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09-19 投稿


satirically 发音

英:[[sə'tɪrɪklɪ]]  美:[[sə'tɪrɪklɪ]]

英:  美:

satirically 中文意思翻译



satirically 词性/词形变化,satirically变形

副词: satirically |异体字: satiric |

satirically 相似词语短语

1、satirical ─── adj.讽刺性的;讥讽的;爱挖苦人的

2、oratorically ─── adv.像演说似地

3、statistically ─── adv.统计地;统计学上

4、beatifically ─── 祝福地;快乐地;慈祥地

5、cationically ─── 阳离子

6、fatidically ─── 致命的

7、esoterically ─── 机密地;神秘地

8、satanically ─── adv.恶魔般地

9、sterically ─── 空间

satirically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It goes on to present Porter as her speaking critically and satirically of religion and even regarding Catholicism as an enemy. ─── 第二部分分析了波特的部分短篇小说和信件。在这些文本中,波特常常对她的宗教信仰表示批评和讥讽,甚至把天主教当成自己的敌人。

2、Satirically, the saying used to point out that there is a tendency among us, believing that we are more fortunate to others. ─── 讽刺的是,这种说法指出在我们之中普遍存在一种倾向,认为他人总是比自己幸运。

3、Satirically, many utopian and dystopian books which reveal the fate of book in utopia suffered the fate of being listed as banned books. ─── 耐人寻味的是,这些揭示了书的命运的乌托邦小说,多遭受过被列为禁书的命运。

4、The synthesis of communist ideology with economic progress is a twentieth century Chinese phenomenon that Wang Qingsong satirically mirrors and critiques. ─── 共产主义意识形态与经济进步的结合是王庆松讽刺地反映和批判的二十世纪中国现象。

5、I replied satirically: "My dear son, I have lived to be above that sort of thing." ─── 我用讽刺的语气回应道:“亲爱的儿子,我的年龄早就超过关注鞋子的阶段了。”

6、SATIR therapy model, Jungian art therapy ,etc.. Finally a brief evaluation and prospect were provided. ─── 自杀治疗理论中的SATIR理论和荣格艺术治疗理论等,并做了简短评论。

7、I replied satirically: "My dear son I have lived to be above that sort of thing." ─── 我用讽刺的语气回应道:“亲爱的儿子,我的年龄早就超过关注鞋子的阶段了。”

8、But satirically racism also became the yeast of arousing the consciousness of the black race and actually the modern African thought was the derivation of the f. ─── 然而具有讽刺意味的是种族主义却充当了唤醒和催生黑人种族意识的“酵母”近代非洲思想也正是从种族主义的污秽中诞生的。

9、More generally, Schumpeter seemed to be playing the role of grand seigneur, and he tended to flatter where flattery was not due, no doubt satirically. ─── 更一般的意义上,熊彼特像在扮演大领主的角色,当不用奉承时,他会奉承,当然是挖苦的。

10、Satir believed that humanity itself had the energy of growth and change,symptoms were the efforts to adapt to the misguided,rather than the inherent characteristics of the personality. ─── 她认为人类本身具有成长改变的能量,症状行为是对误入歧途的适应性努力,而不是人的固有的个性特征。

11、Literally Marx satirically depicts the capitalist's change in treating the want of individual consumption. ─── 在文字的显性层面上,马克思嘲讽地描述了资本家对待个人消费欲望的变化。

12、A drawing representing current public figures or issues symbolically and often satirically. ─── 具有讽刺性地形象表现当前公众人物或事件的画

13、""Then don't you know if the child is foolish or not, being her father?" said she, satirically. ─── 如果世上真有上帝的话,我想问他:人的健康仅仅表现在躯体上吗?

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