natal 发音
英:['neɪt(ə)l] 美:['netl]
英: 美:
natal 中文意思翻译
natal 网络释义
adj. 出生的;诞生的;分娩的;出生地的n. (Natal)人名;(英、法、西、葡)纳塔尔
natal 短语词组
1、kwazulu natal ─── 夸祖鲁圣诞节
2、kwazulu-natal ─── [地名] ─── [南非共和国] 夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省
3、post-natal ─── 产后的;分娩后的
4、natal chart ─── 圣诞节图表
5、Natal aloe ─── [医] 纳塔耳芦荟
6、natal plum ─── [植物]双刺假虎刺(Carissa grandiflora,产于非洲南部); 双刺假虎刺的浆果 ─── [亦称作 amatungula]
7、post-natal depression ─── 产后抑郁(症)
8、natal day ─── [网络] 生日;纳塔尔日
9、pre-natal adj. ─── 出生前的,产前的,孕期的
natal 相似词语短语
1、natl ─── adj.国家的(national)
2、katal ─── n.开特(催化活性单位)
3、naval ─── adj.海军的;军舰的;n.(Naval)人名;(西、德、印)纳瓦尔
4、natak ─── n.戏剧
5、Natal ─── adj.出生的;诞生的;分娩的;出生地的;n.(Natal)人名;(英、法、西、葡)纳塔尔
6、notal ─── 背侧的;背的
7、fatal ─── adj.致命的;重大的;毁灭性的;命中注定的;n.(Fatal)人名;(葡、芬)法塔尔
8、datal ─── adj.包含日期的;n.按日计算工资
9、nasal ─── adj.鼻的;鼻音的;n.鼻骨;鼻音;鼻音字
natal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、My plant natal have plastic disintegrator series of chief,plastic extrudes machine series,cut grain machine and assist machine equipment wait for. ─── 本厂主要生产的塑料粉粹机系列、塑料挤出机系列、切料机及辅机设备等。
2、Wastes from natal care, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease in humans ─── 人类生育护理,诊断,治疗或疾病防止产生的废物
3、IN 1871, at the age of 18, an apparently unambitious son of a Hertfordshire vicar left his brother's farm in Natal, South Africa, for the diamond fields of Kimberley. ─── 1871年,赫特福德郡教区牧师的儿子塞西尔.罗兹离开了兄弟的农场,从南非的纳塔尔省辗转来到金伯利市的钻石矿场,当时这位看似胸无大志的小伙子年仅18岁。
4、Evidences of The Natal and Obituary Year of Lin Gu-du and Dating of Some Poems Presented as Reciprocation ─── 林古度生卒年佐证与友朋酬赠作品系年
5、new natal rats ─── 新生大鼠
6、After living at sea between one and four years, they return to their natal streams to spawn and die. ─── 在海里生活1到4年后,就会返回出生的溪流产卵,然后死亡。
7、Since natal day , characters possess the visual elements such as dots and strokes. ─── 文字从诞生开始便具有了点画这样的视觉元素.
8、natal water power ─── 农村水电
9、natal dispersal ─── 出生扩散
10、Objective:To find out the risk factors related to Low Birth Weight(LBW) and to provide the scientific evidences for health care of neo natal children. ─── 目的:探索低出生体重发生的危险因素,为围产期保健提供科学依据。
11、natal injuries ─── 先天的残伤
12、Natal orange ─── 剌马钱子
13、Miscalculate-the manager advance back, suddenly remind of, today the wife return to natal home, manager of"meeting" also open not become. ─── 失算--经理提前回来,突然想起,今天老婆回娘家,经理的“会”也开不成了。
14、Methods The developing inner ears of C57BL/6 embryonic mice,aged from eighth embryonic day (E8) to just natal mice (P0), were observed by transmission electron microscope. ─── 方法 利用透射电镜观察从胚胎第 8天到刚出生的C5 7BL 6小鼠耳蜗感觉上皮的增殖、凋亡及分化的变化。
15、Purpose.Pilonidal sinus is an acquired lesion caused by intrusion and entrapment of hair shafts in the hair follicles over the natal cleft. ─── 摘要目的藏毛窦是因发干侵入并滞留于臀间皱壁之毛囊中所引发之后天性疾病。
16、The country with I visited most was Natal, Recife and Joao Pessoa. ─── 用你在本课学到的词汇,描述你住酒店的时间: 你是出差还是度假?
17、Margarida : Vou preparar as coisas para o Natal. ─── 我将会准备圣诞节的东西。
18、And that's the other relationship thread running through your birth chart.Natal Pluto trines your natal Mars. ─── 在你的命盘中有这种相位,那就是冥王星与火星的三合。
19、We reported a case of echovirus 11 infection in newborn associated with maternal infection.To our knowledge, this is the first reported fatal case of neo natal echovirus infection in Taiwan. ─── 我们报告一个经由母亲而感染伊科11型病毒的新生儿,是台湾首例发表的新生儿伊科11型病毒感染致死病例。
20、post - natal recovery treatment ─── 产后康复治疗仪
21、As many are aware of, most are born with a predominance of particular elements, and are missing yet other elements as related to one's natal chart in the current astrological system. ─── 正如许多人所知道的,根据你在当今星象系统中的出生星象图,人们大多生来带有某种突出元素而缺乏其它元素。
22、Natal wrinkle-lipped bat ─── n. 纳塔尔犬吻蝠
23、Suitable for: people simple obesity, post - natal fatness, hereditary obesity, middleageoverweight. ─── 适宜人群: 单纯性肥胖 、 产后肥胖 、 遗传性肥胖 、 中年性肥胖等人群.
24、System of natal distance education ─── 农村远程教育系统
25、The area of your life where this will tend to happen depends on the particular house that the Moon is transiting as well as the houses occupied by the two natal planets which make the sextile. ─── 所发生于的生活领域会是月落入的宫中及基底的宫。
26、He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting. ─── 他到纳塔尔亲自察看最近的激战所造成的影响。
27、Suitable for: people with simple obesity, post - natal fatness, hereditary obesity, middleageoverweight. ─── 相宜人群: 单纯性肥胖 、 产后肥胖 、 遗传性肥胖 、 中年性肥胖等人群.
28、natal ideology ─── 与生俱来的思想
29、New natal construction ─── 新农村建设
30、natal junior middle schools ─── 农村初中
31、a member of the tall Negroid people of SE Africa living in N Natal. ─── 住在北纳塔尔的东南非洲的个子高大的黑人民族成员。
32、A strongly placed natal vertex (conjunct the horizon, in close aspect to a personal planet, in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes) can indicate more consistent results. ─── 宿命点强有力的位置(合地平线,与本命行星合相,或者紧张相位,或者与月交点合相,最能发挥作用。
33、By the time an organism arrives at the end of its natal development, the millions of tradeoffs it has incurred forever block the chance to evolve in certain other directions. ─── 当一个有机体的发育到达其出生之前或之后的终点时,它经历过的数百万次的权衡永远堵塞了向某些别的方向进行进化的机会。
34、Eclipses bring news of earth-shattering importance if they should touch the exact degree of a planet, Sun, or moon in your natal chart or are very close to that heavenly body. ─── 月食会带来极其重大的讯息,如果它与某个行星成精确相位,比如太阳,或你天盘中的月亮,或者与这些天体的位置非常接近。
35、South African troops are moving into the strife-torn Natal Province where political violence has claimed three hundred lives in the past month. ─── 南非军队正在向战乱不断的纳塔尔省行进,在过去一个月里,这里的政治暴力已经夺走了300人的生命。
36、Natal Barred Blue ─── 条纹蓝灰蝶(小灰蝶科)
37、The kid is still not reasonable!The their offense has!The farmer returns to a natal home, coming back one unexpectedly fragmented and disorganized!The their offense has!! ─── 孩子还不懂事!她们何罪之有!农民回趟娘家,竟回来了一个支离破碎!他们何罪之有!!
38、Natal sore ─── 皮肤利什曼病, 东方疖, 热带疮, 纳塔耳疖, 潘杰疖
39、Prenatal and post - natal nutrition, adequate rest to build up resistance. ─── 产前产后加强营养, 充足休息以增强抵抗力.
40、Natal red hare ─── n. 纳塔尔红兔
41、They originated early in the 19th century as an offshoot of the Nguni of Natal, moving first to Basutoland (now Lesotho) and ultimately to Matabeleland (Zimbabwe). ─── 19世纪早期,从纳塔尔地区的恩古尼人的一支分裂出来,原移居至巴苏图兰(今赖索托),最后定居于马塔贝莱兰(辛巴威境内)。
42、and if pressed they would also acknowledge that the mere fact that a young man hailed from Hadleyburg was all the recommendation he needed when he went forth from his natal town to seek for responsible employment. ─── 再追问下去,他们还会承认:一个想离家出外找一个好工作的青年人,如果他是从哈德莱堡出去的,那么,他除了自己老家的牌子以外,就用不着带什么推荐信了。
43、Other diseases that produce severe diarrhea in natal pigs include colibacillosis and enterotoxemia. ─── 引起出生猪严重腹泄的其它疾病通常是大肠肝菌病和肠毒血
44、Other diseases that produce severe diarrhea in natal pigs include colibacillosis and enterotoxemia ─── 引起出生猪严重腹泄的其它疾病通常是大肠肝菌病和肠毒血病。
45、A strongly placed natal vertex( conjunct the horizon, in close aspect to a personal planet, in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes) can indicate more consistent results. ─── 宿命点强有力的位置(地平线,与本命行星合相,或者紧张相位,或者与月交点合相,最能发挥作用。
46、Objective To improve the content of post - natal care quality and reduce the incidence of postpartum syncope. ─── 目的:提高产后护理工作的内涵质量,减少产后晕厥的发生.
47、The Sun's position by zodiacal sign in the natal chart shows our style, our life purpose, and some might say, our destiny.What are we learning to be in our lifetime? ─── 本命盘中,太阳在黄道上的位置代表我们的特性风格、人生目标(或者说命运),我们一生中到底在学习什么呢?
48、income gap between urban and natal people ─── 城乡差距
49、is the chance to inspire hope, my dear comrades, in Kwa Zulu-Natal. ─── 我亲爱的同志们,现在是我们在夸祖卢-纳塔尔省重新唤起希望的机会。
50、One will see depending upon which sign one is ascending into how one is rebalancing the elements through ascension, embracing those missing in one's natal birth chart through the language of light. ─── 你将看到,根据你正提升进入的星象标志,你是怎样通过提升而重新平衡元素,怎样通过光之语而融入那些在你出生星象图中所缺乏的元素的。
51、natal grass ─── n. 红毛草
52、Natal what? ─── 出生什么?
53、What's more, Chiron conjuncts your natal Mars and trines Pluto. ─── 在你命盘中,还存在着另一个重要的相位,那就是凯龙星合火星同时拱冥王。
54、KwaZulu - Natal ─── 夸祖鲁-纳塔尔
55、By this time at 10 % and up % had post - natal depression. ─── 这时大约有10%-%的新爸爸们会出现“产后抑郁”.
56、Compared with the naval net natal the self-organization data mining can reflect the influence of the index input to the index output.This helps to analyze the origin of the warning and dissolve it. ─── 与人工神经网络相比较,它建立的显式模型能够反映输入指标对输出指标的具体影响状况,将有助于分析警源,排除警情。
57、In Scandinavia, ninety-four percent of brown bear males and forty-one percent of females leave their natal territory. ─── 大多数的熊在性成熟之前,大约五岁时会离开母亲的领地。
58、Conozco mi pueblo natal. ─── 我知道我的老家。
59、"One unique characteristic of salmon is they will come back to the same natal stream or area where they were born and raised.So the salmon that return here are fish that were released from here. ─── ”鲑鱼特有的生物特点让它们会回到出生的溪流或地区.因此回到这里的鲑鱼就是当初所放生的鲑鱼.
60、Improvement of Method for Primary Culture of New Natal Rats Cardiac Myocytes in Vitro ─── 新生大鼠心肌细胞原代培养方法的改进
61、When the natal day arrived,there was my letter or telegram. What a hit it made! ─── 当那人接到贺函,或是贺电时,他是多幺高兴。
62、natal day ─── 生日
63、In that light, the most unorthodox aspect of the Natal project could be its greatest strength. ─── 在这个观点下,纳塔尔计画中最特殊的做法反而是最大优点。
64、Animal grouping:20 Wistar rats (40 ears) on post - natal days 3-5 were randomly divided into five groups,4 rats in each group. ─── 动物分组:将20只出生后3-5天的Wistar大鼠(40耳)随机分成5组,每组4只。
65、Natal Francolin ─── n. 纳塔尔鹧鸪
66、post--natal gives off heat ─── 产后发热
67、I have emphasized the periods of approximately seven years which coincide with the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions of transiting Saturn to its natal place. ─── 我曾经强调过,大约每隔七年,行运的土星就会与本命盘的土星成合刑冲相位。
68、Some initiates fear the element of fire due to traumatic ancestral karma, or have been born with other elements prevalent in their natal chart and without the element of fire. ─── 一些提升者可能由于一些创伤性的祖先业力而害怕火元素,或是由于生于一种盛行其它种元素的图谱而没有火元素。
69、construction of natal methane ─── 农村沼气建设
70、natal energy ─── 农村能源
71、post- natal depression ─── 产后抑郁症
72、Our factory is natal product by country magisterial agency detection identifiation by average.accord with standard completely. ─── 本厂生产的产品经国家权威机构检测鉴定通过,完全符合标准。
73、Ma Heng-tail Liu Ke-longl Zhang Natal (“1.National Key Laboratory of Integrated Information System Technology; Institute of Software; Chinese Academy of Sciences”; Beijing; China 100080); ─── 中国科学院软件研究所综合信息系统技术国家重点实验室;
74、One unique characteristic of salmon is they will come back to the same natal stream or area where they were born and raised. ─── 大马哈鱼一个特性就是它们会回到当初出生的小河或长大的地方。
75、Those with a Grand Square in the natal chart crystallize much very early. ─── 个人命盘中拥有四分相的那些人在很小的时候就显示出了.
76、Once they reach adolescence, young males, and occasionally females, are forced to vacate their natal area. ─── 年轻的雄性一旦成长到青春期,就会被迫离开出生地,有时候雌性也是。
77、No doubt that the responsive and decisional procedures of natal household determine the sustainability of a project. ─── 摘要农户决策行为和反应机制无疑是考察项目可持续性的一个重要方面。
78、East Coast broadcasts a mix of music, and news to Durban and throughout KwaZulu - Natal. ─── 那塔尔省的播放音乐台, 并提供德班和那塔尔省地区的新闻.
79、In thymuses of post?natal mice at the end of the 6th week, the expression of S?100 protein became evident and reachs to the top. ─── 生后6周小鼠胸腺S?100蛋白表达明显增强,并达到最高峰;
80、Because it is thy natal day. ─── 因为今天,今天是你的诞辰。
81、And this tendency to love wounded birds stems from natal Neptune - Mars square. ─── 这种倾向于爱上那些曾经受伤男人是源于你本命盘中的火海刑相位.
82、Hormone levels rise and fall at different stages of life including adolescence, pre - natal, post - natal and menopause. ─── 荷兰蒙水平会因不同的人生阶段而升高或降低,包括青春期 、 产前 、 产后和更年期.
83、The company has taken some measures to forbidwomen to engage the work which will touch the injurant to protect the children whois not natal. ─── 公司已采取了措施,不让妇女从事可能接触有害物质的工作,以便保护未出生的孩子。
84、Natal aloe ─── [医] 纳塔耳芦荟
85、The prenatal factors accounted for 33.33%, natal factors 19.17%, postnatal factors 28.75%, the unknown factors 18.75%. ─── 出生时因素占19.17%; 出生后因素占28.75%;
86、Trelawney's astrology is natal or genethiliacal astrology. ─── 特劳里妮的占星术是依据出生日期所进行的占星。
87、Host: Is the fluid routinely extracted during pre - natal tests? ─── 主持人: 这种液体是在妊娠检查时提取出来的 么 ?
88、"One unique characteristic of salmon is they will come back to the same natal stream or area where they were born and raised. ─── “鲑鱼有一个独一无二的特征就是它们会回到原来它们出生和成长的地方,比如小溪或者是某个地区。
89、l'aure dolci del suolo natal! ─── 是故乡的土地闻起来的芳香!
90、Because it is thy natal day. ─── 因为今天,今天是你的诞辰.
91、He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting. ─── 他来到纳塔尔亲自了解最近发生的激烈冲突造成的后果。
92、Natal abnormality ─── 出生缺陷
93、the natal ─── 出生人口
94、Many music-lovers make pilgrimages to Mozart's natal place. ─── 很多爱好音乐的人去访问莫扎特的出生地。
95、The Pleiadians, in their natal chart for that day of infusion, have a sun in Taurus at 27 degrees 57 minutes. ─── 昴宿星人,在那天灌输他们的产生的图解,在27度57分的金牛座有一个太阳。
96、Natal dispersal. That's what happens when young animals leave home to make a life for themselves. Birds leave the nest. Mammals leave their home territories. ─── 出生扩散现象。当年轻的动物离开家开始过独立生活时所发生的现象。鸟类离开巢穴。哺乳动物离开父母的领地。
97、Those with a Grand Square in the natal chart crystallize much very early. ─── 个人命盘中拥有四分相的那些人在很小的时候就显示出了。
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