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intercurrent 发音

英:[ˌɪntərˈkɜːrənt]  美:[ˌɪntəˈkʌrənt]

英:  美:

intercurrent 中文意思翻译



intercurrent 短语词组

1、intercurrent medical ─── 并发医疗

2、intercurrent illness ─── 并发疾病

3、intercurrent infection ─── 并发感染

4、intercurrent event ─── 同时发生的事件

5、intercurrent disease ─── [医] 间发病

6、intercurrent relapse ─── [医] 间歇性复发

7、intercurrent co ─── 并流co

8、intercurrent diseases ─── 并发病

intercurrent 相似词语短语

1、undercurrents ─── n.暗流;潜流

2、intercedent ─── 横断

3、intercurrently ─── 时断时续

4、intercurrence ─── 中间电流

5、incurrent ─── adj.流入的;向内流的

6、countercurrent ─── n.逆流;逆电流;adv.相反地

7、intercipient ─── 拦截

8、overcurrent ─── n.过载电流;过量电流

9、undercurrent ─── n.暗流;潜流

intercurrent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、person that dizziness suddenly shows may intercurrent haemorrhage. ─── 突然眩晕者说明可能并发出血。

2、Intercurrent deterioration of diabetic nephropathy was suspected to be responsible for the accumulation of metformin followed by lactic acidosis, finally resulting in multiorgan failure. ─── 糖尿病肾病是最可能致二甲双挂蓄积而导致乳酸酸中毒,进而引起多器官功能衰竭的原因。

3、Methods and opportunity of operation for the malignant tumor intercurrent fracture of extremity ─── 四肢长骨恶性肿瘤并发骨折的手术时机及方法

4、Although loose solution is lengthened with tendon in art, but tibial lengthen terminative hind, intercurrent sufficient prolapse is occupied 30% , the influence treats the effect. ─── 虽术中跟腱延长松解,但胫骨延长终结后,并发足下垂占30%,影响治疗效果。

5、Objective To study the perioper ative management of diabetic patients with intercurrent urologic emergency. ─── 目的探讨糖尿病患者伴泌尿外科急诊的围手术期处理方法。

6、intercurrent disease ─── 间发病并发病

7、intercurrent control ─── 并发控制

8、Objective To explore the clinic feature and the approach to holistic nursing of the patients with osteosarcoma intercurrent pathological fracture during the operation. ─── 目的探讨四肢长骨骨肉瘤合并病理性骨折的临床特点及整体护理的对策。

9、Nursing care of a child with generalized pustular psoriasis and intercurrent acute kidney failure ─── 例泛发性脓疱型银屑病并发急性肾衰患儿的护理

10、Pathogen of Intercurrent Pneumonia after Thoracotomy and Application of Antibiotic ─── 开胸术后并发肺炎的致病菌及抗生素应用研究

11、Milder forms may be associated with non-specific respiratory signs exacerbated by other intercurrent disease agents. ─── 温和型的感染通常伴随着不典型的呼吸症状,并会因并发感染其他疾病而加重。

12、Accordingly, be oppositeSenilePeriod when mental disease has treatment, must sufficient take into account these intercurrent diseases. ─── 因此,在对老年期精神疾病进行治疗时,必须充分顾及这些并发疾病。

13、an intercurrent disease ─── 并发症

14、intercurrent relapse ─── [医] 间歇性复发

15、Uric road septicemia is easy intercurrent shock, mortality is very tall. ─── 尿路败血症易并发休克,死亡率甚高。

16、Cerebral hemorrhage is intercurrent should stimulate sexual ulcer to cause enteron to bleed, it is one of serious complication with the commonnest cerebral hemorrhage. ─── 脑出血并发应激性溃疡引起消化道出血,是脑出血最常见的严重并发症之一。

17、intercurrent massive haemorrhage: When ulcer encroachs older blood vessel, see colonic massive haemorrhage, deliver shock easily. ─── 并发大出血:溃疡侵蚀较大血管时,可见结肠大出血,易致休克。

18、Methods 15 patients with osteosarcoma intercurrent pathological fracture in extremity were given holistic nursing. ─── 方法对15例四肢长骨骨肉瘤合并病理性骨折手术患者根据病情采取相应护理措施,实施整体护理。

19、Main and clinical expression is mixed for oral cavity, eye other position mucous membrane is dry, often add up to intercurrent unripe rheumatoid arthritis. ─── 主要临床表现为口腔、眼和其他部位粘膜干燥,常合并发生类风湿性关节炎。

20、Vascularized fibular as intramedullary nail totreat bone cyst intercurrent pathological fracture of children ─── 腓骨髓内钉化治疗儿童骨囊肿合并骨折

21、The Clinical analyse of Infantile acute Intussusception and Intercurrent Diarrhea in 45 Patients ─── 小儿腹泻并发肠套叠45例临床分析

22、To understand the epidemiological characteristic of diabetes with intercurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis(VVC),and provide information for its prevention and treatment. ─── 了解糖尿病并发外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病的流行病学特征,为该病的防治提供信息学支持。

23、Must not abuse antibiotic, become only when the cold is intercurrent pharyngitis, bronchitic, pneumonic, just can fall to be added appropriately in doctor guidance with antibiotic. ─── 切不可滥用抗生素,只有当感冒并发咽炎、支气管炎、肺炎时,才可在医生指导下适当加用抗生素。

24、dead of intercurrent disease ─── 死于间发病, 间发病死亡

25、If cannot get satisfactory cure, the pathological changes that ministry of easy intercurrent heart and vessels, kidney, eye reachs nerve to wait. ─── 若得不到满意的治疗,易并发心血管、肾脏、眼部及神经等的病变。

26、Percutaneous quantified ethanol injection in the treatment for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma with intercurrent hepatocirrhosis ─── 超声介入无水乙醇量化治疗合并肝硬化的复发性肝癌的临床研究

27、Intercurrent sex problem goes data to visit same data in many users now and any user can update data without the information of other user. ─── 数据并发性问题出现在多个用户访问相同的数据并且任何一个用户没有其它用户的信息就能更新数据。

28、Objective To study the effects of carotid sympathectomy on symptom or intercurrent damage of refractory cerebral palsy. ─── 目的探讨颈动脉外膜交感神经剥离术治疗重症脑瘫及其并发损害的疗效。

29、If I have the intercurrent card that keeps after stream of people, resemble palace antrum infection, adhesion, go the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is felt pulse see a doctor, can he see? ─── 我如果有人流后留下的并发证,像宫腔感染,粘连啊,去中医把脉看病,他能不能看得出来?

30、Peri-operative nursing on osteosarcoma intercurrent pathological fracture in extremity ─── 四肢长骨骨肉瘤并发病理性骨折围手术期的护理

31、With normal vagina childbirth photograph is compared, analyse palace produces intercurrent disease much, haemorrhage estimates increase during the operation, operation hind is easy produce infection. ─── 与正常的阴道分娩相比,剖宫产并发症多,手术期间出血量增多,手术后易发生感染。

32、Comment on: Art of stream of people is contraceptive failure remedy measure, this kind of operation but can appear the near future and long-dated intercurrent disease. ─── 点评:人流术是避孕失败的补救措施,这种手术可能出现近期与远期的并发症。

33、I had not checked, but I see have tall intercurrent use case. ─── 我没有测试过,但是我看到的有高并发使用的例子。

34、The netizen is returned cause trouble person the companion's a money order receipt to be signed and returned to sender one by one check scheme, intercurrent post has attack. ─── 网友还将肇事者同伴的回帖一一截图,并发帖进行抨击。

35、Objective To explore the clinical characteristic and pathogenesis inducement of senility diabetes mellitus intercurrent hypoglycemia. ─── 目的探讨老年糖尿病并发低血糖的临床特点和发病诱因。

36、Clinical Observation of Mifepristone for Treatment of Patients with Hysteromyoma and Intercurrent Anaemia ─── 米非司酮治疗子宫肌瘤合并贫血患者疗效观察

37、The article investigated data intercurrent sex is unusual of backside normally origin, introduced to solve the technology of these problems. ─── 本文调查了数据并发性异常背后的通常起因,介绍了解决这些问题的技术。

38、Conclusion Senility diabetes mellitus intercurrent hypoglycemia has severe reaction non-evidence inducement an... ─── 结果老年组病情严重,并发症多,早期症状不明显,易误诊。

39、Abstract: Objective:To explore a new means for axial eye length measurements when vitreous turbidity in intercurrent cataract. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探索并发性白内障玻璃体混浊时准确测量眼轴的新方法。

40、Objective To study the perioper ative management of diabetic patients with intercurrent urologic emergency. ─── 目的探讨糖尿病患者伴泌尿外科急诊的围手术期处理方法。

41、(3)DiabeticWhen intercurrent heart disease, nephrosis and retinal pathological changes, physical training volume shoulds not be too large, time shoulds not be too long. ─── (3)糖尿病并发心脏病、肾病及视网膜病变时,体育锻炼量不宜过大,时间不宜过长。

42、Accordingly, be oppositeSenilePeriod when mental disease has treatment, must sufficient take into account these intercurrent diseases. ─── 因此,在对老年期精神疾病进行治疗时,必须充分顾及这些并发疾病。

43、Keywords distribution;database;books data management;data distribution;intercurrent control; ─── 关键词分布式数据库;图书资料管理;数据分布;数据同步;并发控制;

44、When acute of anxiety of COPD intercurrent lung is aggravating, is is adopted remedy the most important? ─── COPD并发肺心病急性加重时,采取的治疗措施最重要的是?

45、Objective To explore for experiences about acute organophosphorous poisnin intercurrent intermediate syndrome with mechanical ventilation and nursing. ─── 摘要目的总结急性有机磷中毒并发中间综合征的治疗和护理经验。

46、intercurrent damage ─── 并发损害

47、The Clinical Curative Effect of Amiodarone for Myocardial Infarction Intercurrent Ventricular Arrhythmia ─── 胺碘酮治疗心肌梗死后室性心律失常的临床疗效

48、Should appear have a headache, the discovery when vomiting, check-up inspects tit oedema, we should consider the heighten of the pressure inside this ill intercurrent skull. ─── 当出现头痛、呕吐、体检时发现视乳头水肿,我们要考虑本病并发颅内压力的增高。

49、The person that dizziness suddenly shows may intercurrent haemorrhage. ─── 有突然眩晕者说明可能并发出血。

50、HypertensiveYesSenileCommon disease of the person, and easy intercurrent head function of apoplectic, coronary heart disease, miocardial infarction, kidney fails and endanger life. ─── 高血压是老年人的常见病,且易并发脑中风、冠心病、心肌梗塞、肾功能衰竭而危及生命。

51、Happen in more on eyelid, also can go up, next eyelid are intercurrent, but individual Yi Ke many at the same time or happen early or late. ─── 多发生在上睑,也可上、下睑并发,可单个亦可多个同时或先后发生。

52、Second liver patient or the cause that intercurrent kidney damages the person that liver virus carries second, still not be clear about at present. ─── 乙肝患者或乙肝病毒携带者并发肾脏损害的原因,目前尚不清楚。

53、In trade settle accounts system prepares a field, perfect and will intercurrent cloth is carried out do poineering work board trade system and relevant regulation. ─── 在交易结算制度准备方面,将完善并发布实施创业板交易制度和相关规则。

54、Mechanical Ventilation and Nursing of Psychotherapy About Acute Organophosphorous Poisoning Intercurrent Intermediate Syndrome ─── 急性有机磷农药中毒并中间综合征的机械通气治疗及心理护理

55、More and more people pay close attention to the relationship between osteoporosis or osteopenia and lipid metabolism disorders, because they are intercurrent. ─── 摘要骨质疏松或骨量减少与脂质代谢紊乱常并存,它们之间的关系日益受到研究者的关注。

56、Lumbar interverbebral disc excises an operation to divide cut of may intercurrent operation clearance of likelihood happening vertebra is returned to affect outside infection. ─── 腰椎间盘摘除手术除可能并发手术切口感染外还可能发生椎间隙感染。

57、Strengthen antenatal examination, discover as intercurrent as seasonable cure disease with Li as soon as possible, if anaemic 、 is gravidHypertensiveAsk for integratedly etc; ─── 加强产前检查,以利及早发现与及时治疗并发症,如贫血、妊娠高血压综合征等;

58、Those data during and after operation with those before operation were compared.Result: 53 were finished smoothly without any intercurrent disease. ─── 结果:共作纤支镜诊治术53例次,均术程顺利,未出现并发症。

59、Serious cardiac muscle is short of blood, cause ventricle to attack move and ventricular and vibratile, intercurrent coronary heart disease and heart disease of lobar source sex cause sudden death. ─── 严重的心肌缺血,引发心室扑动和心室颤动,并发冠心病和肺源性心脏病造成猝死。

60、intercurrent accessing ─── 并发访问

61、Keywords Ultrasonic measurement Axial eye length Intercurrent cataract; ─── 关键词超声波测量;眼轴;并发性白内障;

62、At necropsy cattle dead from intercurrent disease, cysticerci infested tissues should be destroyed by incineration or deep burial ─── 剖检由于间发性疾病死亡的病牛,凡是囊尾幼虫侵袭的组织应该一律通过焚化或深埋予以销毁。

63、At necropsy cattle dead from intercurrent disease, cysticerci infested tissues should be destroyed by incineration or deep burial. ─── 剖检由于间发性疾病死亡的病牛,凡是囊尾幼虫侵袭的组织应该一律通过焚化或深埋予以销毁。

64、Methods15 patients with osteosarcoma intercurrent pathological fracture in extremity were given holistic nursing. ─── 方法对15例四肢长骨骨肉瘤合并病理性骨折手术患者根据病情采取相应护理措施,实施整体护理。

65、(3) intercurrent massive haemorrhage: When ulcer encroachs older blood vessel, see colonic massive haemorrhage, deliver shock easily. ─── (3)并发大出血:溃疡侵蚀较大血管时,可见结肠大出血,易致休克。

66、4.Of medicaments of hurried platoon egg should use: Much embryo is gravid it is the main and intercurrent disease that medicaments causes an egg. ─── 4.促排卵药物的应用:多胎妊娠是药物诱发排卵的主要并发症。

67、The loss rate in commercial broiler breeders infected with ALV-J and intercurrent stressors can be as high as 1.5% per week in excess of normal mortality from approximately 20 weeks of age onwards. ─── 损失率在商业烤焙用具交配动物者感染ALV-J和在过程中发生的致压力素可以向前是一样高象1.5%每个星期超出正常死亡率从大约20个星期年龄。

68、The Relationship between ESR and Hematocrit Intercurrent Composition ─── 红细胞的压积及介质差异对其沉降率的影响

69、More and more people pay close attention to the relationship between osteoporosis or osteopenia and lipid metabolism disorders,because they are intercurrent. ─── 骨质疏松或骨量减少与脂质代谢紊乱常并存,它们之间的关系日益受到研究者的关注。


adj.现时发生的; 当前的; 现在的; 通用的; 流通的; 流行的;

n.(海洋或江河的) 水流; 气流; 电流; 思潮; 潮流; 趋向;




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