resuscitated 发音
英:[rɪˈsʌsɪteɪtɪd] 美:[rɪˈsʌsɪteɪtɪd]
英: 美:
resuscitated 中文意思翻译
resuscitated 短语词组
1、resuscitated hope ─── 复苏的希望
resuscitated 词性/词形变化,resuscitated变形
形容词: resuscitable |动词过去分词: resuscitated |动词过去式: resuscitated |动词第三人称单数: resuscitates |动词现在分词: resuscitating |名词: resuscitation |
resuscitated 相似词语短语
1、resuscitator ─── n.使复活的人;人工呼吸器
2、resuscitation ─── n.复苏;复兴;复活
3、regurgitated ─── v.(使)回涌;(使)回流;(使)反刍;(不加思考地)重复;照搬;机械重复表不满;(非正式)反哺(regurgitate的过去式和过去分词)
4、resuscitators ─── n.使复活的人;人工呼吸器
5、resuscitating ─── v.使复苏;使苏醒(resuscitate的现在分词)
6、suscitated ─── 受刺激的
7、resuscitate ─── vt.使复苏;使复兴;vi.恢复;复兴
8、resuscitative ─── adj.使复生的;使复兴的
9、resuscitates ─── vt.使复苏;使复兴;vi.恢复;复兴
resuscitated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The next thing she remembered was a warm light, and being resuscitated . ─── 往后她只记得看见一束暖光,并被救活。
2、The personal physician who was with him at the time attempted to resuscitated him. ─── 当时与他在一起的私人医生曾试图让他恢复知觉。
3、They resuscitated a man who had almost drowned. ─── 他们把一个几乎淹死了的人救活了。
4、Many years later, when the story of my conversion and purification evolved into legend, it was said that when they resuscitated me, out shot a stream of water a-swim with tadpoles and tiny fishes. ─── 多少年后,我转变和净化的故事成为传奇,据说他们让我复苏时,一股子水激射出来,里面游着蝌蚪和小鱼。
5、for most of us, it would be nice to think that fading memories could be resuscitated. ─── 对于我们大多数人而言,能够让消失的记忆复苏是一件再好不过的事情。
6、From the end of the Great Cultural Revolution to the end of the 20th century, Chinese historiography resuscitated as it self-questioned, advanced step by step towards prosperity. ─── “文革”结束至世纪末的20余年,中国史学在反思中复苏,逐步走向繁荣。
7、The channel of resuscitated plastic and utilization ─── 废旧塑料再生与利用的途径
8、She had been literally rejuvenated, resuscitated, brought back from the lip of the grave . ─── 她确确实实返老还童了,恢复了精力,被从坟墓的进口处拉了回来。
9、Results Fifteen arrest victims were successfully resuscitated, five died. ─── 结果15例病人复苏成功,5例死亡。
10、Results:Four patients in group A and 14 patients in group B were resuscitated su... ─── 结果:A组自主循环功能恢复4例,B组自主循环功能恢复14例。
11、The patient was successfully resuscitated and recovered without sequelae. ─── 病患成功地被急救及恢复而且没有任何后遗症。
12、She had been literally rejuvenated, resuscitated, brought back from the lip of the grave ─── 她确确实实返老还童了,恢复了精力,被从坟墓的进口处拉了回来。
13、The black sea offers a dramatic example of how undersea ecosystems can be destroyed by a surplus of nutrients and also provides insight into how they can be resuscitated. ─── 黑海就是因为营养盐过多、导致海底生态系遭受破坏的鲜明实例,而且它也能为如何复原海底生态系提供一些线索。
14、For him, not to be known is not to act, and not acting is dying a hundred times with all the creatures he would have brought to life or resuscitated. ─── 对他而言,不为人所知就不能演出,不能演出就是与他所赋予生气、因他所苏醒的万物共同死亡。
15、A decision was made to take her to the public hospital in Panama City, but on the way she stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated. ─── 于是其家人决定把她送到巴拿马的公立医院,但在转运途中她的呼吸停止了,不得不对其进行心肺复苏抢救。
16、A decision was made to take her to the public hospital in Panama City, but on the way she stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated . ─── 于是其家人决定把她送到巴拿马的公立医院,但在转运途中她的呼吸停止了,不得不对其进行心肺复苏抢救。
17、The doctor resuscitated the man who was overcome by gas. ─── 医生救活了那个煤气中毒的人。
18、Complicating this already dif?cult situation is a recent controversy about the extent to which a patient with penetrating trauma should be resuscitated before bleeding is controlled. ─── 最近的争议是在何种程度上的穿透性外伤病人应在至血之前首先处理并发症。
19、"They couldn't find a pulse and I had to be resuscitated in an emergency room. ─── 他们测不出我的脉搏,我不得不被送进急诊室进行复苏"。
20、In recent years, through their transformation into modern department stores, department stores have gradually resuscitated. ─── 近年来,通过自身的调整和向现代百货转变,百货商店开始逐渐走出低谷。
21、He opened up the study of trade under increasing returns and imperfect competition and later resuscitated the study of economic geography. ─── 他开创了在收益递增和不完全竞争框架下的贸易理论,之后又复兴了经济地理学的研究。
22、Zhou Yi is resuscitated in the Imperial Palace of Tang Dynasty, so, the HR manager becomes a Taoist priest now. ─── 周易起死回生,在唐朝皇宫,人事经理当上了道士。
23、Clinical study of myocardial injury in cardiopulmonary resuscitated patients ─── 心肺复苏患者心肌损伤的临床研究
24、They resuscitated an old man who fell in a faint. ─── 他们使一位晕倒的老人苏醒过来。
25、Among 12cases of sudden death patien ts resuscitated by ABCD method,succeeded in one case(8.33%),among another 15cases of resucitated by DCB method,succeeded in 5cases(33.33%). ─── 按ABCD法抢救12例猝死病人,其中成功1例(占8.33%),按DCB法抢救15例猝死病人,其中成功5例(占33.33%),两者比较差异具有显著性意义(P
26、All the data above was from cases in hospital.Since 1998, none of the cardiac arrest patients was successfully resuscitated out of our hospital. ─── 自1998年我科开展院外急救以来,尚无一例院外心跳骤停者复苏成功。
27、They resuscitated an old man who fell in a faint. ─── 他们使一位晕倒的老人苏醒过来。
28、This patient was successfully resuscitated with standard intensive care and antibiotic treatment initially. ─── 最初,病患接受标准加护照顾及抗生素治疗成功地复苏后。
29、Cerebral intra-and extra-cellular calcium concentrations in asphyxiated rat fetuses resuscitated with oxygen of different concentrations ─── 不同复苏氧浓度对宫内窘迫胎鼠脑细胞内外钙的影响
30、Successfully resuscitated rats accepted 2-hour-period of intersive care. ─── 自主循环恢复者,继续观察2小时。
31、When the rescue workers came they resuscitated him and there was no brain damage. His core temperature had dropped to 77 degrees. ─── 当救援人员赶到抢救并唤醒他时,发现他并没有脑损伤,他的心脏温度降至77度。
32、Mayo's unrequited love was again ardently and painfully resuscitated. ─── 真夜那没有结果的爱又苏醒了,再次痛苦地继续下去。
33、Patients with hypotension are typically resuscitated with fluid or medications (e.g., vasopressors or inotropes) to increase vascular tone. ─── 低血压病人主要是通过液体或药物进行复苏(如血管升压类药物或收缩性药物),增加血管张力。
34、So even the neonates with asphyxia who are successfully resuscitated and recovered clinically should also be given an early treatment. ─── 故对出生时有重度窒息,迅速复苏成功的新生儿,仍应及时给予必要的治疗。
35、The personal physician who was with him at the time attempted to resuscitated him. ─── 当时与他在一起的私人医生曾试图让他恢复知觉。”
36、We cannot afford to live with the old pact, which, if resuscitated, will be a constant source of conflict in the future. ─── 我们再也不能继续让旧公约主导我们的生活,如果不对它进行更新,它将会屡屡成为我们未来冲突的根源。
37、Cerebral intra-and extra-cellular calcium concentrations in asphyxiated rat fetuses resuscitated with air or oxygen ─── 空气或高浓度氧复苏对宫内窘迫胎鼠脑细胞内外钙的影响
38、The change of blood sugar concentration in burn children resuscitated delayedly ─── 延迟复苏烧伤患儿的血糖变化及临床意义
39、electrically resuscitated ─── 电复苏的
40、Luo briefly resuscitated the site on Sunday using an overseas server, it was blocked again. ─── 罗周六很快使用海外服务器恢复网页,却再度被关。
41、He was resuscitated at the scene and taken to hospital in Innsbruck - the Dutch government said he was stable but "not out of danger" . ─── 王子在事故现场被暂时抢救,然后立即被送往奥地利西部城市因斯布鲁克治疗。荷兰政府称王子情况稳定但未脱离危险。
42、An Analysis of the Homeostasis in Burn Patients Resuscitated with Plasma and Lactated Ringer's Solution during the Early Postburn Stage ─── 烧伤早期液体复苏患者水和电解质平衡状况分析
43、Controversial new guidelines for health professionals in Britain would give experienced nurses the authority to decide whether seriously op-patient should be resuscitated. ─── 带有争议性的英国新医学行业法规,给于了有经验的护士决定危重病人是否应该被救助的权力。
44、Seven VFs (12%) were evoked during acute myocardial infarction and 6/7 was successfully resuscitated. ─── 室颤发生于心肌梗死(简称心梗)急性期7例(12%),复苏成功6例(86%)。
45、The next thing she remembered was a warm light, and being resuscitated. ─── 往后她只记得看见一束暖光,并被救活。
46、Among 38 head injured patients with hemorrhagic shock,7 cases were mild hemorrhagic shock and 31 cases were moderate or severe hemorrhagic shock,27 cases were resuscitated,19 ... ─── 9%,其中死于脑干功能衰竭7例,死于休克4例。结论熟悉颅脑损伤伴失血性休克的临床特点,早期诊断并及时准确处理是挽救此类病人生命的关键。
47、not to be resuscitated ─── 未被复苏的, 未复苏的
48、Alteration of serum Inflammatory Markers in Resuscitated Dog after Cardiac Arrest ─── 心脏复苏后犬血清炎症指标的变化
49、Methods: Dogs were induced VF by electric shock and resuscitated withstandard open-chest CPR in 10 minutes. ─── 方法:本实验采用电击致犬心脏室颤,10min后行标准开胸心肺复苏。
50、FEN (fluids, electrolytes and nutrition): is he fully resuscitated, is he wet or dry? any electrolytes disturbance. it is good he is on enteral nutrition. how do you feed him. ─── 营养和水电解质平衡问题:患者完全恢复意识了吗?是否存在脱水?是否有电解质紊乱?同意选择肠内营养,你们是如何进行肠内营养的?
51、The resuscitated rajah approached Sir Francis and Mr Fogg, and, in an abrupt tone, said, `Let us be off!' ─── “军官先生,”向导回答说,“我是帕西人,那受难的女人也是帕西人,有事您只管吩咐好了。”
52、A series of treatments including hemodialysis and plasmapheresis resuscitated him. ─── 经过一系列有系统的急救,包括血液透析及血浆置换术的治疗。
53、His face swelled up, he heart stopped and he had to be resuscitated. ─── 他面部肿胀,心跳停止,不得不接受心脏复苏急救。
54、Changes of endothelin-1 content and Na~+-K~+ ATPase activity in brain tissue in resuscitated dogs after cardiac arrest ─── 心脏停跳复苏犬大脑组织内皮素-1含量和Na~+-K~+ATP酶活性的变化
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