Neolithic Age ─── 山东新石器时代的自然环镜
20、Chinese civilization originated in various city-states along the Yellow River valley in the Neolithic era. ─── 中国文明在新石器时代的时代沿着黄河流域起源于各种城邦.
21、Of,relating to,or being the cultural period of the Stone Age between the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages,marked by the appearance of the bow and cutting tools. ─── 中石器时代的,介于旧石器与新石器时代之间的已出现弓箭和切割工具的石器文化时代的、与之有关的、或是这一时代的。
22、Neolithic Cultures in Baluchistan and the Indus Plains ─── 俾路支和印度河平原的新石器时代文化
23、Can be traced back to the Neolithic Age. ─── 恐怕要追溯到新石器时代了。
24、In the misty, hazy past, as the Mesolithic Age gave way to the Neolithic, there suddenly appeared in widely separated geographic areas the most highly successful group of inventors and revolutionaries that the world has ever known. ─── 在迷蒙的过去,当中石器时代让位于新石器时代时,有一些在地理上相隔遥远的地区,突然出现了人类迄今所了解的最为成功的发明群体和革命者。
25、China is the birthplace of lacquering, as early as more than 7,000 years ago in the Neolithic Age, a section has been on the acquisition and use. ─── 中国是漆艺的发源地,早在七千多年前的新石器时代,漆就已经被人们采集并使用。
26、Tianzhu a long history in the county in southwestern Romania Chichiawanping xiang East, such as minor groove excavated Neolithic cultural sites Racecourse. ─── 天祝历史悠久,在县城西南部的东坪乡罗家湾、小沟等地出土的新石器时代马场文化遗址。
27、The Meaning of the Research of the Dushan Jade in Neolithic Age ─── 南阳黄山新石器时代独山玉器调研的意义
28、"There has not been a double burial found in the Neolithic period, much less two people hugging. " ─── 麦努特认为,这两具骨骸肯定是一男一女,不过还需要进一步证实。
29、Their full archaeological evidence proves that the Hongshan Culture society is the more advanced economic society in north of China in Neolithic Age. ─── 它们充分的考古学实证向世人昭示:红山文化社会是新石器时代中国北方较为先进的经济社会。
30、Archaeologists have for the first time unearthed the homes of Neolithic henge builders, in a set of dwellings excavated from a Northumberland quarry. ─── 在诺森伯兰郡采石场,考古学家首次发掘出新石器时代巨石圈建造者的家园。
31、During the Neolithic period, our ancestors began to make various household potteries with wisdom and their skillful hands. ─── 新石器时代,我们的祖先就用智慧和勤劳的双手,开始制造各类日用陶器。
32、The technological knowledge needed to carve it was far superior to that for stamp seals, which had happened in the early Neolithic period. ─── 雕刻它所需要的技术知识远远超过了新石器时代早期出现的印章。
33、The ShangHai Museum displays over 500 pieces of the finest ceramics from the Neolithic times to the end of the Qing Dynasty. ─── 上海展览馆陈列有500余件上自新石器时代,下至清末的历代陶瓷器精品。
34、Majiayao Culture of the Neolithic Age ─── 年代:新石器时代马家窑文化
35、They were entering upon a new phase in human culture, the Neolithic phase ( New Stone Age ). ─── 他们正进人人类文化的一个新阶段,即新石器时代。
36、No well-preserved bodies had ever been found in Europe from this period, the Neolithic, or New Stone Age. ─── 冰人生活在新石器时代,欧洲从未发现过保存得那麽好的新石器时代遗骸。
37、He happily called himself both "neolithic" and a man of science. ─── 他既喜欢自称为新石器时代的人,也爱说自己是搞科学研究的。
38、From the Neolithic pottery to the latter, speculation turned from folk to Hengyang rich natural resources, from North Korea today to the generation of reform and opening up development. ─── 从石器到陶器至铁锅,从熬到炒,从民俗到衡阳丰富的物产、从各朝各代至如今改革开放的发展。
39、History of the Chinese civilization started in the Neolithic age, about 4,000 years to 10,000 years ago. ─── 中国文明始于石器时代,距离今天约1万年到4000年左右。
40、Pre-pottery Neolithic Cultures in Greece ─── 希腊前陶新石器文化
41、The second excavation of the Chuodun site in Kunshan in 1999 covers an area of 320 sq m. This excavation reveals 3 house sites,6 ash pits and 20 tombs, which adds a lot of important materials to the Neolithic Age culture in Taihu areas. ─── 1999年江苏昆山绰墩遗址第二次发掘面积 320平方米,发现房址 3座、灰坑 6个、墓葬 20座,为太湖地区新石器时代文化增添了一批重要资料。
42、Visit the Banpo Neolithic Village( Visit time probably1 hours), then driving to The Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses. ─── 参观半坡博物馆(览时间约为1小时)然后乘车前往兵马俑博物馆。
43、Neolithic Period of Shandong Province ─── 山东新石器时代
44、Many institutions, from neolithic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number. ─── 从新石器时代的部落到罗马军团的步兵中队,许多机构似乎都是遵循“邓巴数字”构建起来的。
45、In the Neolithic era, cities began to be built around 8,000 to 6,000 years ago. ─── 在新石器时代的时代,城市开始被修造大约8,000到6,000年前。
46、Inhabited from Neolithic times, it developed as an important Mycenaean center in the Bronze Age, reaching its height c. 1400 BC. ─── 从新石器时代开始有人居住,后在青铜器时代发展为重要的迈锡尼人中心,西元前1400年左右达到鼎盛时期。
47、The Arts and Craft of Yunnan in the Neolithic Age ─── 云南新石器时代的工艺美术
48、the Neolithic Ruins of Shell Mound in Guangxi ─── 广西贝丘遗址
49、When this is done, one land unit stands out uniquely and unchallengeable: Eurasia, the veritable heartland of world history since Neolithic times. ─── 当这些工作做完以后,一个区域毫无疑问的显现出来:欧亚大陆,自新石器时代以来名副其实的世界历史要地。
50、Dahecun Village is a 5, 000-year-old site of Yangshao and Longshan Neolithic cultures. ─── 大河村是有5000年历史的仰韶--龙山新石器文化遗址。
51、In the Chinese ruins of the Neolithic age over 6,000 years ago, musical instruments like pottery xun, pottery whistle, bone flute, stone qing, and tuo drum were excavated. ─── 在我国,六千年前的新石器时代遗址中,已有不少陶埙、陶哨、骨笛、石磬等乐器出土。
52、There has not been a double burial found in the Neolithic period, much less two people hugging. ─── 以前我们从未发现过新石器时代的合葬尸骨,更不要说相互拥抱在一起的了。
53、On the Culture Vestiges in the Earlier Neolithic Age ─── 中国新石器时代早期文化遗存的新发现和新思考
54、Inhabited in Paleolithic and Neolithic times, the region was an important conglomeration of native states by the 14th century but became a British protectorate in 1894. ─── 在旧石器和新石器时期就有人居住,这个地区到14世纪为止是土著国家的一个重要的联合政体,但在1894年成了英国保护地。
55、The plating pottery wine vessels unearthed in the Neolithic Age memorial site there are strong evidences. ─── 在新石器时代遗址中已发掘出印纹陶酒器;
56、By 10,000 BC, most of mankind was at the Neolithic level. ─── 到公元前 10000年,大部分人类已经处于新石器时代的水平。
57、The Heart of Neolithic Orkney ─── 奥克尼郡的新石器时代中心遗址
58、About 5,000 years ago, the people of the 1)Neolithic period decided to build a huge 2)monument using earth, 3)timber and stones. ─── 在英格兰索尔兹伯里平原上矗立着一群巨石建筑。
59、During the Neolithic centuries, there would have been at least a dozen little houses here, half-dug into the ground for comfort and for safety. ─── 在新石器世纪这里至少有十多间小房屋,为了让其舒适和安全,它们有一半的高度是深入地表的.在这个蓬勃、繁华的小社区内大概有五至六十间房屋。
60、Descriptions like ‘ Palaeolithic Man’, ‘Neolithic Man’, etc. ─── 干脆利落地总结了一个时期。
61、In fact, among the mass excavated rice grain, a small part of them were extremely small and light they distributed in various Neolithic sites of the east and south China about 4000-6000 years BP. ─── 事实上,除大量考古出土的炭化稻谷(米)外,在华东和华南的新石器遗址中还出土有少量小而轻的炭化稻谷(米),时间约距今4000至6000年前。
62、Agriculture has been theorized to have become the dominant way of producing food since the Neolithic Revolution. ─── 农业被证实为自新石器时代以来生产食物的主要方式。
63、painted pottery (of a Neolithic culture) ─── 彩陶
64、It includes the earlier Neolithic cultures and Majiayao late Qijia culture, there are even more advanced "Temple sub culture. ─── 它包括新石器时代较早期的马家窑文化和较晚期的齐家文化,还有更晚期的“寺洼文化”。
65、The northern Chinese rock paintings were created between the Neolithic age and the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). ─── 制作时间可能在新石器时代和元代之间。
66、The bodies exhibited evidence of brutality commonly seen in the Neolithic, lead author Haak said. ─── 主研究员哈克说,墓穴中的遗骨显示出,野蛮屠杀事件在新石器时代时期十分普遍。
67、Neolithic Burial Mounds Distribution Twenty odd sites of neoliths remains have been discovered successively in Linhai.This sketch outlines their distribution. ─── 人头骨化石二十世纪八十年代发现于涌泉镇东南的凤凰山麓。
68、Visit the Banpo Neolithic Village (Visit time probably 1 hours), then driving to The Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses. ─── 参观半坡博物馆(游览时间约为1小时),然后乘车前往兵马俑博物馆。
69、The racial type of the Zhenpiyan neolithic series of skulls is Mongoloid andmore closed to the Southern Asiatic Mongoloid. ─── 头骨特征表明,甑皮岩新石器时代居民属蒙古人种,与现代分布于华南、印度支那和印度尼西亚等地的南亚种族较接近;
70、Therefore, they had become the Neolithic Age farmers who mastered multiple measures for survival and furthermore successful practitioners at the early stage of rice agriculture in southern China. ─── 因此,他们已经是掌握了多种生存手段的新石器时代农人,更是中国南方稻作农业的早期成功实践者。
71、Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cultures in North Africa ─── 北非新石器时代和铜石并用时代文化
72、Which is all a bit of a surprise to archaeologists, who had previously seen the arrival of the Neolithic as a rather gentle thing. ─── 这一切让考古学家们显得有些惊讶,他们之前一直认为新石器时代是经济发展较为和缓的时期。
73、With its many marvelous figures, mystical patterns and wonderful colors, pottery, developed during the middle stage of the Neolithic Age, has become a splendid part of China's heritage. ─── 博物馆里件件充满神秘而又优美的藏品,诉说着中国这个世界古陶文明的发祥地那悠远的古陶文明。
74、Rock paintings in the sand dunes near the hill and also collected the late Neolithic pottery, stone tools, and other artifacts. ─── 在岩画附近的沙丘和山岗上还采集到新石器时代晚期的陶片、石器等遗物。
75、A Study of Earthen Jar's Pedigree in Neolithic Age in Tangshan Area ─── 唐山地区新石器时代陶罐谱系研究
76、The remains of some sacrificial slaves in the Warring States Period, Banpo site and Beishouling site in Chinese Neolithic Age have been studied with aDNA molecular biological methods. ─── 1)对于关中地区新石器遗址的生态环境进行了考古资料的调查和数据挖掘,研究形成了新石器时代遗址生态学特征指标体系和统计软件,统计软件已应用于考古研究单位。
77、The first cities grew in the wake of the agricultural revolution of the Neolithic period. ─── 农业的发展,使得资源越来越丰富起来。城市最早的出现,是农业发展的结果。
78、There are high-Temple Head "Late Neolithic sites," Lung Tsuen Tsam poetwang ren yu home for five generations. ─── 境内有高寺头“新石器晚期遗址”,斩龙村为五代诗人王仁裕故里。
79、The Haidai region, which lies in the lower Yellow and Huai River Valley, was mainly a millet planting dry farming area in the early Neolithic period. ─── 地处黄淮下游的海岱地区,新石器时代偏早时期是以种植粟类作物为主的旱作农业区。
80、Developed earlier, as early as the Neolithic period of human activity there. ─── 开发较早,早在新石器时代已有人类活动。
81、A pair of human skeletons lie in an eternal embrace at an Neolithic archaeological dig site near Mantova, Italy, in this photo released February 6, 2007. ─── 意大利考古学家近日发现了一对距今五六千年的合葬恋人骨骸,这两具尸骨至今仍保持着拥抱的姿势。
82、It reached its peak from 2600 BC to 1900 BC roughly, a period called by some archaeologists "Mature Harappan" as distinguished from the earlier Neolithic "Early Harappan" regional cultures. ─── 它大约从公元前2600年起到公元前1900年达到了顶峰,是一个被一些考古学家称为“成熟的哈拉帕文明”的时期,区分于该地区较早期石器时期的“早期的哈拉帕文明”。
83、Many institutions, from neolithic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number. ─── 从新石器时代的村落,到罗马军团中队,许多机构都似乎是围绕邓巴人数来组建。
84、The ancient Chinese lacquer art dates back to Neolithic Age, much earlier than the invention of silk and pottery. ─── 中国古老的大漆工艺可以上溯至新石器时代,比丝绸和陶瓷的发明还要早许多。
85、Of, relating to, or being the cultural period of the Stone Age between the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages, marked by the appearance of the bow and cutting tools. ─── 中石器时代的介于旧石器与新石器时代之间的已出现弓箭和切割工具的石器文化时代的、与之有关的、或是这一时代的
86、February 6, in Italy Mantuowa excavated near the Neolithic ruins, archaeological experts found the remains of a pair of lovers, hold hands tightly together. ─── 2月6日,在意大利曼托瓦附近发掘出的新石器时代遗址中,考古专家发现了一对情侣遗骸,双手紧紧地抱在一起。
87、Jndging from most of characteristicsof skulls, this series has affinity with the neolithic skulls from northern China,especially with the Banpo series. ─── 与新石器时代的华北居民在头骨绝大部分形态特征上十分相近,尤其与半坡遗址居民更接近。
88、If Juval was not his home, signs of Neolithic occupation at other locations in the immediately adjacent Vinschgau (Val Venosta), the valley of the River Etsch (Adige), offer other possibilities. ─── 如果居佛不是奥兹的家乡,那麽,居佛附近的文许高,就是阿第及河河谷,也有一些新石器时代遗址的迹象,都是可能地点。
89、The Chinese Began their sophisticated production of pottery in the Neolithic period and produced porcelain as early as the 7th century AD. ─── 中国人在新石器时代就已经开始制作复杂的陶瓷,并在公元7世纪开始制作瓷器。
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