landless 发音
英:[ˈlændləs] 美:[ˈlændləs]
英: 美:
landless 中文意思翻译
landless 词性/词形变化,landless变形
名词: landlessness |
landless 反义词
landless 同义词
ousted | powerless | evicted |dispossessed
landless 短语词组
1、landless via pcb ─── 无地通过pcb
2、landless laborers ─── 无地劳工
3、landless hole ─── 无地洞
4、landless people ─── 没有土地的人
5、landless pcb ─── 无地印刷电路板
landless 相似词语短语
1、brandless ─── 无品牌
2、glandless ─── 无垫料的;无密封垫的
3、plantless ─── 无植物的
4、clankless ─── 叮当作响
5、landlers ─── n.兰德勒舞曲;兰德勒舞(奥地利农村的民间舞)
6、sandless ─── 无沙的
7、land legs ─── 陆腿
8、blindless ─── adj.盲目的;瞎的(blind的变形)
9、handless ─── adj.无手的;笨手笨脚的;赤手空拳的
landless 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Loveless, landless, wifeless ─── 没有爱情,没有国土,没有老婆。
2、This group of Bijie pilot area in large and medium-sized construction projects to investigate the status of peasants, landless peasants put forward suggestions to solve problems related measures. ─── 本课题组通过对毕节试验区大中型建设项目中失地农民的现状调查,提出了解决失地农民问题的相关措施。
3、Actively explore to establish a new type of rural social endowment insurance system for landless peasants, migrant workers, social security work steadily. ─── 积极探索建立新型农村社会养老保险制度,农民工、被征地农民社会保障工作稳步推进。
4、Although the medium category farmers own most of the palms (33%), a considerable portion (28.68%) of it is managed by the landless farmers, who earn a substantial livelihood from the palms. ─── 尽管中等级的农民拥有多数棕榈(33%),但是主要管理棕榈的是没有土地的农民,他们靠棕榈维持生计。
5、This statement reveals the real Enclosure Movement of landless peasants Liulayixiang, Jihanjiaopo the Canzhuang. ─── 这段话真实地揭示了圈地运动中失地农民流落异乡、饥寒交迫的惨状。
6、These farmers can not find new jobs lost, caught in a farm landless, to the plight of non-post. ─── 这些失地农民找不到新的就业门路,陷入了种田无地、上班无岗的困境。
7、Slowly, ineluctably, the Tibetans become just another of the globe's landless peoples lost in the shadow of a rising superpower. ─── 慢慢地,不可避免地,藏人会变成崛起的强权阴影下又一个没有土地的迷失民族。
8、Part III investigates and analyses the present situations and problems in China in terms of the compensation for landless farmers. ─── 第三章为我国失地农民补偿现状及存在问题的调查分析部分。
9、To reduce land acquisition costs, a lot of them and even create "landless peasants. ─── 可以说,房地产市场成了一个“黑夜有多黑,我就有多黑”的高度灰色领域。
10、However, offering to emigrate landless Haitians is not the kind of material solidarity many envisoned. ─── 然而,没有多少人能预料到会有国家提供失去土地的海地人举家移民的机会。
11、Vinoba created the land gift moment to help Indies poor and landless. ─── 还有外娜巴,她为帮助印度穷苦无地的人们发动了土地赠送运动。
12、There is favorable base in Zhejiang province to put landless farmer employment training in practice. ─── 浙江省具有良好的实施失地农民远程就业培训的基础。
13、Pauperized tenants, landless peasants, adventure-seeking boys flocked to join him. ─── 贫农、雇农以及想出去见世面的青年踊跃要求参军。
14、Most of us are landless labourers and have to work away from home. ─── 我们多数人是没有土地的民工,不得不离家到外面工作。
15、Once the people who were the owners of lot of lands and other natural resources have now become landless, property less, jobless and penniless!. ─── 曾经拥有大片土地和其他资源的人,现在没有土地、没有财产、没有工作、一文不名。
16、Besides scrapping a discredited monarchy, they would fight caste-based discrimination, the deprivation of tribal groups and the exploitation of landless labourers. ─── 除了废除声名狼藉的君主制,他们还要与基于等级制度的歧视,对部族的掠夺和对失去土地的劳动者的剥削等等不良现象作斗争。
17、Poor, landless and female-headed households hardest hit. ─── 穷人、无地者和女性户主家庭受打击最大。
18、Looking at the short term, were unemployed, the landless farmers through a one-time relocation living, and living standards will not significantly lower. ─── 从短期看,失地又失业的农民可通过一次性安置费维持生计,生活水平不致明显降低。
19、Landless peasants on the main form of resistance were observed, the characteristics and significance of resistance were also explored . ─── 主要对失地农民的抗争形式进行了观察,并探讨了失地农民抗争行为的特点和意义。
20、Moreover, they extend beyond production and income, and can therefore benefit landless farmers, and it excludes religious or politically-related investments. ─── 此外,补助金还延伸到生产和收入以外,因而可惠益无地农民,并且不进行与宗教或政治有关的投资。
21、In capitalist countries a landless peasant either goes to the factory or hires himself out as a laborer. ─── 在资本主义国家里,无地的农民可以进工厂,或者当雇工。
22、With the acceleration of the economy the number of landless peasantry become more and more large, as well as the problem of farmer’s employment is stand out sharply. ─── 失地农民的就业问题日趋突出,由于失地农民缺乏专业技能,对其进行就业培训成为解决失地农民就业的关键。
23、How to Settle the Landless Peasants? ─── 农民失地与安置失地农民?
24、Faced with the growing ranks of landless peasants, their social security must be to be with high priority. ─── 面对日益壮大的失地农民队伍,他们的社会保障问题必须予与高度重视。
25、The conclusion of the study is the distance education applied in landless farmer employment training is feasible. ─── 本研究的结论是远程教育在失地农民就业培训中应用是完全可行的,同时也是急需的必要的。
26、Landless peasant's old-age risk exposure is the maximum in all peasants, so a welfare attraction fully funded endowment insurance mode should be established for them. ─── 摘要失地农民作为养老风险最大的农民群体,应当为其建立起福利诱导型储蓄积累模式的养老保险制度。
27、We are giving an equal area of land to the landless. ─── 我们给无土地的人们分同等面积的土地。
28、In those years the landless peasants were brought to beggary. ─── 在那些年月里无地的农民只有靠乞讨为生。
29、At first, he urged landless farm workers to invade private property. ─── 起先,他鼓励没有土地的农场工人去侵占私有财产。
30、Second, some enterprises Yaozheya landless units sold high prices to buy property, can only be marginal. ─── 第二,有些无地企业咬着牙去买圈地单位转卖的高价地,也只能获得微利。
31、Then in 1964, Brazil passed a law to encourage landless peasants to leave the slums and develop the interior. ─── 直到1964年,巴西通过了一项法律,鼓励没有土地的农民走出贫民窟,自主开发国内的土地。
32、Its work ensured public-land for landless and access to banks for sex workers. ─── 行动援助工作以保证失地人群的公共土地,性工作者能到银行开户。
33、This paper looks into the present state of the reemployment of landless farmers in Beilun District as well as some problems in this respect and proposes some solutions to the problems. ─── 文章分析了北仑区失土农民再就业的现状及存在问题,并提出了对策和思路。
34、Suggestions are made from the perspective of policy-making and legislation, transparent process of land requisition, guidance and the job skills training for the landless farmers. ─── 具体地从建章立制、民主选择、指导帮助和失地农民就业培训等方面提出了政策建议。
35、Additional farm programs included Federal farm credit for operating and ownership loans and assistance to tenants and other landless rural residents in acquiring small homesteads. ─── 其它的农业计划包括联邦为(农场)运营和物主贷款提供的农业信贷,以及为租户和其它无土地者收购自留地提供的支持。
36、On this basis, the existing arable land resources can meet the reserve farmland between 2010 demand after 2010, Beijing will be the development of the predicament facing the landless. ─── 据此计算,现有的宜农后备土地资源仅能满足到2010年耕地占补平衡的需求,2010年以后,北京市将面临无地可开发的窘境。
37、Following the rapid economic development, more and more rural lands have been expropriated for a construction purpose, so the land compensation is paramount for those landless farmers. ─── 摘要随着我国经济的高速发展,越来越多的农用地被征收和征用为建设用地,因此征地的补偿对广大农民来说就显得至关重要。
38、Vinoba Bhave created the Land Gift Movement to help India's poor and landless. ─── 维奴巴B创立了土地礼物运动来帮助印地安的贫穷和土地匮乏。
39、It is therefore urgent to solve the unemployment problem, and of great significance both in theory and practice to do research in landless farmers' business constraints. ─── 从目前情况来看,解决城市化带来的众多失地农民就业的最佳途径是自主创业。
40、Much of the forest clearing, especially in Latin America, is in response to the social pressure of overcrowding and poverty in societies where most of the people are landless. ─── 大部分森林空地,尤其是拉丁美洲的森林空地,是作为对人过于拥挤的社会压力和大部分人没有土地的社会贫穷现象的反应而出现的。
41、In Bangladesh, one of the most vulnerable countries, the rice crop is up 10%, prices are about four times production costs and wages for landless peasants are soaring. ─── 孟加拉是最脆弱的国家之一,其大米价格上涨了10%,大约是生产成本的四倍,但是无地农民的工资也快速上涨。
42、There is a trade-off between the blank check to commercial farmers and attention to the problems of small-scale farmers and landless peasants. ─── 商业农场主的空白支票和对小规模农民和无土地庄稼人问题的关注之间有一个贸易。
43、Its aims are to help small farmers, sharecroppers, and landless laborers increase food production and to stimulate rural development in general. ─── 其目的是帮助小农、佃农、无地农民增加粮食生产,促进农村的全面发展。
44、The government established the kindness policy landless farmer employment training. ─── 政府重视失地农民就业问题,制定了内容详尽的优惠政策。
45、The large-scale appropriation of farmland in recent years for housing and factory construction has rendered millions of farmers landless. ─── 近些年大规模占用耕地建住宅与厂房,已致使数百万农民无地可耕。
46、'Now we're landless farmers,' says Ms.Qiu over the din of earthmovers. ─── 听着推土机的噪音,邱燕大声说,现在我们是没有土地的农民。
47、If after sale of land use rights collateral, the bank once exercise Mortgages, together with the land use rights to land new housing auction houses will face a situation of the Housing landless. ─── 如将土地使用权抵押后再预售,银行一旦行使抵押权,将该土地使用权连同土地上新增房屋一起拍卖,买房人将面临有房无地的处境。
48、High food prices do help poor farmers, but they also hurt the more numerous category of people (poor city-dwellers as well as landless rural folk) who must buy food to survive. ─── 高粮价确实帮助了贫穷的农民,但这也伤害了那些靠购买食物维持生存的更为广大的民众(穷困的城市居民以及没有土地的边民)。
49、Higher farm income boosts demand for rural labour, increasing wages for landless peasants and others who buy rather than grow their food. ─── 更高的农业收入对促进农村劳动力的需求,刺激无地农民和只买不种者的工资上升。
50、But most of these men, registered at the consultation as farmers, were in fact landless labourers with no aubergine experience. ─── 但这些在会议上以农民身份登记的人,实际上是没有任何茄子种植经验的无土地劳动者。
51、Not only did farm incomes rise quickly but China avoided some of the problems of landless rural workers that have afflicted many developing countries undergoing industrialisation. ─── 不仅农民收入快速增加,还避免了困扰许多工业化进程中的发展中国家无地农民工的问题。
52、Vulnerable groups such as women, indigenous peoples and the landless are especially at risk in conflict situations, since they often lack the means or capacity to defend their interests effectively. ─── 在此种冲突情况下,弱势群体,如妇女、土著居民和无地者等,尤其深受危险,因为他们常常缺乏有效维护其利益的手段和能力。
53、The poorest, the landless and female-headed households have been hardest hit. ─── 最贫困者、无土地者和女性户主的家庭则首当其冲。
54、The Democratic Reform abolished the ownership of the means of production by serf-owners. The farmland originally occupied by those serf-owners involved in the armed rebellion was distributed free to landless serfs and slaves. ─── 民主改革废除了生产资料的农奴主所有制,参加叛乱的农奴主占有的耕地无偿分给了无地的农奴和奴隶。
55、The poorest, the landless and female-headed households have been hardest hit. ─── 最贫困者、无土地者和女性户主的家庭遭受的损失最严重。
56、It also wants to turn some fallow or confiscated land over to landless people, as a way to reduce Colombia's high unemployment rate. ─── 当然也想把一些休耕或没收的土地分给无土地的人,作为降低哥伦比亚高失业率的一种途径。
57、Or a landless widow with two children who makes her living from spinning gets up and says: "Look, I have no man, no land.In one year I cannot harvest two catties of cotton. ─── 又一个拖儿带女、靠纺线糊口的寡妇站起来说:“大伙儿瞧瞧,俺死了男人,又没地。
58、Players should never see landless HQs in existence. ─── 球员应该永远也看不到存在的无地总部。
59、And that means over a billion urban consumers (and some landless labourers), many of whom are politically influential in poor countries. ─── 而这意味着超过十亿的城市消费者(一些是无地劳动者),他们中的很多人从贫穷国家的政治上来说是有影响力的。
60、The impacts of insecure access to land have particularly been very devastating for vulnerable groups such as women, migrants, and landless youth. ─── 对于妇女、外流人口和无地青年等弱势群体来说,土地获得无保障尤其导致了破坏性的影响。
61、The second reason is that some landless enterprises Yaozheya units sold high prices to buy property, can only be marginal. ─── 第二个原因是,有些无地企业咬着牙去买圈地单位转卖的高价地,也只能获得微利。
62、Property rights alone are not enough, however: other landless and wage workers rely on forests for income, and their survival and livelihood needs must be considered. ─── 知识产权本身是不够的,但是:土地和其他劳动者依靠森林的收入,他们的生存和生活需要必须加以考虑。
63、Would he not feel like "be Homer's Achilles, that he would far sooner on earth as a hired servant in the house of a landless man" or endure anything rather than go back to his old beliefs and live in the old way? ─── 他不会有荷马笔下的阿基里斯的感觉,宁可“在凡界的穷人家当奴仆”,宁可忍受任何艰难困苦,而不愿重返旧念,重过原来的生活吗?
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