laird 发音
英:[lerd] 美:[leəd]
英: 美:
laird 中文意思翻译
laird 词性/词形变化,laird变形
laird 短语词组
1、Laird Plateau ─── 莱尔德高原
laird 相似词语短语
1、lard ─── n.猪油;(非正式)人的多余脂肪;v.嵌(肥肉)在其他肉中;涂抹猪油于……;润色,点缀;盖满;n.(Lard)(美)拉德(人名)
2、caird ─── n.游民;挑担铜匠;流动铜匠;n.(Caird)人名;(英)凯尔德
3、Baird ─── n.贝尔德(姓氏,意为很会唱民谣的人);贝尔德(美国德克萨斯州的一个城市名)
4、lairds ─── n.领主,地主;n.(Laird)人名;(英)莱尔德
5、lairy ─── adj.艳俗的;华丽而俗气的
6、laired ─── n.(野兽的)[动]巢穴;躲藏处;vi.进入兽穴;在穴中休息;vt.使陷入泥潭;放于穴中;n.(Lair)人名;(英、法)莱尔
7、lairs ─── n.(野兽的)[动]巢穴;躲藏处;vi.进入兽穴;在穴中休息;vt.使陷入泥潭;放于穴中;n.(Lair)人名;(英、法)莱尔
8、lair ─── n.(野兽的)[动]巢穴;躲藏处;vi.进入兽穴;在穴中休息;vt.使陷入泥潭;放于穴中;n.(Lair)人名;(英、法)莱尔
9、laid ─── vt.放;铺设;安排(lay的过去分词);adj.松弛的;从容不迫的;n.(Laid)(瑞典)莱德(人名)
laird 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Laird John Hamilton Brian L. Kea ─── 拉尔德·约翰·汉密尔顿
2、A Brief Analysis on Hani's Leap from Patrilineal Clanship to a Feudal Laird System ─── 论哈尼族从父系氏族社会到封建领主制的历史跨越
3、laird treated this clumsy procedure the way a matador handles the lunges of a bill ─── 莱尔德对这笨拙做法的处理,就象一个斗牛士对付一头牛的冲击一样。
5、Laird argued that the most critical supplies came in by rail and in any case the North Vietnamese had four to five months of stocks in reserve. ─── 莱尔德争辩说,最关键的物资供给来自铁路,无论如何,北越有四、五个月的库存储备。
6、Look at me, I'm a laird's son and more than half a doctor ─── 瞧瞧我吧;我本来是一个地主家的少爷,差不多够得上一名医生的资格。
7、Look at me, I'm a laird's son and more than half a doctor. ─── 瞧瞧我吧;我本来是一个地主家的少爷,差不多够得上一名医生的资格。
8、When out of the laird's ground, and once more upon the public road, her pace slackened, her anger cooled ─── 直到出了庄园主的地界,重新登上大路,她才放慢了脚步,怒气也消了一些。
9、What is the attitude of many private colleges toward merit aid, according to David Laird? ─── 依大卫?莱尔德来看,许多私立学院对奖学金的态度是什么?
10、Laird Security System Ningbo Ltd is the manufacturing and sourcing center for Laird.We produce security hardware products for window and door. ─── 成立于1999年的莱尔德建筑五金(宁波)有限公司是莱尔德集团在中国设立的全资子公司,我公司主要从事门窗配套五金产品的生产和采购。
11、Within a year, Laird and Eastman were approached with a toy license , which was followed by a cartoon television series and three live-action feature films over the course of nine years. ─── 莱尔德和伊斯特曼在一年之内就获得了玩具许可证,而在接下来的9年中,这一许可证应用在了卡通系列片和3部动作片中。
12、Ken Laird, who works for a Scandinavian savings bank, ─── 斯堪的纳维亚储蓄银行的肯?莱尔德
13、Ken Laird is describing the organization of the Scandinavian savings bank he works for. ─── 肯?莱尔德正在介绍他供职的斯堪的纳维亚储蓄银行的组织情况。
14、In a haunted-house role-playing game, Dr Laird has used augmented cognition to infer mental states and determine whether the player needs help to get back on track and advance the game's story. ─── 在一个角色扮演的鬼屋游戏中,Laird博士运用了补充识别来推断精神状态并且判断玩家是否需要帮助来完成任务并继续游戏。
15、Gallagher and Laird asked 220 staff at a financial-management firm about their political skills, their sense that organisational decisions are taken politically, and their job satisfaction. ─── Gallagher和Lairdasked向一个财务管理公司的220名员工提了一些问题,是关于他们的政治手腕、对于组织政治意义上做的决定的看法以及工作满意度。
16、Dempster, Laird and Rubin (1977) systematically described the EM algorithm under incomplete situation. ─── Dempster,Laird和Rubin(1977)系统表述了不完全数据下极大似然估计的EM算法等。
17、Ken Laird is describing the organization of the Scandinavian savings bank he works for. ─── 肯?莱尔德正在介绍他供职的斯堪的纳维亚储蓄银行的组织情况.
18、Lane Sales Development Group 449 Laird Rd, Guelph, ON N1G 4W1 Canada 电话: 519-822-4849 传真: 519-822-3787 ─── 分类:造纸,印刷制品,油墨,电脑,软件,办公用品和设备,金属和金属制品,明信片,贺卡和其他印刷品,金属制品
19、Once they had left Key Biscayne, Rogers and Laird quickly reversed themselves. ─── 罗杰斯和莱尔德一离开比斯坎岛,很快就变了卦.
20、Vallandigham, Eclement Laird ─── 伐兰狄甘
21、At the early period of the founding of GaoGouli, the ministers who were both laird and officials of the central government had powers such as administration, military, judiciary. ─── 在高句丽建国之初 ,五部的部长拥有行政、军事、司法等方面的权力 ,既是领主 ,也是中央官。
22、Laird treated this clumsy procedure the way a matador handles the lunges of a bill. ─── 莱尔德对这笨拙做法的处理,就象一个斗牛士对付一头牛的冲击一样.
23、Former secretaries of defense included William Cohen, Frank Carlucci, James Schlesinger, Harold Brown, Melvin Laird and RobertMcNamara. ─── 其中一些前高官对布什的伊拉克政策持批评态度。
24、text by Elizabeth Laird. ─── 作者声明: Satomi Ichikawa ;
25、The Hani people went through matrilineal clanship, patrilineal clanship, feudal laird system, and socialist society. ─── 哈尼族在其漫长的历史发展进程中,曾经历了母系氏族制、父系氏族制 、 封建领主制 、 封建地主制, 并直接过渡到社会主义社会.
26、As a finely seasoned politician, laird did not believe in fighting losing battles ─── 作为一个很老练的政界人物,莱尔德不打必输的仗。
27、Hartman &Laird, "Family - centered Social Work Practice ",1983 ─── 参.授课用书:1.家庭社会工作(周月清著,五南,2001)
28、Robert Laird Borden ─── 罗伯特·莱尔德·博登
29、His foster father, Karney Firth, the Laird or ruler of the Firth, has raised him as his own son. ─── 他的养父KarneyFirth,苏格兰港湾的地主或称支配者,拉拔他长大如同对待自己的亲生骨肉一般。
30、Once they had left Key Biscayne, Rogers and laird quickly reversed themselves ─── 罗杰斯和莱尔德一离开比斯坎岛,很快就变了卦。
31、Laird and Nixon kept their counsel. ─── 莱尔德和尼克松不发表意见.
32、What added to the inherent power of his position and his burdens was the weakness of two key Cabinet members,Rogers and Laird. ─── 两个关键性的内阁成员罗杰斯和莱尔德的软弱无能,又加重了基辛格原有的职权和负担。
33、In particular, the technique can stop players getting bored or lost, says John Laird, the director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. ─── 在AnnArbor的Michigan大学,人工智能实验室的主管JohnLaird说,特别是这项技术可以避免玩家的无聊感和失落感。
34、He would get rid of Rogers and Laird at the earliest opportunity. ─── 只要有机会,他就会尽早抛弃罗杰斯和莱尔德.
35、As a finely seasoned politician, Laird did not believe in fighting losing battles. ─── 作为一个很老练的政界人物, 莱尔德不打必输的仗.
36、Secondly, the member of the Tung-Meng Hui included the bourgeois, the laird, the workers, the farmers and the intelligentsia etc. ─── 2、从同盟会的成员来看,既有资产阶级,也有地主、工人、农民和其他各阶级及其知识分子。
37、Laird Technologies is a large international corporation with a design and manufacturing branch in Beijing. Our f...... ... ─── 公司名称:英资莱尔德无线通信技术(北京)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-6-10
38、Following a puncture, Laird and his colleagues first recommend inflating a balloon at the site to stem the bleeding. ─── Laird及其合作者建议,穿刺以后首先应对气囊加压,用其堵住出血部位。
39、Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, the great survivor, had indicated his desire to leave well before the 1972 election. ─── 不倒翁国防部长梅尔文·R·莱尔德已表示希望早在1972年的选举之前就离职。
40、The linear mixed model for longitudinal data proposed by Laird and Ware is studied. ─── 摘要考虑纵向数据的一般线性混合效应模型。
41、Check out other articles and tutorials written by Cameron laird. ─── 查看Cameron Laird撰写的其他文章和教程。
42、Warren, Pelham Laird ─── 霍心兰爵士
43、Next day Jim Laird was drunk and unable to attend the funeral services. ─── 第二天,吉姆·莱尔德醉倒了,无法去参加葬礼。
44、He would get rid of Rogers and laird at the earliest opportunity ─── 只要有机会,他就会尽早抛弃罗杰斯和莱尔德。
45、laird n. ─── 地主, 领主 ...
46、but the Laird of the Black Airt stuffed his pockets, and was crushed by the trees as they returned. ─── 聪明的杰克只拾了几颗(闪闪发亮的),而“诱恶之王”不停地往口袋里塞啊塞,结果被回来的树压成了泥。
47、laird and Nixon kept their counsel ─── 莱尔德和尼克松不发表意见。
48、laird argued that the most critical supplies came in by rail and in any case the North Vietnamese had four to five months of stocks in reserve ─── 莱尔德争辩说,最关键的物资供给来自铁路,无论如何,北越有四、五个月的库存储备。
49、Cameron Laird presents a collection of useful examples that are apt models for the sorts of performance problems likely to arise in your own application development. ─── Cameron Laird提供了一些有用的示例,这些示例对于很有可能在您自己的应用程序开发中发生的各种性能问题而言,是很合适的模型。
50、The Hani people went through matrilineal clanship, patrilineal clanship, feudal laird system, and socialist society. ─── 哈尼族在其漫长的历史发展进程中 ,曾经历了母系氏族制、父系氏族制、封建领主制、封建地主制 ,并直接过渡到社会主义社会。
51、In explaining the purpose of the fleet movement to Mel Laird, I pointed out that we recognized the Indian occupation of East Pakistan as an accomplished fact . ─── 我向梅尔来尔德解释舰队行动的目的时指出,我们认识到印度占领东巴已是既成事实。
52、Mueller, Laird C.Kirkpatrick. ─── 责任者 Christopher B.
53、If you see the laird, tell him that Jennet Clouston has called down the curse on him and his wife, miss, or bairn, --black, black be their fall! ─── 你见到那地主时就告诉他,说琼妮特·克劳斯顿咒他 ,咒他的老婆、闺女或娃娃,要他们永世永世不得超生!
54、The laird would have done better to have transferred his glances to an object possessed of far superior charms to Jeanie's even when Jeanie was in her bloom. ─── 即使珍妮风华正茂,庄园主也该把他的凝视转移到一个比她妩媚得多的对象上去。
55、He is survived by a younger brother, his wife Christina and stepson Laird. ─── 他殉职后家中还有一个弟弟,妻子克里斯蒂娜和继子Laird。
56、What we called the market, was just a village build by past laird in the meadow, sited in middle of scree and grit at the foot of the mountain, there were rare splendid achnatherum around the village. ─── 所谓集镇,不过是过去的牧主在草场上修建的一个土寨子,坐落在山脚下的一片卵石和砂砾中间,周围稀稀落落地长着些芨芨草。
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