jealousies 发音
英:[ˈdʒɛləsiz] 美:[ˈdʒɛləsiz]
英: 美:
jealousies 中文意思翻译
jealousies 反义词
generosity | tolerance
jealousies 同义词
green-eyed monster | possessiveness | wariness | distrust | watchfulness | spite | resentment | suspicion |envy | suspiciousness | protectiveness
jealousies 词性/词形变化,jealousies变形
名词复数: jealousies |
jealousies 相似词语短语
1、jealousness ─── n.嫉妒;吃醋;猜忌
2、jalouses ─── 嫉妒
3、jalousie ─── n.百叶窗
4、jalousied ─── 豪华的
5、jealoused ─── 嫉妒的
6、jalousies ─── n.固定百叶窗
7、jealouses ─── 犹太人
8、jealouse ─── 嫉妒的
9、jealousing ─── 嫉妒
jealousies 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears. ─── 想要在人生的旅途中走得又快又远,就一定要轻装简行,不能有太多行李。所以一定要先卸下心中无谓的羡慕、嫉妒、记恨、自私和恐惧。
2、Your grudges,resentments,frustrations,and jealousies will finally disapear. ─── 你的嫉恨、冤仇、挫败和妒嫉之心终将消失。
3、Surely we can rise above petty personal jealousies. ─── 当然我们会抛却这些个人小恩小怨的。
4、5.Take off all your envies, jealousies, unwillingness to forgive, selfishness, and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think. ─── 摒弃所有的嫉妒、自私、恐惧和不愿意宽恕的心理,你会发现事情并没有你想象的那么难。
5、As we grew older, the world covers us with dissapointments, jealousies, and doubt. We no longer see that dream as clearly. ─── 当我们一点点长大,这世界给我们的只是失望,嫉妒和疑问。我们的梦已不再清晰。
6、and the jealousies of jarring interests are allayed by the composition and functions of the great national councils annually assembled from all quarters of the Union at this place. ─── 不和利益之间的嫉妒也为每年在此处举行的集合自联邦各地的伟大国家议会的组成和功用所缓和。
7、Your grudges,resentments,frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. so, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-de lists will all expire. ─── 你的报复之意、愤懑之情、挫折之感、嫉妒之心,都会烟消云散。你的希望、抱负、蓝图、拟做之事,都是白驹过隙。
8、Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will all expire. ─── 希望、抱负、计划以及想要做的林林总总,和幽怨、愤恨、失败、妒忌一起,都归于灰飞烟灭。
9、Your ***dges, resentments, ***strations, and jealousies will finally disappear. ─── 你的怜悯、憎恶、挫折和嫉妒最终都会消失。
10、All their hidden frustrations, disappointments and jealousies seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving. ─── 他们所有隐藏的失落、失望和忌妒感,似乎都在开车中暴露出来
11、She grew tired of his petty jealousies . ─── 她越来越讨厌他那种心胸狭窄的忌妒行为.
12、They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousies. ─── 他们因为相互猜疑嫉妒而不和。
13、Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disapear. ─── 你的忌恨、冤仇、挫败和嫉妒之心终将消失。
14、“Barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings” loom. ─── “对交流的阻碍,猜忌,仇恨,嫉妒”正日渐显现出来。
15、They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousies. ─── 他们因为相互猜疑和嫉妒而分裂。
16、sectional jealousies, rivalry, etc ─── 不同群体之间的倾轧、 竞争等.
17、As we grew older, the world covers us with dissapointments, jealousies , and doubt. We no longer see that dream as clearly. ─── 当我们一点点长大,这世界给我们的只是失望,嫉妒和疑问。我们的梦已不再清晰。
18、I was a petty jealousies children,I do not tolerate others perfunctory,Even a little bit too. ─── 我是个小心眼的孩子。不能容忍他人的敷衍。哪怕一点点也不行。
19、I am tired of all these jealousies and quarrels. ─── 我厌恶这些妒忌和吵架的语言。
20、The stiffness of her manner, her shyness protected her from many spites and jealousies. ─── 她的态度不太自然,有些害羞怕臊,因此免除了多少怨恨和妒忌。
21、“ Barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings ” loom. ─── “交往的障碍,嫉妒,仇恨和h eartburnings” 织机。
22、And women are particularly skilled at dealing with the motives for murder: the tensions, intrigues, jealousies and resentments which can fester in the closed circles beloved of crime writers to erupt finally into the ultimate crime." ─── 并且妇女特别善于分析谋杀的动机:紧张、阴谋、嫉妒和忿恨,这些都郁集在侦探小说家喜欢的封闭环境中,并最终引发犯罪。”
23、Jealousies arose between those that had more and those that had less, creating even more problems. ─── 富裕者与贫困者之间产生了妒忌,从而生出更多的问题。
24、The jealousies and heart-burnings tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection. ─── 妒忌和怨恨易于疏远本应情同手足的人。
25、If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all you envies,jealousies,unforgiveness,selfishness and fears. ─── 如果你渴望走得远,走得快,那麽,请放下你的重担。放下你的羡慕、妒嫉、仇恨、自私及恐惧。
26、The opposition of still others was rooted in "the honest errors of minds led astray by preconceived jealousies and fears. ─── 还有暗地里的反对者,则是“极度嫉妒和担心而惶恐不可终日。”
27、Listen to sweet music,your foolish fearspetty jealousies will pass away. ─── 倾听悠扬的音乐,徒劳的恐惧与小小的妒嫉都将成为过去。
28、This is the law of jealousies, when a wife goeth aside to another instead of her husband, and is defiled; ─── 妻子背着丈夫行了污秽的事
29、He would keep away from the range of London intrigues, jealousies and social truckling. ─── 他要远离伦敦勾心斗角,争风吃醋、吹捧奉承的污浊气氛。
30、Your grudges, resentments, frustartins, and jealousies will finally disappear. ─── 你的怨恨、愤慨、挫折和嫉妒最终也将消失。
31、The Greeks attributed the misfortunes of men in great measure to the antipathies and jealousies of gods and goddesses. ─── 古希腊人大抵把人类的不幸,归诸于神祗们的排斥和妒嫉。
32、It agitates the community with illfounded jealousies and false alarms; ─── 它在社区里煽起毫无根据的猜忌和莫须有的惊恐;
33、Legislative power is divided between two houses in substantial part because that power was most feared, and it was thought their jealousies would cause them to check one another. ─── 立法权由两院分别执掌,其主要原因是该权利最让人担忧,而且人们认为两院之间的猜忌会促使其互相制约。
34、The stiffness of her manner, her shyness protected her from many spites and jealousies. ─── 她的态度不太自然,有些害羞怕臊,因此免除了多少怨恨和妒忌。
35、Sagittarians are very broad-minded, tolerant, humorous, and truthful. They are big hearted, understanding, and entirely lacking in malice or petty jealousies. ─── 他们非常有智慧,主要表现在思想成熟,远观性,和切合实际的想象力.
36、Meanwhile, the four obvious candidates are held back by regional jealousies: India by Pakistan; ─── 同时,四个候选国家因区域嫉妒而受阻:印度受巴基斯坦;
37、The superimposition of ideological conflict and personal jealousies turned inherent rivalry into obsession. ─── 意识形态的冲突和个人之间相互不服气交织在一起,使得固有的敌对发展到势不两立的地步。
38、Presumably, the nations of the world would set aside all jealousies and ideological hangups, knowing that failure to act together meant doom for all. ─── 世界上的国家总该摒弃所有的猜忌和意识形态上的差异,并且懂得不能共同行动就意味着世界末日的到来。
39、Sagittarians are very broad-minded, tolerant, humorous, and truthful.They are big hearted, understanding, and entirely lacking in malice or petty jealousies. ─── 他们思路开阔,忍耐力强,具有幽默感,热心,理解别人,而且完全缺乏恶意的妒嫉等.
40、His many little jealousies harmed their marriage. ─── 他那许多妒嫉的言行妨害了他们的婚姻生活。
41、I'm tired of all these jealousies and quarrels. ─── 我已厌倦这些妒忌和争吵了。
42、I shall not inquire whether he may not at times tease her with some little jealousies;as I know, that, were I in his place, I should not be entirely free from such sensations. ─── 至于他是否有时因为小小的醋意使她苦恼过,眼下我还拿不准,至少,如果我处在他的位置上,在妒忌这个魔鬼面前是不会完全无动于衷的。
43、Simply put aside useless anxieties and groundless jealousies...and, naturally, trust your own instinct. ─── 只要将不必要的焦虑及无端的猜忌摆在一旁,很自然的相信自己的直觉即可。
44、if sectional jealousies and heartburnings be discountenanced, ─── 如果排除了派系的妒忌和不满,
45、I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies. ─── 妻子要忠贞,以免我读书时还得因妒忌而闹心。
46、I'm tired of her petty jealousies. ─── 我厌烦她那小肚鸡肠的忌妒。
47、I want a wife who will remain *ually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies. ─── 我希望有一个对我性专一的老婆,这样我就不会因为争风吃醋而影响学业了。
48、Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away. ─── 倾听美妙的音乐,你那愚蠢的恐惧与琐碎的猜忌都会消逝无踪。
49、or else more often, by means of jealousies and suspicions skilfully fomented among them by the Circular party, they are stirred to mutual warfare, and perish by one another's angles. ─── 或者,更多的情况下是,圆形党巧妙的煽动他们之间的嫉妒与猜忌,使他们陷入内讧,他们互相刺穿对方的身体死去。
50、Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away. The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness. ─── 倾听那天籁之音,那么你所有愚蠢的恐惧感和小小的嫉妒心都会消失。这个世界的自然之美帮助我们去追求和寻找心灵的善良之美。
51、For the present they were quite satisfied to be in accord again about one girl, for they had no jealousies between them. ─── 眼下他们对一位姑娘取得了一致的看法,这就相当满意了,因为他们中间并没有什么嫉妒之心。
52、She grew tired of his petty jealousies. ─── 她越来越讨厌他那种心胸狭窄的忌妒行为。
53、but sectional jealousies and heartburnings must be discountenanced, ─── 也要反对派系妒忌和不满;
54、In this vivid snapshot of Berlin life, a trip to the countryside reveals the flirtations, rivalries, jealousies, and petty irritations common to any group outing. ─── 分手前大家相约下周再见,但是到了下个周日,男子早把女孩抛在脑后,另寻乐子去了。
55、Meanwhile, the four obvious candidates are held back by regional jealousies: India by Pakistan; Brazil by Argentina; Germany by Italy; and Japan by China. ─── 与此同时,四个显而易见的候选人因为地区偏见而被挡在门外:印度被巴基斯坦阻拦在外;巴西被阿根廷;德国被意大利;日本被中国。
56、Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. ─── 你的怨恨、愤慨、挫折和妒忌最终也将消失。
57、Ehrlichman's hiring of Young was not uninfluenced by the petty jealousies of the White House staff. ─── 埃利希曼启用扬,并非没有受到白宫工作人员狭隘嫉妒心的影响。
58、You will appreciate opulence, while fearing jealousies that it causes. ─── 你喜爱富裕的生活,也可能会担心因此而导致的嫉妒。
59、I'm tired of her petty jealousies. ─── 我厌烦她那小肚鸡肠的忌妒。
60、If she petty jealousies some, and perhaps the final outcome is not the same. ─── 如果她小心眼一些,也许最后就是不一样的结局了。
61、Your hates, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. ─── 你的憎恨,失落和嫉妒将最终消失。
62、Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiving attitude, selfishness, and fears.And you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think. ─── 放下所有的怨恨、嫉妒、不宽容的态度、自私以及惧怕,你会发现事情的境况原来并不如想象中的差。
63、As long as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather that the old conflicts will re-appear, but between different groups. ─── 只要这种差距存在,就总是有可能出现新的冲突和嫉妒,或者旧的冲突将重新出现,但是在不同的集团之间。
64、Listen to sweet music ,and your foolish fear and petty jealousies will pass away . ─── 这般珍贵的美,愉悦着我们脆弱。纯真的情感。
65、At the least, the power and money that flows from Ahmed Wali to members of his small Popalzai tribe have exacerbated local jealousies. ─── 至少,权力和金钱从艾哈迈德瓦利流向他手下的波帕扎伊小部落成员,都加剧了当地人的嫉妒。
66、The Greeks attributed the misfortunes of men in great measure to the antipathies and jealousies of gods and goddesses. ─── 古希腊人大抵把人类的不幸,归诸于神祗们的排斥和妒嫉。
67、I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies ─── 我希望有一个对我性专一的妻子,这样我就不会因为争风吃醋而影响学业了。
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