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09-19 投稿


japer 发音

英:[[d'ʒeɪpər]]  美:[[d'ʒeɪpər]]

英:  美:

japer 中文意思翻译



japer 相似词语短语

1、japed ─── n.嘲弄;玩笑;vi.开玩笑;vt.嘲弄

2、jape ─── n.嘲弄;玩笑;vi.开玩笑;vt.嘲弄

3、caper ─── v.雀跃;n.刺山柑花蕾;不法活动;惊险喜剧片;跳跃;刺山柑;滑稽怪诞的行为;n.(Caper)(美)卡珀(人名)

4、japes ─── n.(Japes)人名;(德)雅佩斯

5、jasper ─── n.碧玉;墨绿色;n.(Jasper)人名;(德)雅斯佩尔;(西)哈斯佩尔

6、jager ─── n.贼鸥(等于jaeger);n.(Jager)人名;(荷)亚赫;(德、塞、捷)雅格

7、aper ─── n.情况简介;n.(Aper)(俄、美)阿佩尔

8、japery ─── n.嘲弄;玩笑(jape的变形)

9、gaper ─── n.长蛤;打呵欠的人

japer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Because of this somebody jape, you will walk into Alibaba henceforth, be in casually stair mouth or toilet sees an employee, perhaps be a millionaire. ─── 因此有人戏言,今后你走进阿里巴巴,随便在楼梯口或者卫生间见到一个员工,说不定就是一个百万富翁。

2、Film after finishing, yao Ming Wanxing was not used up, his jape: "My heart is too soft, see others buckles basket to be not entered want to help, so, this work dare not become the judge anyhow. ─── 拍摄完成后,姚明玩兴未尽,他戏言:“我心太软,看到别人扣篮不进就想帮一把,所以,裁判这活儿无论如何不敢当。

3、crack a joke; jape ─── 说笑话

4、The above-quoted jape is yet another version of a long-running Internet hoax that has been circulating in one form or another since 1997. ─── 这是一封从1997年便开始传播的恶作剧邮件,内容当然不是真实的。邮件中所提到的邮件地址从一开始就是伪造的。

5、Your experiments are aided by Jape, which can operate as both inquisitor and oracle. ─── 你的实验被帮助透过说笑话,作为能审问官和神谕所。

6、 双语使用场景

7、Wind is cast people in succession jape, run around here and there to see a project have not enough time before, the time that fulfils his duty to investigate repeatedly is insufficient; ─── 风投们纷纷戏言,以前东奔西跑看项目都来不及,连尽职调查的时间都不够;

8、Jape helps, as far as arithmetic allows. ─── 取笑帮助,就算术而言允许。

10、Sports competition is competition of science and technology, be afraid is not jape. ─── 体育竞争是科技竞争,恐怕不是戏言。

11、deride mock ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape persiflage taunt mordant spoof badinage banter等等。 ─── 中文同样是“嘲讽,嘲笑”,英文却有几十个单词:

12、" he even jape " want to catch a hacker really, groom to English the class catchs a certain " . ─── 他甚至戏言“真想抓黑客,到英语培训班一抓一个准儿”。

13、Ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape ─── 挖苦,为消遣取乐或嘲笑而模仿

14、Japer Japan has the world's second largest economy. ─── 日本的经济排世界第二。

15、Somebody jape: Want to have blueprint and stuff only, what does China make can be built! ─── 有人戏言:只要有图纸和材料,中国制造什么都可以造!

16、Even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point. ─── 即使一个小男生的戏言也可能有一些真义。

17、He became the public jape in school, because he overreached when imitating others. ─── 他因画虎类犬在学校成了众人的笑料。

18、Of course, this just is the jape of vent one's anger, but player of animal of demon of it serves to show is not had possibly to Zhang date the panic that reason deletes and anger. ─── 当然,这只不过是泄愤的戏言,但足见魔兽玩家对于账号可能被无理由删除的恐慌和愤怒。

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