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09-19 投稿


slivers 发音

英:[ˈslɪvəz]  美:[ˈslɪvərz]

英:  美:

slivers 中文意思翻译



slivers 词性/词形变化,slivers变形

动词现在分词: slivering |动词第三人称单数: slivers |动词过去分词: slivered |动词过去式: slivered |

slivers 相似词语短语

1、skivers ─── n.割皮革的人;割成薄片的皮革

2、sliver ─── n.梳毛,梳棉;裂片;vi.成为薄片;裂成小片;vt.使成薄片;使裂成小片

3、slicers ─── [木]切片机

4、shivers ─── n.寒颤;碎片(shiver的复数);v.颤抖(shiver的第三人称单数);打碎

5、livers ─── n.肝脏(liver的复数)

6、sliders ─── n.[机]滑块;滑动条,滑动器(slider的复数形式)

7、slavers ─── n.口水;奴隶贩卖船;奴隶商人;谄媚;诱骗女子为娼者;vi.淌口水;vt.淌口水弄湿;淌口水弄脏

8、stivers ─── n.小钱;一点点;荷兰旧钱币

9、slives ─── 条子

slivers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They're fitting slivers of wood into a delicate lattice and carving flowers into the walnut shutters. ─── 他们正在用木条制作精美的格子框架,并在胡桃木的百叶窗上雕花。

2、Hunan article king knew later, his group person took Yu Pu and ask jade labour sliver it, the result got a top class jade. ─── 后来楚文王知道了,他派人拿来了玉璞并请玉工剖开了它,结果得到了一块顶级的玉石。

3、Combing noil is related to neps of sliver, thus quality of combed sliver being controlled by noil rate of combed sliver for better profit. ─── 又指出精梳落棉与精梳条棉结含量相关,可通过控制精梳落棉率控制精梳条质量,并取得最佳经济效益。

4、As yet no twist has been imparted into the fiber assemblage, although the delivery of the sliver to the cans tends to twist the sliver slightly. ─── 到目前为止尚未给条子加过捻,但在将条子导入条筒时有弱捻加入

5、She was wearing a sliver fox fur across her shoulders. ─── 她肩上披了一件银色的狐皮衣。

6、She wore a small sliver crucifix on a chainround her neck. ─── 她脖子上戴着项链,上面挂着银的十字架。

7、In fact, fiber configurations may be the major effect, with interfiber friction playing a less role in sliver strength. ─── 事实上,在棉条强力中,纤维形状是主要因素,而纤维间摩擦只起次要的作用。

8、Presence of unopened roving in the feed sliver. ─── 喂入条中有未打开的粗纱条。

9、Draw frame sliver with higher unevenness. ─── 并条条干不匀率高。

10、The result shows that the cotton sliver is output smoothly,it decreases the jam frequency of the screwy on the can coiler and coiling tur... ─── 在一定程度上降低了圈条盘螺旋形曲线斜管堵眼频率与条筒乱条几率,使其更适应现代并条机生产高速化的要求.

11、Then, one night, Monica saw a thin sliver of the moon reappear. ─── 之后的一天晚上,莫尼卡看到了一个月牙。

12、They resolve slivers of the world as small as a wavelength of light, 1,000 times as small as anything we notice in the macroscopic world. ─── 它们解析仅有光波波长尺度的微小世界,展现出比我们平日所见的还要小1000倍的微观世界。

13、It was found that fibers of circular cross section produce greater cohesion in webs and slivers than do trilobal fibers. ─── 圆形横截面纤维在棉网和棉条中,比三叶形横截面纤维能产生较大的粘着作用。

14、A new characteristic value M of the fibre length can be obtained by using a Linst instrument to determine the fibre length of slivers. ─── 使用林特斯利仪测定棉条纤维长度,可以获得表征纤维长度的新特征值,即棉条纤维长度指数M。

15、Eight slivers are drawn together to produce the drawn sliver. ─── 八根梳棉条并合在一起被牵伸成熟条。

16、Taking a pair of nail scissors, I had cut up all of the names into tiny pieces until there were more than 20 slivers of our wedding day in front of me. ─── 我拿起一把指甲剪把这些地名一一剪碎,直到对婚礼当天的记忆变成了散落在我面前的20多块碎片。

17、A sliver of glass nicked my hand. ─── 一片玻璃扎了我的手。

18、Model BS368 Lap Draw Frame is a high efficient preparation machine for Comber, easy operation, high automation and reasonable doubling of slivers and drafting ratio. ─── BS368型条并卷机是高效的精梳准备设备,操作简单,自动化程度高,棉条合并数、牵伸倍数分配合理。

19、Broken splinters and slivers of ice, sparkling in the sun, covered him like flowers scattered in a grave. ─── 他身上覆盖的碎冰片在阳光下闪着光,仿佛撒落在坟墓中的花朵。

20、Most Slivers grant an ability or a characteristic change to all Slivers. Slivers were also featured in the _Tempest_, _Stronghold_(TM), _Legions_(TM), and _Scourge_ sets. ─── 大多数裂片妖会替所有裂片妖赋予异能,或改变其特征。而裂片妖也曾在_暴风雨_,_天罗城塞_,_万马千军_,及_劫运降临_系列出现。

21、A calm and patient trader prefers to use limit orders, since those who use market orders keep losing slivers of capital in slippage. ─── 一个冷静,有耐心的交易者喜欢用限价单,因为那些喜欢用市价单的人经常发生滑点亏损。

22、The merest sliver of it upon the tongue of the Supplicant will make him or her forget all the horrors they are enduring, and deliver them to a place of paradisiacal calm. ─── 只要放小小一条阿冈尼司帝斯的肉在请愿者的舌尖上就能使他()却所承受的一切痛苦,变得仿佛进入天堂一般安详。

23、When chip or sliver grafts are required, remove them with an osteotome or gouge from the outer surface of the wing of the ilium taking only one cortex. ─── 如需要碎骨片或骨条植骨,可用骨凿或弧形凿从髂骨冀外板取骨。

24、In some cases their values have shrunk to a sliver of their original price since a series of downgrades by rating agencies last month. ─── 但随着评级机构在上个月一再降低了某些抵押债权凭证的级别,现在它们的价值已经跌倒初始价格的几分之一。

25、The sliver must therefore be attenuated. ─── 因此,必须要拉细条子。

26、VERO is founded on 1805 and it has become one of the best sliver brand in the world. VERO has a large market in Europe, America and Japan. ─── 意大利维琴察的VERO创始于1805年,是国际顶尖银饰品牌之一,产品主销欧美和日本市场.

27、My first beloved Monster Fish Tank mixing uo with Red Belly Pacu, Alibono Oscars & Sliver Arrowana. ─── Music credit goes to my idol Yuki 徐怀钰.Song title: 如果在你的怀里满足的死掉(If...

28、Too narrow sliver trumpet at any stage. ─── 在任何阶段,条子的喇叭口太窄。

29、It is necessary to investigate the slivers strength that was produced at different technological parameters. ─── 因此,对不同条件下的条子强力进行研究是非常必要的。

30、The slivers of nail that I had cut away I would gather up out of my lap and throw on the fire. ─── 然后我会将掉在我腿上的指甲条收拾干净,扔进火炉里。

31、Broken splinters and slivers of ice, sparkling in the sun, covered him like flowers scattered in a grave. ─── 他身上覆盖的碎冰片在阳光下闪着光,仿佛撒落在坟墓中的花朵。

32、Speech is sliver ,silence is gold! ─── 如果说雄辩是银,那么沉默便是金!)

33、After rummaging in a drawer, he pulls out a troy-ounce bar, a sliver of a thing worth more than $900 at current prices. ─── 在抽屉里翻了一阵后,他找出一个金衡制盎司金条,薄薄一片现今价值却超过900美元。

34、A coarse sliver of fibers is fed to an opening system which opens the sliver to the point where the fibers are individual entities. ─── 将一根粗的纤维条子喂入开松系统,该系统将条子松解成离散性的纤维

35、Search you library for a sliver card, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. ─── 从你牌库中搜寻一张裂片妖牌,展示该牌,将该牌置于你手上。然后重洗你牌库。

36、The breaker-drawing unit smooths out the card slivers, pulls out the fibers into a thin layer, and re-forms a new sliver. ─── 头道并条机将梳棉棉条的纤维梳理平行顺直并拉伸成薄层,再重新形成棉条。

37、These rotary motors (see picture) resemble bicycle wheels that have had their spokes replaced with thin, black slivers of EAP. ─── 这些旋转电机形似自行车车轮(见下图),辐条换成了黑色电活性聚合物薄片。

38、I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a sliver birch, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine. ─── 我爱抚着光滑的白桦树皮或粗糙的松树皮。

39、I havent worked for a part time really so when i work at Roxy and Quick sliver i m very very tired. ─── 不必要每件事都拿来细细揣摩,那样很累,真的很累。是一种心累,一种情绪上的压制。

40、Its speed of execution can save traders money, if only a sliver of a basis point. ─── 它的执行速度能够为交易者节省资金,哪怕只相差零点几个基点。

41、Control principle and methods of quality indexes such as combing waste percentage,combing neps,evenness CV of combing sliver,weight unevenness and so on were summarized. ─── 总结出精梳落棉率、精梳棉结、精梳条条干CV值、重量不匀率等质量指标的控制原理及控制方法。

42、Before the war, say officials, anywhere up to 18,000 of them lived in Gora, a rural sliver of land squeezed between Macedonia and Albania. ─── 官员们表示,战前,各地总计18000的戈兰尼人居住在戈拉地区(Gora),这是一片夹在马其顿和阿尔巴尼亚之间的条状乡村地带。

43、Some of your team-mates may even grudgingly respect you for having a sliver of life outside. ─── 如果我想晋升的话,需要跟他们打成一片吗?

44、He has gold as much as sliver. ─── 他有与白银同样多的黄金。

45、Still the sliver lay on the table, next to the teabags. ─── 任凭这张碎片静静地躺在茶袋旁。

46、GeoMedia includes tools to capture clean, accurate data the first time, avoiding traditional problems such as slivers, unclosed areas, undershoots, and overshoots. ─── 提供图形捕获工具,保证首次作业的数据的精确性。避免一些传统的问题如:长条、不闭合面域、点落和点过的现象。

47、He had infection after his umbilical cord was cut in the traditional burmese way that is with a bamboo sliver. ─── 你最大的哥哥出生时,因为用缅甸传统方式接生,以竹片将脐带割断而造成感染过世。

48、Slice a kiwifruit and combine it with turkey, papaya, almond slivers and spinach leaves for a cool salad. ─── 切一颗奇异果,搭配火鸡肉、木瓜、杏仁片和菠菜叶,就是一道清爽的沙拉了。

49、He becomes rich now but he was not born with a sliver spoon in his mouth. ─── 他现在富有了,但他并不是生来就富有的。

50、We catch our breath and look up.Across the lake, a sliver of brilliant red crests the top of the shadowed forest. ─── 我们歇了口气,抬头望去:在湖的那一边,一抹耀眼的红色爬上了荫部森林的顶端、映衬出母亲在湖岸的侧影;

51、And ocean salinity of course represented only the merest sliver of my ignorance. ─── 当然对海洋盐度的困惑只是我无知的最小体现。

52、Forty-eight slivers form the breaker-drawing unit are combined to form the lap in the lapper for the comber. ─── 在成卷机上头道并条机的48根棉条并合在一起制成精梳机所需要的棉条。

53、After its most troublesome week since its bull run began four years ago, the S &P 500 index had lost less than 4%, a mere sliver of its gains. ─── 在经历了4年牛市最麻烦的一周之后,标准普尔500指数跌了不到4%,仅仅是增量的一小部分。

54、Keep going until you come to the corner of Golden and Sliver street. ─── 一直走,直到你走到金银街的拐角处。

55、After my cup of tea I had a slice of toast, burnt, just how I like it, with jam. Still the sliver lay on the table, next to the teabags. ─── 喝完茶我又就着果酱吃了一片我喜欢吃的那种烤成焦黄色的面包片。任凭这张碎片静静地躺在茶袋旁。

56、Across the lake, a sliver of brilliant red crests the top of the shadowed forest . ─── 在湖的那一边,一抹耀眼的红色爬上了荫郁森林的顶端,映衬出母亲在湖岸的侧影;

57、The number and size variation of neps in card sliver have been explored through experiments under different carding output and speed and by use of different type of taker-in. ─── 实验研究了梳棉机在不同产量、不同速度、不同类型刺辊的条件下,生条中棉结的数量和尺寸变化情况。

58、Meanwhile, stack the kale leaves in bunches and cut crosswise into slivers. ─── 与此同时,把羽衣甘蓝堆成束,切成薄长条。

59、This article mainly introduces the performance characteristics of YG191 Intelligent evenness tester for sliver and roving and its practical efficiency in the Mill. ─── 摘要介绍YG191型智能条粗条干均匀度测试仪的性能特点及其在棉纺厂的实际使用效果。

60、GLIDE PATH Perfectly smooth, prevents twisting and false drafts; 8 - sliver doubling, improved fiber alignment and evenness. ─── 光滑的导棉平台,可防止意外扭曲及牵伸,8根条子并合使纤维排列更加平直,条子更均匀。

61、In other words, a big dish takes a very close look at a tiny sliver of sky. ─── 换句话说,一个大抛物面能仔细观察一小块天空。

62、A sliver of glass nicks my hand. ─── 一片玻璃切到我的手。

63、Stretch in draw frame sliver fed to roving. ─── 喂入粗纱的条子意外伸长。

64、Sets up, for slivers the son in the factory, makes the matches, transported has sold out to in the that side village. ─── 树么,在厂子里给切成细条条儿,做成火柴,运到那边的村子里卖掉了。

65、A sliver of a man could be seen looking out at them, a man with long black hair parted in curtains around a sallow face and black eyes. ─── 一个瘦长的男人盯着她们俩,他有一头长长的黑发,绕在一张长着黑色眼睛的蜡黄色脸上。

66、Broken splinters and slivers of ice,sparkling in the sun, covered him like flowers scattered in a grave. He was perfectly preserved. ─── 他身上覆盖的碎冰片在阳光下闪着光,仿佛撒落在坟墓中的花朵。尸体保存得极好。

67、Create a breakfast trail mix of Cheerios, raisins, and mixed nuts or almond slivers. ─── 制作一条混合着保健麦片,葡萄干,坚果或者杏仁的早餐条。

68、It doesn't help that estimates of China's stockpiles and consumption are based on slivers of information. ─── 中国要那么多铜干什么?其中之一是影响期货市场。

69、They then mill the coil to remove these slivers however it is impossible to get all of them. ─── 接着工人会打磨这些线圈状的长条以除去银,但是要完全清除是不可能的。

70、Slivers from the card go directly to the drawing frames and may actually be fed continuously through to the roving process. ─── 从梳棉机出来的棉条可直接进入并条机,实际上也可直接喂入粗纱机。

71、Picking up the large pieces of a broken glass or dish is usually easy enough, but getting up those tiny slivers can be a real pain (figuratively if not literally). ─── 将一块摔碎的玻璃或盘子中的大块捡起来非常容易。但是,剩余的那些细小碎片实在是心头之痛啊(此处为比喻,而非字面意思)。

72、Geisler grabbed that sliver of hope and tried to maintain a positive attitude. ─── 他紧紧抓住这唯一的希望,保持积极的姿态。

73、Wall Street found slivers of support late on Tuesday, after gloom had earlier engulfed global equity markets amid mounting credit and housing concerns. ─── 尽管信用和住房担忧不断升温,证券市场在全球范围内一度出现低迷。周二的华尔街市场还是在晚些时候出现一些支撑。

74、All Sliver creatures have poisonous 1. ─── 所有裂片妖具有恶毒1。

75、Conversely, Shostakovich at his bleakest still offers his listeners slivers of hope, usually in the form of cryptic jokes. ─── 与之相反,肖斯塔科维奇在阴郁的作品中,仍然以隐密的玩笑这种形式给听众带来一线希望。

76、Slivers from the finisher drawing are taken to the roving frame, where each sliver will be attenuated until it measures approximately one -eighth of its original diameter. ─── 从末道并条出来的熟条直接供给粗纱机。在粗纱机上,棉条被拉细至约为原来直径的1/8。

77、The second time, however, eight slivers from the first finisher - drawing step are subjected to the same operation. ─── 在进行第二次并条时,第一个并条机生产的八根棉条被送到第二个并条机上进行同样的梳理。

78、She wore a small silver crucifix on a chain round her neck. ─── 她脖子上戴着项链,上面挂着银的十字架。

79、A sliver of fibers is fed into the unit, a current of air forces the fibers into a loose form, and they are collected on the rotating device. ─── 一个纤维条子被送入纺纱装置开松,一股气流将纤维条吹成松散状,散纤维被转杯收集。

80、We had a party to celebrate Mother's sliver wedding. ─── 我们举行了晚会庆祝母亲的银婚纪念。

81、The turmoil of sliver dollars is the key problem of the finanancial turmoils in five-treaty-ports period. ─── 摘要五口通商时期的银元风潮,是这一时期金融风潮的核心问题。

82、And the sweet sliver song of a lark. ─── 听到云雀那甜美婉转的歌声。

83、Many drowned at birth after slipping or being tossed from small slivers of ice. ─── 许多刚出生的小海豹由于“失足”或因小碎冰块的颠簸碰撞而跌入水中溺亡。

84、As the layer leaves the unit, the fibers are pulled into a new sliver and delivered to cans ready for the lapper. ─── 在棉层被输出时,被拉伸成一根新的棉条,送至成卷机的条筒。

85、The yarn quality and production efficiency was influenced by slivers strength(tenacity)at higher delivery speed. ─── 在高速生产的条件下,条子强力的大小,会影响纺纱的质量和生产效率。

86、Caption :A sliver of slither to get the saliva going? A handful of snakes is held at arm's length by a market trader in Guangzhou China. ─── 描述:2/16一长条不停滑行着的蛇会让你垂涎欲滴吗?市场商贩手上就有一把蛇。

87、No such luck. I never bring anyone over; Charisse would pounce on you and stick bamboo slivers under your fingernails until you told all. ─── 我可没这么好运气,我从不带人回去过夜,否则查理斯一定会严刑逼供,直到你坦白一切的。

88、Thick, firm Atlantic swordfish steak grilled to perfection and garnished with crispy almond sliver and tomato. ─── 厚而紧实的大西洋箭鱼烤至恰到好处,并点缀着清脆的杏仁和番茄。

89、We walked around the campus and ate some traditional Tai'an snacks(cooked oil-cakes with slivers of pork and cabbage),which my friend used to eat every day. ─── 我们在校园里闲逛,也享用了一些传统泰安小点(包了小片猪肉和高丽菜的煎饼),我朋友以前每天都吃这东西。

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