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09-18 投稿


landslip 发音

英:['læn(d)slɪp]  美:['lænd'slɪp]

英:  美:

landslip 中文意思翻译



landslip 网络释义

n. 塌方;压倒性胜利

landslip 词性/词形变化,landslip变形

名词复数: landsleit |

landslip 相似词语短语

1、landskip ─── n.陆上景色;山水(等于landscape)

2、landslides ─── n.[地质]滑坡;[地质]山崩(landslide的复数);v.在竞选中以压倒优胜获胜;发生山崩(landslide的三单形式)

3、landslips ─── n.塌方;压倒性胜利

4、antislip ─── adj.防滑的

5、landscape ─── n.风景;风景画;景色;山水画;乡村风景画;地形;(文件的)横向打印格式;vt.对…做景观美化,给…做园林美化;从事庭园设计;vi.美化(环境等),使景色宜人;从事景观美化工作,做庭园设计师

6、landslide ─── n.[地质]山崩;大胜利;vi.发生山崩;以压倒优势获胜

7、land line ─── n.[电]陆上线路;陆线

8、landsleit ─── 国家

9、lands up ─── 到达终点;最终成为;使淤塞

landslip 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analysis and Contermeasures of Landslip of Branch Heading Happened in No.2 Tunnel on the Road of Connection Works, YRDP ─── 引黄联接段公路2号隧道错车道塌方原因分析及处理方法

2、The nonlinear kinetic characters of landslip action are complex, exoteric and dissipated. ─── 摘要滑坡行为表现为复杂的、开放的和耗散的非线性动力学演化特徵。

3、The application research of GPS height difference in landslip monitoring[J].Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping,2005,(1):39-41. ─── GPS高差在滑坡监测中的应用研究[J].测绘通报,2005,(1):39-41.

4、Application of Sodium Silicate and Cement Grouting in Pipe Shield Support for Tunnel Landslip Treatment ─── 管棚双液注浆在隧道坍方处理中的应用

5、70 automatic reporting rain-gauges provides real-time information on rain distribution and intensity over Hong Kong for the operation of rainstorm, flood and landslip warnings. ─── 由约70部自动报告雨量器组成的密集网络,能即时提供香港境内的雨量分布和雨势资料,以便发出暴雨、水浸和山泥倾泻警告。

6、landslip characteristic ─── 滑坡特征


8、To carry out landslip preventive measures for government slopes at Northern New Territories involving earthworks within country parks and conservation areas. ─── 在新界北的政府斜坡上进行防止山泥倾泻工程,涉及在郊野公园及自然保育区内之土木工事。

9、And the reasons and courses of landslip were analyzed through the pile shape, pile height, and surrounding condition. ─── 从料堆的形状、堆积方式,堆积高度及四周环境等方面,分析了料堆塌方原因和过程。

10、The preliminary conclusions are that the rift valley and landslip of Xionger mountain are the results of the 8(1/2) Tancheng earthquake in 1668 and they are the typical earthquake disaster relic. ─── 初步认为,熊耳山裂谷及崩塌是1668年郯城八又二分之一级地震的产物,属典型的地震灾害遗迹。

11、Like all forecasts, a Landslip Warning represents an assessment of the weather based on the latest information available at the time. ─── 山泥倾泻警告犹如其他天气预报一样,是根据最新资料而判断出最有可能出现的天气状况。

12、Research on Landslip of Qingshuiwan Villa Area in Huamen of Hangzhou City ─── 杭州华门清水湾别墅区滑坡研究

13、A store selling tobacco products advertises: "An Excellent Winding Smoke."On the floor at Beijing's Capital Airport, a sign reads: "Careful Landslip Attention Security. ─── 一位中国政府官员宣称中国政府已经在星期五,在第一时间过问此事。

14、The landslip warning messages have been amplified by frequent TV broadcasting of two new announcements of public interest. ─── 此外,电视台也经常播放两段新制作的宣传短片,藉此加强宣传山泥倾泻警告的信息。

15、landslip treatment ─── 塌方处理

16、The displacement of two tunnels' vault rock mass and the plastic strain of the right tunnel's left spandrel rock mass are very big, which may cause the landslip or destruction of tunnel. ─── 两主洞拱顶及右洞左拱肩位置的围岩出现了较大的位移或应变而有可能引起隧道塌方或破坏;

17、Low-lying lands, steep slops, lands where landslip is likely to occur, and other environment-sensitive lands shall be avoided. ─── 九、避免低洼地、陡坡、易崩塌地或其他环境敏感地。

18、This formula is used to predict and simulate the space of many loss landslip. ─── 应用此公式对多个大中型黄土滑坡进行了空间预报和模拟反演。

19、Landslip on river banks ─── 河道崩岸

20、In February 2007 it suffered a huge landslip, described as the length of 'two double-decker buses'. ─── 在2007年2月,崖壁出现了大面积的塌陷,边缘推后的长度相当于“两辆公车收尾相接”。

21、landslip area ─── 滑坡区

22、landslide (landslip) ─── 山泥倾泻, 山崩

23、Treatment and Causes of Massif Landslip Group in Mine 711 ─── 711矿山体滑坡群的成因及治理措施

24、The Application Research of GPS Height Difference in Landslip Monitoring ─── gps高差在滑坡监测中的应用研究

25、Causes and Prevention against Embankment Landslip ─── 路基滑坡的原因及其防治

26、The Landslip Warning, on the other hand, was cancelled at 00:30 HKT the next day. ─── 而山泥倾泻警告则维持至翌日凌晨12时30分。

27、ancient landslip objects ─── 古滑坡体

28、A landslip cut the cattle off from the paths before them. ─── 一场山崩阻断了牛群的去路。

29、landslip around reservoirs ─── 地质灾害

30、The Landslip Warning was issued shortly after (at 18 HKT), as most places in Hong Kong generally recorded more than 150 mm of rain in 24 hours' time, which may increase the risk of landslide. ─── 由于本港多处于24小时内落下超过150毫米的大雨,天文台于5分钟后发出山泥倾泻警告,提醒市民远离不稳定的山坡。

31、landslip analysis ─── 塌方分析

32、Keywords magnetite concentrate;pile landslip;reason;pile build up; ─── 磁选精矿;料堆塌方;原因;堆料方式;

33、The principal factors influencing the motion characteristics ofalong-bedding landslip and its deformation energy are investigatedby means of small-scale indoor simulation tests. ─── 本文通过室内小型模拟试验,对岩质顺层滑坡运动特征的主要影响因素及滑坡变形能进行了研究,并从理论上推导了顺层滑坡的运动方程。

34、Emergency action was taken by contractors in response to 10 reports on landslip incidents. ─── 此外,承建商也因应十宗山泥倾泻报告,采取紧急行动。

35、Special experiments were designed to analyze the variation of headcut and bank landslip in rill evolution process on loess slope. ─── 摘要利用实验中降雨前后坡面的地形变化计算了细沟发育过程中溯源侵蚀和沟壁崩塌的产沙量。

36、Landslip landscape ─── 山崩地貌景观

37、And the reasons and courses of landslip were analyzed through the pile shape, pile height, and surrounding condition. ─── 从料堆的形状、堆积方式,堆积高度及四周环境等方面,分析了料堆塌方原因和过程。

38、The influence of surrounding ervironmental factors on landslip is distinct.The application of nonlinear theory-ANN in the displacement predication of landslip is presented. ─── 各种环境量因素对滑坡体的性态变化影响很大,初步探讨了非线性理论人工神经网络方法在茅坪滑坡位移预测中的应用。

39、In terms of slope safety messages, 87% were aware of the hoisting of landslip warnings during heavy rain falls. ─── 斜坡安全信息方面,则有八成七的被访者知道政府于暴雨期间发出山泥倾泻警报信号。

40、The Amber, Red and Black Rainstorm Warning Signal were issued at 4.40 p.m., 5.10 p.m. and 7.15 p.m. on that day respectively, while the Landslip Warning was issued at 7.10 p.m. the same day. ─── 天文台在当日下午4时40分、下午5时10分及下午7时15分分别发出黄色、红色及黑色暴雨警告信号,并于下午7时10分发出山泥倾泻警告。

41、massif landslip ─── 山体滑坡

42、Landslip and Flood Warnings were also issued on two and eight occasions respectively. ─── 此外,天文台在月内共发出两次山泥倾泻警告和8次水浸警告。

43、Main geology environmental issues include slope unstableness, geologic and physics influence of landslip, collapse, and debris-flow. ─── 主要地质环境问题集中表现在斜坡稳定性差及滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等物理地质作用明显。

44、The main kinds of hazards of road in Beijing mountain area are landslip, collapse, debris flow, karst and surface subsidence. ─── 北京山区公路所遭受的地质灾害主要有滑坡、滑(崩)塌、泥石流、岩溶、采空地面塌陷等。

45、Analyses on Spatial-Timporal Characteristics of Mud-Rock Flow and Landslip in Sichuan Basin and Its Meteorological Cause ─── 四川盆地泥石流、滑坡的时空分布特征及其气象成因分析

46、Geological Characteristics and Stability Evaluation for Zhanjiawan Landslip ─── 詹家湾滑坡地质特征及其稳定性分析评价

47、Accelerated Landslip Preventive Measures Project ─── 加速防止山泥倾泻计划

48、After the landslip of Xiong cun, Ni guan, Zhu cun , Zhu jiaoling and so on are explored, the effective scheme of prevention and harness will be provided. ─── 同时对雄村、尼姑庵、朱村、竹岭脚等处的滑坡需要进行勘察后,再提出有效的防治方案。

49、Renovation to Bedding Fault Landslip on Tan-Shao Expressway ─── 潭邵高速公路顺层滑坡整治

50、After No 145 military hospital became a station tropps from a central hospital, its landslip in the construction occurred. ─── 第145医院由中心医院调整为驻军医院后,医院建设曾一度滑坡。

51、Cause Analyses of and Controlling Measures to Landslip Occurred in Arterial Highway Tonghai-Jianshui of Yunnan ─── 云南通海-建水一级公路滑坡原因分析及防治措施

52、To carry out within the conservation area landslip preventive works which include earthworks for slopes. ─── 自然保育区内进行防止山泥倾泻工程,包括土木工事。

53、The Methods of Constructing Slide-resistant Piles in Prevention of Baihuyan Landslip in Sinan County, Guizhou ─── 贵州省思南县白虎岩滑坡防治工程抗滑桩施工方法

54、Analysis and Reinforcing Disposal About Contributing Factors of Embankment Landslip ─── 东关联安围土堤滑坡成因分析与加固措施

55、When the Landslip Warning is in force , you should cancel non- essential appointments , stay at home or in a safe shelter . ─── 当山泥倾泻警告生效时,市民应取消不必要的约会,留在家中或其他安全地方。

56、a landslide; a landslip; a slip of earth ─── 山崩

57、Construction Technique for the Landslip Treatment of the Underpath Tunnel on the Soft Fluid-plastic Stratum ─── 软流塑地层地铁隧道塌方处理施工技术

58、Discussion on Classification of Terrene Landslip in Fujian Province ─── 福建省土质滑坡分类探讨

59、Earthquake landslip ─── 地晨滑坡

60、7. The emergency system for providing professional assistance in landslip incidents has been upgraded through improvements in communications and transport. ─── 此外,在通讯和交通安排方面也作出了改善,以便在山泥倾泻事件发生时,提供紧急的专业协助。收藏指正

61、Once the Landslip Warning is issued, temporary shelters will be provided by the Home Affairs Department. ─── 在山泥倾泻警告发出后,民政事务总署将开放临时庇护站。

62、The emergency system for providing professional assistance in landslip incidents has been upgraded through improvements in communications and transport. ─── 此外,在通讯和交通安排方面也作出了改善,以便在山泥倾泻事件发生时,提供紧急的专业协助。

63、landslip govern ─── 滑坡治理

64、Based on the application of the system to Manwan dam and landslip deformation monitoring, monitoring results are analyzed and some beneficial conclusions are given, according to some monitoring data. ─── 然后结合该系统在云南漫湾电厂大坝监测和滑坡监测中的应用情况,利用一部分监测数据,对系统的监测成果进行了分析和研究,最后得出了有益的结论。

65、Chemical waste producer registration for landslip preventive maintenance contract ─── 斜坡维修保养工程的化学废物生产者登记

66、Landslip Mechanism and Methods of Comprehensively Bring Under Control in Northwest Side of West Opencut Coal Mine ─── 西露天矿西北帮滑坡机制研究及综合治理措施

67、To carry out landslip preventive works including earthworks for a slope within country park ─── 于郊野公园内进行包括土木工事的斜坡维修工程

68、To carry out landslip preventive works which include earthworks for slopes within country park. ─── 在郊野公园内进行防止山泥倾泻工程

69、To carry out landslip preventive works which include earthworks for slopes within country park. ─── 在郊野公园内进行防止山泥倾泻工程,包括土木工事。

70、landslip remedial works ─── 山泥倾泻补救工程

71、Application of Micro-piles in Control of Bank Caves due to Landslip of Loess Slope in Three Gorge Reservoir Area ─── 微型桩在三峡库区黄土坡滑坡区塌岸防治工程中的应用

72、The site investigation reveals that the whole scenery area is a rarely ancient base-rock landslip with its noticeable features of forms. ─── 实地调查发现,整个景区是一座罕见的基岩古滑坡,具有滑坡地貌可观察的景观形态特征。

73、When the Landslip Warning is in force, you should cancel non-essential appointments, stay at home or in a safe shelter. ─── 当山泥倾泻警告生效时,市民应取消不必要的约会,留在家中或其他安全地方。

74、Landslip Treatment of the Highly Stress Released Rock Mass on the Left Bank of the Concrete-faced rockfill Dam of the Sinanjiang River ─── 泗南江水电站面板坝左岸强卸荷岩体塌滑处理

75、highway landslip ─── 公路滑坡

76、To carry out landslip hazard mitigation works which include earthworks and maintenance access at natural hillslopes within country park. ─── 在郊野公园内的天然山坡进行灾害防护工程,包括土木工事和维修通道。

77、The components of Rhododendron community changed significantly and it changed severely in the landslip area and the dominant is replaced by Calagana. jubata Rhododendron and moss were influenced intensely by disturbing. ─── 砍伐后第1年内群落的植被成分无明显变化,但自然滑坡地段的植被成分变化明显,植物种类由18种变为10种,优势种变为鬼箭锦鸡儿,对杜鹃和苔藓影响较大。

78、Application of Geographic Information System in Landslip Forecast ─── 地理信息系统在滑坡预测预报中的应用

79、Heavy rain occurred on May 8, necessitating the issuance of the first Rainstorm Red Warning and Landslip Warning in the year. ─── 五月八日香港出现暴雨,天文台在当日发出了本年首次的红色暴雨警告和山泥倾泻警告。

80、Ancient landslip ─── 古滑坡

81、In terms of slope safety messages, 87% were aware of the hoisting of landslip warnings during heavy rainfalls. ─── 斜坡安全信息方面,则有八成七的被访者知道政府于暴雨期间发出山泥倾泻警报信号。

82、The nonlinear kinetic characters of landslip action are complex,exoteric and dissipated. ─── 滑坡行为表现为复杂的、开放的和耗散的非线性动力学演化特征。

83、The landslip above mined-out area is a rock-moving type in underground mining. ─── 采空区上覆山体的滑坡是地下开采过程中又一种岩石移动类型。

84、Firemen discovered the body of a man in his 40s buried beneath a landslip at Fu Yung Shan in Tsuen Wan. ─── 消防员在荃湾芙蓉山山泥倾泻现场发现一具四十多岁男子尸体。

85、The control of geotechnical aspects of construction works and upgrading of substandard slopes to reduce landslip risk, continue to be its main duties. ─── 该处的主要任务,是改善不合标准的斜坡和对建筑工程实施岩土方面的管制,以减低山泥倾泻的危险。

86、canal landslip ─── 渠道滑坡

87、To carry out within the conservation area landslip preventive works which include earthworks for slopes . ─── 自然保育区内进行防止山泥倾泻工程,包括土木工事。

88、This formula is used to predict and simulate the space of many loss landslip. ─── 应用此公式对多个大中型黄土滑坡进行了空间预报和模拟反演。

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