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unjustifiable 发音

英:[ˌʌnˌdʒʌstɪˈfaɪəb(ə)l]  美:[ˌʌnˌdʒʌstɪˈfaɪəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

unjustifiable 中文意思翻译



unjustifiable 网络释义

adj. 不合道理的;不能分辩的;辩护不了的;不能认为是正当的

unjustifiable 同义词

unwarranted |inexcusable | insupportable | beyond the pale | uncalled-for | unwarrantable | inexpiable | unjust | unforgivable | indefensible | untenable | unpardonable

unjustifiable 反义词


unjustifiable 词性/词形变化,unjustifiable变形

副词: unjustifiably |

unjustifiable 短语词组

1、unjustifiable obstruction ─── 无理阻挠

unjustifiable 相似词语短语

1、justifiable ─── adj.可辩解的,有道理的;可证明为正当的

2、justifiably ─── adv.言之有理地,无可非议地

3、unclassifiable ─── adj.不可归类的

4、unjustifiably ─── adv.无理地

5、unqualifiable ─── adj.不合格的;无资格的;不胜任的(unqualified的变形)

6、unquantifiable ─── adj.难以计算的;无法量化的

7、unidentifiable ─── adj.无法辨认的;无法鉴定的

8、nonjusticiable ─── 不可审理的

9、justiciable ─── adj.可在法庭裁决的;应受法院审判的

unjustifiable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Expel competitors by resorting to unjustifiable means of competition; ─── 三)以不正当竞争手段排挤竞争对手;

2、Unclear details like “potential customer”, “supplier for foil material” etc is not acceptable for this purpose.Insufficient details are treated as unjustifiable expenses, which are not reimbursable. ─── 如成员为潜在客户、未来的供应商等是不符合规定,故不可申请此费用。

3、>and>the current population is so widespread and numerous that the scale of the>task would be unjustifiable, especially in view of the opposition it would>encounter. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

4、Marianne began now to perceive that the desperation which had seized her at sixteen and a half, of ever seeing a man who could satisfy her ideas of perfection, had been rash and unjustifiable. ─── 玛丽安现在开始领悟到:她十六岁半就产生一种绝望情绪,认为一辈子也见不到一个使她称心如意的理想男人,这未免过于轻率,毫无道理。

5、unjustifiable defense ─── 不当防卫

6、price for lack of evidence, not to be unjustifiable price increases. ─── 对调价证据不足、理由不充分的一律不予提价。

7、Alleged dietetics arranges the natural order inside human body very hard really, it is unjustifiable not only, and it is a kind of traitorous action that opposes nature. ─── 所谓营养学实在很难支配人体内的自然秩序,不仅是无理,而且是一种反自然的叛逆行为。

8、However, the law has come under repeated attack in the last few years from both church leaders and MPs as an unjustifiable discrimination. ─── 然而,该法律在过去的几年里不断受到抨击,不管是教会首领还是过会议员,都认为这是一项不公平的歧视。

9、" the heart thinks: This old bald ass is really unjustifiable, immediately also wrote a few words to hand in grant small bonze, enjoin such-and-such. ─── 心想:这老秃驴真是无理,随即也写了几个字交予小和尚,并嘱咐如此这般。。。

10、Auction is a normal commercial activity to Cai's business ethics of not abiding by this behavior to stop the auction is unwise and is utterly unjustifiable. ─── 拍卖是一种正常的商业行为,以蔡的这种不守商业道德的行为来阻止拍卖很不明智,也是毫无道理的。

11、We do not believe in reinventing the wheel, and defining our own pointcut expression language was unjustifiable. ─── 我们不相信重新发明的轮子,而且定义我们自己的切入点表达语言是不合理的。

12、Britain's UN ambassador calls it completely unjustifiable. ─── 英国在联合国的大使认为这种行为是不合理的。

13、Limited Standard of Juvenile's Unjustifiable Self-defense and Lenient Judicial Criterion ─── 未成年人防卫过当限度标准与量刑从宽的司法理念分析

14、Arbitrarily, impose(extra)fees; collect questionable or unauthorized fees; impose unjustifiable charges ─── 乱收费

15、This article discussed the situation of unjustifiable disclosure and justifiable infringement of privacy and confidentialility as well. ─── 本文还讨论了不当泄密以及保密的合理例外等情况。

16、Trade policy measures for environmental purposes should not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade. ─── 为环境目的采取的贸易政策措施不应成为一种任意的或不合理的歧视的手段,或成为一种对国际贸易的社会科学限制。

17、unjustifiable act in scientific research ─── 科研不端行为

18、Therefore, it is important, from a legal and moral perspective, to ensure that nursing practice does not involve the unjustifiable restraint of patients. ─── 因此,从法律和道德角度看,重要的是要确保护理实践不涉及不正当的病人约束。

19、In morals of science,the unjustifiable act is part of important category of research for academic moral. ─── 科研不端行为是科学道德中学术道德研究的重要范畴。

20、In particular, the donative theory provides the only explanation of the tax law's otherwise unjustifiable reliance on the law of charitable trusts. ─── 特别应说明的是,捐赠性理论在税法对慈善性信托法的依据的解释方面独具理性,为其他无法相比。

21、In this sense, unjustifiable and senseless nudity in the name of art is in need of academic criticism. ─── 因此,那些毫无道理也毫无感觉的以艺术的名义的裸体确实需要学理上的批判。

22、not be altogether unjustifiable; give little cause for criticism ─── 无可厚非

23、Lady Catherine's unjustifiable endeavours to separate us were the means of removing all my doubts. ─── 咖苔琳夫人蛮不讲理。想要拆散我们,这反而使我消除了种种疑虑。

24、Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges ─── 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目

25、Not to rely on them and pursue the mass line is utterly unjustifiable. ─── 我们不依靠人民,不走群众路线,是毫无道理的。

26、Some ethicists regard the cloning of humans as a morally unjustifiable intrusion into human life. ─── 一些伦理学家把克隆人类看作是对人类生活道德上的入侵。

27、Even worse, it is impossible to put an end to the debate since it turns over an empirically unjustifiable causal reasoning. ─── 更糟的是,这种争论不可能有尽头,因为这变成一种在实证上无法检验的因果推理。

28、The Cause and Rehabilitation of Unjustifiable Act in Scientific Research ─── 科研不端行为的成因与治理

29、Because blizzard think net of encroach on China swims the operation of the market, 9 cities darling and can contented its unjustifiable requirement? ─── 因为暴雪想染指中国网游市场的运营,九城只能乖乖满足其无理的要求?

30、Fear is the great destroyer of happiness, and most fears are unjustifiable ─── 恐惧是幸福最大的破坏者,而多数恐惧是毫无根据的。

31、And I can even shrug off the unjustifiable accuse the university education of the unemployment rate. ─── 而且我还可以这一指责大学教育的失业率是没有道理的。

32、Her unjustifiable hold tight wears my ear scolds: "Dare you still say to marry with me joyless? ─── 无理的她揪着我耳朵骂道:“你还敢说跟我结婚不快乐吗?”

33、Nong Khai lacks a school or educational resources, which signifies an unjustifiable loss of two formative years of education for the children growing up in the detention center. ─── 廊开府缺少学校或教育资源,这意味着孩子们在拘留中心的两年中不能接受教育,而这段时间正是他们性格形成的重要时期。

34、price for lack of evidence, not to be unjustifiable price increases. ─── 对调价证据不足、理由不充分的一律不予提价。

35、It was their infatuated perseverance in an unjustifiable, a hopeless, a ruinous in war which had brought the nation to its present pass ─── 正是他们昏头昏脑地坚持进行一个不合理的、无希望的、毁灭性的战争,才把国家弄成现在这般田地。

36、When we were compelled to break through the enemy's encirclement after the failure to smash his fifth campaign,we showed an unjustifiable haste. ─── 但是第五次没有打破“围剿”而被迫突围时,还表现了不应有的仓卒从事。

37、movies and newsreels about wars and slaughter in human history are warning us against the extreme detriments of any unjustifiable belligerence. ─── 想起一个日本导演黑泽明,他就是一个非常偏爱黑白的导演,有人说这与他先前是画家有关。

38、Companies found to have unjustifiable discrepancies between male and female redundancy rates are being warned they face court. ─── 被发现有不合理男性和女性的比例差异的公司会受到警告,他们会被上诉法院的。

39、Abstract: In the ontological point of view, it is unjustifiable that the sage is of moral perfect state. ─── 文章摘要: 从本体论讲,圣人处于道德完满状态,这是缺乏反思的。

40、an unjustifiable delay/expense/remark ─── 无理的拖延/开销/言论

41、The only exception to this rule might be applied to travelers whose expected cash outlay for the trip would constitute unjustifiable expense way up. ─── 如出差超过二周以上,因出差产生的费用超过出差者的财务能力,预支应事先取得核决主管和各地区财会单位的核可。

42、Forms of Subjective Fault in Unjustifiable Self-defense ─── 论防卫过当的主观罪过形式

43、Most of the team wanted to cut farm supports and other rural programs, which they thought were unjustifiable. ─── 经济班子的大部分成员都想削减对农业的补助以及其它农业项目。他们认为这些资助和项目是不合理的。

44、Jeff, who has a libertarian prespective, thinks the ban is unjustifiable. ─── 而老杰,禀持的却是自由主义的观点,他认为这个禁令是不合理的。

45、This ban constitutes unjustifiable political censorship, with serious repercussions on the independent, supervisory role of the University’s campus media. ─── 此举无异于政治审查,对身为第四权代表的校园传媒造成严重影响。

46、unjustifiable dismissal ─── 无理解雇

47、"Perhaps it would have been better," replied her sister."But to expose the former faults of any person, without knowing what their present feelings were, seemed unjustifiable. ─── 吉英说:“说不定会好些,不过,光是揭露人家过去的错误,而不尊重人家目前的为人,未免亦有些说不过去。

48、It was their infatuated perseverance in an unjustifiable, a hopeless, a ruinous in war which had brought the nation to its present pass. ─── 正是他们昏头昏脑地坚持进行一个不合理的、无希望的、毁灭性的战争,才把国家弄成现在这般田地。

49、Unjustifiable man and woman relationship ─── 乱搞男女关系

50、Not merited; unjustifiable or unfair. ─── 不应得的; 无理的或不公平的

51、His conduct, so far as I can see, is unjustifiable. ─── 就我看来,他凭一已之力将不可能完成这样巨大的项目。

52、Took an unjustifiable risk. ─── 冒了一次错误的风险

53、Not merited;unjustifiable or unfair. ─── 不应得的;无理的或不公平的

54、It is empirically unjustifiable because, as Hume argued long ago (1967), causality is not an empirical category. ─── 说它在实证上无法检验是因为,正如休姆很久之前就指出的(1967),因果关系不是实证检验的范畴。

55、The restraint of an individual outside such extenuating circumstances, or the use of excessive force, is unjustifiable. ─── 若个人约束超出这种范围,或是过度使用武力,这就是不正当。

56、Given the language of section 102(2), the Supreme Court's rejection of substantive review under NEPA seems unjustifiable in principle ─── 按照第102条的规定,最高法院否决《国家环境政策法》所规定的实质性复审在原则上似乎是不正当的。

57、At least some environmentally unjustifiable projects surely have either been abandoned or never begun because of NEPA ─── 因为有《国家环境政策法》,至少一些环境方面不正当的工程的确是被废止了或没有开工。

58、In the current witch hunt atmosphere on Wall Street, the public will side with New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo who has described Thain's bonus as 'unjustifiable.' ─── 给一个已经很富有的人发奖金只是一种象征性的做法,是对原则的重申:在我们的社会做出成绩会获得回报。

59、Therefore, now that there has been deflation is deflation or momentum unjustifiable. ─── 所以说,现在就说是通缩或者已经出现了通缩的势头,说不通。

60、Article 6 No unjustifiable requirement may be added to those statutory conditions for the implementation of administrative licensing. ─── 第六条实施旅游行政许可,不得在法定条件之外附加任何不正当要求。

61、His behaviour was quite unjustifiable ─── 他的行为毫无道理.

62、Where any license for entertainment business operation obtained by fraud or any other unjustifiable means in violation of the present Regulations, it shall be revoked by the original license-issuing organ. ─── 第四十一条违反本条例规定,以欺骗等不正当手段取得娱乐经营许可证的,由原发证机关撤销娱乐经营许可证。

63、In another category there are the unjustifiable ones, and these we must rebut ─── 一种是闹得不对的,要驳回去。

64、utterly unjustifiable; for no reason whatsoever ─── 毫无道理

65、It may also destroy commercially valuable trade secrets, or give competitors an unjustifiable advantage. ─── 公开披露还会泄露有商业价值的贸易秘密,或使竞争对手得到不正当的便利。

66、unjustifiable obstruction ─── 无理阻挠

67、Could you successfully explain a way of life that you found unjustifiable? ─── 你能成功地为你觉得不合理的生活方式辩解吗?

68、I should say I have a quarrel with you, I would unjustifiable to break up with you.Every time I do you a bit tight, you are afraid of losing me that you love me! ─── 应该是说我一和你吵架,我就会蛮横无理的跟你提分手.每次我一这样你就急了,你害怕失去我你爱我!

69、The Analysis on Japan's Unjustifiable Obstruction to the Xin-Fa Railroad Construction of China ─── 日本阻挠清政府修筑新法铁路论析

70、the hit on legal immigrants was particularly harsh and, I thought, unjustifiable. ─── 对合法移民造成的打击尤其严重,而且我认为不合情理。

71、Most who write off bullfighting as a cruel and unjustifiable sport generally know very little about what actually takes place in a corrida, an afternoon series of fights in which six bulls are killed. ─── 多数轻易把斗牛描绘成是一种惨无人道的运动的人,通常对在一个下午连续几场的斗牛中,有六头牛被杀死这种实际的情况知之甚少。

72、I agreed with the last two objections; the hit on legal immigrants was particularly harsh and, I thought, unjustifiable. ─── 我同意最后两条反对意见;对合法移民造成的打击尤其严重,而且我认为不合情理。

73、Impose arbitrary quotas and unjustifiable charges ─── 乱摊派,乱收费

74、Companies found to have unjustifiable discrepancies between male and female redundancy rates are being warned they face court. ─── 被发现有不合理男性和女性的比例差异的公司会受到警告,他们会被上诉法院的。

75、The Second Circuit held that the agency's choice of site was unjustifiable ─── 第二巡回法庭认为地址的选择不当。

76、Those who cling to erroneous views and unjustifiable demands shall be educated by criticism. ─── 对于确属坚持错误意见和无理要求的人,要给以批评教育。

77、Nowadays, the production and consumption of a steadily rising volume of goods is causing not only unjustifiable burden on the environment but also a scarcity of precious resources; ─── 如今,由于商品生产和消费数量的稳步上升,不但给环境带来了不合理的负担,同时也使那些珍贵资源变得更加稀有。

78、Have a kind of nifty view: Dawdler drove social progress. Is this word justifiable? Unjustifiable? ─── 有一种俏皮的说法:懒人推动了社会的进步。此话有理?无理?

79、4.Not merited;unjustifiable or unfair. ─── 不应得的;

80、Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. ─── 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。

81、As far as I could see, your behavior is unjustifiable. ─── 就我看来,你的行为是不合情理的。

82、In fact, however, this presupposition is unjustifiable and therefore, its actual application is not quite satisfactory and its evaluation results are poor in reliability. ─── 但是实际上这种假设条件并不能成立,因此运用起来往往不能令人满意,评价结果的可信度也较差。

83、Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply immoral and totally unjustifiable. ─── 用这些导弹击落民用飞机简直是没有道德也没有正当理由的。

84、Their continued detention is unjustifiable. ─── 他们继续遭到关押是完全没有道理的。

85、It was unjustifiable for people to mock and depreciate it by writing works in order to beautify prosperous age and please lords' by praising their exploits. ─── 人们往往以点缀盛世、悦君主的歌功颁德之作来讥贬,是不公正的。

86、When dog bites dog, each gets a mouthful of fur -- usually indicating unjustifiable disputes. ─── 狗咬狗, 两嘴毛。

87、To disregard this principle is to make civil disobedience not only legally wrong but morally unjustifiable. ─── 他甚至可以要求实施该法律并心甘情愿地默认法庭的最后裁决。

88、Several writers for the Guardian have made what I believe is an unjustifiable leap. ─── 我认为,卫报的几位撰稿人来了个离谱的大跃进。

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