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09-18 投稿


imperiously 发音

英:[ɪmˈpɪriəsli]  美:[ɪmˈpɪəriəsli]

英:  美:

imperiously 中文意思翻译



imperiously 词性/词形变化,imperiously变形

副词: imperiously |名词: imperiousness |

imperiously 相似词语短语

1、impetuously ─── adv.性急地,激烈地

2、incuriously ─── 无好奇心地;不关心地

3、imperious ─── adj.专横的;迫切的;傲慢的

4、impervious ─── adj.不受影响的,无动于衷的;不能渗透的

5、ingeniously ─── adv.贤明地;有才能地

6、impecuniously ─── 无能的

7、imperviously ─── adv.透不过地

8、imperially ─── adv.帝王般地;威严地;帝国地

9、impiously ─── adv.不信神地;不虔诚地

imperiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Inwardly sighing with relief, Trinket put away his dagger and seated himself imperiously on the bed. ─── 直到此刻,韦小宝才嘘了口气,放开匕首,大模大样的在床沿坐了下来。

2、Imperiously he leaps, he neighs, he bounds, ─── 傲慢地跃起,他跑跳嘶鸣,

3、adv: The envoys were dismissed imperiously. ─── 傲慢地令各国使者散去.

4、His steadfast gaze engages the viewer directly but imperiously, his lips pursed, imposing and aloof. ─── 画中的毛泽东严肃地注视观者,嘴脣缩拢,庄严且冷漠。

5、all of this make cities imperiously to adopt and apply the thinking , theory and methodology of marketing. ─── 这两方面的力量使得城市迫切需要吸纳和采用营销思想、理论与方法。

6、Meanwhile, the wafts from his old Home pleaded, whispered, conjured, and finally claimed him imperiously. ─── 但同时,从他的老家发出的信息在乞求,在低声哺哺,在对他施放魔力,最后竟专横地勒令他绝对服从。

7、That slumber in that isolation, and with a neighbor like himself, had about it something sublime, of which he was vaguely but imperiously conscious ─── 他孤零零独自一人,却酣然睡在那样一个陌生人的旁边,他那种卓绝的心怀冉阿让多少也感觉到了,不过他不为所动。

8、He waved me back imperiously with his hand. ─── 他断然地挥挥手制止了我。

9、Undaunted, he submitted a series of 40 demands to the prime minister, imperiously giving the prime minister two weeks to respond. ─── 无畏的巴特拉伊向首相提出了40点要求,并狂妄地要求首相两周内给予答复。

10、Along with the increase of incidence rate of senile dementia, the therapeutic tool that aimed directly at etiological factor were needed imperiously. ─── 摘要随着近年来老年性痴呆的发病率日益增加,迫切需要针对其病因产生有效的治疗手段。

11、But there was also another duty which bound him and impelled him imperiously in the opposite direction. ─── 但是另外还有一种任务束缚他并极力推他前进。

12、In him again, imperiously, was the desire to talk, to tell; his hands were lifted in mid-air. ─── 他心中重新燃起那个迫切的欲望,想要谈话,想要倾诉;他的两只手举到半空中。

13、The establishment and perfection of the imperi al examination system in the Tang Dynasty were the inevitable outcome of the high development of the feu dalistic economy. ─── 唐代科举制度的确立与完善,是封建地主经济高度发展的必然结果;

14、Perhaps some people will argue irrationally and imperiously: the nature of Canada is to believe in freedom.Why we have to believe in “the common value and country”? ─── 也许有人会强词夺理、喧宾夺主地说,加拿大的本质是信仰自由,非要信仰“同一价值观、同一国家”,其理何在?

15、he had recovered himself and beckoned imperiously to Dickon. ─── 他恢复了镇静,急切地向狄肯示意。

16、The brain, the king of organs, imperiously commands the whole army of muscles. ─── 大脑,我们的器官之王,傲然地指挥着整个肌肉大军。

17、But there was also another duty which bound him and impelled him imperiously in the opposite direction. ─── 但是另外还有一种任务束缚他并极力推他前进。

18、Wuhan Steels Group imperiously demand to reduce thefreight of import iron ore to lower costs of steels and improve market competition ability. ─── 作为航运需求方,武钢为降低钢铁生产成本,提高市场竞争能力,迫切要求降低进口铁矿石运输的费用。

19、'Get it now,' she demanded imperiously. ─── “现在就给我拿来。”她蛮横地要求。

20、Imperiously she beckoned me out of the room. ─── 她傲慢地挥手把我赶出了房间。

21、The demon master rose imperiously and hovered in the air.He had pale red skin, dark red eyes, eight arms, no legs, and a hole where his heart should be. ─── 那个魔主有著有著疙疙瘩瘩的红皮肤,红眼睛,八只手,没有脚,左胸心脏的位置上有个参差不齐的裂口。

22、It is important to resolve and answer imperiously how to understand the importance of the station and value of philosophy under the social market economy. ─── 在当前社会主义市场经济条件下如何正确地认识哲学社会科学的地位和价值,是迫切需要予以回答和解决的重要问题。

23、The door opened slightly and Dr. Meade stood on the threshold, beckoning imperiously . ─── 门稍稍开了,米德大夫站在门口急平地招呼她。

24、He waved me back imperiously with his hand. ─── 他断然地挥挥手制止了我。

25、51. The public will agree with us that some inquiry is imperiously demanded." ─── 进行点调查势在必行,相信公众会同意我们的看法。”

26、now,' she demanded imperiously. ─── 现在就给我拿来。”她蛮横地要求。

27、Equally maddening was that several times when Mace imperiously demanded extra data, it developed that what was being sought was already in the original submission. ─── 同样使人恼火的是,好几次梅斯专横地要求补充材料,而那些材料一开始就送给他了。

28、She turned on a high heel and walked imperiously back into her office. She'd never seemed further away from me than that moment.,altogether out of reach. ─── 她踩著高跟鞋,不再理我,转身走回她自己办公室。在那一刻,我感到从所未有的疏远,我已经得不到她了。

29、He had succeeded his mother Cosima, who had imperiously imposed herself as director after Wagner's death in 1883. ─── 齐格弗里德其次,然后是沃尔夫冈。

30、In him again, imperiously, was the desire to talk, to tell; his hands were lifted in mid-air. ─── 他心中重新燃起那个迫切的欲望,想要谈话,想要倾诉;他的两只手举到半空中。

31、In him again, imperiously, was the desire to talk, to tell; his hands were lifted in mid-air ─── 他心中重新燃起那个迫切的欲望,想要谈话,想要倾诉;他的两只手举到半空中。

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