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librettos 发音

英:[lɪˈbrɛtəʊz]  美:[ləˈbrɛtoʊz]

英:  美:

librettos 中文意思翻译



librettos 词性/词形变化,librettos变形

名词复数: librettos |

librettos 相似词语短语

1、labrets ─── n.(某些南美印第安人穿挂在嘴唇上的、用木、石、骨、贝壳等制作的)嘴唇装饰品;n.(Labret)人名;(法)拉布雷

2、librettist ─── n.歌词作者;剧本作者

3、liberos ─── n.(Liberos)人名;(西)利韦罗斯

4、librations ─── n.振动(形容词librational);[天]天平动

5、libretti ─── (歌剧等的)剧本(libretto的名词复数)

6、amarettos ─── 苦杏仁

7、lazarettos ─── n.检疫所;传染病院(lazaretto的变形)

8、libretto ─── n.剧本;歌词集

9、librettists ─── n.歌词作者;剧本作者

librettos 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was still unsatisfied mocking him, therefore he invited the critic to his house and read him the libretto aloud in front of his friends. ─── 这样嘲弄还不满意,他又邀请这位评论家到他家里,当着他的朋友的面大声朗读这一剧本。

2、librettos. ─── 译本文字未改动。

3、This article presents a detailed introduction to the origination, a ctirg forms and habits, castumes and stage, properties, voie music, musical instruments and librettos. ─── 同时,嘉绒藏戏在表演形成、演出习俗、服装道具、唱腔、乐器、剧本结构等方面更独具特色。

4、She lives in Vienna and Munich and her writings also include film scripts, an opera libretto and translations. ─── 她居住在维也纳和慕尼黑。她的作品还包括剧本,歌剧和翻译。

5、Some librettos, for example, are still very popular today. ─── 有些歌词直到今天依然很流行。

6、Libretto normally with " loan " , " Lei Man " or " beautiful couplet store " rhyme. ─── 歌词通常与“贷款”、“雷曼”或“美联储”押韵。

7、We remember that there are operas whose authorship we ascribe to the composer alone because the libretto has all too little substance; ─── 我们记得我们一般把歌剧的作者身份单独归于作曲者,因为歌词在本质上的微不足道;

8、Puccini, Libretto by G.Giacosa and L. ─── G.贾柯查和L.伊里卡编剧。

9、1.a rare book; 2.a secret book; a secretly kept libretto ─── 秘本

10、In 1935, he insisted that the opera The Silent Woman, the libretto written by the Jewish playwright Stefan Zweig, be performed, shocking Goebbels, Goring and Hitler with his clearly expressed anti-racism. ─── 1935年,他坚持上演由犹太裔作家茨威格写作脚本的歌剧《沉默的女人》,明确表达了对种族主义的反抗,惊动了戈培尔、戈林和希特勒。

11、The performances involve improvisation based on plot outlines, and use exquisitely crafted puppets and props.Plots came from poems, romances and popular librettos, but dialogue is improvised. ─── 根据一些基本的故事情节,艺人们用精雕细刻的偶人和道具进行即席创作,这些故事一般来自诗歌、浪漫传奇或流行的歌剧,但对白都是临时编的。

12、Today, the audience can easily follow the plot with the use of surtitles.Surtitles are the English translation of the libretto, and are projected onto a screen above the stage. ─── 今天,听众可从字幕、歌词的翻译本,由投影机投射到银幕上----得知故事内容。

13、The story of the opera is written as a libretto, a text that is easily set to music. ─── 歌剧的故事会写成歌词-----可以编写音乐的剧本。

14、Similar opera libretto libretto, changing the length of sentence. ─── 唱词类似戏曲唱词,句式长短富于变化。

15、Nancy:If you want to go to an opera, you should read the libretto first,then you'll understand the story better. ─── 当然了,在戏剧开始前先读一读剧本对你理解整个剧情十分有帮助。

16、The libretto Shadowtime, which can be read independently of the music, presents both a loving but also ironic portrait of Benjamin-a character as deeply flawed as he is sympathetic. ─── 即便独立于音乐之外进行阅读,该歌剧剧本深情而又不乏反讽地刻画出本雅明既有瑕疵又感人至深的人物性格。

17、The libretto , mostly numbers, solfege syllables and quirky , stream-of-consciousness spoken texts, works its own hypnotic spell. ─── 歌词大多都是数字、视唱练习的音节和怪异的意识流口语文本,创造出一种催眠的咒语。

18、Nordest_Ippodromi_S_p_A_ Ippodromi di Trieste, Treviso e Ferrara. Partenti, risultati, libretto, numeri ed altre informazioni sui tre ippodromi. ─── 亿飞航空机票网北京昊华航空客运有限公司是从事北京地区航空运输销售的代理公司,从事国内航空代理及预订业务。

19、Opera in three acts by G. Puccini, Libretto by G. Giacosa and L . Illica. ─── 三幕歌剧:G.普契尼作曲;G.贾柯查和L.伊里卡编剧。

20、No changes in text of librettos. ─── 译本文字未改动。

21、pop librettos ─── 通俗唱词

22、Based on the firsthand materials attained from countryside, the author discusses the main contents of librettos of Axike mode and the traits of traditional Uygur music in musical formation. ─── 作者依据田野调查得来的第一手资料,论述维吾尔民间歌谣中“阿希克调”唱词的主要内容及音乐形态方面具有的维吾尔传统音乐的特点。

23、The second part I"ll research librettos in Laodiao, and giving deferent conclusions to word format and sentence format from their characters in the names of the tunes; ─── 第二部分对秦安小曲曲本唱词的研究,对其曲牌词式和句式的特征分别作了总结;

24、libretto structure ─── 唱词结构

25、opera stars; an opera libretto. ─── 歌剧名星,歌剧的歌词

26、A Study of the Language Features of Chinese Opera Librettos in Respects of Rhythms and Rhymes ─── 从节奏和押韵看戏曲唱词的语言特点

27、To this plants the poem now of the form downfallen, yu Guangzhong thinks, popular now song very be current, actually libretto also is a kind of poem. ─── 对于现在诗这种形式的没落,余光中认为,现在流行歌曲很盛行,其实歌词也是一种诗。

28、If you want to go to an opera,you should read the libretto first,then you'll understand the story better. ─── 当然了,在戏剧开始前先读一读剧本对你理解整个剧情十分有帮忙.

29、The analogy of the semmetry in libretto and the sliding weight of a steelyard is extremely rich romantic colour, although be to be used at foil this drama theme, but also have real sense quite. ─── 笔者认为,这杆“秤”不仅可以称出为官者的贪廉清浊,同样可以称出我们行业作风的好坏优劣。

30、Opera in three acts by G. Puccini, Libretto by G. Giacosa and L . Illica. First performance: Milan, 1904. ─── 三幕歌剧:G.普契尼作曲;G.贾柯查和L.伊里卡编剧。首次演出:1904年于米兰。

31、If we take the literature of traditional operas as the soil, the basis, as so called "the librettos, are the foundation of operas", the performance of traditional operas is like the flower flourished inthe soil. ─── 二者的关系,如果把戏曲文学比作土壤、基础,所谓“剧本,一剧之本”,戏曲演出则是开在此土壤之上的花朵。

32、Patek Philippe Naviquartz, New Old Stock, con garanzia e libretto di istruzioni, al momento in revis... ─── 成色 0 (崭新);石英;新;含说明书;所在地: 意大利, italia;

33、If you want to go to an opera, you should read the libretto first, then you'll understand the story better. ─── 当然了,在戏剧开始前先读一读剧本对你理解整个剧情十分有帮助。

34、But then, out of nowhere, as if by some divine agency, Handel received a libretto [2] based on the life of Jesus and an invitation to compose a work for a charity benefit performance. ─── 但是,没有料到,像是有神在暗中帮助似的,一天他突然收到一个剧本,讲的是耶稣毕生的故事,还邀请他为即将举行的一次慈善音乐会作曲。

35、3)He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest street, hearts, vows, and librettos. ─── 他止步此处,这里夜晚明亮,情感、誓言和喧闹混淆交融。

36、Key Concepts: Gluck\'s reforms, importantance of drama &music, overture, libretto, simplification of plot, importance of the chorus, idiomatic scoring ─── 主要音乐概念:格鲁克的歌剧改革,音乐和舞台艺术之间的重要关系,序曲,歌剧剧本,剧情简化,合唱队于歌剧的重要性,总谱记法

37、by Benjamin Britten ;libretto by Myfanwy Piper after the novella by Thomas Mann ; ─── 书名/作者 Death in Venice魂断威尼斯 /the Glynedebourne Touring Opera production ;

38、And needless to say, I would love to be of assistance in translating opera librettos. ─── 不用说,我也愿意协助翻译京剧唱词。

39、Legacies of the Kunqu theatre are librettos from the Ming and Qing periods (1644-1911). ─── 昆曲来源于明清时代(1644-1911)的戏曲。

40、Baidu and cereal song can hint format of link speed, song, baidu still can hint the size of this song, libretto. ─── 百度和谷歌会提示链接速度、歌曲格式,百度还会提示该歌曲的大小、歌词。

41、In 1927, he wrote the libretto for a surrealist opera, Royal Palace, set to music by composer Kurt Weill. ─── 他的晚期诗作比较朦胧,深入到人类精神、自我、梦幻和死亡的领域中进行探索。

42、He laid stress on rules and distinctive character so that he believed it is right His discuss was progressive and it helped common people can understand libretto. ─── 沈璟的曲论核心是戏曲应为“场上之曲”,抓住了戏曲艺术的本质规律。他的曲论有时代的进步性,使戏曲观众扩大到下层百姓。

43、Just answered that libretto of Cui Jian, "Not be I do not understand, it is this world change is too sharp " . ─── 只是应了崔健的那句歌词了,“不是我不明白,是这世界变化太快”。

44、If you want to go to an opera, you should be read the libretto first, you'll understand the story better. ─── 在戏剧开始前先读一读剧本对你理解整个剧情十分有帮助。

45、The libretto, which contains colorful cultural connotation, has the artistic characteristics of folk ness, flexibility, localization, etc. ─── 唱词具有民间性、灵活性、地方性等艺术特征,其中蕴涵了丰富的文化内涵。

46、A character in one of his operas was a caricature of one of the most powerful music critics of his day. Not content with burlesquing him, he invited the critic to his house and read him the libretto aloud in front of his friends. ─── 在一部歌剧中,他丑化了当时极有影响的一位音乐评论家,嘲笑之外,他还把这位评论家邀请到家里来,当着一大帮朋友的面朗读这个剧本。

47、He always halted in the district where by night are found the lightest streets, hearts and librettos. ─── 他总是选择这样的地方停下来。那里到晚上有最明亮的街道,最愉快的心境和最轻松的歌曲。

48、And needless to say, I would love to be of assistance in translating opera librettos ─── 不用说,我也愿意协助翻译京剧唱词。

49、an opera liBretto ─── 歌剧的歌词

50、four librettos reprinted with a different typeface (which I feel is more readable) for stage directions. ─── 四个译本分别采用不同的字体刊登(我认为这样会更具可读性)。

51、Resemble a few songs of Zhou Jielun, libretto has a copy kept as a record of old-style poetry word. ─── 像周杰伦的一些歌,歌词就有旧诗词的底子。

52、and then explores the origin of the libretto with reference to the literary source , the sources of the story and that of the main characters in the third chapter. ─── 第三章从脚本的文学来源、故事来源、人物造型来源三方面为歌剧脚本溯源;第四章对剧中三个主要人物玛莎琳、奥克斯、奥克塔维安进行性格分析;

53、The author of a libretto. ─── 歌剧、音乐剧的歌词作者

54、. Libretto &music composition, artistic director, leading performer by Liu Sola. World premier: Ensemble Modern (Germany) with [Liu Sola &Friends] Ensemble. Germany. 2006. ─── 大型室内乐歌剧[惊梦]。编剧,作曲,艺术导演,主演:刘索拉。世界首演:德国现代室内乐团与[刘索拉与朋友们]乐队。德国,2006。

55、libretto moulding ─── 歌辞造型

56、Legacies of the Kunqu theatre are librettos from the Ming and Qing periods (1644-1911). ─── 昆曲来源于明清时代(1644-1911)的戏曲。

57、None of the patients in the cast is able to sing and none of them knowsItalian which is the language of the libretto. ─── 没有一个病人会唱歌,也没有人懂什么是歌剧。

58、Conjunction of auxiliary word of adverb of pronoun of measure word of substantival verb numeral causes phraseology poem word and libretto. ─── 名词动词数词量词代词副词助词连词造成语词诗词和唱词。

59、He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest streets, hearts, vows, and librettos. ─── 这儿,整夜都是最明亮的灯光,最轻松的心情,最轻率的誓言和最轻快的歌剧。

60、epic libretto ─── 唱词

61、" the libretto in this popular song, true the earth's surface amounted to our mood. ─── 这句流行歌曲中的歌词,真正地表达了我们的心情。

62、Han Shan's poems and Buddhist librettos ─── 寒山诗偈

63、The printed libretto was handsomely got up. ─── 这本印刷的歌剧剧本装帧得很美观。

64、While the Sichuan festive lantern has rich libretto and most performances require high skill. ─── "四川花灯"唱词丰富,多是技艺性表演。

65、Libretto, music composition, artistic direction, leading performance by Liu Sola . world premier by Ensemble Modern (Germany) with [Liu Sola & Friends] Ensemble.Frankford. ─── 刘索拉编剧作曲,艺术导演及主演. 由德国现代室内乐团、[刘索拉与朋友们]乐队联合在德国世界首演及巡演。

66、" Literature long lines Miaowen occur repeatedly No, donkey libretto to see more will not do, like monks static seek Road, side to pick. ─── 文学作品情深意长,妙文佳句迭出,囫囵吞枣不行,骑驴看唱本更不行,要像高僧悟禅,静中求道,方至佳境。

67、He has published widely articles on criminology and law.Trivizas has written more than 100 books for children, one for adults, more than 20 plays and an opera libretto. ─── 曾为儿童写过100多本书,为成人写过一本,此外还有20多个戏剧剧本和一个歌剧脚本。

68、All four librettos reprinted with a different typeface (which I feel is more readable) for stage directions. ─── 四个译本分别采用不同的字体刊登(我认为这样会更具可读性)。

69、No musical instruments accompanied, but there were fixed rhythm and libretto. ─── 跳安代时无乐器伴奏,但有固定的曲调、唱词

70、Source material: Primary source for all four librettos is Schott's 1899 vocal scores (republished in the United States by Schirmer in 1904). ─── 资料来源:四个版本都来源于1899年Schott出版的歌谱(该歌谱1904年在美国由Schirmer再版)。

71、Puccini, Libretto by G.Giacosa and L.Illica.First performance: Milan, 1904.Characters: Cio-cio... ─── 资料提示:当前阅读的是第 1 页 Opera in three acts by G.

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