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09-18 投稿


laburnum 发音

英:[lə'bɜːnəm]  美:[lə'bɝnəm]

英:  美:

laburnum 中文意思翻译



laburnum 网络释义

n. [植] 金链花

laburnum 短语词组

1、common laburnum ─── [网络] 毒豆木;金链花;常见金链花

2、genus Laburnum ─── [网络] 属植物属

3、Laburnum alpinum ─── [网络] 苏格兰金链树;豆科金链花属

4、Scotch laburnum ─── [网络] 苏格兰金链花

5、Laburnum anagyroides ─── [网络] 毒豆;金链花;黄花紫藤

6、Dalmatian laburnum ─── [网络] 达尔马提亚lab

laburnum 词性/词形变化,laburnum变形


laburnum 相似词语短语

1、labrum ─── n.[无脊椎]上唇

2、laburnums ─── n.[植]金链花

3、labourism ─── n.劳工主义,劳工至上主义

4、labarum ─── n.罗马帝国后期的军旗;拉伯兰旗;作为象征的旗帜;康斯坦丁一世的皇旗

5、viburnum ─── n.荚莲属的植物

6、viburnums ─── n.荚莲属的植物

7、labdanum ─── n.劳丹脂

8、Barnum ─── 巴纳姆(人名)

9、alburnum ─── n.[木]边材;白材

laburnum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My address is No 22 Laburnum Close so his must be No 26. ─── 我的地址是拉布耐姆巷22号, 所以他的地址一定是26号.

2、Soil Loss and Controt Measure on Asiatic Laburnum Land ─── 参地水土流失与防治措施

3、Laburnum Watereri ─── 沃氏金链花(豆科)

4、an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum; often cultivated for Easter decorations. ─── 金链花属的一种装饰性的灌木或树木;通常被用作复活节的装饰品。

5、My address is No 22 Laburnum Close so his must be No 26. ─── 我的地址是拉布耐姆巷22号,所以他的地址一定是26号。

6、my brother set the laburnum on his birth-day. ─── 我弟弟在他生日那天将金链花种在它旁边。

7、Common Laburnum ─── 金链花(豆科)

8、The laburnum on his birthday, ─── 种植的金炼花,

9、An ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum,often cultivated for Easter decorations. ─── 金链花属的一种装饰性的灌木或树木,通常被用作复活节的装饰品。

10、And where my brother set The laburnum on his birth-day, ─── 我弟弟在他生日那天将金链花种在它旁边,

11、And where my brother set The laburnum on his birth-day, ─── 我弟弟在他生日那天将金链花种在它旁边

12、Indian Laburnum ─── 印度金链花(豆科)

13、Any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Laburnum, especially L. anagyroides, which is cultivated for its drooping clusters of yellow flowers. ─── 金链花,水黄皮任一种金链花属的树木或灌木,尤指下垂金链花,因其下垂的黄色花束而被种植

14、an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum. ─── 欧洲的一种灌木或乔木,荚果上缝有翅。

15、Scotch Laburnum ─── 苏格兰金链花(豆科)

16、Cytisus laburnum ─── 金链花

17、The lilacs where the robin built, And where my brother set The laburnum on his birthday,-- The tree is living yet! ─── /,知更鸟筑巢的丁香花/还有我兄弟在他生日那天种下的金链花/那个树至今仍有活力。

18、5.I remember the laburnum set on my birthday,and now it‘s living yet, with a nest of robin in her hair! ─── 我还记得在生日那天载下的金莲花树,现在它依然生机勃勃,树枝里竟然藏着一窝知更鸟。

19、1 species: Dalmatian laburnum. ─── 一个种类;达尔马提亚的金莲花。

20、As darkness falls they proudly show me round a garden full of laburnum and hollyhocks over which towers an oak. ─── 暮色降临时,他们自豪地引我来到他们的花园,那里种满了金链花和蜀葵,一棵橡树笼罩其上。

21、The laburnum on his birthday, -- ─── 还有生日上的金莲花

22、The laburnum on his birthday,-- ─── 种植的金炼花,--

23、Laburnum mosaic virus ─── 金莲花花叶病毒

24、At present, there are 200000 mu of land on which asiatic laburnum is planted or was ever planted three years ago in mountainous areas in southern Jilin Province which is the main growing area of asiatic laburnum. ─── 吉林省南部山区是我国人参的主要产区,现有已参地和近三年参后地近20万亩。

25、laburnum alpinum ─── 苏格兰金链树

26、an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum ─── 一种金链花属的具有观赏性的灌木或乔木

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