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09-19 投稿


jetty 发音

英:[ˈdʒeti]  美:[ˈdʒeti]

英:  美:

jetty 中文意思翻译





jetty 词性/词形变化,jetty变形


jetty 短语词组

1、discharge jetty ─── 卸货码头

2、Jetty Peninsula ─── 捷特半岛

3、piled jetty ─── 堆积的码头

4、cargo jetty ─── 货运码头

5、jetty harbor ─── 码头港

6、cylinder type jetty ─── 圆筒式码头

7、petroleum jetty ─── 石油码头

8、cylinder jetty ─── 圆筒码头

9、jetty clause ─── 码头检验条款

10、waterproof jetty ─── 防水码头

11、floating jetty ─── 浮码头

12、transverse jetty ─── 横向码头

13、busselton jetty ─── 布塞尔顿码头

14、jetty pier ─── 码头

15、submerged jetty ─── 潜堤

jetty 相似词语短语

1、jutty ─── n.码头;防波堤;(建筑物的)突出部分(等于jetty);vi.突出(等于jetty);vt.在…设防波堤(等于jetty)

2、Letty ─── n.莱蒂(女子名,等于Letitia和Lettie)

3、Metty ─── 梅特斯

4、petty ─── adj.琐碎的;小气的;小规模的;n.(Petty)人名;(英、法)佩蒂

5、Getty ─── n.盖提(姓氏)

6、jotty ─── 到

7、Netty ─── n.(尤指用干土覆盖粪便的)厕所;n.(Netty)(美、荷、印尼)妮蒂(人名)

8、Betty ─── n.贝蒂(女子名);n.贝蒂(皮包品牌)

9、Hetty ─── n.海蒂(Henrietta的昵称)

jetty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When we develop jetty, we do not think of it as a full application server (even though it is one). ─── 在开发Jetty之际,我们并未打算将其做成一个完全的应用服务器。

2、Discussion on Design of Jetty Type Road at Very Shallow Sea ─── 极浅海进海路的设计探讨

3、special-purpose jetty ─── 专用码头

4、Yugan jetty passenger boats, Li Zhilin of people ", outlines the Luzhou magnificent culture of wine. ─── 余甘渡头客艇,荔枝林下人家”,勾勒出了泸州酒文化的瑰丽。

5、signal for "return to jetty" omf water ski signaling ─── “请返回码头”信号

6、jetty pier ─── 栈桥式码头

7、When the boat ties up and you step on the jetty, you would probably agree that the jetty is stationary. ─── 当你系好了船跳上堤岸时,你可能会认为堤岸是静止的。

8、Construction of Un-loading Jetty at Pier 15 ─── 15号桥墩旁的临时起?码头建造

9、timber jetty ─── 木结构突堤

10、His first statement was that WADI is quite unique because it allows developers to cluster in non-homogeneous environments, such as clustering Tomcat and Jetty implementations together. ─── 他的第一个陈述是:WADI非常独特,因为它允许开发人员在异类环境中进行集群,例如把Tomcat和Jetty实现集群在一起。

11、discharge jetty ─── 卸货码头;卸油桥台

12、I saw many people going fishing on the jetty. ─── 我在防波堤上看到许多人正在钓鱼。

13、I tried to regainmy balance but I fell off the jetty and into the drink. ─── 我试图恢复平衡,但我却从栈桥上跌了下来,掉进了水里。

14、signal for "return to jetty" ─── “返回码头”信号

15、The wave broke over the jetty and flung the object on the wet wooden boards of the ramp ─── 一个浪头打来,漫过码头,把那东西甩在斜坡的湿木板上。

16、The boat turned into the bay, and Lucy could see two small figures on the jetty. ─── 小船已拐进海湾,露西看到码头上有两个小小的影子。

17、I tied up the boat at the jetty but somebody cut it loose and it's drifting down the river. ─── 我把船系在码头,但有人把缆索松脱了,船正在顺河漂下。

18、Application of Integral Taking Out of Inner Mold for the Oil Jetty Engineering at the Mid Port Area of Rizhao Port ─── 整体抽芯模板工艺在日照港中港区油码头工程中的应用

19、jetty of iron or steel ─── 栈桥,铁中钢制的

20、The Application of Variable Frequency Soft Start Controlling Mode in the Oil Loading in Elevated Jetty ─── 变频软启动控制方式在高位栈桥装车中的应用

21、A jetty projected into the river. ─── 一处小码头直插进河水中。

22、approach jetty ─── 引道突堤

23、Learn how to take advantage of Apache Geronimo and Jetty to create a powerful browser and open source detection scheme. ─── 本文将介绍如何利用Apache Geronimo和Jetty的优点来创建功能强大的浏览器和操作系统检测机制。

24、Upon arrival in Port Klang Jetty, take a ferry to Pulau Ketam which takes approximately 30 minutes.Pulau Ketam is a fascinating island, full of fishing village sceneries. ─── 抵达吧生码头后,乘搭三十分钟左右的大型冷气渡轮到岛上,沿途中您会看到一片片在城市罕见的红树林沼泽景色。

25、inner jetty ─── 内防波堤

26、Design on reinforcing of high rock side-slope along mineral jetty of Dalian harbour ─── 大连港矿石码头岩质高边坡的加固设计

27、3. I tried to regain my balance but I fell off the jetty and into the drink. ─── 我试图恢复平衡,但我却从栈桥上跌了下来,掉进了水里。

28、NODAL JETTY PLATFORM A series of the lake edge landings and nodal viewing points, will be located around the lake, and will provide access to the waters edge. ─── 亲水平台由环湖的一系列湖畔平台和亲水观景点组成的,为人们提供亲近湖畔的机会。

29、Pulau Ketam, literally translated, means “crab island”.It is a small island located off the coast of Klang.The island is easily accessible from the Port Klang jetty by air-con ferry. ─── 他很少主动让别人了解他,这当然跟他保守的个性有关,开朗天真的女孩可能会让他比较容易打开心门,如果你真的了解他,他会很安慰。

30、timber piled jetty ─── 木桩突码头

31、Jetty: Jetty 6.1.14 was used in this article. ─── Jetty:本文使用的是Jetty 6.1.14。

32、It contains one jetty of 300,000 tonnage and the storage tanks of 1.3 million m3, with the annual transshipment capacity of 10 million tons. ─── 建设30万吨级码头一座和130万立方罐区,年中转油品能力为1000万吨。

33、8.They paid the ship off from the jetty. ─── 他们把船平稳地驶离码头。

34、He helped her up, then got out himself and dragged the canoe up the bank, tying it to the jetty. ─── 他帮助她上来,然后他自己出来把独木舟拖到岸上,拴在码头上。

35、SBM / SPM, FSU, FPSO, CBM, STS, Wharf, T / L jetty, Finger pier, Alongside, etc. ─── 单浮筒,多浮筒,“T”码头,手指状码头,靠码头,等

36、Both pipe rack and jetty operations are also in full compliance with the above-mentioned HSSE standards. ─── 欧德油储将继续遵循健康、安全、环保的准则,成为大亚湾石化区建设的主力军。

37、I knew my traveller, with his broad and jetty eyebrows, his square forehead, made squarer by the horizontal sweep of his black hair. ─── 我知道我见过的这位赶路人有着浓密的宽眉,方正的额头,上面横流着的一片黑发,使额头显得更加方正。

38、Jetty Web server and servlet container. ─── Jetty Web服务器和servlet容器。

39、training jetty ─── 导水突堤

40、bunkering jetty ─── 加燃料栈桥码头

41、View and configure HTTP and HTTPS connections for the Jetty Web container. ─── 为Jetty Web容器检视和设定HTTP和HTTPS连接。

42、Construction Control of Support Beam in Jetty Project ─── 栈桥工程支座梁施工控制

43、This paper presents the design optimization and innovation on layout, marine structure and handling technology for the special-purpose jetty in Fangeheng Port Steel-making Project. ─── 摘要介绍防城港钢铁项目专用码头工程设计研究过程中,结合工程自身条件和项目总体规划的要求,对总平面布置、水工结构、装卸工艺等所进行的设计工作。

44、rock-filled jetty ─── 堆石突堤

45、open type jetty ─── 开敞式码头

46、term Land Art brings to mind epic interventions in the land such as Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty. ─── 土地艺术”这个词让我想起史诗干预土地如罗伯特·史密森的“螺旋码头”。

47、Our ferry is going to reach Tanjung Balai Jetty after about 1 and the half hours journey from Harbourfront Cruise centre. ─── 我们就快抵达丹戎巴莱港口了,从新加坡的港湾邮轮中心至丹戎巴莱港口大约只花了一个半小时的海程。

48、piled jetty ─── 桩式栈桥码头

49、jetty tresses. ─── 乌黑的秀发

50、A small jetty extending from a shore to protect a beach against erosion or to trap shifting sands. ─── 堤坝,折流坝从海滩伸出以保护海滩不受侵蚀或阻滞流沙的小型防波堤

51、Well, that is where the developers of Jetty - Greg Wilkins and Jan Bartel - live with their beautiful views of the surrounding countryside and their outstanding Internet connection. ─── 对了,这就是Jetty的开发人员Greg Wilkins和Jan Bartel居住的地方,他们的生活中有周围美丽的乡村风光,也有快速的Internet连接。

52、Ten minutes later, the launch was speeding on its way again and heading for the Customs Jetty. ─── 十分钟以后,孙吉人他们这小火轮又向前驶,直指铜人码头。

53、Temple landmark in the county and stability storage jetty in the eastern outskirts of the village Duanzhou District Leung Ancestral Hall, by the Zhaoqing city museum collections. ─── 安定郡祠碑原存放在端州区东郊渡头村梁氏宗祠内,现由肇庆市博物馆收藏。

54、And then we go to jetty and prepare go to Pulau Redang !! Happy !!!! ─── 之后我们当然是去码头,准备出发到乐浪岛了!!开心开心!!


56、Lam Tong Jetty Pier - The light was solarized to increase the reliability of the beacon in January. ─── 南堂村突堤式碼頭-該燈於1月期間換上全新太陽能系統,用以提高航標的可靠性。

57、When reach airport, the bus already there waiting for us. The bus transfer us to Jetty Semporna. ─── 到这里,已经有辆巴士在机场接我们前往先本那码头。

58、Jetty road is the link of onshore to man-made island in marine petroleum exploitation. ─── 摘要滩海路是为了开发丰富的滩海石油资源而修筑的联系陆地与人工岛的纽带。

59、An error of this type could show up just as easily in your code as it did in Jetty's, so let's take a closer look at how it happened. ─── 您的代码也可能和Jetty一样出现这种类型的错误,所以让我更详细地分析一下它是如何发生的。

60、The design and test for the replacing material for the carriageway plate of steel jetty in Rizhao Port are presented. ─── 摘要介绍日照港煤码头钢栈桥行车道板由钢筋混凝土预制构件代替木材的设计方案和试验情况。

61、On arrival there were approximately 8 members of staff waving to us from the jetty as the boat pulled into the islands private marina. ─── 当快艇靠近岛上的私人码头时,大约有8个员工在码头向我们挥手。

62、military harbor entrance jetty ─── 军港引堤

63、Over there, just behind the jetty. ─── 在那儿,在小码头的后面。

64、oil discharge jetty ─── 卸油栈桥

65、A jetty pier, some two thousand yards along, extended into the roadstead ─── 举目南望,有一条长达两公里的长堤,象一只巨臂伸在苏伊士运河的港湾里。

66、Title: Experimental?Research?on?Preventing?Pipe-line?Jetty?from?being?Eroded ─── 关键词:管堤;土壤侵蚀;植被;水泥土

67、Types and specifications of flange connecting to oil pipe on jetty ─── 与油管线连接法兰规格与形式

68、QHSE Management on the Construction of Loading and Unloading Jetty Area ─── 储运装卸栈台区域施工过程的QHSE管理

69、Kyla drives us down river a few miles until we see a hut and a wooden jetty. ─── 吉拉驾车带我们沿河行驶了数英里,直到我们看见一幢小屋和一个用木头建成的码头。

70、The paid the ship off from the jetty. ─── 他们将船平稳地驶离码头。

71、Iranian media also reported that the British boats had gotten too close to an oil jetty near the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. ─── 伊朗传媒又报道英国船只与一靠近底格里斯河与幼发拉底河汇合处的石油码头接得太近.

72、The very modern, comfortable air-conditioned catamaran "Habitat Explorer" traverses the diverse and fascinating Trinity Inlet ecosystem from Cairns to the Redbank Creek jetty. ─── 本土探索号"是一艘非常现代化,舒适和装有空调的双体船,她穿过变化莫测迷人的小岛生态系统抵达红岸小溪码头。

73、The Port Klang Authority is directing all shipping activities from the 5 small private jetties to move to the main jetty managed by the Port Klang Authority. ─── 巴生海港局指示私人码头的所有货运活动终止,并需要将所有货运迁往巴生港口的大码头。

74、In all fairness, a similar implementation is possible with Jetty, if we had not tried to adhere to the event model of Tomcat. ─── 平心而论,如果不遵从Tomcat的事件模型,在Jetty中可以有类似的实现。

75、a) Dredging for foundation of the jetty and catwalk; ─── 开挖突堤及步桥地基所需进行的挖泥工程;

76、Walking along the jetty we were met with pelicans, I think, which seemed to me to be statues until they moved. ─── 在走向大海的长堤,仔细瞧,会发现路灯上站了不少白色的大嘴鸟,远处看还以为是假的呢!

77、a jetty to accommodate aviation fuel tankers; ─── 容纳航空煤油运油船的码头;

78、A small jetty extending from a shore to protect a beach against erosion or to trap shifting sands. ─── 堤坝,折流坝从海滩伸出以保护海滩不受侵蚀或阻滞流沙的小型防波堤

79、Formwork technique for the supporting pier of guiding jetty in the upstream approach channel of Three Gorges Permanent Ship Lock ─── 三峡永久船闸上游引航道导航堤支墩滑模技术

80、The big cheese: The hills are brought to life with a carved slab of cheddar, while breadsticks form the jetty and garlic cloves bob on the lake as sallboats. ─── The steamer is made of bread with a celery funnel 山丘因雕刻的切达干酪带来了生机, 面包棒形成了码头,大蒜球在湖上充当小船。汽船由面包制成,上面由芹菜做烟筒。

81、He printed the black megaliths of Stonehenge in white snow;a shiny river winding like a white serpent, and a jetty in a lake resembling a giant black triangle. ─── 他印出了白色雪原中Stonehenge的黑色巨石,蜿蜒如白蛇般的闪闪发亮的河流,以及在湖中类似一个巨大的黑色三角形的防波堤。

82、Negotiations of contracts with offsite terminal and jetty suppliers ─── 外部码头及罐区合同的谈判

83、repair jetty ─── 修船码头

84、None of that matters much to the thousands, many of them locals, who jam this pier and adjacent jetty just over two miles from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. ─── 对于挤在码头上以及离卡那维尔角美国空军基地两英里内、在防波堤上的成千上万民众(其中有许多当地人)来说,这些事一点儿也不打紧。

85、Located at the north coast of Hangzhou Bay, Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (hereinafter as SCIP) is 60km from downtown of Shanghai, 12km from SPC to its west, and 40 nautical miles from deep port jetty under construction in the east. ─── 上海化学工业区位于杭州湾北岸,距上海市中心60公里,四邻上海石化12公里,东临建设中的深水港货运码头40海里。

86、jetty dock ─── 堤式船坞

87、jetty head ─── 坝头导流堤堤头

88、leading jetty ─── 引堤

89、guiding jetty ─── 导航堤

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