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09-18 投稿


imitational 中文意思翻译



imitational 短语词组

1、imitational learning ─── 模仿学习

2、imitational postage ─── 模拟邮资

imitational 相似词语短语

1、agitational ─── adj.鼓动性的;煽动性的;搅动作用的

2、invitational ─── adj.邀请的;n.四人两球赛

3、imaginational ─── adj.幻想的;想像的

4、visitational ─── 探视

5、immigrational ─── 移民

6、citational ─── 引文

7、imitation ─── n.模仿,仿造;仿制品;adj.人造的,仿制的

8、mutational ─── adj.突变的

9、imitations ─── n.模仿,仿造;仿制品;adj.人造的,仿制的

imitational 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Summarizes the main features of key industrial clusters in light of Henan practice, such as imitational learning, local culture, and so on. ─── 结合实际归纳了区域化布局、模仿学习、独特的地域文化等河南省重点产业集群的主要特征。

2、This imagination resulting from the imitational function will make the ego of the subject plunge into the image that is fundamentally different from the ego and is of the outside of ego. ─── 这种仿同作用产生的假想,使主体之我陷入一个与我根本相异的、在我之外的形象之中。

3、Through comparing the results to the practical metrical datum of the same overseas equipment,structural rationality of imitational equipment can be ... ─── 所得结果与国外同类设备的实测数据进行比较,验证拟开发设备结构的合理性,为进一步的开发设计提供了理论依据。

4、His knack was listening the radio, tape and watching orginal english movie.Do the imitational practise based on the more listening work and try the best to exercise in the daily life. ─── 其诀窍就在于天天听广播、听录音,看原版英语影片,在多听的基础上进行模仿练习,并尽量运用到日常生活中去。

5、imitational innovation ─── 模仿创新

6、upper bound imit analysis ─── 极限分析上限法

7、In order to exert the imitational advantage of overseas Chinese ventures further,it is necessary to improv... ─── 继续发挥侨资企业的模仿优势,需要提高企业模仿创新能力。

8、The ci authers in Xi Shu looked upon Wen Ting-yun as their main imitational object, at the same time they also learn the flesh and the love expression of men from Wei Zhuang. ─── 摘要西蜀词人一方面把温庭筠词作为主要模仿对象,另一方面也颇多对韦庄清雅之气及对男性自我爱情心态表露的学习。

9、Learning Orientation, Imitational Innovation and Performance of Firms in Cluster ─── 集群企业学习导向、模仿创新和绩效

10、imitational learning ─── 模仿学习

11、imit){ print "[input type=submIT name=next_action width=100 value="Previous"n"]; ─── 作者:佚名技巧来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2005-12-29

12、The authors also investigate such properties as liquid absorbability,absorption rate,water retention of the product to distilled water,salt solution and imit... ─── 考察了产物对蒸馏水、食盐溶液以及模拟尿的吸液能力、吸液速率和保水能力等性能。

13、imit cycle ─── 极限环

14、Imitational Analysis ─── 模拟分析

15、The Cultivation of Enterprise Core Competence Based on Imitational Innovation ─── 基于模仿创新的企业核心能力培育

16、The Cultivation of Enterprise Core Competence Based on Imitational Innovation ─── 基于模仿创新的企业核心能力培育

17、METHODS:Using scale economic and imitational innovational theory,the current situation of R&D of new drugs at home and abroad were dicussed in terms of resource organization and selection of topic. ─── 方法:运用规模经济及模仿创新理论,从资源组织战略和选题战略两个角度对国内、外新药R&D现状进行论述。

18、Some man-made and imitational terms not only damage the norm of the language, but also affect the result of the advert. ─── 一些生搬硬套的仿造词不仅损害了语言的规范性,而且影响广告的传播效果。

19、A mixed single directional imitational minority game is proposed according to the phenomenon that agents can imitate in real life. ─── 根据现实生活中普遍存在的经纪人跟风现象,提出并研究了一维周期链结构中混合单向模仿少数者博弈模型。

20、In order to exert the imitational advantage of overseas Chinese ventures further, it is necessary to improve imitational and innovational ability of them. ─── 继续发挥侨资企业的模仿优势,需要提高企业模仿创新能力。

21、Instead of reaching the rational level, a majority of them stay at the imitational or perceptual level, leaving alone deep understanding and application. ─── 学生们大都停留在模仿、感性的层次,没有进入到理性的层次,更谈不上深刻理解和运用。

22、Learning Orientation, Imitational Innovation and Performance of Firms in Cluster ─── 集群企业学习导向、模仿创新和绩效

23、A growing number of state-run enterprises are adopting various forms of remuneration such as the floating wages and subsidies appropriate to particular jobs so as to be geared to the imitational conventions ─── 越来越多的国营企业开始与国际接轨,采用诸如浮动工资和岗位等不同的分配形式。

24、Keywords new drug;R&D;scale economics;imitational innovation; ─── 新药;研究与开发;规模经济;模仿创新;

25、3)strengthen imitational communication and academic discussion in demurring patent tort and increase the strength of being in line with the world. ─── 三是加强专利侵权抗辩方面的国际交流与理论探讨,加大与国际接轨的力度,充分利用国际条约,最大限度地保护我国的国家利益。

26、In this paper some existent problems in the imitational experiment were discussed,some problems are given homologous suggestions,but some problems still need the further experimental research. ─── 本文还对回用水处理工艺的模拟试验中存在的问题做了初步的探讨,其中一些问题给出了相应的建议,但一些问题尚需进一步的试验研究。

27、This paper used the concepts of l imit capacity and the degree of sequence to get a new method to cal culating the capacity of intersections. ─── 本文引入交叉口极限通行能力和有序度的概念,为交叉口通行能力的计算给出一种简便而又通用的算法。

28、imit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism. ─── 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。

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