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09-18 投稿


yellowness 发音

英:[ˈjeloʊnəs]  美:[ˈjeləʊnəs]

英:  美:

yellowness 中文意思翻译



yellowness 短语词组

1、degree of yellowness ─── 黄色度

yellowness 词性/词形变化,yellowness变形

名词复数: yellowlegs |

yellowness 相似词语短语

1、yellow cress ─── 黄水芹

2、hollowness ─── n.空旷;空虚;凹陷

3、yellowest ─── 最黄的

4、yellowlegs ─── n.(美洲产)黄足鹞

5、sallowness ─── n.灰黄(形容肤色);病态

6、mellowness ─── n.芳醇;肥沃;怡然;老练

7、callowness ─── n.缺乏经验

8、fallowness ─── n.土地休闲

9、yellowishness ─── 发黄

yellowness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Look, double yellow lines you mustn't park here. ─── 喂,这是双黄线--不能在这儿停车。

2、She had on a simple yellow dress. ─── 她穿着一件朴素的黄衣服。

3、The ducklings have shed their yellow down. ─── 小鸭褪了黄毛。

4、Her face had turned a milky yellow. ─── 她的脸色蜡黄。

5、Her hair was tied up with a yellow ribbon. ─── 她的头发用一条黄色的丝带扎着。

6、They finished the table in yellow lacquer. ─── 他们最后给桌子上了黄漆。

7、I really love yellow fish with honey sauce. ─── 我很喜欢吃醋溜黄鱼。

8、Asian people almost belong to the yellow race. ─── 亚洲人大部分属于黄种人。

9、Yellowness of the eyes is one of the symptoms of jaundice. ─── 眼睛发黄是黄疸病的症状之一。

10、Yellow is a noble color to the Chinese people. ─── 对于中国人来说黄色是一种高贵的颜色。

11、A yellowish gray to pale orange yellow. ─── 土黄色,浅黄褐色一种黄灰色到淡桔黄色

12、ABA treatment improved the rind redness but decreased rind brightness and yellowness . ─── ABA处理提高了果皮红色度,但降低了果皮亮度;

13、One day in1848 a carpenter named Marshall, noticed some bright yellow particles in the water, bent down to pick them up and took them to his partner, Mr. Sutter. ─── 1848年的一天,—位名叫马歇尔的木匠看到水中一些浅黄色的颗粒。他弯腰拾起并把颗粒拿给他的伙伴萨特。

14、He or she may be warned or issued a yellow card. ─── 可以提出警告或罚黄牌。

15、He wore a tight yellow sport shirt, and new light trousers. ─── 他身穿紧身的黄色运动衬衫和新的浅色裤子。

16、standard practice for calculating yellowness and whiteness indices from instrumentally measured color coordinates ─── 计算仪器测量颜色坐标的白色和黄色指数的标准实施规程

17、They keep their Yellow Pages tomes nearby. ─── 他们把他们的黄页电话簿册留在附近。

18、The Chinese belong to the yellow race. ─── 中国人属于黄种人。

19、The industrial production showed that the yellowness of PAN fiber was increased with the content of peroxide. ─── 生产中发现,随丙烯腈中过氧化物含量增加,纤维的黄度增大。

20、It was billed as "the mother of all parades." And the organizers had promised that12 million pounds of confetti, a million yellow ribbons and6,000 tons of ticker tape would be dropped on the veterans returning from the Persian Gulf war ... ─── 它被秒为“一切游行之母”。主办间单位承诺将投掷1200万磅彩色碎纸,100万条黄丝带,还有6000吨白色纸条[欢迎]自波斯湾战争归来的战士 ... 。

21、Katherine has a horror of wearing yellow dresses. ─── 凯瑟琳讨厌穿黄色衣服。

22、I tied a bow in a yellow ribbon. ─── 我在一条黄色缎带上打了一个蝴蝶结。

23、Her face had turned a milky yellow colour. ─── 她的脸色一片蜡黄。

24、She wore yellow ribbons in her hair. ─── 她头发上戴着黄色缎带。

25、The holiday camp staff all wear yellow uniforms. ─── 假日野营地的工作人员全都穿着黄色制服。

26、She resembles the Venus de Milo: she is very old, has no teeth, and has white spots on her yellow skin. ─── 她像那美洛斯的维纳斯,年纪老、掉了牙、黄色的皮肤上还有一点点白斑。

27、I think I will wear my yellow dress to the party. ─── 我想我要穿我那件黄色的衣服去参加聚会。

28、I'm trying to match this yellow wool. ─── 我在找能与这黄色毛绒相配的毛绒。

29、I have bought the pajamas of yellow colour. ─── 我买了黄色的睡衣裤。

30、Different brands of porcelain differ from each other more in redness and yellowness. 3. ─── 不同类陶瓷在红色和黄色上表现出更明显的差异;

31、His yellow jacket was bleached white by the sun. ─── 他的黄夹克被太阳晒得褪成了白色。

32、The bullies picked on him because he was yellow. ─── 因为他怯懦,所以混混找他麻烦。

33、The nightshade was in its yellow and purple glory. ─── 一片黄色和紫色的龙葵正开得很盛。

34、Appearance: White or pale yellow powder. ─── 性状:白色或淡黄色粉末。

35、For instance, skin color - this is not about dark skin or light skin, but rather about redness and yellowness. ─── 例如,肤色-不是指皮肤颜色的深浅,而是指红润程度和黄的程度。

36、Chinese is non - white and yellow race. ─── 中国人非白种人是黄种人。

37、If you mix blue and yellow you make green. ─── 你如果把蓝色和黄色掺在一起,就会得到绿色。

38、She opened the door, and the yellow light from inside rimmed about her. ─── 她打开门,里面射出的灯光在她的身影四周镶了一圈黄色的边。

39、What color do you want to dye, red or yellow? ─── 您要染什么颜色,红色还是黄色?

40、I've highlighted the important passages in yellow. ─── 我用黄色标出了重要段落。

41、His teeth are stained yellow. ─── 他的牙齿被熏成黄色。

42、She coloured the pictures with a yellow crayon. ─── 她用黄色炭笔把这些画涂上颜色。

43、She pushed heavy yellow hair away from her face. ─── 她撩开披在脸上的浓黄头发。

44、The walls were in a dreadful condition -- their yellow plaster was peeling off. ─── 墙已经破烂不堪--上面的灰泥都在剥落。

45、A yellow precipitate should form immediately. ─── 很快会形成一种黄色沉淀物。

46、His coat was plastered with thick yellow mud. ─── 他的上衣上沾着厚厚的黄泥。

47、Her hair was an improbable shade of yellow. ─── 她的头发带有怪怪的黄色。

48、I always suspected he was yellow. ─── 我总怀疑他很胆小。

49、The veil of the temple is yellow. ─── 圣殿的幕是黄色的。

50、He is too yellow to stand up for his rights. ─── 他太怯懦,不敢维护自己的权利。

51、Any of numerous yellow or orange butterflies. ─── 多种黄色和橙色的蝴蝶。

52、In addition, there was a pint of yellow wine. ─── 另外又有一斤黄酒。

53、She steeped the tonic in the yellow millet wine. ─── 她把这补品泡进了黄酒里。

54、N Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye. ─── 北太平洋的海鹦,每只眼睛上方有一簇黄色的羽毛。

55、But hears only the Yellow River's roar. ─── 但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅

56、Most tomatoes are red when ripe, but some kinds are yellow. ─── 大多数西红柿成熟时是红色的,但有些品种是黄色的。

57、The glowing effect produced by using predominantly red or yellow hues. ─── (颜色的)温暖感主要用红或黄颜色而引起的温暖的感觉

58、If you mix blue and yellow ,you'll make green . ─── 你如果把蓝色和黄色掺在一起,就会得到绿色。

59、The setting sun had boundless beauty, Just because the yellow dusk is so near. ─── 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。

60、And dress by yellow candle light. ─── 在黄色的烛光下穿衣服。

61、But I find this number in the yellow page. ─── 我是在电话号码薄上找到这个号码的。

62、Sunflowers are large flowers with yellow petals. ─── 向日葵是长着黄色花瓣的大花。

63、Why do you buy the yellow colour? ─── 你为什么买黄色的?

64、He coloured the picture with a yellow crayon. ─── 他用黄蜡笔给画着色。

65、She tied a yellow ribbon round the oak tree . ─── 她把一条黄丝带缠绕在那棵橡树上。

66、She wore on her head a yellow kerchief. ─── 她头上带着一块黄色的头巾。

67、Magnitude The disease manifests itself in yellowness of the skin and eyes. ─── 这种病的明显症状是皮肤和眼睛发黄。

68、If you are travelling to a tropical country, you should be vaccinated against yellow fever. ─── 如果你在热带国家旅行,你得接种疫苗以防黄热病。

69、We have many in pastel: blue,yellow,pink and white. ─── 我们有一些其它的轻淡柔和的颜色:蓝的、黄的、粉的还有白的。

70、I daubed the window with green paint but the door yellow. ─── 我把窗涂上绿漆把门涂成黄色。

71、She resembles the Venus De Milo: she is very old, has no teeth, and has white spot on her yellow skin. ─── 她象那美洛斯的维纳斯,年纪老、掉了牙、黄色的皮肤上还有一点点白斑。

72、Oxygen and irradiation of ultraviolet ray of the sun constitute the main factors causing silk yellowness. ─── 日光中紫外线部分的照射及氧气,是造成真丝绸泛黄最重要的原因。

73、The walls were covered with a pale yellow wash. ─── 墙壁刷了一层薄的浅黄色涂料。

74、The effect of peroxide content in acrylonitrile on yellowness of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber was analyzed. ─── 分析了丙烯腈中过氧化物含量对聚丙烯腈纤维黄度的影响。

75、She painted the house a venomous yellow. ─── 她把房子漆成令人恶心的黄色。

76、His face was a sickly yellow. ─── 他的脸色是一种病态的黄。

77、We papered the room (in) yellow. ─── 我们用黄色墙纸裱糊房间。

78、That shade of yellow is quite the rage this summer. ─── 今年夏天那种黄色最为时兴。

79、A light yellow variety of quartz. ─── 一种淡黄色的石英

80、The Yellow Dwarf was transferred into Mirror. ─── 《黄矮子报》改成了《镜报》。

81、Facing the Yellow Sea on the east. ─── 在东边面对黄海。

82、She wore a floppy straw hat, tricked out with a yellow ribbon. ─── 她戴着一顶装饰着黄色花边的松软草帽。

83、A dark yellow to light olive brown. ─── 一种介于深黄和橄榄棕色的颜色

84、There is a yellow streak in every bully. ─── 凡是恃强凌弱的家伙都有几份胆祛。

85、Her scented yellow hair cascaded on her. ─── 她一头芳香的金发瀑布似的泻在她身上。

86、You ought to visit the Yellow Crane Tower. ─── 你应该参观一下黄鹤楼。

87、I personally think we should paint the wall yellow. ─── 我个人认为墙壁应该粉刷成黄色。

88、East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit. ─── 东亚地区的酸的黄的象浆果的水果。

89、I got some yellow paint and made the old desk look like a million dollars. ─── 我弄了一些黄油漆来,把那张桌书桌漆得非常漂亮。

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