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09-19 投稿


scraper 发音

英:['skreɪpə]  美:['skrepɚ]

英:  美:

scraper 中文意思翻译


n.刮刀; 刮的人; 平土机; 铲土机

scraper 词性/词形变化,scraper变形

动词过去式: scraped |动词现在分词: scraping |动词过去分词: scraped |动词第三人称单数: scrapes |

scraper 短语词组

1、scraper ring ─── [化] 油圈

2、dust scraper ─── [化] 刮板除尘机

3、scraper conveyor ─── [化] 刮板式运输机

4、push-type scraper ─── [化] 推土机

5、tube scraper ─── [机] 刮管器

6、carry-scraper ─── [化] 铲运机

7、scraper boss ─── [化] 刮板轮毂

8、towed scraper ─── [化] 拖式铲运机

9、flat scraper ─── [机] 平刮刀

10、dental scraper ─── [医] 刮牙器, 牙洁治器

11、automatic scraper ─── [机] 自动刮削机

12、triangular scraper ─── [化] 三角刮刀

13、scraper conveyer ─── [化] 刮板输送机

14、center scraper ─── [化] 中心刮板

15、scraper (flight) conveyer ─── [化] 刮板运输机; 刮板式运输机

16、centrifuge scraper ─── [化] 离心叶片; 离心刀片

17、tongue scraper ─── [医] 舌刮

18、scraper blade ─── [化] 刮刀; 刮板

19、set pin for scraper blade ─── [化] 刮板固定销

scraper 相似词语短语

1、scrappier ─── 斗志旺盛的;零乱的(scrappy的比较级)

2、scrapped ─── adj.报废的;已经销毁的;v.废弃(scrap的过去式)

3、scrapper ─── n.拳击手;好打架的人

4、scrappers ─── n.拳击手;好打架的人

5、scraped ─── v.刮,擦;刮去;用工具刮;刮去泥土(或石块);(使)刮擦;拖拽(发出刺耳的声音);发出拖拽声;勉强通过;不入调地演奏小提琴;在面包上涂薄薄的黄油;勉强维持;节俭;勉强成功;用程序从网上下载(数据)(scrape的过去式及过去分词)

6、scrape ─── v.用工具刮;刮掉;擦伤;挖坑;刮出刺耳声;朝后拢头发;不入调地演奏小提琴;在面包上薄涂一层(黄油);勉强维持;险胜;将就;(艰难地)凑集;节俭;用程序从网上下载(数据);n.刮掉;擦痕;刮擦声;地面空洞处;薄涂在面包上的黄油;鞠躬;困境;刮宫

7、scarper ─── v.(非正式)逃跑,溜走;溜号;n.仓促的离开

8、scrapes ─── n.刮伤处(scrape的复数);v.刮掉;擦掉(动词的第三人称单数形式)

9、scrapers ─── n.[机]刮刀;刮运机(scraper的复数)

scraper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Scraper chain is suitable for transmission equipment for loose material such as cement,flour,corn,sand,stone and coal etc,of which the loose material is powdery,grain and polt. ─── 埋刮板链适用于粉末状、颗粒状及小块状的水泥、面粉、谷物、砂石和煤炭等散状物料的运输设备!

2、Most scraper conveyor trouble is chain breakage. ─── 刮板输送机事故多为断链事故.

3、The development and application of corrosion-resistant and high strength and abrasive-resistant coating as well as it effects on the scraper of pellet rotary dryer in Liugang were introduced. ─── 介绍了抗腐蚀高强度耐磨涂料的研制和开发,以及用作柳钢球团回转烘干机刮板保护涂层的应用效果。

4、For more information about Scraper blades, Machine cutters or Doctor blade, coating knife, spreading knife please call the company Paul Wegner Maschinenmesserfabrik GmbH &Co. KG. ─── KG是一家高级企业,该企业使用多种工艺制造皱刮刀,刮刀振鸣,划线刀、划刀。

5、He took one scraper, he sharpened it like a razor blade. ─── 他拿起一支刮刀,把它磨的像是刮胡刀片一样的利。

6、An analysis is made of the drawbacks in the conventional startup mode of the urea scraper. ─── 摘要分析了尿素刮料机传统启动方式存在的不足之处.

7、Blows spreads is uses the trowel, the scraper or the putty knife blows makes up the putty the method. ─── 刮涂是采用抹子、刮板或油灰刀刮补腻子的方法。

8、The paper introduces the causes and countermeasures for the scraper conveyer motor burn down and its effect. ─── 分析了刮板输送机电机烧毁原因和预防措施及效果。

9、Study on Reliability of A Scraper Conveyer ─── 刮板输送机可靠性研究

10、Tradesmen and the scraper still troublesome. Gowing rather tiresome with his complaints of the paint. ─── 推销商和刮泥板仍旧制造麻烦,高英对油漆味的抱怨也相当烦人.

11、This paper states the analysis results frorm analyzing the structure. mechanical model, finit element analyrsis and optimization design method of the reclaimer's scraper. ─── 叙述了大型滚筒式混匀取料机料耗的结构、力学模型及有限元分析、优化设计方法、优化结果的分析及结论。

12、As the function of the static thrust and air lifting, the sludge that is craped together by the scraper. ─── 上部设有浮渣收集装置。

13、DSH scraper type vacuum dry mixer, SCH ─── 型带刮刀式真空干燥混合机

14、It does not use additional solvent , large sewage tank, sludge scraper and worker. ─── 结构紧凑,无需大面积沉淀池 、 无需另增掘泥设备与人员.

15、We removed the loose paint with a scraper. ─── 我们用刮刀将剥起的漆铲去.

16、We call this the scraper method. ─── 我们称其为scraper方法。


18、center and rear-axle drive scraper ─── 中、后轴驱动式铲运机

19、The scraper blades feature left hand helical grooves and are hardfaced for maximum service. ─── 刮管刀表面上有左螺旋线,刃口为高硬度材料,因此经久耐用。

20、The maturing of variable frequency technology becomes an assurance for the reliable operation of a trolley type scraper. ─── 变频调速技术的成熟是滑线式铲运机可靠工作的保证。

21、The “changed roat” effect of scraper conveyor head and end, and application state for recent years are introduced. ─── 介绍了综采配套设备中的刮板输送机头、尾部进行变线的作用和大同矿务局近年来所使用刮板输送机的变线情况。

22、Brian, get the window scraper from the car. ─── 布赖恩,从车里拿来窗户刮板,用来作你的藤杖,你演约瑟。

23、Large open area between scraper supports to allow large solids to fall directly to collection area. ─── 刮擦器支架间有很大空间,大颗粒可以直接落入收集器。

24、agricultural carrying scraper ─── 农用铲运机

25、The third is the utilization of scraper decker for broke. ─── 三是对损纸处理设计了刮刀浓缩机。

26、The paper introduces application of disc DC electromagnetic brake in0.75 m3 electric scraper and gives brief discussion to design referenceand method for disc DC electromagnetic brake. ─── 介绍了盘形直流电磁制动器在0.75m3电动铲运机上的应用,详细论述了盘形直流电磁制动器的设计依据和设计方法。

27、The basic structure,working principle and design parameter calculation of scraper conveyer system of bridge-type scrapper reclaimer are explained. ─── 介绍了桥式刮板取料机刮板输送系统的基本结构,工作原理与设计参数的计算。

28、The problems exist in the mixing drum scraper device of Shaogang sintering plant were analyzed, and the new structure of subsection and demountable scraper was presented. ─── 分析了韶钢烧结圆筒混合机刮料装置存在的问题,介绍了刮料装置改成分段可拆卸式结构及取得的效果。

29、When brushing your teeth, brush the back of your tongue, too, or scrape it with a tongue scraper. ─── 刷牙时,还要刷刷舌根,或用刮舌器将舌头刮干净。

30、Example 2: Stock quote scraper. ─── 例子2:搜集股票价格的scraper

31、Development of a simple and practical rubber bar scraper ─── 一种简单实用的橡胶条刮种机构的研制

32、Rule #3: If you are really, really broke, buy him anything for his car, a 99 cent ice scraper, a small bottle of de-icer or something to hang from his rear view mirror. ─── 准则3:如果你真的很穷,给他的车里添些东西吧。一个99美分的雪铲,一小瓶除雪品,或者一件可以挂在他的后视镜上的小玩意都可以。

33、Center transmission scraper and suction dredge ─── 中心传动刮泥机

34、That introduced in detail the YMZZJ type silt coal load the structure characteristic, compose, and compare with other scraper chamfer and knowable breakdown and dispose of it. ─── 介绍了一种YMZZJ型淤煤装载机刮板槽系统的结构特征、成部分、其它刮板槽结构的比较及常见故障及其排除方法。

35、April 5.--Two shoulders of mutton arrived, Carrie having arranged with another butcher without consulting me. Gowing called, and fell over scraper coming in. MUST get that scraper removed. ─── 4月5日卡丽没有和我商量就从另外一个屠户那里又定购了一块羊肩肉,所以今天我们收到了两块。高英来串门时,被刮泥板绊倒了。一定要把那块刮泥板拆了。

36、You can also use photoplasticity and hyriopsis inferion instead of rubber scraper to complete business card printing and membership card production needs. ─── 也可用有机玻璃三角尺代替像胶刮板来完成制卡和会员卡制作的需要。

37、The middle pan of scraper conveyor not only is main transport passage way of coal face,but also the base of shearer haulage and connector with hydraulic supports. ─── 刮板输送机中部槽是输送煤炭的通道,是采煤机运行的基座,是液压支架的连接体,对其进行优化设计可以降低生产成本,提高整机的可靠性。

38、The scraper conveyor will distribute the gypsum in the gypsum storehouse. ─── 刮板运料机将石膏给配到石膏仓库中去。

39、Brushing the tongue or using a commercial tongue scraper, especially over the bumpiest region of the tongue, may help remove the odor-causing agents as well as lower the overall bacteria count in the mouth. ─── 刷舌头或使用专门的刮舌器,特别是在舌头的崎岖不平的区域,有助于清除产生气味导致的食物以及在整体上降低口腔中细菌的数量。

40、Inquires into the EHL calculation for planetary gear transmission in scraper conveyer,and its calculation formula is derived. ─── 基于差动行星齿轮传动机构,提出了一种新型主动式波浪补偿系统。

41、In this case , manual cleaning using a wire brush or scraper is not efficient. ─── 而通过用钢丝刷、刮刀手动除去这些杂质的效果并不理想.

42、So the high layering used the scraper to go out the mine the gluedly fills the law. ─── 但是,新方法对充填体强度要求增高。

43、The paper introduces the uses of explosion-proof scraper, main technical performance, basic structure and characteristic, current status of domestic development and developing direction. ─── 介绍了地下防爆铲运机的用途、主要技术性能、基本结构及特点,以及我国目前的研制现状及发展方向。

44、Top pouring device and top scraper. ─── 顶端浇注设备和顶端刮刀.

45、If you have trouble with gagging, stick your tongue out to brush it, or consider purchasing a tongue scraper. ─── 如果你有呛喉的困扰,伸出舌头再刷它,或者考虑购买舌刮。

46、That introduced in detail the YMZZJ type silt coal load the structure characteristic,compose,and compare with other scraper chamfer and knowable breakdown and dispose of it. ─── 介绍了一种YMZZJ型淤煤装载机刮板槽系统的结构特征、组成部分、与其它刮板槽结构的比较及常见故障及其排除方法。

47、Scraper conveyor is the main conveying equipment in coal mine,has important affect to whole working face. ─── 刮板输送机是煤矿生产的重要运输设备,对于整个工作面的安全生产起着至关重要的作用。

48、Printing tempo control by transducer, free adjustment by scraper and covering ink blade in accordance with the printing demands. ─── 印刷电机使用变频器控制印刷速度,刮刀及覆墨刀可任意调节快慢,配合印件要求。

49、Scraper to prevent mud build up on wheel. ─── 刮刀,以防止泥土建立车轮.

50、The scraper blades fit into machined recesses and are securely held by a dovetail keeper and spacer. ─── 刮管刀装入本体槽内,由嵌入槽中的压块和顶块以保证其安全工作。

51、Scraper should be installed in accordance with the design drawings on the concrete setting tank of the civil works contractor. ─── 刮泥机应按照招标图纸所示尺寸安装在土建供货商建造的混凝土池体上。

52、LDH plough scraper type mixer, LS ─── 型犁刀式混合机

53、Major equipment: clean water pump, chemicals feeding pump, vacuum pump and mud scraper, etc. ─── 主要设备: 清水泵 、 加药泵 、 真空泵、刮泥机等.

54、tandem powered elevating scraper ─── 前后动力升运式铲运机

55、From time to time a scraper is passed through the pipeline to remove this corrosion. ─── 不时用清管器在油管内穿过,以清除这种锈蚀。

56、The machine is consisted of big drum, applicator rolls, scraper and automatic control system. ─── 整机由大滚筒系统、布料系统 、 刮刀系统和自控系统等组成.

57、Scraper works in a repetition state and should be shifted frequently. ─── 自行式铲运机是循环作业机械,换挡频繁,司机劳动强度大.

58、Scraper plankash remover is important auxiliary equipment in removing ash of boiler in power plant.It can make ash into ash channel equably. ─── 刮板捞渣机是火电厂锅炉除渣系统的重要辅机,能将灰渣均匀地排入灰沟。

59、SG Vertical Scraper Bottom Dump Centrifuge ─── 三足式刮刀下卸料离心机

60、Finally I took a scraper blade, and I made some teeth. ─── 最后换我拿起了刮刀, 使尽全力咬紧牙根的刮.

61、Structure and common fault of scraper conveyer ─── 刮板输送机的结构及常见故障

62、twin-powered self-loading scraper ─── 双动力的自载铲运机

63、Slack line cableway drag scraper ─── 回速式索道挖土机

64、The main usage and characteristics of shuttle mining car are introduced.The load design of shuttle mining car's scraper conveying mechanism is analyzed and determined. ─── 介绍梭式矿车的主要用途和特点,梭式矿车的刮板运输机构在设计中的受力分析和确定。

65、Note the material and anticorrosion requirements of Sand Scraper, Harrower, Otherwise supplied according to carbon steel with normal anticorrosion. ─── 分别注明刮砂机、耙砂机的材质和防腐要求,不注明表示均按碳钢和普通防腐订货。

66、Scraper pressure number display, easy to lead-free process stainless steel scraper,200-350 can be chosen. ─── 刮刀压力数字显示,方便无铅制程不锈钢刮刀,200-350可选。

67、Their con structure condition is as CG series scraper. ─── 土建条件与CG系列相同.

68、Research on reliability of scraper conveyer chain ─── 刮板输送机链条可靠性研究

69、The load design of shuttle mining car's scraper conveying mechanism is analyzed and determined. ─── 介绍梭式矿车的主要用途和特点,梭式矿车的刮板运输机构在设计中的受力分析和确定.

70、Company's main products for the scraper flat screen printing machine, Cibang flat screen printing machine. ─── 公司主要产品为刮刀平网印花机,磁棒平网印花机。

71、periphery conveying concentrated scraper ─── 周边传动浓缩机

72、QBS Series applied in frequency full pressure start under the loads of explosion-proof scraper and winch. ─── QBS系列用于防爆绞车、矿用刮板机等负载的频繁全压起动。

73、MG Series Buried Scraper Freeder is the major equipment used in the pulverized coal making system of power plant. ─── mg系列埋刮板给煤机是火力发电厂制粉系统中的主要设备。

74、manufacturing of scraper conveyor ─── 刮板输送机

75、This scraper bucket is too small. We need a bigger one. ─── 这个铲斗的容量太小了, 应当更换一个更大一些的.

76、Malfunctions on hot material buried scraper machine and its reasons are analyzed, and technology innovation is introduced in details. Transformatin is proved to effective with good profits. ─── 分析了热料埋刮板输送机主要故障及发生故障的原因,介绍了改造的内容,取得了较好的效果。

77、Typical products are linked KP Series board, scraper, screw conveyor, KFCT series of magnetic separator, KFZG series of tapes filter and various other ancillary products. ─── 典型产品有KP系列链板、刮板、螺旋输送机,KFCT系列磁性分离器,KFZG系列纸带过滤机及其他各种辅助产品。

78、The recycle water treatment system for a car wash according to Claim 1, wherein a flotation aerator is equipped at the bottom and a float scraper is equipped at the top of the flotation tank. ─── 如权利要求1所述的洗车循环水处理系统,其特征在于所述好氧生物滤池中部设有好氧滤料,底部设有曝气器。

79、central conveying concentrated scraper ─── 中心传动浓缩机

80、The progress of scraper device improved the efficiency of the grinding. ─── 对刮板装置的改进,提高了碾压效率.

81、It was the blackguard butcher again, who said he had cut his foot over the scraper, and would immediately bring an action against me. ─── 原来还是那个诬赖屠夫,他说他的脚被刮泥板碰伤了,要马上去起诉我。

82、The consuming of the circle chains and scrapers is a main consuming when the circle chain scraper conveyor is operated. ─── 圆环链刮板输送机的圆环链和刮板的消耗是该机运行中最主要的材料消耗。

83、changed diameter paraffin scraper ─── 变径刮蜡器

84、When the squeegee screen scraper, squeegee pressure to screen stretch, tension will multiply. ─── 当刮刀刮印丝网时, 刮印压辛把丝网拉伸, 压辛会成倍补充.

85、horizontal scraper centrifugal machine ─── 卧式刮刀离心机

86、a close liver;a moneygrubber;a scraper; ─── “守财奴”在汉英词典中的解释 a miser;

87、To think that a man who mends our scraper should know any member of our aristocracy ! ─── 一个给我们维修刮泥板的人竟然认识上流社会的人士!

88、They started to kick around the idea of an electric scraper. ─── 他们开始讨论弄一个电铲。

89、Must get the scraper removed, or else I shall get into a SCRAPE. ─── 一定要把刮泥板拿掉,否则就会给我刮出麻烦。

90、Xuzhou truck the factory is to develop what production scraper fetterses to specialization company. ─── 徐州装载机厂是开发制造铲运机械的专业化公司.

91、In this article, the cause of discharging wet material from the horizontal, automatic discharge with scraper, explosion protected centrifugal machine was analyzed. ─── 分析了卧式刮刀自动卸料防爆离心机出现湿料的原因,及消除出现湿料的方法措施。


93、From time to time a scraper is passed through the pipeline to remove this corrosion. ─── 不时用清管器在油管内穿过,以清除这种锈蚀.

94、He caught his foot in the scraper, and tore the bottom of his trousers. ─── 他的脚在刮泥板上绊了一下,裤角被扯破了。

95、Protection for Chain Broken of the Scraper Conveyer ─── 刮板输送机断链保护

96、Large open area between scraper supports to allow large solids to fall directly to area. ─── 刮擦器支架间有很大空间,大颗粒可以直接落入收集器.

97、Reasons of breaking chain of scraper have been analyzed in this paper. ─── 通过对矿用刮板机断链的原因进行分析,提出了几种具体防止措施.

98、Scraper is a Fangping Xiangshang rubber wood handle. ─── 刮板是用一条方平橡胶镶上木把手.

99、Gather-collector was the main component of functional feeding groups in Xiangxi River system, followed by scraper, predator, anti filter-collector, while shredder only accounted for a small part. ─── 大型底栖动物功能摄食类群以集食者占优,其次为刮食者、捕食者和滤食者,撕食者丰度最小。

100、The motion controlled between the squeegee scraper and the covering ink blade is by the air jar. ─── 具有印刷速度快,刮墨压力和印刷行程便于调节,稳定性好等优点。

101、a miser; a close liver; a moneygrubber; a scraper; a Scrooge ─── 守财奴

102、I bought a Mini Dozer ice scraper for 99 cents 19 years ago in a Michigan car wash. ─── 19年前,我在密歇根州的一家洗车行里花99美分买了一个“袖珍推土机”(MiniDozer)牌冰雪铲。

103、Optimal design of middle pan of scraper conveyor ─── 刮板输送机中部槽的优化设计

104、This paper discussed the online monitoring technology of speed reducer of gear used in scraper conveyor. ─── 主要阐述了刮板输送机用减速器齿轮的在线监控技术.

105、Horizontal Single Chain Scraper Model DGP ─── DGP型水平单链刮板式

106、Automatic pivoting sand scraper with counterweight, cement loading manual or with silo, and screw conveyor. ─── 自动链板刮沙机,带平衡块, 水泥人工加入或水泥筒仓和螺旋输送机.

107、The company created the world first explosion suppression integration SRD (110-400KW)in 2006, which can be applied to the strap, scraper transporter, etc. ─── 2006年推出了世界首创的隔爆一体化SRD(110-400KW),可应用于皮带、刮板运输机等设备。

108、In case of the adoption of “onsite”, the “ON/OFF” button on the plate of the control cabinet controls the whole scraper system of the settling tank. ─── “就地”位置时,由控制箱面板上的选择开关“开/停”按钮控制整个沉淀池刮泥机系统;

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