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09-19 投稿


kip 发音

英:[kɪp]  美:[kɪp]

英:  美:

kip 中文意思翻译



kip 短语词组

1、kip skin ─── 基普皮肤

2、three mice kip ─── 三只老鼠kip

3、glide kip-up ─── 滑翔跳跃

4、laotian kip ─── [经] 寮国基普

5、kip down ─── 在某处过夜, ─── 在(自己的床以外的地方)睡觉

6、chrome kip ─── [建] 铬鞣中牛革

kip 词性/词形变化,kip变形

动词现在分词: kipping |动词过去分词: kipped |名词复数: kip |动词第三人称单数: kips |动词过去式: kipped |

kip 相似词语短语

1、gip ─── abbr.(联合国)综合情报计划(GeneralInformationProgramme);n.(Gip)人名;(罗)吉普

2、kipa ─── 基帕

3、Dip ─── n.(印、美)迪普(人名);v.(dip)浸,蘸;(使)下降;减少;把……伸入;舀取;给(牲畜)洗药浴;扒窃;制作(蜡烛);给(某人)施洗礼;n.(dip)短暂的水浴;浸渍,蘸湿;下沉;沙司,蘸酱;倾斜,倾角;扒手;浸芯蜡烛

4、Nip ─── n.(美、英、加、荷、马)聂(人名);v.(nip)轻咬;轻捏;(寒气、风等)伤害;急忙赶往;n.(nip)轻咬;轻捏;寒冷;少量的烈酒

5、Pip ─── n.果核;种子;小毛病;很好的人(事物);vt.破壳而出;n.(Pip)人名;(朝)逼;(德、英)皮普;(朝)乏

6、kipe ─── 基普

7、skip ─── vi.跳跃;跳绳;遗漏;跳读;vt.跳过;遗漏;n.跳跃;跳读;n.(Skip)人名;(英)斯基普

8、Zip ─── n.拉链;活力,精力;尖啸声,撕裂声;一种程序压缩的档案文件格式;n.(Zip)兹普(人名);vi.拉开或拉上;以尖啸声行进;vt.给...以速度;拉上或拉开拉链

9、kips ─── abbr.千指令/秒(Kilo-InstructionPerSecond);千磅

kip 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He had no choice but to kip in that small inn. ─── 他别无选择,只有在那个小旅店中住一宿了。

2、The kip kit contains five glace moose fiberglass molds and enough matter matel pieces to build three machines. ─── 工具装备包括玻璃纤维模型和足够的材料碎片来建造3个机器。

3、In contrast with Shek Kip Mei Estate nearby, North Kowloon Magistracy carries strong elements of the Neo-classical architecture -- pillars, columns and staircases with rich decorations. ─── 北九龙裁判法院则属于新古典建筑,石柱和楼梯有很多特别的雕饰,与毗邻的石硖尾村形成强烈的对比。

4、kilopound (kip) ─── 千磅

5、Every night during the summer many young people kip out on the beaches. ─── 在夏季,每天夜里有许多海滩上露宿。

6、babe,,,,want u to knw tat somebody care for ur beauty down here,,,,and take gud care of your self,,,,,,,,and kip tat beauty on,. ─── 今年元旦我和帅哥今天下午又品尝到他家的一款从未喝过的人参乌龙茶,口感甘甜宜人。

7、Kip Keino ─── 凯诺

8、You can kip on the sofa, if you like. ─── 你想睡可以睡在沙发上。

9、As for JAS, it is very important to check HLA-B27, because the child of JAS have no back and kip pain in first time. If HLA-B27 is positive ,we will calculate the possibility of JAS. ─── 对于JAS,检查HLA-B27尤为重要,因其往往无腰背部疼痛而首先表现为外周关节肿痛,如HLA-B27阳性,则考虑有JAS的可能。

10、Shek Kip flower size, the historywen ren mo ke Cliff left a large number of stone, or Notepad, or lyric, or Lishu, or regular script, rich and colorful. ─── 大小花石峡中,历代文人墨客留下大量摩崖碑刻,或记事,或抒情,或隶书,或楷书,丰富多彩。

11、In the wake of the Shek Kip Mei fire in 1953, thousands of residents in the area were made homeless. ─── 一九五三年石硖尾大火,数干居民于一夜之间痛失家园。

12、One is INK4 which inhibits the activation of CDK4-CyclinD1 and CDK6-CyclinD1.The other one is KIP which inhibits the activation of many complicated CDK-Cyclins. ─── P21~(WAF1)、P27~(KIP1)属CKI家族中KIP成员,在氨基末端有结构及功能相似性,都有一个保守的80个氨基酸序列,能抑制CDK4-CyclinD1、CDK6-CyclinK1、CDK2-CyclinE、CDK2-CyclinA的蛋白激酶活性。

13、Black Holes and Time Warps, Kip Thorne, W.W.Norton 1994 ─── 主要?黑洞??,但可找到霍金打?的一些片?

14、English: Remains of demolished Block 38, Shek Kip Mei Estate. Public toilet and bathroom could be seen under the slope. ─── 中文:已拆卸的石硖尾邨第38座,在车用斜台下可见公共厕所及浴室的痕迹。

15、Let us get out of the kip. ─── 咱们从这窝里出去吧。”

16、Its main components are the Macau pataca, the Panama balboa, the Burmese kiat, the Bhutan ngultrum and the Laotian kip. ─── 其主要币种是:澳门元、巴拿马货币巴波亚、缅甸货币缅元、不丹货币努尔特鲁姆和老挝货币基普。

17、Russian kip ─── 俄罗斯屈伸上

18、Every night during the summer many young people kip out on the beaches. ─── 在夏季,每天夜里有许多海滩上露宿。

19、Its creation originated from people, moths, and the Shek Kip Mei Factory Building. ─── 引发创作的源头,来自人、飞蛾和石硖尾工厂大厦。

20、kip [K] ─── 基普[寮国]

21、You can kip down and get a bit of sleep. ─── 你可以躺在床上睡一会儿。

22、Not like that, I won't! (pauses) Kip would have liked the birds! (Joey turns and gives Chandler a dirty look) ─── 不喜欢,我不要!(停顿)凯普喜欢鸟!(乔伊转过身,狠狠地瞪了他一眼)瑞翻:你好,菲比!

23、kip to the stand ─── 屈伸起成站立

24、It's time to kip down ─── 到睡觉的时间了。

25、Community groups from the Sham Shui Po and Shek Kip Mei neighborhood will also participate in the Festival to enhance interaction and involvement with the community. ─── 為加強社區的互動和參與,深水埗及石硤尾的地區社團亦將參與演出。

26、You can kip on the sofa, if you like. ─── 你想睡可以睡在沙发上。

27、Shek Kip Mei ─── n. 石硖尾地铁站,香港地铁观塘线站名

28、Shek Kip Northern Cymbidium since Deng Deng northbound I pass the north, south Bailongjiang into two Minjiang estuary, 25 kilometers in length. ─── 大花石峡北自邓邓桥北通北口,南至岷江汇入白龙江的两河口,全长25公里。

29、Kip Viscusi and others. 2000. ─── 上海三联出版社1999年版。

30、rear kip ─── 反屈伸上

31、I must get some kip. ─── 我得睡会儿觉。

32、Every night during the summer thousands of young people kip out on the beaches. ─── 夏天每晚都有成千上万的年轻人在海滩上露宿。

33、lazy man rs kip ─── 两腿蹬杠柱屈伸上

34、The same day, he was among the rubble looking for a long time, finally found the inscription "Fort Shek Kip," the words of the plaque, and take home treasures. ─── 当天,他在废墟间找寻良久,终于找到了刻有"石峡堡"字样的牌匾,并带回家珍藏。

35、kip twirl ─── "基普"急转

36、Kip, my old roommate, y'know we all used to hang out together. ─── 基普,我过去的室友。你们知道我们以前经常一起出去玩。

37、back kip ─── 后上

38、When Kip asks Brian to promote him after three months with the company, Brian quickly refuses, citing Kip's lack of experience. ─── 当刚到公司三个月的基普要求布赖恩提拔他时,布赖恩说他缺少经验而马上回绝。

39、KIP promotion through opening new horizons for international cooperation ─── 开拓国际合作新局面促进知识创新工程进展

40、In return, they take a kip kit and build the sheller in a developing country. ─── 作为回报,他们在一个发展中国家取得装备建造脱壳机。

41、kip out ─── vt. 在户外睡觉

42、kip up backward into rear support ─── 后上成后撑

43、Why don't you have a quick kip? ─── 你为什么不小睡一会儿呢?

44、TSA headquarters. TSA Administrator Kip Hawley sent a letter to employees Friday apologizing for the lost data and promising to pay for one year of credit monitoring services. ─── 周四,权威机构发现在交通安全管理局总部的控制区内有一个硬盘不翼而飞。

45、Despite these, the trajectory set by KIP helps ensure a central role for CAS in China's emergence as a major player in international research and innovation. ─── 尽管如此,中国日益成为国际研究和创新中主要成员,知识创新工程所确定的方针路线有助于保证中科院在这个过程中发挥出核心作用。

46、drop kip ─── 后倒屈伸上

47、key intermediate protein (KIP) ─── 关键性中间蛋白

48、The children left the tent to kip out in the open. ─── 孩子们离开帐篷到露天睡觉。

49、Well, let me ask you something, was Kip a better roommate than me? ─── 呃,我问你,凯普这个室友比我好?

50、Joey: Aw, I know all about Kip! ─── 乔伊:啊,我知道开普!

51、The next day Kip sues the firm and Brian for sexual harassment, claiming Brian promised a promotion in exchange for sex. ─── 第二天基普以性骚扰为名起诉公司和布赖恩,称布赖恩曾经承诺以性爱为交换条件提拔自己。

52、Don't worry about a bed for me, I can kip down on the floor. ─── 不要替我操心床铺的事。我就睡在地板上好了。

53、He was in kip. ─── 他睡在床上。

54、kip up with short underswing ─── 悬垂屈伸上成支撑

55、Why don't you have a quick kip? ─── 你为什么不小睡一会儿呢?

56、kip oscillation ─── 基普振荡

57、a No.1 alarm in a Shek Kip Mei housing estate unit on February 20 which claimed three lives; ─── 二月二十日在石硖尾一单位发生的一级火警,导致3人丧生;

58、forward kip into upper arm hang on parallel bars ─── 双杠上挂臂屈伸上

59、Affected vehicles are advised to be diverted via Fuk Wing Street eastbound, Wong Chuk Street northbound and Un Chau Street westbound onto Shek Kip Mei Street. ─── 受影响的车辆,须改经福荣街东行,黄竹街北行及元州街西行至石硖尾街。

60、kip out in a field ─── 在野外露宿

61、rear kip hang ─── 反屈伸上成悬垂

62、In Luoyuan County in the town of Ocean Village, San Tan layering, a stone Songzhi Baizhang, water from the Shek Kip bet, for the second straight hanging offsets, such as Maitreya-linked. ─── 位于罗源县中房镇下大洋村,三潭层叠,一石耸峙百丈,水从石峡下注,直悬冲抵为二,如弥勒挂珠。

63、With the support of various sectors, we are developing a creative arts centre in a vacant factory building in Shek Kip Mei. ─── 在多个界别的支持下,我们正安排石硖尾一幢空置工厂大厦,发展一所创意艺术中心。

64、He was so tired that he desired to kip down somewhere for a while. ─── 他非常疲劳,渴望能在哪儿躺下睡一会。

65、“You can kip under that,” he said.“Don’ mind if it wriggles a bit, I think I still got a couple o’ doormice in one o’ the pockets. ─── ” (小品网是一个创作型的网站,区别于其他只会抄袭的的网站,虽叫小品网,但我们能创作几乎所有类型的剧本以及日常各类文章。

66、kip up ─── 屈伸起

67、Shek Kip Mei Estate is the first public housing estate of Hong Kong since 1972.During 2006-2007, I worked in the construction site of Redevelopement Project of Shek Kip Mei. ─── 2006年,因为工作关系而来到新石硖尾村的地盘工作,因而对这面临拆卸的旧石硖尾村产生了一份特别的感觉。

68、-- What sort of a kip is this? ─── “这算是哪门子事呀?

69、The Umekage Tian most profound childhood memories is that the spread of the village into the mountains west of the bricks, there are remnants of the central village of Shek Kip Fort tower. ─── 在梅景田童年记忆中最深刻的,就是村西边蔓延入山的城砖,还有村中央残存的石峡堡城楼。"

70、CAS faces a series of questions as it moves to the next phase of KIP. ─── 在进入知识创新工程的下一阶段之际,中科院面临一系列的问题。

71、Aw, I know all about Kip! ─── 啊,我知道开普!

72、Detector Controlled by MCU for the Longitudinal Kip of Steel- cord Belt ─── MCU控制的输送带纵向撕裂检测仪

73、Child: "I, I did not kip, just one after-thought kips. ─── 子:“我,我没有逃学,只是有一回想逃学。”

74、Long, long ago--in what they are pretty sure was the 1974-75 school year--John Mackey and Kip Tindell shared a house with three other students near the University of Texas campus in Austin. ─── 很久以前,他们肯定是在1974-1975年上学的时候,约翰。麦奇和奇普。汀德尔及其他三个同学一起在德州大学校园附近合租了一座房子。

75、During an ordinary water-cooler conversation, Kip's coworker Theresa confided tragic details about her sequence of abusive boyfriends. ─── 一次在饮水机旁普通的谈话中,Kip的同事Theresa将其虐待型男友们一个个悲惨细节倾述出来。

76、circus kip ─── 急振上

77、Is there anywhere to kip down for the night? ─── 夜里有没有什么地方睡觉?

78、head kip ─── 头翻

79、Radius Solutions has added two new staff members, Kip Johnson and John Reynolds. ─── 半径解决方案增加了两个新的工作人员,硖约翰逊和约翰雷诺兹。

80、To support these initiatives, we will build a new Public Health Laboratory Centre in Shek Kip Mei, which is scheduled for completion in 2002. ─── 为了配合这些措施,我们会在石硖尾兴建一个公众卫生化验中心,预计这个中心会在二零零二年落成。

81、In the year, two major new recreation and sports venues were completed: the Shek Kip Mei Indoor Games Hall and the Yuen Po Street Garden. ─── 年内落成的康体场地有两个,分别是石硖尾室内运动场及园圃街花园。

82、A driver decided to kip down in the driver's seat. ─── 司机决定在驾驶室过夜。

83、Every night during the summer, thousands of young people kip out ─── 夏季有数以千计的年轻人每天晚上睡在户外。

84、Still, none of this was very conclusive, so I arranged to meet Simon Go again, this time in Shek Kip Mei. ─── 我仍然感觉没有一种解释更有说服力,为此我又安排和SimonGo见面。这次是在石硖尾。

85、laotian kip ─── [经] 寮国基普

86、I must get some kip. ─── 我得睡会儿觉。

87、1983, the town built theaters with 800 seats. 1987, Kip road salt (sea salt to Henin-Hardenne Xiashi) opening the following year was promoted to provincial highway, transit vehicles through this town; ─── 1983年,集镇影剧院建成,拥有座位800个。1987年,盐硖公路(海盐至海宁硖石)通车,次年升为省道,公交车辆由此通过集镇;

88、Could I kip here tonight ─── 今晚我可以在这儿睡吗?

89、Objectives and Achievements In 1998, when KIP was initiated, CAS supported 120 institutes, many of which had overlapping missions and outdated research agendas. ─── 当1998年KIP计划启动时,客观情况和成绩是这样的,当时CAS支持了120家研究所,其中很多研究所承接的是重复和过时的研究项目。

a couple of是什么意思?

a couple of

英 [Y 萲宲l Tv]美 [e 萲宲Yl 寁]

两个, 几个


1. Dave, the pianist, played it over a couple of times.


2. She had written him a note a couple of weeks earlier.


3. I'm broke, Livy, and I owe a couple of million dollars.


4. He thumbed through a couple of pages, feigning just a slight interest.


5. He placed the ball and tried a couple of feints.


6. A couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen.


7. He managed to rustle up a couple of blankets.


8. The company has bankrolled a couple of local movies.


9. Mason went home for a couple of hours' kip.


10. We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically.


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