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09-18 投稿


lister 发音

英:[ˈlɪstə]  美:[ˈlɪstər]

英:  美:

lister 中文意思翻译



lister 词性/词形变化,lister变形

动词现在分词: listening |动词过去式: listened |动词第三人称单数: listens |动词过去分词: listened |名词: listener |

lister 短语词组

1、Baron Lister ─── [网络] 男爵夫人

2、lister to ─── 列出两个

3、deans lister ─── 院长李斯特

4、Lister's dressing ─── [医] 李司忒氏敷料(石炭酸纱布)

5、disk lister ─── 磁盘列表

6、Lister's ointment ─── [医] 李司忒氏软膏(含硼酸及杏仁油等)

7、Lister's method ─── [医] 李司忒氏法, 防腐无菌法

8、lister opener ─── 列表开启器

9、lister plough ─── [网络] ister犁

10、a-lister ─── 一线演员 ─── 一线明星

11、Lister's double salt ─── [医] 李司忒氏复盐, 氰化锌汞(消毒药)

12、lister plow ─── [网络] ister犁

13、Joseph Lister ─── 约瑟夫·李斯特

14、Lister's antiseptic ─── [医] 李司氏防腐剂, 氰化锌汞

15、Lister's tubercle ─── [医] 李司忒氏结节, 桡骨背结节

lister 相似词语短语

1、Lister ─── n.双臂开沟犁,双耕犁;制表人;n.(Lister)(美、英、加、澳)利斯特(人名)

2、Mister ─── n.先生(用于姓名或职称前,常缩写为Mr.)

3、klister ─── n.湿雪蜡

4、bister ─── n.深褐色颜料;深褐色;adj.深褐色的(等于bistre)

5、glister ─── n.闪烁;华丽;灿烂;vi.闪烁

6、blister ─── n.水泡;水疱;气泡;砂眼;起泡剂;vt.使起水泡;痛打;猛烈抨击;vi.起水泡

7、listers ─── n.双臂开沟犁,双耕犁;制表人;n.(Lister)(美、英、加、澳)利斯特(人名)

8、Wister ─── n.威斯特(姓氏)

9、leister ─── vt.以鱼叉刺(鱼);n.鱼叉;n.(Leister)人名;(英、德)莱斯特

lister 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Earlier a Presidential commission ... probed the market's structure for defects and came up with a laundry list of weaknesses with program trading in the forefront. ─── 前些时一个总统授命成立的委员会探究[股票]市场的结构,以便找出缺点。结果毛病一箩筐,其中以程式交易为最显著的缺点。

2、He stroked out your name on the list. ─── 他从名单上把你的名字划掉了。

3、Lister nodded absently. "Do you have an idea of what went wrong during the demonstration? ─── 不在意地点点头。“你觉得演示实验的时候有什么事情不对头吗?

4、The tower had a list to the south. ─── 塔向南倾斜。

5、The authors, DeMarco and Lister, go on and on about that subject. ─── 作者DeMarco和Lister,围绕在这个主题上不断地打转。

6、The list included most of the things Herbert loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets. ─── 单子上大都是他喜欢吃的东西:黄油、土豆、大米、啤酒,牛奶、巧克力和糖果。

7、The passenger list include nationals of seven countries. ─── 乘客名单上的人为来自7个国家的公民。

8、He crossed his name off the list. ─── 他把他的名字从名单上划掉。

9、There is a list of ingredients on the side of the packet. ─── 包装袋的边上印有所含配料表。

10、A list of the do's and don'ts of management. ─── 列出能做和不能做的管理条例

11、He recited a list of his complaints. ─── 他诉说了一大堆牢骚。

12、Comrade Wang came after Comrade Li on the list. ─── 在名单上,王同志在李同志后面。

13、He read back the list of name to me, and I checked them off one by one. ─── 他把名单给我再念一遍,我一一进行核对。

14、Add a few more names of labourers to the list. ─── 名单上再加上几个工人的名字。

15、He memorized all the words on the list. ─── 他把表上的所有单词都记在心里了。

16、I send you my revised catalog and price- list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you. ─── 兹寄上经过修订的商品目录和价目表。有些可能对贵方合适。

17、He ran his pencil through his own name on the list. ─── 他用铅笔把名单上的自己的名字划掉了。

18、She ran off a list of the places they would visit. ─── 她一口气报出一串他们将访问的地名。

19、His name was dropped from the list. ─── 他的名字被从名单上除去了。

20、He wanted to withdraw his name from the guest list. ─── 他想从客人名单中撤出自己的名字。

21、He came out at the top of the list. ─── 他名列前茅。

22、The list includes the names of many famous writers. ─── 名单包括许多著名作家的名字。

23、There is a list of our lessons on the wall. ─── 墙上有我们的课程表。

24、Make a list of the various options. ─── 列出可供选择的项目。

25、We singled her out from the list of applicants. ─── 使他从一垒进入二垒

26、The queen led the procession. My name led the list. ─── 女王走在游行队伍的前列。我的名字排在第一位

27、Lister, lead author on the Ecker study, said: "What we have now is a reference. ─── 埃克研究报告的首席作者瑞安·李斯特(Ryan Lister)表示:“我们现在所完成的是一个参照。

28、All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the computer can print them out easily. ─── 名单上的姓氏都特别标出,以便计算机容易打印出。

29、You can check the list of duty-free articles. ─── 你可以去看看免税物品一览表。

30、Lister’s President Lindberg is a cross-eyed dude who looks to others to solve the country’s problems. ─── 他饰演的总统林伯格是一个长着对眼的纨绔子弟,总是依靠别人解决国家大事。

31、Lister Serviced Offices &Apartments are located on 128 Da Tian Road, Jing An District. ─── 利仕达商务中心是一个专业化管理的商务办公平台。

32、He wrote down his name on the list. ─── 他将他的名字写在清单上。

33、He called off a list of names to find out whether any of us had been left out. ─── 他读了一下名单,看看我们中间是否有人被遗漏了。

34、A finite list of choices; our finite fossil fuel reserves. ─── 为数有限的选择; 我们有限的矿物燃料贮量

35、He stopped me being entered by simply putting a pencil through my name on the list. ─── 他只是在名单上用铅笔将我的名字一划,便阻止了我加入进来。

36、His name was scratched from the list. ─── 他的名字被从名单上划掉了。

37、Rattle He rattled through the list of names. ─── 他口中象爆豆一般念那名单。

38、He was scratched out of the list. ─── 他的名字给从名单上划掉了。

39、He added up the list of figures and ruled it off neatly. ─── 他将那一栏数字加起来,之后很整洁地在下面划了一条直线。

40、Leaving his name off the list was a bad slip-up. ─── 名单上没有他的名字是个严重的疏忽。

41、The Mayo brothers came out to visit Lister in Europe. ─── Mayo兄弟去欧洲拜访了Lister

42、A list of railroad cars according to owner and location. ─── 列车编组顺序单有关列车车厢的以货主和地点为顺序而编排的清单

43、He ran through the names on the list. ─── 他把名单匆匆地看了一遍。

44、They struck out [off] the name from the list. ─── 他们把这个名字从名单出划掉了。

45、Housework is low on her list of priorities. ─── 在她那些非做不可的事情中,家务活并不重要。

46、The list of names is more or less complete. ─── 名单上的人差不多齐了。

47、Lister SOHO has 63 apartments varying from77 to 200 m2. ─── 另有大小型会议室可满足各种不同的需求。

48、The doctor tossed off a list of medical items. ─── 医生说出了药品的清单。

49、For equity investors, it will be there, but at what cost? ─── 对股票投资者而言,也会有支持,但他们要为此付出多大代价呢?

50、Can you give me a price list with specification? ─── 你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?

51、A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations. ─── 一览表名单或逐条列记的陈列,如题目、课程或者供展览或出售的物品,通常包括描述性的信息或插图

52、He glanced his eye down the list of the books. ─── 他浏览一下书的一览表。

53、He ticked off some items on the list. ─── 他在表上标出几个项目。

54、Disney's preview material on the game paints a dark yet familiar picture of a b-lister. ─── 迪士尼的游戏预告片段描绘了一幅黑暗却又熟悉的二线明星画面。

55、The price list will be made out by evening, will not it? ─── 价格单要到晚上才能制定好,是吧?

56、A compiled list of the contents of two or more tape libraries. ─── 包括两个或多个磁带程序库的一种汇编目录

57、He ran through his own name on the list. ─── 他把名单上自己的名字划掉了。

58、An explanatory table or list of the symbols appearing on a map or chart. ─── 图例对出现在地图上或图表中的有关符号进行解释的一览表或清单

59、Can you run up this list of figures for me? ─── 你能很快地把这一组数字给我加起来吗?

60、Can you give me a price list with specification ? ─── 你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?

61、But his best line is, in this lister's opinion, when he orders food, definitely to go, at a diner. ─── 但依我看,最好的台词还不是上面这些,而是布福德在餐馆订餐准备带走的时候,他说

62、His name was deleted from the list of candidates. ─── 他的名字被从候选人的名单上除去。

63、He tried to find in the list his own name. ─── 他试图在名单上找到自己的名字。

64、In reply to your inquiry, we have sent you our latest price list. ─── 为答复你方的询价,我们寄去了最新的价格单。

65、His name is the sixteenth on the list. ─── 他的名字在名单上排第十六名。

66、He paid only a quarter of the list price. ─── 他只付了四分之一价目表的定价。

67、To list or include in a catalog. ─── 列入列入或包含在一个册子里

68、His name heads the list for the candidates. ─── 他是候选人名单上的第一名。

69、Here's a kind of list attached, but I can not make out how on earth you have come to this amount. ─── 上面附有目录,我不知道你们到底是怎样得出那笔数字的。

70、Lister told police his marriage had been "loveless" and that his relationship with the girl was "a mutual thing". ─── 利斯特于今年1月被捕,因为这场师生恋,他已失去了自己的工作。

71、They redlined some items on the purchasing list. ─── 他们勾销了采购单上的一些项目。

72、But even if the character is not the best president, we still have to appreciate that Lister is a giant, no-nonsense man. ─── 即使这个人物品质不算是最好的总统,我们仍然不得不去欣赏里斯特是个高大,从不胡诌的男人。

73、Your name comes after mine on the list. ─── 在名单上你的名字在我的名字之後。

74、His name is on our mailing list. ─── 他的名字在我们的通讯录中。

75、The last item on the list is added in pencil. ─── 单子上的最后一项是用铅笔加上去的。

76、As she set sail, Lister said she was feeling confident . ─── 当出发那天,李斯特说,她很有信心。

77、Your name comes after mine in the list. ─── 在名单上你的名字在我的后面。

78、The thirtieth on the list is a young man. ─── 名单上第三十个人是个年轻人。

79、His name is expunged from the list. ─── 他的名字从名单中被除掉了。

80、Lister was arrested when his wife Clare, 35, went to the police after the victim's mother found a letter in her daughter's bedroom. ─── 但后来女生的母亲发现了一封信,这场师生恋终于东窗事发。最后,利斯特的妻子、35岁的克莱尔-马修斯报了警。

81、Why have their names been erased from the list? ─── 为什么他们的名字从名单中删去了?

82、Hilary Lister, 37, was applauded as she sailed into Dover harbour, in her home county of Kent. ─── 希拉里利斯特,37岁,她鼓掌驶入多佛尔港的肯特在她家县。

83、We enclose a list showing our present availability. ─── 兹附上我方现时可以供应的货单一张。

84、A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill. ─── 发货清单; 发票关于发送的货物或提供的服务的一份详细的清单,带有所有费用的记录; 逐项列出的票单

85、Your name comes before mine on the list. ─── 名单上你的名字在我之前。

86、He rattled through the list of names. ─── 他口中像爆豆一般念那名单。

87、We did not find the name in the list. ─── 名单上未见其名。

88、Since different people like to do different things, we would make a long list of hobbies, taking in everything from collecting match boxes to learning about the stars. ─── 因为不同人喜欢做不同的事情,我们能列出一张长长的业余爱好单子,从收集火柴盒到研究星星,无所不包。

89、An official list or catalog of religious martyrs, especially of Christian martyrs. ─── 天主教殉教者名册一个官方清单或殉教者的目录,尤指信奉基督教的殉道者

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