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09-18 投稿


keeled 发音

英:[kiːld]  美:[kiːld]

英:  美:

keeled 中文意思翻译


v.翻身,倾覆( keel的过去式和过去分词 )




keeled 词性/词形变化,keeled变形


keeled 短语词组

1、Keeled Rock Shell ─── 凯勒石壳

2、keeled scale ─── 棱鳞

3、keeled breast ─── [医] 船底 ─── [状]胸, 鸡胸

4、keeled garlic ─── [网络] 龙骨蒜

5、keeled chest ─── [医] 鸡胸

keeled 常用词组

even keel ─── 船身平稳

on an even keel ─── adv. 平稳地

keeled 相似词语短语

1、keeked ─── v.偷看,偷窥;侦察;n.偷窥,偷看

2、jeeled ─── 耶尔斯

3、heeled ─── adj.有后跟的;带手枪的;带着钱的;v.紧跟;(使)倾斜(heel的过去分词)

4、kneeled ─── 跪(kneel的过去式和过去分词)

5、keened ─── adj.敏锐的,敏捷的;渴望的;强烈的;热心的;锐利的;n.痛哭,挽歌;n.(Keen)人名;(英)基恩;(德)肯;(肯)金

6、keeler ─── n.驳船船员(等于keelman);用来测量液体的容器;n.(Keeler)人名;(英)基勒

7、reeled ─── 卷筒

8、seeled ─── vt.蒙住...的眼;闭目;训鹰时以线缝合眼睑;n.(Seel)人名;(德)泽尔;(英)西尔

9、peeled ─── adj.剥去皮的;v.剥皮(peel的过去分词)

keeled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The way of platform is simpler, inside the range that needs to set platform span puts load to make keel, spread wooden floor to be become namely completely on keel next. ─── 地台的做法比较简单,在需设地台的范围内间距放上木制龙骨,然后在龙骨上满铺木地板即成。

2、The red cap of one of the sailors hung to a point of the rock and some timbers that had formed part of the vessel's keel, floated at the foot of the crag. ─── 岩石尖上正挂着一顶水手的红帽子,岩的脚下漂浮着一块风帆船龙骨的碎片。唐太斯顿时拿定了主意。

3、The intense heat keeled her over. ─── 酷热使她晕倒了.

4、ISMAY: She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all history.And our master shipbuilder Mr.Andrews, here, designed her from the keel plates up. ─── 伊斯迈:这船是人类历史上手工制作的最大的交通工具,我们的造船专家安德鲁斯,设计所有从龙骨往上部分。

5、Breed has arrowroot of violet, evergreen, keel, gold to wait a moment, these plants can make family vigor abundant, the job has daring and resolution. ─── 品种有紫罗兰、万年青、龙骨、黄金葛等等,这些植物可使家人活力充沛,工作有魄力。

6、Ballast: Extra weight carried for stability, usually lodged in the keel. ─── 压舱物:保持船体稳定额外重物。通常安装在龙骨内。

7、It take him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife die. ─── 妻子死后很久,他的情绪才稳定下来。

8、Why, he'd keel over just with two draws. ─── 嘿,让他抽上一两口他就会一头昏倒。

9、It took him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife died. ─── 他妻子死後很久他情绪才稳定下来。

10、Corona lobes 5, stellate spreading or suberect, fleshy, adaxially often tuberculate, keeled or appendaged, apex entire, dentate, or lobed. ─── 副花冠裂片5,星状的平展的或近直立,肉质,正面通常具瘤,龙骨状的或附属物,先端全缘,具牙齿,或浅裂。

11、Anhui Strut channels plant is built in Anhui three core business groups, the province is the first production of light steel keel series of key enterprises. ─── 安徽轻钢龙骨厂是安徽三建集团的核心企业,是全省首家生产轻钢龙骨系列产品的骨干企业。

12、Some rowing boats lay keeled over on the beach. ─── 一些划艇船底朝天地放在沙滩上。

13、We quickly saw before the races today that the keel box is seriously damaged and required immediate repairs. ─── 今天在比赛开始之前,我们发现到这个部位受损非常严重,必须马上进行修理。

14、Inspection distance between draught marks and keel plate after marking out. ─── 划线后检查吃水标尺至平板龙骨之间的距离。

15、Upper glume sharply keeled throughout, keel narrowly winged. ─── 全部上面颖片锐龙骨状,给狭翅装龙骨。

16、It is not direct with ground agglutinate, keel must be hit below or greatly core board makes a layer. ─── 它不是直接与地面粘合的,下面一定要打龙骨或大芯板作层。

17、The center of mass will immediately produce a force that swings the aircraft back to its position directly below the fulcrum, just as a pendulum or keel would. ─── 大规模的中心会立即产生波动的力量,飞机回到自己的立场正下方的支点,就像一个钟摆或龙骨会。

18、Despite, or at times because of, such close attention, relations between the White House and its traveling press corps are seldom on an even keel for long. ─── 尽管亲密如斯,有时恰恰因为如此,白宫与其随行新闻界人士的关系常常好景不长。

19、The keel and the mast of the daring sail? ─── 以及大船龙骨和桅杆的树??

20、The part of a ship at which the prow joins the keel. ─── 前踵艏柱脚船的一部分,船首与船骨相接于此

21、In 1756, Shen was feeling weak. One day he keeled over and was put to bed, but even the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. ─── 1756年的时候,沈觉得自己越来越虚弱。有一天他跪倒了,被扶上床。甚至连医生都看不出来他得了什么病。

22、For this, want to notice keel and ground, union is firm between floor and keel, the measure that uses a hammer and length are appropriate. ─── 为此,要注重龙骨与地面,地板与龙骨之间结合牢固,用钉的数量和长度恰当。

23、General and current data is light steel plasterboard is stuck outside keel, it is good that sound insulation effect is added among " mineral wool board " or " benzene board " . ─── 一般通用的材料是轻钢龙骨外贴石膏板,中间加入隔音效果好的“矿棉板”或“苯板”。

24、Sepals triangular, 3-veined, adaxially medially keeled. ─── 三角形,3脉的萼片,正面中部龙骨状。

25、Some rowing boats lay keeled over on the beach. ─── 一些划艇船底朝天地放在沙滩上.

26、Therefore, we should calculate the draft accurately now and then ,so as to keep the ship on an even keel. ─── 因此,我们应随时精确地计算水尺,以便使船舶前后吃水保持平衡。

27、Skeg ready to be trimmed for fitting under upper keel. ─── Skeg准备缩减拟合根据上龙骨。

28、They were equipped with watertight compartments and sharp, pointed hulls with a keel at the bottom to maintain stability. ─── 其船体瘦长,船身底下的龙骨能保持船的平稳。

29、The boat pitched suddenly and keeled over. ─── 船突然上下颠簸,接著就倾覆了。

30、After a couple of drinks he just keel over on the floor. ─── 他喝了两杯酒后就跌倒在地了。

31、The structure had keeled over in the high winds. ─── 那座建筑物在大风中倒塌.

32、To arch upward in the middle. Used of a ship's keel. ─── 中部拱起。用于指船的龙骨

33、He keeled over from a high fever. ─── 他因发高烧而昏倒了。

34、So in 1991 when my father keeled over after a golf game and died shortly thereafter, Jimmy was lost. ─── 1991年,父亲打完高尔夫球后突然晕倒,不久就离开了我们,吉姆感到惊慌失措。

35、The workers keeled the ship to repair its bottom. ─── 工人们把船翻过来了修理船底.

36、The workers are laying a keel of the ship. ─── 工人正在给那艘船安龙骨。

37、When installing a floor board, some consumer like to be after keel of ground jacket wood, a joinery is spread again above board or particieboard, next reload wood floor. ─── 在安装地板时,有些消费者喜欢在地面上装木龙骨之后,上面再铺一层细木工板或刨花板,然后再装木地板。

38、Several of them keeled over in the heat. ─── 他们中有好几个人在酷暑中倒下。

39、The keel material that in living in decorate condole carries on the head basically has keel of wooden keel, aluminium alloy keel, light steel to wait for a few kinds. ─── 在家居装潢中吊顶的龙骨材料主要有木龙骨、铝合金龙骨、轻钢龙骨等几种。

40、Dingxiaoning keeled over, put her under his body and said:"I will do that and can't do that. ─── 并且她做了个掐丁晓宁的动作,丁晓宁翻身把她压在身下说,怎么会呢,我们是爱情鱼啊,还要游一辈子呢。

41、The boat pitched suddenly and keeled over. ─── 船突然上下颠簸,接着就倾覆了.

42、A tower crane keeled over and crushed some temporary buildings, but fortunately nobody was hurt. ─── 塔吊突然倒塌,砸坏了一些临时性建筑物,但幸好没有人员伤着。

43、To arch upwardin the middle.Used of a ship's keel. ─── 中部拱起。用于指船的龙骨。

44、He then keeled over and fell flat on his back. ─── 然后他就倒下了,仰面朝天。

45、Ship's keel plate being laid in a construction dry dock at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company shipyard, Newport News, Virginia, 18 April 1949. ─── 1949年4月18日,美国号的龙骨模板才刚在新港纽斯造船厂的乾坞中放下时的画面。

46、Spikelets in very dense heads; palea keeled; lodicules 3; glumes 2 or 3; rachilla internodes not disarticulating. ─── 在非常紧密的头状花序里的小穗;内稃翻转;鳞被3;颖片2或3;小穗轴节间不脱节。

47、The territory of more cultural and historical sites, there are holes to poke sites, ancient vertebrate fossils (commonly known as the keel). ─── 境内文史遗址较多,有万佛洞遗址,古脊椎动物化石(俗称龙骨)。

48、The continued heat keeled over quite a few of the summer visitors. ─── 持续不断的酷热使节些避暑旅客晕倒了.

49、A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit. ─── 单桅帆船有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桁的单桅小帆船

50、The small boat keeled over in the storm. ─── 小船在风暴中倾覆了。

51、The ground of heating of the heat of the earth's interior cannot lay floor of buy real wood, because install the cement of keel,nail meeting attaint conduit or cable. ─── 地热采暖的地面不能铺置实木地板,因为安装龙骨的水泥钉会损坏水管或电缆。

52、Those who are in keel will be safe. ─── 在船舱里的人会很安全。

53、Traditional condole carries keel on the head to be ligneous material, part of its face plate uses man-made board more. ─── 传统的吊顶龙骨为木制材料,其面板部分多采用人造板。

54、The massive rudder takes the place of a keel. ─── 巨大的舵位在龙骨的位置。

55、Based on analysis three general method for reducing roll: Bilge keel, anti-rolling, antiroll fins, prospect a few new method for reducing roll. ─── 并且本文在比较其他减摇装置的基础上,展望了一些新型的减摇装置。

56、Meanwhile, should prevent keel span too big or moisture content is exorbitant, otherwise dry systole becomes loose after laid, also can cause certain effect. ─── 与此同时,要防止龙骨间距太大或者含水率过高,否则铺设后干燥收缩松动,也会造成一定的影响。

57、You're back on your usual lovely even keel starting sometime Thursday through Saturday, and the way you understand people and solve problems makes for a remarkable combination. ─── 从周四到周六,你将做回你自己,但有时会反复,你可以完美结合理解他人和解决问题的方式。

58、They always stay upbeat on an even keel, unlike the teams that rely on emotion and run hot or cold. ─── 她们总是很有气势,不像有些队伍心情好就打得好,心情不好就随便对付!

59、The sailboat keeled over in the storm. ─── 帆船在风暴中倾覆了。

60、The female teacher loses her head and tries to catch that eel on the keel ! ─── 女教师惊惶失措,企图在船的龙骨捉住那鳝鱼!

61、As one can tell from the photos, I made just 6 frames and clamped them together with a keel and keelson and began planking. ─── 从照片可知,我只制作6个肋骨,用龙骨和内龙骨把它们夹在一起,并开始铺板。

62、The workers keeled the ship to repair its bottom. ─── 工人们把船翻过来了修理船底。

63、A timber or girder fastened above and parallel to the keel of a ship or boat for additional strength. ─── 内龙骨固定在船或舟的龙骨之上或与之平行的木材或桁,以加强船的力量

64、Things are now on more of a even keel weightwise. ─── 从重量分布来说,行车更趋平稳。

65、A typical racing sailboat has many parts such as the mast, boom, hull, keel and rudder.Mainly there are five types of racing sailboat. ─── 帆船主要由船体、桅杆、稳向板或龙骨、舵、帆和索具组成,船体的主要制作材料为木材或玻璃钢。

66、Pictured above, Hanny's Voorwerp was imaged recently by the 4.2-meter William Hershel Telescope in the Canary Islands by Matt Jarvis, Kevin Schawinski, and William Keel. ─── 上面影像中的Hanny's Voorwerp是加那利群岛上的4.2米威廉赫谢尔望远镜在最近拍摄,拍摄者是Matt Jarvis, Kevin Schawinski和William Keel。

67、Things are going on an even keel. ─── 一切都平稳地进展着。

68、The workers are laying down a keel. ─── 工人们正安龙骨。

69、The fishing junk nearly keeled over in the crosswind. ─── 渔船由于侧面吹来的风,几乎倾覆.

70、However, the national law may make it a condition for registrationthat the keel has been laid or equivalent constructional work has beenperformed in the place of launching. ─── 但是,国内法可将在船舶下水地点已安置龙骨或已完成类似的建造工程作为登记条件。

71、Several of them keeled over in the heat. ─── 他们中有好几个人在酷暑中倒下。

72、The standby system components are located in the main gear wheel well,on the keel beam and the aft bulkhead. ─── 备用系统组件位于主轮舱,压力隔板后方龙骨上方。

73、She keeled over in a faint. ─── 他昏倒在地.

74、As hard as we put it through its paces, the Shelby managed to keep things on a fairly even keel in a manner that instilled confidence and almost begged us for more input. ─── 困难,我们把它通过了测试,向谢尔比设法保持相当平稳的方式,灌输信心和几乎恳求我们更多的投入。

75、Contained within it are several cannonballs, including one lodged in the keel, which apparently succeeded in sinking the ship. ─── 它包含有多种炮弹,其中包括居住在龙骨,这显然是成功的船舶沉没。

76、When construction, applied level foot is right keel surface make level, if rough should stow-wood is adjusted. ─── 在施工时,应用水平尺对龙骨表面找平,假如不平应垫木调整。

77、The small boat keeled over in the storm. ─── 小船在风暴中倾覆了.

78、He keeled over in a dead faint. ─── 他不省人事了.

79、After a couple of drinks he just keeled over on the floor. ─── 他喝了两杯酒後就跌倒在地了。

80、Like the keel of a ship, it withstands many different pressures and keeps you on yourcourse. ─── 一 如 舰 船 的 龙 骨 , 它 能 抵 御 各 种 压 力 , 使 你 把 稳 航 向 。

81、The boat keeled over in the strong winds. ─── 船在大风中翻了.

82、Women love e to talh Silence intimidates themv nd they keel a need to fillit, even if they have nothing to say. ─── 女人喜欢交谈。沉默使她们不安,她们需要用交谈打破沉默,即使她们没什么可说的。

83、A ship shall be deemed to have been constructed on the date when its keel is laid or when it is at a similar stage of contruction. ─── 一艘船舶应被视为建造于其龙骨铺设之日或当其处于类似建造阶段之日。

84、The schooner trembled to her keel under the reverse; but next moment, the other sails still drawing, the jib flapped back again, and hung idle. ─── 在这后退作用力影响下,大船连龙骨都颤动了起来,但紧接着,虽然其它船帆还张着,三角帆却哗啦一声垂下来不动了。

85、All concerning representative of CPLEC , ESSCA site project group and BGP site inspect group attend the ceremony of keel laying. ─── ESSCA现场项目组、BGP现场监造组、船厂及有关方面代表出席了上船台仪式。

86、The strong wind made the sailboat keel over and the passengers fell into the water. ─── 强风吹翻了帆船,乘客都落水了。

87、She does almost everything on an even keel. ─── 她做起事来几乎都是四平八稳。

88、The old Queen Elizabeth liner burnt out and keeled over while anchored off Hong Kong in January 1972. ─── 使用多年的伊丽莎白女王号游轮于1972年1月泊于香港海域时失火倾覆。

89、Banks around the world keeled over during the credit crisis. ─── 在信贷危机期间,全世界的银行都出现问题。

90、When the teacher told Jane her mother dead, she keeled right over. ─── 当老师告诉简她母亲去世的消息时, 她立即昏了过去.

91、He must have drunk too much; when he tried to stand up, he keeled over. ─── 他肯定是喝多了,当他要站起来时,却摔倒在地上。

92、The female teacher loses her head and drives the eel off the keel ! ─── 女教师没头没脑,赶走龙骨上的鳝鱼!

93、He then keeled over and fell flat on his back. ─── 然后,他便仰天倒下了。

94、He was so tired that he keeled over on to the bed. ─── 他累得躺倒在床上。

95、The intense heat keeled him over. ─── 酷热使他晕倒了.

96、You really took my breath away! I almost keeled over. ─── 你真的让我大吃一惊!我几乎晕倒。

97、The sailboat keeled over in the storm. ─── 帆船在风暴中倾覆了.

98、Ah have blindly does Chinese traditional medicine call day keel and so on? ─── 啊有一味中药叫天龙骨之类的?

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