inconsistencies 发音
英:[ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənsiz] 美:[ɪŋˈkɑnsɪˌstɛnsiz]
英: 美:
inconsistencies 中文意思翻译
inconsistencies 同义词
conflict | difference | mutual exclusiveness | variation | repugnance | stupidity | unpredictability | changeability | irregularity | contradiction | paradox |discrepancy | variety | incompatibility
inconsistencies 短语词组
1、inconsistencies detected ─── 检测到不一致
2、inconsistencies exist ─── 存在不一致
inconsistencies 反义词
inconsistencies 词性/词形变化,inconsistencies变形
名词复数: inconsistencies |
inconsistencies 相似词语短语
1、insistencies ─── n.坚持;显著或紧急之事;强迫;强调
2、consistences ─── n.浓度;[流]稠度;坚固性(等于consistency)
3、inconsistently ─── adv.不一致地
4、inconsistent ─── adj.不一致的;前后矛盾的
5、consistencies ─── n.[计]一致性;稠度;相容性
6、consistence ─── n.浓度;[流]稠度;坚固性(等于consistency)
7、incandescencies ─── n.白炽,白热(等于incandescence)
8、inconsistency ─── n.不一致;易变
9、inconsistence ─── 不一致;不一贯
inconsistencies 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Other generalized theories have well-known physical inconsistencies, such as the inability to have unique and invariant numerical predictions. ─── 其它无显著特点的理论具有显然的物理学上的非一致性,例如它们无法做出独特的和不变量的数学预测。
2、We were asked to investigate the alleged inconsistencies in his evidence. ─── 我们被要求调查他证词中所称的前后矛盾之处。
3、In fact, we seem to have reconciled thousand years of theological inconsistencies. ─── 实际上我可能刚刚解决了上千年来神学研究上的分歧
4、Copernicus had noticed inconsistencies in this theory and had placed the sun at the centre, with the Earth and the other planets travelling around the sun. ─── 哥白尼对此提出了异议,他认为太阳是中心,地球和其他星球是围绕太阳运行的。
5、I noticed a few minor inconsistencies in her argument. ─── 我注意到她的论证中有几处小矛盾。
6、If any inconsistencies are found, correct the errors with Radio Network Manager. ─── 如果出现差异,使用无线网络管理器纠正故障。
7、You can stay and continue accounting for all of the inconsistencies. ─── 你能待着继续计算全部矛盾的地方。
8、All the inconsistencies, and the obscurity of history, and the false path that science has followed, is due to that unsolved question. ─── 历史所有的矛盾和含糊,这种科学所走的错误道路,完全是由于这个问题没有得到解决的缘故。
9、"If Licensor find any mistakes or inconsistencies in the report, Licensor should notify Licensee within 10 days from the date receiving the report. Such mistakes or inconsistencies should be rectified immediately by Licensee." ─── 如发现报告或支付中有不一致或错误,许可方应在收到该报告_____日内提出质疑,接受方应及时改正。
10、Element and a few minor inconsistencies between the schema and the specification prose that were addressed. ─── 元素的命名空间的改变以及提到的在schema和规范之间的一些小的不一致。
11、However, in exploring the theoretical bases of CLT, the inconsistencies and confusions are noticed at the theoretical level of both language itself and its learning. ─── 他们的学说对外语教学产生了重要的影响,为后人的研究提供更为完整的理论框架。
12、The inconsistencies are fitting for a man who has spent his career being a contradiction. ─── 如此的矛盾与艾弗森在其整个篮球生涯中的矛盾是相称的。
13、There were several inconsistencies and ambiguities in her speech. ─── 她的发言有几处前后不一致和含混不清。
14、Our inventory needs to be examined for inconsistencies. ─── 我们的细目表需要检查以防出现差错。
15、These inconsistencies can cause problems if your company has telecommuters scattered around the country. ─── 如果你公司在家办公的员工分散在全国各地,这些不一致性会带来问题。
16、”Issues arising from inconsistencies in key production parameters are the subject of kaizen meetings, held at least weekly. ─── ”产生的问题不一致,关键生产参数改善的主题会议,至少每周举行。
17、I noticed a few minor inconsistencies in her argument. ─── 我注意到她的论证中有几处小矛盾。
18、Among these issues are routing loops and counting to infinity. These result in inconsistencies due to update messages with incorrect routes that are propagated around the network. ─── 在这些议题之中有路由迴圈和无限计数。这些不一致的结果导因于不正确路由的更新讯息在网路里四处传播。
19、However, under no circumstances can such a mismatch cause logical or physical inconsistencies in the database. ─── 但是,这样的不匹配决不会导致数据库中出现逻辑或物理不一致。
20、Security probes that verify a database ACL against a predetermined configuration and that check for inconsistencies in security configurations across multiple servers. ─── 安全探测器,根据预先确定的配置来验证数据库ACL,检查多台服务器中不一致的安全配置。
21、Log minor defects found, such as typographical errors or style inconsistencies, on the Typo List. Deliver this to the author at or prior to the inspection meeting. ─── 将微小缺陷记录到微错清单上,如排版错误或风格不一致。在评审会议上或之前交给创建者。
22、However, due to the time of implementation of the training of civil service systemic very short, there are many inconsistencies in the development of administrative issues. ─── 但是由于公务员培训制度推行时间很短,所以存在许多与行政环境发展不相符合的问题。
23、Therefore, an autonomic feature that detects such inconsistencies and self-manages the integrated environment can reduce the complexity of data management. ─── 因此,检测此类不一致性和自我管理集成环境的自主功能可以降低数据管理的复杂性。
24、When written claims are made, the concreteness and technical quality of many statements can mask limitations and inconsistencies, thus posing potential legal and ethical problems. ─── 当写作上的论述完成时,许多论述上的具体及技术上的品质,将会掩盖限制及不一致,因此,这就产生出法律和伦理上的问题。
25、A 3 meant you were on topic, but there were some inconsistencies that kept it from being perfect. ─── 3分就意味着“文已对题”,但还有些地方与中心不够一致,还达不到完美的地步;
26、After unshelving, perform one of the following operations to guard against the introduction of chronological inconsistencies in your code. ─── 取消搁置后,执行以下任一操作可以避免在代码中引入时间不一致。
27、These restraints, among others, eliminated most of the distressing inconsistencies of the unsophisticated forecasting world of a half century ago. ─── 但是,就短期而言,我们更需要防止的是那种以各种借口反对打击通胀的倾向。
28、However, Bradley picked up three fouls in four minutes, reminding Avery Johnson of the wild inconsistencies in his game. ─── 不过,布拉得利在四分钟内领到了三次犯规,提醒了小将军竹竿的极端不稳定性。
29、Database inconsistencies are corrected during every start and shutdown of the server in a process referred to as soft recovery. ─── 在称为软恢复的过程中,在每次服务器启动和关机期间将纠正数据库不一致。
30、He has been auditing my financial records for inconsistencies. ─── 他一直在审计我的财务记录,以发现是否存在出入。
31、He observed his own inconsistencies in dwelling upon accidents in Tess's life as if they were vital features. ─── 他在详述苔丝生活中的一些偶然事件时,把它们当成了最重要的特点,因此自己也觉得言不由衷。
32、Inconsistencies in his testimony made it obvious that he was a lying witness. ─── 他证词不一致,很明显,他是一个撒谎的证人。
33、Here we see the potential we all have to inconsistencies. ─── 在这里,我们看到了内心可能产生的矛盾。
34、An Analysis on the Influence of Inconsistencies Upon the Service Life of Power Battery Packs ─── 不一致性对动力电池组使用寿命影响的分析
35、The other is Graeme Souness, with Stevens reporting "inconsistencies in evidence" provided by the former Newcastle manager and Kenneth Shepherd, son of Magpies chairman Freddy Shepherd. ─── 另一位是格拉米索内斯,在史蒂文斯的报告中称他与前纽卡主帅和肯尼思谢泼德(喜鹊老板弗雷迪谢泼德的儿子)有“非常明显的矛盾”。
36、Inconsistencies in the market supply-demand relationship of powerful developers can Wujin pocket, sell the house, capital intensive developers often take a cut of marketing methods. ─── 在市场上供求关系不一致的情况下,有实力的开发商可以捂紧口袋,惜售房子,资金紧张的开发商往往会采取变相降价的方法促销。
37、Other issues, however, remained unresolved and inconsistencies and contradictions were contained in the basic proposal. ─── 但是,其他问题仍未解决,基础提案中仍有不一致和矛盾之处。
38、In terms of visual design, we refined the typography, button styles and fixed spacing and grid inconsistencies. ─── 在视觉设计方面,我们重新规划了版面设计、按钮的风格,并确定了字符间隔及栅格的不一致。
39、Under the development mode of separate zone production and adjustment of the heterogeneous multi strata, the block reveals obvious interlayer, inlayer and planar inconsistencies. ─── 利用分层压力资料,可以查明不同类型油层的压力水平和分布特点,指导油水井的增产增注措施和其它调整方案的制定,为油田实施挖潜措施和加强套管防护提供科学依据;
40、The farm machinery equipment of Corps has had definite dimensions and the whole lever of mechanization of farming has been stepping up, but there are some outstanding inconsistencies and problems. ─── 为此,通过兵团主要农牧团场的农业机械配备现状,分析了目前团场农业机械配备的形势和存在的问题,并提出了一些建议,为以后兵团农业机械化的发展规划提供一定的依据。
41、Thus I reflected and these views seem to have been confirmed by the inconsistencies of the Head Juries . ─── 因此,我反映了这些观点,而这些看法好像已经由最高陪审团的矛盾(意见)所证实。
42、Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can. ─── 愚蠢和无聊,荒唐和矛盾,这的确叫我觉得好笑,我自己也承认,我只要能够加以讥笑,总是加以讥笑。
43、In the event of any inconsistencies between the original regulations and the Prohibitions, the latter shall prevail. ─── 原有规定与本禁令不一致的,以本禁令为准。
44、There are inconsistencies between the two documents, Peking man is the lowest fee reduction or cancellation? ─── 两个文件有不一致的地方,北京人的买房手续费究竟是降低还是取消?
45、Whether or not inconsistencies are acceptable depends on the client application. ─── 不管客户端应用程序是否允许不一致性出现。
46、many inconsistencies in your proposal. ─── 你的提议中有许多前后矛盾的地方
47、Select this option to have the editor scan the line endings in a file and display a message box if inconsistencies are detected in how line endings are formatted. ─── 如果选择此选项,编辑器便会扫描文件中的行尾,如果检测到行尾的格式有不一致的情况,则显示一个消息框。
48、Developing a comprehensive report that highlights each of the inconsistencies and their degree of variance. ─── 作出全面的报告,着重指出每一处不一致及其差别程度。
49、Given inevitable inconsistencies in the patient's data, a qualified expert will usually be able to interpret and explain these inconsistencies in a satisfactory manner. ─── 在病人数据出现不可避免的矛盾时,资深专家通常会以令人满意的方式解释这些矛盾。
50、Not only will your staff frequently find spelling and grammar errors missed by your word processor's spell checker, but they will find inconsistencies and confusing areas that you missed when drafting. ─── 你的同事不仅能通过文字处理软件来帮你检查到你没有查到的拼写和语法错误,而且他们还能发现你起草时没有察觉到的矛盾和混淆之处。
51、In 1970 a woman called Beverly Oliver came forward and claimed to be the Babushka Woman, though her story contains many inconsistencies. ─── 在1970年,一个自称为贝维莉 欧莉薇的女子声称自己是巴布什卡夫人,但是她的故事中有太多的矛盾。
52、He eulogizes humor immensely, thinking that humor goes with good sense and the reasonable spirit, plus some subtle power of the mind in detecting inconsistencies and follies and bad logic. ─── 人们常说外语是工具,但究竟把外语看成怎样一种工具,其实是颇能体现出一个人的思维境界的。
53、The draft basic proposal contained inconsistencies and the NGOs had not been given the floor at the session. ─── 基础提案草案中有不一致之处,而且非政府组织未能在该次会议上发言。
54、Thus I reflected and these views seem to have been confirmed by the inconsistencies of the Head Juries. ─── 因此,我反映了这些观点,而这些看法好像已经由最高陪审团的矛盾(意见)所证实。
55、Other common errors include: dry writing, inconsistencies from section to section, and making the plan way too long. ─── 其他常见的错误包括:文笔单调,前言不搭后语,计划书又臭又长。
56、She noticed several minor inconsistencies in his argument. ─── 她觉察到他的论点有几处略微有些自相矛盾。
57、A dissection of your argument shows several inconsistencies. ─── 对你论点作仔细分析后发现一些前后矛盾之处。
58、Summarizes all of the inconsistencies which have arisen because the original Java code did not follow the Java coding conventions. ─── 总结了所有由于最初的Java代码没有遵循Java编码惯例而引起的不一致。
59、Some inconsistencies in the present guidelines come to light only after scientists started doing research. ─── 只有在科学工作者开始研究之后,目前这个准则中的矛盾才会暴露出未。
60、If you make a transaction too short and it does not contain an entire logical unit of work, then inconsistencies can be introduced into the database. ─── 如果事务太短,不包含完整的逻辑工作单元,则可能会导致数据库中出现不一致。
61、The underutilization, he said, stems from inconsistencies in the data showing the effectiveness of statins to reduce mortality in elderly patients. ─── 临床使用不足,主要源于他丁类药物在减少老年患者死亡率方面的数据并不一致。
62、If not resolved immediately, this scenario will result in inconsistencies in the Active Directory databases of this source DC and one or more direct and transitive replication partners. ─── 如果不立即纠正这个问题,将导致此源DC和一个或多个直接和可传递的复制伙伴之间的Active Directory数据库不一致。
63、Sometimes I have enough time to read both the Chinese subtitles and the English subtitles. I found that often there are inconsistencies. ─── 我有时看戏的时候,会有足够的时间读完中文及英文字幕。我发现很多时中英文字幕的意思有很大出入。
64、Moreover, they have yet to resolve some troubling inconsistencies. ─── 尤其是他们还没有解决一些令人困惑的矛盾。
65、Foreign importers cleverly drilling this loopholes in the actual operation of the inconsistencies alone, the documents do not match, for refusing to payments to exporters openly looking for a reason. ─── 国外进口商巧妙地钻了这个空子,在实际运行中造成单单不一致,单证不相符,为拒不付款予出口商找了一个堂而皇之的理由。
66、With all that repeated code, you're bound to have inconsistencies, and it will be hard to maintain. ─── 对于所有重复的代码,一定会出现不一致性,因此将很难进行维护。
67、Inconsistencies between the trained number of soldiers and the active battalion icon have been fixed. ─── 修正了已训练的士兵和使用中的兵营的图标之间的问题。
68、Instead his defence team, when confronted with inconsistencies in his accounts, insisted that he had simply been confused. ─── 他的辩护团队坚称利比的前后矛盾只是因为他搞混淆了。
69、Ms Herold also points out a number of inconsistencies. ─── 哈罗德女士还指出了许多的矛盾。
70、The other is Graeme Souness, with Stevens reporting" inconsistencies in evidence" provided by the former Newcastle manager and Kenneth Shepherd, son of Magpies chairman Freddy Shepherd. ─── 另一位是格拉米索内斯,在史蒂文斯的报告中称他与前纽卡主帅和肯尼思谢泼德(鹊老板弗雷迪谢泼德的儿子)“非常明显的矛盾”。
71、Only when one writes do the gaps appear and the inconsistencies protrude. ─── 只有写出后差距才能出现,矛盾才能突出。
72、In the Preview window, you should also ensure that your form template is free of typos and editorial inconsistencies, and verify that it looks good from a visual standpoint. ─── 在“预览”窗口中,还应确保表单模板没有打字错误和编辑上的不一致,并验证它的外观清晰明了。
73、Their painstaking work identifies errors and inconsistencies to be corrected, and rechecked, before release to the users of the software. ─── 他们繁重的工作能够在软件向用户发布之前发现需要修正和复查的错误和不一致情况。
74、With embossed aluminum-coated paper, for example, aluminized paper surface hue resulth create business card printing and membership card making effect inconsistencies. ─── 以压纹镀铝纸为例,镀铝纸纸不面的色相活命不不不不同,城市变不败制卡和会员卡制作显色不败果上的不分歧。
75、Please contact me if you see any incorrect or inconsistencies to the translation. ─── 如果你看到任何不正确或翻译不一致。
76、Love means that I know the person I love. I'm aware of the many sides of the other person--not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and flaws. ─── 意味着我了解我所爱的人。我了解对方的诸多方面--不仅仅是美好的一面,而且包括不足之处,矛盾之处以及各种缺点。
77、But we are charming in our irrationality, our inconsistencies, our follies, our sprees and holiday gaieties, our prejudices, bigotry and forgetfulness. ─── 我们凡人的魅力正在于我们的不理性,我们的前后不一,我们的蠢笨,我们的狂纵作乐节假欢欣,我们的成见、偏执和健忘。
78、Database inconsistencies are corrected during every start and shutdown of the server in a process referred to as soft recovery. ─── 在称为软恢复的过程中,在每次服务器启动和关机期间将纠正数据库不一致。
79、If you edit or copy more than one formula, the column will not be updated, but Excel notifies you of any inconsistencies so that you can resolve them. ─── 如果您编辑或复制一个以上的公式,将不更新该列,但是Excel会在出现任何不一致情况时通知您,以便解决这些问题。
80、For the most part, Gary recently offered his detractors, and all interested parties, a brilliant blow-by-blow defense that exposes many inconsistencies and un-truths. ─── 大致上来说,葛瑞最近提供给他的攻击者,还有看热闹的人,精采的一对一辩护,内容揭露许多前后不一致与非事实。
81、Indeed, it is Hamilton's inconsistencies with the media, including refusing to speak openly with reporters at recent races, that is inspiring the negativity, former McLaren driver Brundle believes. ─── 事实上,这是汉密尔顿的矛盾与媒体,包括拒绝公开记者在最近的几场比赛,这是鼓舞人心的负面影响,前迈凯轮车手布伦德尔认为.
82、One of the telltale signs: inconsistencies, such as when someone is telling you no and shaking his head yes, or saying he regrets something while using an unremorseful tone. ─── 其中揭秘的迹象有:矛盾不一,比如一个人告诉你说不是却又点头,或者说他后悔某事却是用一种并非懊悔的口吻。
83、"On top of that, inconsistencies in impact strength from batch to batch increased the chances of having part breakages. ─── “最重要的是,前后不一致的冲击强度从一批批的机会增加了部分破损。
84、CBS 11's Cory Allen-Young joins us live with what appears to be several inconsistencies in the Palin Administration's statements. Cory? ─── 哥伦比亚广播公司的科里艾伦扬同我们生活11天,帕林行政部门的说明似乎有一些矛盾。科里?
85、"When the two sides to pursue the goal of inconsistencies, but there are complementary relationship, Then, through consultations need to meet their own needs. ─── 当双方追求的目标不一致时,但又存在互补关系,这时需要通过协商来满足各自的需要。
86、Inconsistencies, although possible, were cleaned up in less than two seconds on average. ─── 尽管可能出现不一致,但消除不一致的时间平均不到两秒钟。
87、Regardless of the system,some inconsistencies develop because of nearly limitless variety of materials. ─── 如果不使用分类体系,那么由于材料种类的无限性会显现出一些矛盾。
88、Taylor Made's RAC wedges reduce the distance inconsistencies common in leading wedges, so you'll find your target more frequently instead of falling short or flying long.The upshot?Fewer shots.Period. ─── RAC挖起杆使用铁杆身,拥有极佳的击球效果,触感也相当出色,整体感觉相当完美,由其它的稳定性更是让人留下深刻印象,想信低差点的球友使用它应该会获益不少哦!
In one case , scanning revealed a lethal stroke that dissection missed .
名词:dissector 形容词:dissectible 动词过去式:dissected 过去分词:dissected 现在分词:dissecting 第三人称单数:dissects
复数形式:dissections; dissection 基本解释
名词切割; 解剖,切开,剥离; 剖割; 切段
dissection 相关例句
1. dissection在线翻译
1. A dissection of your argument shows several inconsistencies.
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