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09-19 投稿


jugged 发音


英:  美:

jugged 中文意思翻译



jugged 词性/词形变化,jugged变形

过去式:jugged 原型:jugged

jugged 短语词组

1、jugged hare ─── 罐炖野兔肉;焖炖野兔肉

jugged 常用词组

milk jug ─── 牛奶壶

jugged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He wiped out a jug . ─── 他擦洗罐子内部。

2、Standard accessories are also included in the price (jug, funnel, protective gloves, protective glasses, areometer, thermometer). ─── 但这段话是出自一个老外之口,应该没有问题,如果学过化工专业英语的人似乎可以看懂!

3、He is the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant . ─── 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官

4、She began to assist the water with a slim oatmeal diet and blisterplasters. She calculated his capacity as she would a jug's, and filled him up every day with quack cure-alls. ─── 她又特别往水里加了一点燕麦和治水泡的药膏,她还像估量罐子容量一般来合计着汤姆的用药量,每天拿些所谓的灵丹妙药给他灌上一通。

5、He walked along with a jug poised on his head. ─── 他头上顶着一个水罐,保持着平衡往前走。

6、He watched her pour into the measure and thenceinto the jug rich white milk, not hers. ─── 他望着她先把并不是她的浓浓的白奶倾进量器,随后又倒入罐里。

7、A thermos jug was useful for carrying off spare liquids. ─── 一个热水壶可以用来装多出来的流质。

8、She poured some water into the earthenware jug. ─── 她向那个陶罐里倒了些水。

9、He placed the wine cup and jug beside the bed. ─── 他把酒杯和水壶放在床边。

10、When pet touches water supply switch, water jug will automatically supply liquid, while liquid valve will automatically close when pet leaves. ─── 宠物接触水源开关后水壶即自动供应液体,宠物离开水源开关后液体阀门自动关闭。

11、It happened at the well where I was holding a jug while annie pumped. ─── 事情发生在井台旁,我拿着一个水罐,安妮在抽水。

12、The thick fictile in small shop is a cup of dish, jug not only, still candlestick, tray, vase, ashtray waits. ─── 小店里的粗陶制品不仅是杯碟、水壶,还有烛台、托盘、花瓶、烟灰缸等。

13、He poured the coffee out of the saucepan into the jug . ─── 他把咖啡从深平底锅倒入壶中。

14、No,that's Jug. Jug has curlier hair than Jub. ─── 不,那是朱格。朱格的头发比朱布更卷。

15、Walters was arrested, jugged for a time and then released while the FAA tried to determine which of its regulations he had broken. ─── Walters被拘捕,关了一段时间,然后放了,其间联邦航空局(FAA)一直想确定他违反的是哪条规定。

16、The amount that a jug can hold. ─── 一大罐一个大罐的容量

17、"If a jug of water is enough to remove my thirst, why should I measure the quantity of water in a lake? ─── “如果一壶水足够让我解渴,为什么我要量度湖里有多少水呢?

18、Take a drink, sir," she replied, and quickly lowering the jug onto her hand, she gave him a drink. ─── 她回答说:"先生!请喝!"她急忙将水罐放低,托在手上让他喝。

19、He walked along with a water jug poised on his head. ─── 他头顶着水罐稳稳地向前走去。

20、At this the giant said to him, go, little ragamuffin, and fetch me a jug of water. ─── 听到这,巨人说:"去吧,小乞丐,给我打罐水来.

21、This paper introduced question of the brine purify in the Jiangxi Salt Mine.The reaction jug reformation and economic effect. ─── 介绍了江西盐矿卤水净化存在的问题,对反应罐进行了改造,取得的经济效益。

22、Glass jug He was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. ─── 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。

23、The girl looked longingly at the water jug, and as she was about to drink some, an old passerby suddenly entered begging for water.He was unfathomably thirsty, and could not walk anymore. ─── 女孩用渴望的眼神望着水罐,接过来正想去喝时,突然从门外进来一过路的老人讨水喝,并且老人也是渴得厉害,都快走不动路了。)

24、The father, with the agility of an acrobat, seized a broken-nosed jug which stood on the chimney, and flung the water on the brands. ─── 做父亲的带着走江湖的那股矫捷劲儿,在壁炉上抓起一个缺口罐子,把水泼在两根焦柴上。

25、a pot of; a jug of; a pitcher of ─── 一壶

26、Once the item of pottery has taken its shape as a jug, tile or plate, it must be left to dry for twenty days. ─── 一但陶器被作成水壶、墙砖或盘子的形状,它就必须要风乾20天。

27、They let him bring the wine in a jug and it vas even better than he claimed, dark purple and as powerful as a brandy. ─── 他们叫他拿出一大壶来,一尝,嗨,比他说的还要好得多:深紫色,劲头大得简直就像白兰地。

28、A copper lamp illuminated the tablecloth of coarse white linen, the pewter jug shining like silver, and filled with wine, and the brown, smoking soup-tureen. ─── 一盏铜灯照着那块洁白宽大的台布,一把灿烂如银的盛满了酒的锡壶和一只热气腾腾的栗黄汤钵。

29、For this is what the LORD , the God of Israel, says: 'The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain on the land. ─── 因为耶和华以色列的神如此说,坛内的面必不减少,瓶里的油必不缺短,直到耶和华使雨降在地上的日子。

30、A large jug was circulating, and the mugs were being refilled with beer.No one noticed the wondering faces of the animals that gazed in at the window. ─── 于是他们便不约而同地,尽量不出一点声音地往庄主院的花园里爬去。

31、An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the water, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. ─── 人们见后纷纷仿效。一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙水兽,以免伤害屈大夫。

32、Oh, the jug! That bad jug!@ thought Rip. ─── “哦,那支瓶子!那支坏酒瓶

33、She calculated his capacity as she would a jug's, ─── 她还像估量罐子容量一般来合计着汤姆的用药量,

34、And then he had fetched away a three-gallon jug of whisky, too, that he found under a wagon when he was starting home through the woods. ─── 外加他捡来了一只三加仑威士忌的酒罐,那是他在穿过林子回家的路上在一辆大车下面捡的。

35、She filled the jug with fresh water. ─── 她将水壶注满了清水。

36、The Confirmation Of Cycloid Gear Mesh Jugged Operating Space ─── 摆线轮啮合齿形工作范围的确定

37、He crept past them on his toe-tips, kindly halting to stopper the jug lest one of them knock it over with a sleep-flung arm. ─── 他踮着脚尖,从他们中间经过,好心地停下来,阻止酒壶滑动,以免他们其中,有人会在熟睡中伸出手臂,碰翻了酒壶。

38、She put a jug of water on the table. ─── 他把一罐水放在桌子上。

39、From direction Ljubljana take the exit Maribor - Jug on the motorway. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日3天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

40、He invited me to eat some jugged hare with him together. ─── 他邀请我和他一块吃些罐焖野兔。

41、a jug made of blue-glazed pottery ─── 一把蓝釉陶壶

42、First you break your jug, then you make me break your plate; if all the prisoners followed your example, the government would be ruined. ─── 你先是打烂了瓦罐,后来你又让我踩破了你的盆子,要是所有的犯人都象你这个样,政府就支付不了啦。

43、This time, however, it was served in a tall, thin jug with a narrow opening at the top. ─── 不过这一回是用一个高而细的罐子盛的,罐子上边有个窄窄的口子。

44、Run tap water into a jug, or use bottled water. ─── 将自来水装入水罐或是水瓶中。

45、He picked up the jug and headed toward her house. ─── 他提起水壶朝她家走去。

46、"Jagger," he said, "grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform, sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners. ─── 他描述道:“贾格尔抓起一个半加仑的水罐沿舞台前沿边跑边把里面的水洒向前几排汗流浃背的听众。

47、Ah, it is suan mei tang they are drinking!! She said loudly to her male company. 20 kuai for a jug!! Too expensive! ─── 啊,他们喝的是酸梅汤!!她大声对她男伴说。20块一壶啊!!太贵了!

48、When is a muscle-bound Austrian megahunk with an accent thicker than a gallon jug of molasses as American as baseball and apple pie? ─── 一个肌肉发达、带有浓重口音的奥地利壮汉何时会像棒球和苹果派一样成为美国的象征呢?

49、JUG S,LIU F J,DENG S K.Choice of methods measuring water consumption by transpiration of trees [J].Forest Science and Technology,1998(10):12-14. ─── [8]巨关升,刘奉觉,邓世锴.选择树木蒸腾耗水测定方法的研究[J].林业科技通讯,1998(10):12-14.

50、If be to experience bivouac lives, do not forget take the matter such as cause of tent, sleeping bag, moistureproof mat, fire, jug. ─── 去高原,防晒霜和墨镜必不可少。

51、He grabbed a jug from his battered pickup, ─── 他从他那辆破烂的小货车里拿出一个罐子,

52、He let the jug fall on the floor, and it broke in pieces. ─── 他把瓦壶摔到了地上,碎成了片。

53、The governor of the state visited him, and he bethought him and said, "That jug shall not be opened for a mere governor. ─── 地方官来拜访他,他心中寻思道:"不过是地方官罢了,不必为他开这瓶酒。"

54、Not long ago, Zinfandel was considered to be a simple jug wine. ─── 在不久之前,仙粉黛还被认为是一种口味平庸的低单宁葡萄酒。

55、Pass the milk jug to Mr. Sun, Becky dear. ─── 亲爱的贝基,把牛奶罐递给孙先生。

56、"Look at the water jug. ─── “您看那水罐,它空了。”

57、A couple of days in the jug would do you fine. ─── 在监牢里呆几天你就会老实的。

58、She was in a jug for the moment, and liking it extremely; she had never been in a jug before. ─── 叮叮铃这时正在一只罐子里,这地方她喜欢极了,她从来没有在一只罐子里呆过。

59、For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah. ─── 坛内的面果不减少,瓶里的油也不缺短,正如耶和华藉以利亚所说的话。

60、Glass jug He was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. ─── 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。

61、She spilled a jug of water. ─── 她把一罐子水弄洒了。

62、Rocko was set to spend the next twenty years in the federal jug. ─── 今后的20年罗科只得在联邦监牢里度过了。

63、She noticed his iced tea was almost gone and poured him some more from the jug. ─── 她注意到他的冰茶差不多喝完了,又给从大口杯里倒了一点。

64、He is so thirsty that he drinks heavily while holding a jug. ─── 他太渴了,见到水壶就抱着一通狂饮。

65、A 5-gallon glass jug containing hundreds of millions of Cano's yeast cells is sitting on the back porch of Hackett's brewpub in Guerneville, California, 70 miles north of San Francisco. ─── 在旧金山以北七十英里,加利福尼亚的盖尔纳维尔,有一间哈科特的酿酒实验室。实验室后廊中一个五加仑的大玻璃罐子中,装着数亿只卡诺的酵母细胞。

66、He ran his forefinger around the lip of the jug, then put the finger in his mouth. ─── 他用食指在酒壶嘴儿上一抹,再把这指头放进嘴里。

67、1. He invited me to eat some jugged hare with him together. ─── 他邀请我和他一块吃些罐焖野兔。

68、Abstract: This paper introduced question of the brine purify in the Jiangxi Salt Mine.The reaction jug reformation and economic effect. ─── 介绍了江西盐矿卤水净化存在的问题,对反应罐进行了改造,取得的经济效益。

69、A pitcher is a large jug like vessel. It is usually filled with beer and served to groups. The beer is poured from the pitcher into individual glasses. ─── 大水罐是一个类似容器的大水壶。通常在招待成群的顾客时,用它来盛啤酒。人们将啤酒从大水罐里倒到每个人的杯子中。

70、Among the avant-garde playwrights, Lin Zhaohua and Meng Jug hui are most impressive. ─── 在先锋试验的潮流中,以林兆华、孟京辉的探索最引人注目。

71、All he wanted was a jug of beer. ─── 他所要的只是一罐啤酒。

72、He, at that moment, is like a jug of wine, hoarded in the cellar, no and off being opened, a sweet-smelling flooded in my soal. ─── 多少年过去了,还是没说。那个人像一壶酒,被窖藏了。偶尔打开闻一闻,觉得满肺腑都是醇香。

73、Traditional British delicacies such as bath chaps, jugged hare and brawn are under threat of extinction as youths in the kingdom haven't even heard of them, a survey showed. ─── 一项最新的调查显示,诸如腌猪肉和煨兔肉等英国传统美食目前正面临着逐渐退出历史舞台的危险,一些英国年轻人甚至都没听说过这些传统食品。

74、Perot had big jug ears, which were accentuated by his short crew cut. ─── 佩罗长着招风大耳,剪得很短的平头使耳朵更加突出。

75、The colhe snuffled around Kincaid's boots, then went out on the back porch and flopped down while Francesca removed ice from metal trays and poured sun tea from a half-gallon glass jug. ─── 小长毛狗围着金凯的靴子嗅来嗅去,然后走出去在后廊爬下,此时弗朗西丝卡从金属的盘子里把冰拿出来,并从一个半加仑的大口杯倒出茶来。

76、He used to travel on a cart with a jug of wine, a shovel and a grave-digger, giving the latter the order as they started: “burry me when I am dead-anywhere, anytime. ─── 刘伶乘鹿车时,手里常抱着一壶酒,拿着一把锹,随身跟着一个掘墓人,上路之前就对他说:“我什么时候要是死了就随便找个地方把我埋了”。

77、He poured water from the jug into the basin. ─── 他把水从罐里倒进盆里。

78、All his furniture consisted of a bed, a chair, a table, a pail, and a jug. ─── 地牢里的全部家具就是一张床,一把椅子,一张桌子,一只水桶和一个瓦壶。

79、On Saturday 8, May 1886, Pemberton took a jug of the drink down the street ot another drugstore, Jacobs' Pharmacy, to do a test. ─── 1886年5月8日,星期六,彭伯顿拿了一罐糖浆到街上另一家药店(雅各布药店)去做试验。

80、"Have another glass," she offered, bringing over the jug of cool water and the bottle of orange concentrate. ─── “再喝一杯吧,”她端起冷水瓶和桔子水瓶。

81、He's been in jug three times. ─── 他坐过三次牢。

82、Jim sucked and sucked at the jug. ─── 吉姆对着酒瓶子呷了又呷。

83、Segmenting jugged ligation combined with hemorrhoid injection in treating circularity piles ─── 分段齿形结扎合并消痔灵注射治疗环状混合痔

84、On this the giant said to him, "Go, little ragamuffin, and fetch me a jug of water. ─── 听到这,巨人说:“去吧,小流氓,给我打罐水来。”

85、An old doctor poured a jug of realgar wine (Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the water, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. ─── 一位老郎中还把一壶雄黄酒倒入水中,希望能药昏蛟龙水兽。

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