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09-18 投稿


jemmy 发音

英:[ˈdʒemi]  美:[ˈdʒemi]

英:  美:

jemmy 中文意思翻译





jemmy 网络释义

n. 羊头,橇棍n. (Jemmy)人名;(英)杰米(男子教名James的昵称)

jemmy 短语词组

1、d salon jemmy D ─── 杰米休息室

jemmy 词性/词形变化,jemmy变形


jemmy 相似词语短语

1、jammy ─── adj.粘上果酱的;(英)适意的

2、chemmy ─── abbr.铁路牌(一种赌博游戏)(chemindefer)

3、jimmy ─── n.短撬棍,铁撬棍(窃贼撬门窗用)(等于jemmy);v.强行撬开(等于jemmy);n.(Jimmy)(美)吉米(人名)

4、to jemmy ─── 我们吃吧。

5、jemima ─── n.杰迈玛(女子名)

6、gemmy ─── adj.象宝石一般的;镶嵌宝石的

7、femmy ─── adj.女人味明显的,过于阴柔的

8、stemmy ─── adj.多梗的

9、jemmying ─── n.羊头,橇棍;v.强行用撬子撬开窗户或锁;n.(Jemmy)杰米(人名)

jemmy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At the beginning of the meeting, Jemmy made it clear that he didn't know how to deal with these bad machines. ─── 在会议开始时,杰米就申明他真的不知道该如何处置这些坏的机器。

2、This was a very different language to that she had been in the habit of hearing from her Jemmy Jessamy adorers. ─── 这种语言与她一直习惯于从她的一些甜如蜜的仰慕者那里听到的话是很不相同的。

3、At the beginning of the meeting, Jemmy made it clear that he didn't know how to deal with these bad machines. ─── 在会议开始时,杰米就申明他真的不知道该如何处置这些坏的机器。

4、"The next day Jemmy gave his task to the teacher, who said: "You only write your lesson five times, why? ─── " 吉米把作业交给了老师,老师问道:"你为什么只抄了五遍?

5、Jemmy, once a poor boy living on the streets, now lives in a castle. ─── 一个爱玩的淘气王子嫌生活无聊,强迫半路被他遇到的挨鞭僮杰米和他一起去探险。

6、"The next day Jemmy gave his task to the teacher, who said: " You only write your lesson five times, why? ─── “吉米把作业交给了老师,老师问道:”你为什么只抄了五遍?。

7、" "Because,"answered Jemmy, "you said, 'We shall write our lesson ten times,'so I wrote it five times myself.I thought that you would write the five other times yourself, Sir!" ─── "吉米回答说:"因为你说过,'我们要抄十遍',所以我就抄了五遍,我想另外的五遍你会抄的.

8、Jemmy did not know his lesson.The teacher said to him: "We do not know our lesson, we shall write it out ten times for tomorrow. ─── 吉米不懂课文内容,于是老师告诉他:"我们不懂得课文内容,我们要抄写十遍课文明天交.

9、"Because,"answered Jemmy, "you said, 'We shall write our lesson ten times,'so I wrote it five times myself.I thought that you would write the five other times yourself, Sir!" ─── 吉米回答说:"因为你说过,'我们要抄十遍',所以我就抄了五遍,我想另外的五遍你会抄的.

10、old man addressed a long harangue to Jemmy, which it seems was to invite him to stay with them. ─── 老人对杰米做了一番洋洋洒洒的长篇宏论,似乎是要邀请他与他们呆在一起。

11、On Monday morning Jemmy sauntered on the road of Madison Square. ─── 星期一的上午杰米还在麦迪逊广场的马路上闲逛。

12、Jemmy, once a poor boy living on the streets, lives in a castle. ─── 曾是街头乞儿的杰米目前住在王宫里当王子的受罚人。

13、in England the call a jimmy and jemmy. ─── 人们用铁撬撬开岩石发掘里面的金子。

14、After a last stolen midnight ride on her beloved white giraffe, Jemmy, Martine’s class is off on an amazing school trip to the islands of Mozambique to witness the legendary ’Sardine Run’. ─── 在跟她的长颈鹿杰米最后一次半夜旅行后,马婷要跟同学们去莫桑比克岛观看传奇地“沙丁鱼赛跑”。

15、The Ma's Jemmy is much particular about ingredient selecting. White furred sheep head will be chosen by all means, as only such heads are clean enough. ─── 马家的羊头肉是白水羊头,味道鲜美,大刀片羊头肉是马家的一绝,大刀一尺来长,片片挂皮,指哪切哪,而且片片透亮,然后撒上花椒盐儿,那味绝了。

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