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09-19 投稿


legalization 发音

[ ,liɡəlɪ'zeʃən]

英:  美:

legalization 中文意思翻译



legalization 短语词组

1、legalization of documents ─── [经] (合同等)法律文书的公证手续

legalization 词性/词形变化,legalization变形

名词复数: legalities |

legalization 反义词


legalization 同义词

lawfulness | justice |validity | legitimacy

legalization 相似词语短语

1、illegalisation ─── 非法化;

2、illegalization ─── 非法化

3、penalization ─── n.惩罚;处罚

4、lexicalization ─── n.词汇化

5、legalisation ─── n.合法化;正当化

6、metalization ─── n.金属化;金属镀层

7、lateralization ─── n.(尤指脑部的)偏侧优势;偏侧性

8、realization ─── n.实现;领悟

9、localization ─── n.[计]定位;局限;地方化

legalization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He could get shelter, food, loans, and legal help. ─── 他能得到住处,食物,贷款和法律帮助。

2、It has been a controversial topic on the legalization of football betting. ─── 据一项争议性的话题就赌波合法化。

3、An act of agreeing something to be legal. ─── 同意某事成为合法的行为。

4、As a baseball fan who roots for the New York Mets, Judge Keenan sometimes uses baseball analogies to explain legal issues. ─── 基南法官是一个支持纽约大都会棒球队的球迷,有时用棒球来推理解释法律问题。 

5、Again, we have to consider the legal implications. ─── 再者,我们还要考虑到法律方面的含义。

6、Legalization of drugs would drive the drug-dealing business off the streets. ─── 毒品合法化会将毒品买卖从大街上清除。

7、Anne now keeps company with Roger, although he is not yet divorced from his legal wife. ─── 安妮现在与罗杰形影不离,尽管他还没有同他的合法妻子离婚。

8、After the Walker Law initiated the legalization of boxing , the sport grew in popularity in the United States. ─── 在沃克法合法化后,拳击在美国得以长足的发展。

9、They reflect legal or constitutional norms. ─── 它们反映了法律或宪法准则。

10、However, opposition Labor Party health spokesman, Stephen Smith, said he believe the legalization will be passed in Senate. ─── 但是,在野劳工党保健事务发言人史密斯表示,他相信这项法案将在参院过关。

11、However, legalization of conventions is not the sole form for the right to be. ─── 习惯权利法律化的可能性就越大,但习惯法律化并不是权利存在的唯一形式。

12、A slave owner in ancient Rome who freed a slave without relinquishing all legal claim to him. ─── (古罗马)旧奴隶主恢复奴隶自由但保留一定法律控制权的古罗马奴隶主

13、The use of medicine in soling legal problems. ─── 利用医学解决法律问题。

14、A legal exemption from liability for damages. ─── 免责对损失责任的法律赦免

15、They were involved in a long legal wrangle (with the company) (over payment). ─── 他们(与那家公司)(在付款问题上)陷入长期的法律纠纷中。

16、The legalization of euthanasia is an issue of controversy. ─── 安乐死的合法化是具有争议性的话题。

17、If you don't pay up,I'll take legal action. ─── 你若不将钱还清的话,我全采取法律行动的。

18、He became the legal guardian of his brother's daughter. ─── 他成了他兄弟的女儿的法律监护人。

19、He intends to take legal action. ─── 他打算提出诉讼。

20、Its promulgation market a new stage in the standardization and legalization of China's invoice management work. ─── 它的颁布,标志着我国发票管理工作在规范化、法制化方面迈上了一个新台阶。

21、A relation between parties that is held to be sufficiently close and direct to support a legal claim on behalf of or against another person with whom this relation exists. ─── 当事人的相互关系当事人之间关系密切、直接到足以支持对代表或紧靠这种关系中另一方的法律要求的关系

22、You must be in legal register age. ─── 你必须达到法定的登记年龄。

23、I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalization of drugs. ─── 我觉得主张毒品合法化是不负责任的。

24、Legal action bring by a person himself. ─── 个人亲自提起的诉讼。

25、The contract stipulate that the seller pay the buyer's legal cost. ─── 合同规定卖方支付买方的诉讼费用。

26、Similarly, the language used in any legalization statement or stamp is generally that of the importing country. ─── 同样,认证声明或印戳中使用的语言通常是进口国家的语言。

27、He have no legal claim to the property. ─── 他对该财产没有法律上的要求权。

28、They enforced payment by threats of legal action. ─── 他们以合法行为相威胁迫使支付。

29、The facts found amount to legal negligence. ─── 已被发现的事实属于法律上的疏忽。

30、He is the only legal heir of the rich man. ─── 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。

31、The legal status or condition of a villein. ─── 佃农的身份佃农的法律地位或状态

32、That notary is authorised to perform the certain legal functions. ─── 公证人被授权执行某些法律职能。

33、You should go through the legal formality. ─── 你应该办理合法手续。

34、In some countries the legal age for voting is 18. ─── 在一些国家里,投票选举的法定年龄为18岁。

35、It is his legal right to appeal. ─── 上诉是他的正当权利。

36、They were bound by legal ties. ─── 他们受到法律的约束。

37、One bound by legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, an art, or a business. ─── 学徒一个经过合法协议必须为另一个人工作一定时间,以回报得到商业,艺术或生意上的指导

38、He is unlikely to ever recover his legal costs. ─── 他不大可能收回他的诉讼费用了。

39、You should take legal advice, ie consult a lawyer. ─── 你应该徵询律师的意见。

40、He sat there pontificating about the legal system although it was clear that he knew very little about it. ─── 他坐在那儿发表他对法制的高论,虽然他对此一窍不通。

41、Have you read the chapter on the legal system? ─── 你读过论述法律制度的那一章吗?

42、Legalization is the system guarantor for the great significance of higher education decision-making consultation to be realized. ─── 法制化是高等教育决策咨询的重大意义得以实现的制度保障。

43、Therefore, the road to legalization of homosexual marriage in China will be longer and tougher. ─── 因此,同性恋婚姻合法化在中国实现的道路将更加漫长而艰辛。

44、He has taken legal proceedings against her. ─── 他已采取合法的程序起诉。

45、Word correctly lay out for a legal document. ─── 为起草法律文件将词语作正确的安排。

46、A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action. ─── 义务,责任社会、法律或道德要求,如强迫某人服从或避免某些特定行为的义务、合约或诺言

47、A woman who has legal title to something; an owner. ─── 女所有人对某物有法律所有权的妇女;所有者

48、Your only recourse is legal action against them. ─── 你只有求助于法律来对付他们。

49、He do not qualify for legal aid. ─── 他没有获得法律援助的资格。

50、We should realize legalization, scientism and socialization of educational modified work. ─── 因而,必须与时俱进,实现教育改造工作的法制化、科学化和社会化。

51、Legalization might reduce both supply (pushers by definition push) and demand (part of that dangerous thrill would go). ─── 合法化也许会使供应(供应者被限制供应)和需求(部分由于没有了危险性刺激)都减少。

52、There is no doubt that democratization and legalization is finial goals of the China's modernization drive. ─── 毋庸置疑,民主化和法制化是中国走向现代化的终极目标。

53、Is Legal Nature of Commercial Ads Offer Invitation? ─── 商业广告的法律性质是要约邀请吗?

54、He pursued a successful legal practice. ─── 他致力于富有成效的法律工作。

55、It becomes legal upon proclamation. ─── 它将于正式宣告时合法。

56、It is crucial significance to enhance the social benefits and the degree of logos and legalization of public policy. ─── 它对于提高公共政策的社会效益和理性化、合法化程度具有重要意义。

57、Gambling is legal in some countries. ─── 在某些国家里赌钱是合法的。

58、She has made outspoken remarks about the legalization of marijuana. ─── 她直言不讳地评论过大麻合法化问题。

59、A use of property or course of conduct that interferes with the legal rights of others by causing damage, annoyance, or inconvenience. ─── 妨害,损害财产的使用或行为的过程通过造成损害、恼人或不便而干涉了他人的合法权利

60、In the developmental process of society, it is gradually becoming legalization and systematization. ─── 在人类社会发展和进步的过程中,社会救助制度逐渐法制化、系统化。

61、They were involved in a long legal wrangle over payment. ─── 他们在付款问题上陷入长期纠纷。

62、The legalization of Taiwan independence raise the attention state sovereignty and territorial integrity. ─── 台湾的“法理独立”引起了人们关注国家主权和领土完整问题。

63、In a legal sense,Toshiba may not lose the case. ─── 东芝不一定会输官司。

64、I wonder if that with those clamoring for the legalization of prostitution are not the essence of like? ─── 不知道,这跟那些妓女合法化的叫嚷有没有着本质上的相象?

65、Your only recourse is legal action. ─── 你只有靠诉讼了。

66、Everyone should be guarded by legal barricades. ─── 人人都应受法律保障。

67、She started out on her legal career in 1963. ─── 她于1963年干起了法律这一行。

68、However, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring with it problems our society has not previously faced. ─── 但是,安乐死合法化的可能也带来问题,我们的社会以前没有遇到。

69、He is the adviser on legal affairs to our company. ─── 他是我们公司的法律顾问。

70、One who has legal title to something; an owner. ─── 业主对某物有法定所有权的人; 主人

71、One that holds legal title to something, such as a motor vehicle. ─── 对一个东西,如一辆汽车持有法定拥有权的人

72、Legal action brings on behalf of a group of people. ─── 代表一个集团进行的诉讼。

73、He is consulting the company's legal adviser. ─── 他正在与公司的法律顾问进行商量。

74、In fact, the default fate of any politician who publicly considers the legalization of marijuana is to be cast into the outer darkness. ─── 事实上,任何政治家若公开承认合法化大麻,那么被排斥将是他注定的命运。

75、They were involved in a long legal wrangle . ─── 他们陷入长期的法律纠纷中.

76、Stane recalled a tea, Johnson a legal conference. ─── 史丹回想起有茶会,而约翰逊想起了要去开个法律会议。

77、To seek to obtain or enforce by legal action. ─── 依法进行通过法律行为寻求或加强

78、Counterfeit goods infringe customers' legal rights. ─── 伪劣商品侵越了消费者的合法权益。

79、Not all foreign visitors satisfy/fulfil legal entry requirements. ─── 并非所有外宾均符合入境规定。

80、The company bears the legal cost of both parties. ─── 公司负担双方当事人的法律费用。

81、Product protection will give you legal recourse. ─── 对,申请产品保护就得到了合法的追索权。

82、He settled in the legal world and became a K.C. ─── 他在法律界安下身来,成了一名王室法律顾问。

83、A legal title to property held by one party for the benefit of another. ─── 信托权一方为另一方利益而持有的合法财产权

84、He was too legal, chilling-unemotional. ─── 他太墨守法规,太冷漠,没有感情。

85、He developed a complete legal system. ─── 他设想了一个完整的法律制度。

86、In the legal sense the intention to cause grievous bodily harm constitutes murder if the victim dies. ─── 在法律意义上,如果受害人死亡,造成重伤的意图构成谋杀。

87、When you drive, you must not exceed the legal limit. ─── 你开车时不能超过法定的速度。

88、Brazil’s government still has to regulate the law that led to the legalization of GMO seeds. ─── 巴西政府仍需要调整有关转基因种子合法性的法律。

89、He threatened legal action. ─── 他以起诉相要挟。

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