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09-17 投稿


lupine 发音


英:  美:

lupine 中文意思翻译



lupine 短语词组

1、white lupine ─── 白羽扇豆

2、lupine poisoning ─── 羽扇豆中毒

3、false lupine ─── [网络] 野决明属

4、Carolina lupine ─── [网络] 卡罗莱纳羽扇豆

5、field lupine ─── [网络] 野外羽扇豆

6、tree lupine ─── 树羽扇豆

7、sundial lupine un. ─── 多年生羽扇豆

8、yellow lupine un. ─── 黄羽扇豆 [网络] ─── 黄鲁冰花; ─── 黄花羽扇豆;羽扁豆

9、Egyptian lupine ─── [网络] 埃及羽扇豆

10、wild lupine ─── [网络] 野生羽扇豆

lupine 相似词语短语

1、lupines ─── n.羽扇豆;adj.狼似的;狼(群)的

2、supine ─── adj.仰卧的;懒散的;掌心向上的;向后靠的;消极的;苟安的;adv.仰卧地;n.(拉丁语语法的)动名词

3、lupin ─── n.羽扇豆;n.(Lupin)人名;(法)吕潘

4、lupins ─── 羽扇豆

5、louping ─── 娄平

6、alepine ─── n.阿利平毛葛

7、lupuline ─── 羽扇豆

8、elapine ─── 依拉平

9、supines ─── adj.仰卧的;懒散的;掌心向上的;向后靠的;消极的;苟安的;adv.仰卧地;n.(拉丁语语法的)动名词

lupine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was sufficiently healed to join Mad-Eye and Lupin on the platform in King's Cross as they met Harry from the train. ─── 她在完全恢复后加入了疯眼汉和卢平,在国王十字车站的站台上与哈利相遇。

2、According to the real lycanthropy legends, Lupin would have transformed simply because it was the full moon, whether or not he actually stepped into moonlight. ─── 根据真正的化狼传说,只要是满月,卢平就可以变形,不管他是否走到月光之下。

3、often resembling the lupine version of massive pit bulls; they usually have coats as dark as their name would imply. ─── 在狼形态的时候,阴影之主巨大而结实,常常类似狼外形的壮实公牛;他们总是有他们名字暗示的那样黑色的皮毛。

4、Wearing a lupine skin, they can run as wolves, free as moonlight in the night. ─── 穿上狼皮,他们可以像狼一样奔跑,像夜里的月光一样自由。

5、Poster with lupine as the "intelligent" interpretation of start writing. ─── 招贴以羽扇为“智慧”的诠释展开创作。

6、The potion expert swaggered away as soon as Lupin took the bowl, set it to his lips. ─── 卢平接过斯内普递来的药,刚刚送到嘴边,那个魔药专家就扬长而去了。

7、Septwolves is now so successful that it has sired a whole lair of lupine copycats. ─── 七匹狼如今是如此成功,以至于催生了一整批狼的模仿者。

8、" I did not know, but refrained from asking any further questions at present, for fear of irritating Lupin. ─── 我从没听说过这些人,不过怕卢宾烦恼,就没有再问。

9、One is a wizard who has been bitten by werewolf (who Lupin talks to during the Christmas visit), and the other is a witch who won't reveal what she was handling when she sustained her injuries. ─── 其中一个被狼咬伤(即卢平在圣诞节拜访时谈话的那个人),另一个女巫不肯告诉治疗师她被什么咬伤了。

10、Blair A shed stands in a field of lupine in Halifax. ─── 一间小屋位于哈利法克斯的一片原野上。

11、Indeed, Leblanc was himself a great fan of the fictional English detective, and wrote a Holmes-like detective named Herlock Sholmes into several of Lupin's greatest adventures. ─── 事实上,勒布朗自己就是这名虚构英国侦探的狂热崇拜者,而且他将一名神似福尔摩斯的侦探写入罗苹的许多精彩冒险故事中,甚至给他取名为“摩尔福斯”。

12、"It’s not a foregone conclusion, but I’m assuming that, because Lupin returns in Book 5, that I’ll be back again too. ─── “这还不是预料中的事情,但我正这么设想着,因为卢平在第5部书中回来了,所以我也将会回来。”

13、Lupin's formative years. He studies law, medicine, acting, jiu-jitsu, etc. ─── 在性格形成的重要时期,罗宾学习了法律、医学、表演等。

14、When Harry was telling Lupin about the voices he'd heard, Remus reacted in surprise when Harry said he heard his dad. ─── 正像海格声称的,一场车祸是无法杀死詹姆和莉莉的,也许我们可以从中找到线索。

15、His boggart was a dementor, which Professor Lupin suggested meant that what Harry fears the most is “fear. ─── 他的博格特是一个摄魂怪,卢平教授认为这就是哈利最害怕的东西。

16、’ Snape said with his back facing Lupin. ─── 斯内普背对着卢平说。

17、Lupin is a half-blood. ─── 卢平是混血儿?

18、M. eventually unmasks Lupin who was hiding behind the guise of Lenormand, and arranges for him to be arrested (813). ─── M.揭露了乔装为刑警处长罗纳鲁曼的罗宾,并使他被捕。

19、After spending many years in obscurity, Leblanc finally gained literary fame in his 40s with the creation of Arsene Lupin. ─── 勒布朗多年来一直默默无闻,终于在四十多岁时因创作亚森·罗苹享誉文坛。

20、Lupin said: "Let's play 'monkeys. ─── 卢宾说:“我们玩‘猴子’游戏吧。”

21、A shed stands in a field of lupine in Halifax. ─── 在哈利法克斯,一座小屋伫立于开满鲁冰花的田野中。

22、The main component of the effect part of Anabasis aphylla L.are anabasine and lupin alkaloid by thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. ─── 对该杀虫有效部位进行化学成分分析,通过薄层层析和气相色谱质谱方法,证明有效部位的主要成分是毒藜碱和羽扇豆碱。

23、Mom wrote about choosing lupine flowers for her blog's background over the pink breast cancer ribbon theme expected of her. ─── 母亲曾写道她选了羽扇豆花作为自己博客的背景,因为这花于她而言大过了乳腺癌粉丝带主题所包含的意义。

24、Some think that Professor Lupin will die or that Harry and his friend Ron may be related! ─── 有些人认为路平教授将会死去,或者哈利和他的朋友荣恩可能是亲戚。

25、Excuse me,sir,where`s Professor Lupin? ─── 对不起,先生,卢平教授在哪里?

26、In return, the werewolves were to watch over Gaia's creation, protecting both their human and lupine cousins. ─── 而狼人则为盖亚照顾她地造物作为补偿,他们要同时保护人和狼。

27、Poster with lupine as the "intelligent" interpretation of start writing. ─── 招贴以羽扇为“智慧”的诠释展开创作。

28、I've been rereading PA...(a)nd the scene with Lupin and the boggart in the wardrobe is very telling. ─── 实际上,我曾经说过还有两个和她们同年级的格兰芬多女孩,只是直到现在我还没有介绍她们罢了。

29、Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Professor Lupin forcing the boggart back into the packing case with his wand;it then turned into a silvery orb again. ─── T144: 他从眼角看见卢平教授用魔杖把那博格特逼回了包装箱,那博格特又变成一个银色的球体。

30、For some reason every species is blue-violet: lupine, blue-eyed grass, thistle, gentian. ─── 不知什么原因,所有的物种都是紫蓝色的:羽扇豆,蓝眼草,蒲公英,龙胆草。

31、Their lupine forms resemble the huge gray wolves of the North, belligerent beasts with broad shoulders and huge, savage jaws. ─── 他们的狼形态像那种北欧特产的巨大灰狼,好斗、具有宽阔厚实的肩膀脊背和巨大狰狞的血盆大口。

32、Lupin and Harry both light lamps at Hogwarts with their wands, and Trelawney dimmed the lights in her classroom with a wave of her wand (PA12, GF29). ─── 卢平和哈利都在霍格沃茨里用自己的魔杖点过灯,而特里劳妮教授更是一挥魔杖就使教室里的灯变暗了。(囚徒,第12章;

33、" But Lupin is a capable wizard. ─── 但卢平是一个有能力的巫师。

34、Why was Lupin surprised that Harry said he heard James' voice? ─── 为什么当卢平听说哈利听到了詹姆的声音,他一脸惊愕?

35、The main ingredients: shea butter, AMD water molecules, such as lupine extracts. ─── 主要成份:乳木果油、超微水分子、羽扇豆萃取精华等。

36、Egyptian lupin ─── 埃及羽扇豆

37、He was rather a gawky youth, and Lupin said he was the most popular and best amateur in the club, referring to the "Holloway Comedians. ─── 他是一个很迟钝的人,但卢宾说他是俱乐部里最受欢迎的、最好的业余演员,他说的俱乐部当然就是“好莱屋喜剧演员”。

38、For Clarisse's love, Lupin conducts his criminal activities with discretion. He solves the mystery of the Hollow Nedle, and starts using it as a base of operations. ─── 因为库拉丽丝的爱,罗宾更谨慎地进行着他的犯罪活动。他解开了“空洞之针”的秘密,并开始把那里用作指挥部。

39、Effects of 6-BA on Cluster Root Formation and Organic Acid Exudation in White Lupin Grown Under Phosphorus Deficiency ─── 6-BA对缺磷白羽扇豆排根形成和有机酸分泌的影响

40、Before they arrive, Edward's family and Jacob's lupine tribe strike up a temporary alliance to keep Bella safe. ─── 在他们抵达之前,爱德华的家人和雅各布的狼族达成了临时同盟,保护贝拉的安全。

41、When Snape became too curious about where Lupin went every month, Sirius tricked him into entering the passage under the Whomping Willow to find out. ─── 在斯内普对于卢平每月的去处太过好奇时,小天狼星就对他玩了一个恶作剧,骗他进入打人柳的密道就能找到答案。

42、After spending many years in obscurity, Leblanc finally gained literary fame in his40 s with the creation of Arsene Lupin. ─── 勒布朗多年来一直默默无闻,终于在四十多岁时因创作亚森·苹享誉文坛。

43、Many Garou prefer to breed with wolves, leaving their cubs to be raised by lupine mates in the wilderness. ─── 很多狼人更愿意和狼混血,让自己的孩子随着荒野的群狼成长。

44、tree lupine ─── 树羽扇豆

45、Lupin III and Conan Edogawa meet in this first-time crossover TV special. This special is being done for the 55th anniversary of Yomiuri TV. ─── 故事的大纲,描述了受到某个国家王的贵族委托调查家传秘宝案件的柯南一行人,正巧遭遇到预谋偷劫,就决定...

46、Many Garou prefer to breed with wolves, leaving their cubs to be raised by lupine mates in the wilderness. ─── 很多狼人更愿意和狼混血,让自己的孩子随着荒野的群狼成长。

47、Snape attended Hogwarts in the 1970s as a Slytherin, and was in the same year as Gryffindors James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin. ─── 斯内普在1970年进入霍格沃茨,斯莱特林学院,同一年,詹姆?波特,小天狼星布莱克和莱姆斯?卢平被分入格兰芬多。

48、All five - the Potters, Lupin, Pettigrew, and Black - joined the Order of the Phoenix [/COLOR] and were active in the first war against Voldemort. ─── 波特夫妇、卢平、小矮星和布莱克五个人在与伏地魔的第一次战争中都积极地加入了凤凰社[/COLOR]的工作。

49、2 the effect of phosphorus in the cotyledons on the accumulation and exudation of organic acids in/from root tips and proteoid roots of P-deficient white lupin. ─── 实验用液体培养的方法,对比分析了在不同供磷条件下,白羽扇豆子叶中的磷对植物生长发育的影响,以及对排根和根尖中有机酸积累和分泌的作用。

50、Why, I had always supposed that Mrs. Lupin and you would make a match of it. ─── 我过去总是想,你和卢宾太太是郎才女貌的一对。

51、August 24.--Simply to please Lupin, and make things cheerful for him, as he is a little down, Carrie invited Mrs.James to come up from Sutton and spend two or three days with us. ─── 8月24日因为卢宾有些闷闷不乐,为了让他开心,同时使情况看起来乐观一些,卡丽邀请萨顿的詹姆士夫人来我们家住两三天。

52、In the third trail, 5%squid meal、20%Lupin、5%Rapeseed meal and 15%Corn protein were incorporated in Cobia diets and reduce fish meal to 25%. ─── 实验三:饲料中添加5%乌贼粉、20%羽扇豆粉、5%菜仔粕及15%玉米蛋白,将鱼粉降低至25%。

53、Lupin will not reoccupy his role as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. ─── 卢平不会重回霍格沃兹作为黑魔法防御术的教师.

54、In the evening I had up a special bottle of port, and, Lupin being in for a wonder, we filled our glasses, and I said: "Lupin my boy, I have some good and unexpected news for you. ─── 晚上我拿出一瓶特制的波尔多葡萄酒,刚好卢宾也在,倒满了杯子,我说:“卢宾,我的孩子,我有个出人意料的好消息告诉你。

55、Lupin steps between, snaps his wand.“ Here! ─── 停!”卢平教授突然大声喝道,一面向前赶去。

56、blue lupine ─── 毛羽扇豆

57、The "useful spell" that Lupin was showing them was undoubtedly the "wasi" part, in this case with a target word attached, "wad. ─── 卢平向他们展示的“实用咒语”中最值得注意的是“瓦西”这一部分,“瓦迪”是另外加上的目标词。

58、Sherlock Holmes, Poirot and Arsene Lupin have been known to every household, and their stories have a proverbial currency. ─── 其中福尔摩斯、波洛、亚森-罗平等侦探形象已成为家喻户晓的人物,他们的故事至今仍广为流传。

59、I wish Carrie had not given Lupin a latch-key; we never seem to see anything of him. ─── 我真希望卡丽没有给卢宾钥匙,自从他拿到钥匙后,我们再也没见过他的人影。

60、Lupin insisted on having a hired waiter, and stood a half-dozen of champagne. ─── 卢宾坚持要雇佣一个侍者,还要摆上半打香槟。

61、Lupin startles us with an announcement. ─── 卢宾发布了一个让我们吃惊的消息。

62、Introduction and culture of Washington lupin ─── 多叶羽扇豆的引种栽培

63、Lupin is not a twin. ─── 不是双胞胎。

64、I introduced Lupin, saying: "You will be pleased to find we have our dear boy at home!" Gowing said: " How's that?You don't mean to say he's left the Bank?" ─── 我给高英介绍卢宾,说:“相信你会很高兴看到我们亲爱的儿子也和我们在一起。”高英听后问:“是吗?你不是说他已离开银行了吧?”

65、Lupin steps between, snaps his wand. "Here! ─── “停!”卢平教授突然大声喝道,一面向前赶去。

66、A ladybug walks along a wild lupine leaf in California's Yosemite National Park. ─── 加利福尼亚州的约塞米蒂国家公园中,一只瓢虫沿着一片羽扇豆叶片爬行。

67、The minuscule size of the drawings alone could easily explain why Fred and George never saw Peter/Wormtail, and why Lupin never saw the second Harry and Hermione on the map during their time travels. ─── 平面图上的微小图画本身,就可以很容易地解释弗雷德和乔治为什么没有看到彼得/虫尾巴,以及卢平为什么没看到在时间旅行中的第二个哈利和赫敏。

68、Likewise, the tribe keeps close contact with their rare lupine Kin living on great estates, primarily in Russia and western Canada. ─── 同样的,部族一直与他们在俄罗斯和西加拿大依靠庞大财产生活的杰出的狼亲戚保持着密切联系。

69、yellow-flowered European lupine cultivated for forage. ─── 欧洲羽扇豆属植物,花黄色,用于饲料。

70、She recognizes a couple other members of SWORD who have tangentially worked on the Malfoy case, but Lupin has been her and Harry's main contact for months now. ─── 她认识的SWORD里的其他人大多和Malfoy事件无关,但Lupin是几个月来她和Harry的主要联络人。

71、Why did Lupin transform into a werewolf only when the full moon came out from behind the clouds? ─── 为什么卢平只是在满月从云朵后面出来的时候才变成狼人?

72、" "And I didn’t want to give hints to his lupine nature before we actually see it, particularly because I didn’t want to give away the surprise for anyone who’s not read the book. ─── “而且我不想在当我们看到影片时暗示出他残忍野性的一面,特别是由于我不想给那些没读过书的人带来惊骇的事情。”

73、Tadeusz Aniszewski.Mervi Hannele Kupari.Aki Juhani Leinonen Seed Number,Seed Size and Seed Diversity in Washington Lupin ,(Lupinus polyphylus Lindl.) 2001 ─── 楚爱香.张要战.李艳梅.苏维.郭金娟多叶羽扇豆种子发芽条件的研究[期刊论文]-西北农业学报2005(2

74、After Raymonde's death, Arsene Lupin, as such, seems to vanish from the public scene, at least until 1912. But Lupin himself is not inactive. ─── 丽梦死后,罗宾似乎从公众的视线中消失了,直到1912年才重新出现。但这期间罗宾并没有停止活动。

75、Lupin said he would sit up and read a bit. ─── 卢宾说他想读书,所以要晚些睡。

76、Lupin was making Harry feel idiotic, and yet there was still a grain of defiance inside him. ─── Lupin的话使哈利觉得自己是个傻子,但他心里仍然有点不服气。

77、A muscle was jumping in Lupin's jaw. He nodded, butseemed unable to say anything else. ─── 下巴的肉颤颤直跳。他点点头,但似乎说不出其它话。

78、In Lupus form, Lords are large and stocky, often resembling the lupine version of massive pit bulls; they usually have coats as dark as their name would imply. ─── 在狼形态的时候,阴影议员巨大而结实,常常类似狼外形的壮实公牛;他们总是有他们名字暗示的那样黑色的皮毛。

79、" (HBP5) Harry at first supposes that she is distraught over Sirius' death but finds out later (HBP29) that she has fallen in love with Remus Lupin. ─── 哈利最先猜想她是因为小天狼星的死但后来发现(混血王子29)是因为她爱上了莱姆斯卢平。

80、‘Severus.’ Lupin said in a most friendly voice. ─── “西弗勒斯。”卢平用他最友好的声音喊道。

81、Mungo's.She was sufficiently healed to join Mad-Eye and Lupin on the platform in King's Cross as they met Harry from the train. ─── 后来在国王十字车站的站台上跟疯眼汉和卢平一起与哈利道别时,她的状况已经恢复得差不多了。

82、Remus Lupin does not have a twin brother. ─── 卢平没有双胞胎兄弟。

83、Things might have become rather disagreeable but for Gowing (who seems to have taken to Lupin) suggesting they should invent games. ─── 事情变得很不愉快,但是高英(似乎很喜欢卢宾)建议他们应当发明一些新游戏。

84、Having lost his wife and his son, Lupin is now free to fully embrace his prodigious criminal career. ─── 失去了妻儿,罗宾现在完全投入了他惊人的冒险生涯。

85、In Lupus form, Lords are large and stocky, often resembling the lupine version of massive pit bulls; ─── 在狼形态的时候,阴影议员巨大而结实,常常类似狼外形的壮实公牛;

86、" Lupin whispered to us that if we could only "draw out" Harry a bit, he would make us roar with laughter. ─── 卢宾对我们小声说如果我们能鼓励他说一点话,他就会使我们大笑。

87、Egyptian lupine ─── n. 埃及羽扇豆

88、The role of phosphorus in the cotyledons in the adaptive response of P deficient white lupin ─── 子叶磷在白羽扇豆缺磷适应性反应中的作用

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