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09-18 投稿


kinking 发音

英:[ˈkɪŋkɪŋ]  美:[ˈkɪŋkɪŋ]

英:  美:

kinking 中文意思翻译



kinking 短语词组

1、compression kinking ─── 压缩扭结

2、accommodation kinking ─── 调节扭结

3、kinking instability ─── 扭曲不稳定性, ─── 扭曲不稳性,纽结不稳定性

kinking 词性/词形变化,kinking变形

形容词最高级: kinkiest |形容词比较级: kinkier |名词: kinkiness |副词: kinkily |

kinking 相似词语短语

1、pinking ─── n.轻微爆震;变粉红色;穿小孔;锯齿切裁;v.使变成粉红色;面红耳赤(pink的ing形式);adj.轧锯齿边的

2、sinking ─── n.沉没;adj.下沉的;v.下沉(sink的现在分词)

3、inking ─── n.墨迹式画图;上墨水线;v.沾上墨迹;署名(ink的现在分词)

4、kinging ─── n.国王;最有势力者;王棋;vi.统治;做国王;vt.立…为王;adj.主要的,最重要的,最大的;n.(King)人名;(德、英、葡、捷、西)金;(中)金(普通话·威妥玛);(泰)京;(东南亚国家华语)京

5、linking ─── adj.辅音连接的;n.连接,耦合;v.把……连接起来;联系,相关联;有联系(或关系);挽住,钩住;链接(link的现在分词形式)

6、dinking ─── n.空心冲;v.装饰;打扮(dink的ing形式)

7、skinking ─── n.[脊椎]石龙子;小蜥蜴

8、jinking ─── vi.闪开;急转;vt.躲避;欺骗;n.急转;闪避

9、finking ─── n.卑鄙小人;破坏及反罢工的人;告发人,密告人;织布鸟;v.告发;食言;停止运转;向警方告密,做工贼;n.(Fink)(美、德、波、英、捷、丹)芬克(人名)

kinking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The kink waves of a nonlinear quartic equation ─── 一类非线性四阶方程的纽结波解

2、hexagonal metals kinking ─── 六方金属扭折

3、Side skirts with a twisty kink in the middle add some visual appeal to the profile and lead back to an AMG rear fascia and an integrated diffuser that's flanked by quad exhaust tips. ─── 侧裙与曲折扭结在中间添加一些视觉吸引力的形象和领先优势扩大到了AMG的后方筋膜和扩散是一个综合的两侧四排气提示。

4、Active network is a kink of novel network architecture.It provides a programmable interface to the user where users dynamically inject services into the intermediate nodes. ─── 主动网络是一种新型的网络结构,它为用户提供了可编程的接口,用户可通过网络中的节点动态地注入所需的服务。

5、The kink soliton solutions of nonlinear vibration in two-dimensional isotropy monoatomic lattice ─── 二维单原子晶格非线性振动的扭结孤子解

6、Kink Wave and Parabola Solution for Generalized Fisher Equation ─── 广义Fisher方程的抛物线解和扭波解

7、KINK is Key Negotiation Protocol based on Kerberos. ─── kink是一个的基于Kerberos的密钥协商协议。

8、2, a fire-based underground pipe laying electrical lines, conductors in the pipes should be required first and kink. ─── 2、电气线采用阻燃型暗管铺设,导线在管内不应有结头和扭结。

9、The reason for this is that the analysis takes no account of kinking of reinforcement. ─── 其理由是分析中没有考虑钢筋的纽结。

10、Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in thouse days, that i felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. ─── 也许这只是我自己的一种怪诞的想法,在那样的时代,这想法对我影响很深:我觉得这像大多数人一样的生活,似乎欠缺了一点儿什么。

11、A Research on the Factors Effecting Bagnold's Kink ─── 影响拜格诺结的若干因素分析

12、Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature,strong in me even in those days,those i felt in like the an existence,the share not of the outstanding majority,event amiss. ─── 也许这只是我本人的一种怪诞想法,在那样的时代,这想法对我效果很深:我觉得这像大多数人相同的西方日常表达,似乎欠缺了一点儿什么。

13、Be in the home, but not very is happy. . . Compare kink a thing. Why? ─── 在家,可是不怎么开心。。。比较纠结一件事情。为什么?

14、Catheters - Test methods for kinking of single lumen catheters and medical tubing. ─── 导管.单腔导管和医用管扭结的试验方法

15、Regarding hose to be used, take care to avoid kinking or pulling, and use a hose of adequate length. ─── 关于软管的使用,应注意避免扭折、牵引,并使用足够长的软管。

16、Kink Wave and Parabola Solution to a Class of Nonlinear Evolution Equation ─── 一类非线性发展方程的抛物线解和扭波解


18、They reacted quickly, bringing their line back to head east (but with a big kink), but my move spread disarray. ─── 德国人迅速作出反应,使他们战列的方向回到东(但有一个大转弯点),而我的移动展开地很混乱。

19、Care is needed when loading the roll to prevent kinking the film. ─── 装胶卷时要小心,别使胶片扭结。

20、Undocked : Unobtrusive when standing.Low set.Never curled or carried over back, with no kink evident.Well feathered with abundant hard-textured coat. ─── 不截尾的尾部应呈低位,不可卷起或抬高超过背线水平,不可明显卷曲,须被有丰厚的质地粗硬的毛发。

21、By 2005, though, the line had a kink in it.Above an HDI of 0.9 or so, it turned up, producing what is known in the jargon as a “J-shaped” curve (even though it is the mirror image of a letter J). ─── 到了2005年,图上有了一个转折,HDI在0.9左右猛降,产生了所谓的“J型弯曲”(尽管是镜像的J)。

22、Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK) and Implementation ─── 密钥协商的Kerberos化(kink)及实现

23、Cross section construction, kink method and dip domain analysis ─── 建截面图,扭结方法和倾角区域分析计算挤离断层的深度

24、lateral kink plane ─── 侧向膝折面

25、In this paper, the bifurcations of solitary wave and kink waves for Whitham-Broer-Kaup equations is studied by using the bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems. ─── 在此文中,通过使用平面动力系统的分支理论来研究Whitham-Broer-Kaup方程的孤立波和扭子波分支,证明了孤立波和扭波的存在性。

26、Unbalanced yarns have sufficient twist to kink. ─── 卷缩的纱线捻度过高会产生扭结。

27、Any oral agreement and other do not have the written agreement which Five Austria Kinking Healthy body stamps all not to be able as the contract to become effective the basis. ─── 任何口头约定及其它没有五奥康祺健身盖章的书面约定都不能作为合约生效之依据。

28、form a curl, curve, or kink. ─── 形成卷曲、弯曲或纽结。

29、There is few brother like you who is very kink to his sister. ─── 像您这样对妹妹如此好的哥哥不多。

30、On the basis of the two-component soliton vibrator model,the motion of a kink pair consisting of kinks in different sublattices and soliton for the response of the external field are discussed.The mobility of a soliton pair is found. ─── 以二分量孤子的振子模型为基础,讨论了质子子晶格与重离子子晶格中扭结孤子形成的孤子对的运动及其孤子对外场的响应特性,并得到了氢键链中孤子对的迁移率表达式.

31、However, the generalized symmetric regularized long wave equation u tt -u xx -u xxtt +f(u) xt =0 may have not only bell profile solitary wave solutions but also kink profile solitary wave solutions. ─── 广义对称正则长波方程utt-uxx-uxxtt+f(u) xt=0可能既有钟状孤立波解 ,又有扭状孤立波解 .

32、The strength of yarns is due, in part, to the amount of twist that has been imparted. Strong yarns require considerable twist. However, beyond an optimum point additional twist will cause yarns to kink and finally to lose strength. ─── 影响纱线强力的因素之一是捻度的大

33、Balanced yarns are those in which the twist is such that the yarn will hang in a loop without kinking, doubling or twisting upon itself. ─── 不卷缩纱线应具有这样的捻度,即当(握住纱线的两头)使纱线下垂时,纱线没有扭结、并合或自行捻合的现象。

34、When the call got to the recipient's computer,the same kink of card there would decode and reassemble the voice and push it into the recipient's telephone system. ─── 当电话到达受话人的计算机上时,该机中的同类型卡对声音进行译码和重新组装,再将其送入受话人的电话系统。

35、Regarding hose to be used, take care to avoid kinking or pulling, and use a hose of adequate length. ─── 关于软管的使用,应注意避免扭折、牵引,并使用足够长的软管。

36、Individual requests are handled in a standard manner, but the batch requests have a kink that you need to understand. ─── 单个请求可使用标准方式处理,而成批请求则有些古怪,您需要对此有所了解。


38、The crest -cut faults of the east border of the Dongpu Depression consist of the listric faults with NE trend and the panar kink... ─── 前者制约着生油洼陷的发育和盆地的生油潜力,后两者主要控制着油气聚集区的发育。

39、Subordinates consider superiors to be the same kink of people as they are, and superiors perceive their subordinates the same way. ─── 下属认为他们和上级之间没什么不同,上级也是这么认为。

40、z The insuranceate for such kink ofbrokers will quote rates for all types of cargo and riqks. ─── 保险经纪人会开出承保各类货物的各种险别的费用。

41、Cardiac arrhythmias, arterial kinking, extensie calcification, high bifurcation, or unusual diseases (such as fibromuscular dysplasia or dissection) may make image interpretation more difficult. ─── 心律失常、血管蜿蜒成结、广泛的钙化、颈内外动脉分叉部位过高、和一些罕见病(如肌纤维发育不良或动脉夹层)都可能增加分析超声成像、出具结果的难度。

42、Cross section construction and the kink method ─── 建截面图和扭结方法

43、Under various parameter conditions, all exact explicit formulas of solitary wave solutions and kink (anti-kink) wave solutions and uncountable infinity many periodic wave solutions are listed. ─── 在固定的参数条件下给出广义水波方程组的孤立波、扭结(反扭结)波解的精确表达式,并证明该方程组存在不可数无穷多个周期波解。

44、Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those ays, that i felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. ─── 也许这只是我自己的一种怪诞想法,在那样的时代,这想法对我影响很深;我觉得这像大多数人一样的生活,似乎欠缺了一点儿什么。

45、I am looking for such kink of part time job. Interesting. ─── 回复:轻松高薪好工作一份!

46、If open face plate to inside look, pile the electrical wiring of kink with respect to meeting discovery, bend over of strange like bug is over there. ─── 假如打开面板向里面看去,就会发现一堆纠结的电线,像一只怪虫伏在那里。

47、Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those days, that I felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. ─── 也许这只是我自己的一种怪诞想法,在那样的时代,这想法对我影响很深:我觉得这像大多数人一样的生活,似乎欠缺了一点儿什么。

48、taken to prevent pressure leakage due to under tightening of the check valve or by kinking the fuel lines. ─── 如图一将引擎到油箱间的油管接好,因动作时油箱会有压力;请将所有接头部份确实用紧束线束紧。

49、In the cell, proteins fold as they are assembled, the chain (or backbone) of molecules twisting and kinking to make a structure that resembles a tangled Slinky. ─── 当蛋白质在细胞中被组装起来时,它们的骨架会自行扭结缠绕起来,折叠成麻花那样的形状。

50、Kinking of endotracheal tube (ETT) is not an infrequent problem during general anesthesia. ─── 在全身麻醉插管病患中,气管内管弯折其实是常见的问题。

51、Applies a kink in the noise function. Useful for creating puffy or bumpy effects. ─── 一个转折点,应用在杂色函数。在创建虚肿的或崎岖不平的效果特别有用。

52、I was shocked to hear that your mother-in-law passed away last week.She was such a kink woman, and treated me as her own son. ─── 听到你岳母上周过世,实在很震惊。她实在是个亲切的人,对我就像对自己的儿子一样。

53、"Saudi" refers to the Al Saud family, the royal house of Saudi Arabia. The kink was Saud ibn. "Saudi" is "Happiness" in Arabic. "Saudi Arabia"means Happy Desert. ─── “沙特”是指阿里·沙特家族,沙特阿拉伯的皇室。国王是伊本·沙特。“沙特”在阿拉伯语中意为“幸福”。沙特阿拉伯的意思是“幸福的沙漠”。

54、Keywords Kuqa rejuvenation foreland thrust belt;inclined_shear restoration of growth fold;growth strata;kink band migration;limb rotation; ─── 库车再生前陆逆冲带;生长褶皱;生长地层;倾斜剪切恢复;膝折带迁移;翼旋转;

55、Keywords edge dislocation;kink;alloying element;electronic structure; ─── 刃型位错;扭折;合金元素;电子结构;

56、The stainless tubing is less likely to kink than copper, but it is harder to solder without an acid treatment ─── 不锈钢管比铜管不易纠结,但不经酸性处理焊接较困难。

57、He had a kink about it. ─── 他对这件事有一种奇怪的想法。

58、Prevent loops in slack from being pulled tight and kinking. If a loop is formed do not pull it out, unfold it. ─── 防止钢丝绳环因绷得过紧和扭绞而松散,不要拉出、展开已制作成型的钢丝绳环。

59、Using some positive solutions of the ODE,the solutions of the generalized BBM equation are obtained,which are the bell type solitary wave solution,the kink type solitary wave solution,and the sinusoidal traveling wave solution. ─── 并利用一阶四次常微分方程的部分正精确解求得含有任意次正幂项非线性广义BBM方程的一些精确解,包括钟状孤波解、扭状孤波解以及用三角函数表示的周期解。

60、Keywords edge dislocation;kink;impurity;electronic structure; ─── 刃型位错;扭折;杂质;电子结构;

61、The leads from the model are most easily made of plastic tubing, which has little tendency to kink or leak and has good bending qualities ─── 做为从模型引出的导管以塑料管为最方便,用塑料管不会纠结和漏气而且弯曲性能好。

62、Foreign net swims march the kink of Chinese market, most concentration erupts in demon animal world to renew the contract problem and flaming expedition data piece when to give heat over. ─── 国外网游进军中国市场的纠结,最集中爆发在魔兽世界续约问题和燃烧的远征资料片何时出炉之上。

63、Undocked: Unobtrusive when standing. Low set. Never curled or carried over back, with no kink evident. Well feathered with abundant hard-textured coat. ─── 尾:习惯上截去或者天生短尾线;人工截尾应完全;不截尾的尾部应呈低位,不可卷起或抬高超过背线水平,不可明显卷曲,须被有丰厚的质地粗硬的毛发。

64、What kink of soap do you like best? ─── 你最喜欢哪一种肥皂?

65、It has no kink effect on output performance,an off-state breakdown of up to 13V,and fT=6GHz at DC bias of Vg=Vd=3.6V.At 1.5GHz,a power-added efficiency(PAE)of 50% is achieved with an output power of up to 27dBm from this device. ─── 在栅漏偏压为3.6V时,截至频率为6GHz. 负载牵引测试表明,该器件在1.5GHz时,PAE为50%,输出功率为27dBm,表明该器件适合射频功率放大器的应用.

66、Five Austria Kinking Healthy body welcome you joining! ─── 五奥康祺健身欢迎您的加入!

67、It is maths for a time in lentic the kink of one pool is academic, its apply already to clinical medicine extensive and outspread. ─── 一度是数学中死水一潭的纽结理论,其应用已向临床医学广泛延伸。

68、What kink of accumulation are you getting on the ABC stock? ─── 你有ABC公司的股份有什么资本增益?

69、A Cable Kinking Preventer ZY-1 for Logging in Annular Space ─── ZY-1型环空测井电缆防缠器

70、The reason for this is that the analysis takes no account of kinking of reinforcement ─── 其理由是分析中没有考虑钢筋的纽结。

71、In order to is better at your service and guaranteed your right, hoped for you can earnestly read this to join a society the regulation, thank you to the Five Austria Kinking Healthy body support! ─── 为了更好的为您服务及保证你个人权利,期盼您能认真阅读此入会章程,感谢您对五奥康祺健身的支持!

72、She got a kink in her head to swim across the Chesapeake Bay alone. ─── 她有个狂妄的想法,想独自游泳横渡切萨皮克湾。

73、a dog with a kink in its tail ─── 尾巴上有个结的狗

74、Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature,strong in me even in these days,these i felt in love the an existence,the share not of the awaystoring majority,event amiss. ─── 也许这只是我自己的一种怪诞想法,在那样的时代,这想法对我效果很深:我觉得这像大多数人相同的西方国家国家日常表达,似乎欠缺了一点儿什么。

75、Whenever he has any kink worry, he just hits the bottle. ─── 他一有什么烦恼就酗酒。

76、Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those days, that I felt in such an existance, the share of the great majority, something amiss. ─── 也许在我的世界中他仅仅是通过了一个弯道,甚至在这几天更加强烈,我感觉到了,在这种存在中,很大的一部分中,出现了差错。

77、Do not kink leads. Kinking leads may cause additional stress on the leads, possibly resulting in lead fracture. ─── 不得扭缠电极。扭缠电极可对电极造成额外张力,这有可能导致电极断裂。

78、Edible Cap Machines are necessary equipments in cold drink enterprises which produce eggtube kink of icecream. This paper puts forward five ways to improve the reliability of the equipments. ─── 可食杯机是冷饮企业生产蛋筒类冰淇淋必不可少的设备,本文针对该机存在的不足提出提高可靠性的每条途径。

79、Be careful not to kink the hemp rope. ─── 小心别把麻绳绞在一起。

80、It includes transaction business proprietary rights, change of stock rights, capital reorganization, business combination and business kink. ─── 它包括企业产权交易、股权变动、资产重组、企业联合、合并等多种经济行为。

81、plane of kinking ─── 弯结面

82、A: I was shocked to hear that your mother-in-law passed away last week.She was such a kink woman,and treated me as her own son. ─── 听到你岳母上周过世,实在很震惊。她实在是个亲切的人,对我就像对自己的儿子一样。


84、compression kinking ─── 压缩扭折

85、We describe a case of unexpected kinking of ETT intraorally while craniotomy was underway. ─── 在此,我们描述一例在开颅手术进行中,气管内管在口腔内非预期弯折的病例。

86、The strands are in good condition and without broken wires, kinking and smooth surface. ─── 繩線状況良好並無斷線、絞纏或磨平表面。

87、Do not kink leads. Kinking leads may cause additional stress on the leads, possibly resulting in lead fracture. ─── 不得扭缠电极。扭缠电极可对电极造成额外张力,这有可能导致电极断裂。

88、"Kink Cakes" is reputed to be the bad boy of the baking business in the Philippines. ─── "变态蛋糕"在菲律宾具有很高的知名度,被认为是一个会做生意的坏男孩。

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