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09-19 投稿


larceny 发音

英:[ˈlɑːrsəni]  美:[ˈlɑːsəni]

英:  美:

larceny 中文意思翻译



larceny 反义词


larceny 短语词组

1、larceny of public property ─── [法] 盗窃公共财产罪

2、compound larceny ─── [法] 加重盗窃罪

3、grand and petty larceny ─── [法] 重大盗窃及轻微盗窃罪

4、petty larceny ─── [法] 轻盗窃罪

5、mixed larceny ─── [法] 混合窃盗罪

6、compound or aggravated larceny ─── [法] 加重盗窃罪

7、theft of larceny ─── [法] 盗窃罪

8、larceny suspect ─── [法] 盗窃嫌疑犯

9、ordinary larceny ─── [法] 普通盗窃

10、larceny by trick ─── [法] 玩弄诡计而非法侵占他人财产

11、solicitation to larceny ─── [法] 诱使他人为盗

12、grand larceny ─── [法] 重大窃盗罪, 大窃盗犯

13、aggravated larceny ─── [法] 加重窃盗罪

14、larceny from the person ─── 从人身上窃取财产

15、petit larceny ─── [法] 轻盗窃罪

16、electric larceny ─── [法] 窃电

17、constructive larceny ─── [法] 推定盗窃罪

18、felonions larceny ─── [法] 重大窃盗罪

19、simple larceny ─── [法] 单纯的盗窃罪

larceny 同义词


larceny 词性/词形变化,larceny变形


larceny 相似词语短语

1、larcenies ─── n.盗窃;盗窃罪

2、largens ─── v.扩大

3、larchen ─── adj.落叶松的

4、largen ─── v.扩大

5、larcener ─── n.[法]盗窃犯

6、larceners ─── n.[法]盗窃犯

7、largely ─── adv.主要地;大部分;大量地

8、larney ─── adj.很高档的

9、coparceny ─── 科帕切尼

larceny 习惯用语

1、petty larceny ─── 【律】轻盗窃罪

2、petit larceny ─── 【律】轻盗窃罪

larceny 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your friend belongs to the accomplice of larceny. ─── 你朋友属于盗窃罪的共犯。

2、special cases of larceny ─── 特殊盗窃案件

3、Auto theft, burglary, larceny, etc. ─── 偷汽车、入室盗窃、偷盗等。

4、There is a good deal of staff larceny which is siphoning off revenue ─── 有大量的职工贪污盗窃,把收入都吸干了。

5、10.He was thrown out trying to steal second; his head was full of larceny but his feet were honest. ─── 他企图偷第二次而被轰出去了;他一脑子偷窃,那两条腿可就老实了。

6、City People's Court in the town north of the view that Chen is due to the work of serious dereliction of duty that has caused this bank vault in the case of larceny occurred. ─── 据新华社沈阳9月29日消息,辽宁省北镇市某银行金库82万元巨款被盗,作案者竟是两名守库员中的一个。

7、He is throw out trying to steal second; his head be full of larceny but his feet be honest . ─── 他企图头第二次而被哄出去了;他一脑子偷窃,那两条腿可就老实了。

8、Case of Larceny Involving Tian Jiawei, Wang Guoci, Tang Wei and Gao Jing ─── 田嘉玮、王国赐、唐伟、高静盗窃案

9、He wanted to be accused of larceny, because he left comfortable in prison. ─── 他欲以盗窃罪被起诉,因监狱令他觉得舒适。

10、aggravated larceny ─── [法] 加重窃盗罪

11、electric larceny ─── [法] 窃电

12、If a user raises an objection against suspension of power supply by a power supplying enterprise for electric larceny, a complaint may be filed to a department of power administration. ─── 用户对供电企业以窃电为由中断供电有异议的,可以向电力行政管理部门投诉。

13、larceny suspect ─── 盗窃嫌疑犯

14、Larceny committed by insider ─── 内盗案件

15、Yeah, but I can catch him with his hand in the tell, and that's grand larceny, twenty-five yearstolife. ─── 是的,但我可以在他下手时抓住他。那可是巨额盗窃罪,至少判二十五年,还有可能终身监禁。

16、Larceny no longer exists in English law, has been replaced by the crime of theft ─── 在英国法中不再存在盗窃罪,现在被偷窃罪所取代

17、The criminal objects of larceny is a disputed question in a long period among native criminal theoretical fields. ─── 关于盗窃罪的犯罪对象,长期以来,是我国刑法理论界有争议的问题之一。

18、Doubts on the Objective Condition of the Traditional Larceny ─── 对传统盗窃罪客体要件的质疑

19、We consider the finitude between the larceny and the dualism of criminal law, and we also hope to pay attention to the developments and changes of the theory of the Criminal Law in network space. ─── 并从可罚到当罚、盗窃罪与其他犯罪界限的两个问题进行了思考,希望能借此管窥网络空间中刑法理论的发展与变革。

20、compound larceny ─── [法] 加重盗窃罪

21、The Secrets of Technique can't become the Object of Larceny ─── 技术秘密不能成为盗窃罪的对象

22、"Because of its behavior caused pecuniary loss finally, the procuratorate is sued with larceny is well-founded, this also was to pass measure. ─── “因为其行为最终造成了经济损失,检察院以盗窃罪起诉是有根据的,这也是经过了衡量。”

23、Yesterday learned, the Hongshan area court thought that poor was not the crime reason, condemned its set term of imprisonment 3 years legally by the larceny. ─── 庭审中董某流泪辩称,自己因家庭生活困难才这样做,现在非常后悔,请求法院给自己一个重新做人的机会,希望法院能够从轻判处其缓刑。

24、It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny ─── 它是构成普通法中的盗窃罪的必要条件。

25、Query on Judging Larceny According to Larcenous Amount ─── 对盗窃注重数额认定的质疑

26、theft of larceny ─── [法] 盗窃罪

27、On the Attack and Control of Larceny of Goods ─── 浅谈货盗犯罪的打击与控制

28、The collection of any taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to the public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny ─── 任何并非绝对必要,或者显然对公共福利并无助益的课税,只是一种合法化的窃盗行径。

29、larceny of property having a value greater than some amount (the amount varies by locale) ─── 盗窃数额超过一定数量的盗窃行为,数额依据现场不同而不同

30、He is still in prison for larceny. ─── 他因为盗窃罪,现在还在坐班房呢。

31、All sorts of signs indicated that this larceny possibly is in the thief behavior. ─── 种种迹象表明,这次偷窃可能是内贼所为。

32、shunt current electric larceny ─── 分流窃电

33、Research on the Demarcation Line between Picking up the Lost Articles and Larceny ─── 拾得遗失物与盗窃罪界限研究

34、common-law larceny ─── 普通法上的盗窃罪

35、Computers have been used for most kinds of crime, including fraud theft, larceny, embezzlement, burglary, sabotage, murder and forgery, since the first cases were reported in 1985. ─── 是考生应具备的技能之一。(今后笔者会有一篇文章专门介绍这个问题)。这里先举一个简单的例子。

36、He is thrown out trying to steal second; his head is full of larceny but his feet are honest . ─── 他企图偷第二次而被哄出去了;他一脑子偷窃,那两条腿可就老实了。

37、After another pause, "It's larceny." ─── 又一段沉默后,“你这是盗窃。”

38、Guilty of or given to larceny. ─── 犯偷窃罪的;沉溺于盗窃的

39、You're looking at grand larceny and obtaining property under false pretenses. ─── 你将会被控大宗盗窃 以及伪造文件侵占财产

40、he is thrown out trying to steal second; his head is full of larceny but his feet are honest ─── 他企图偷第二次,却被哄出去了;他一脑子偷窃,那两条腿可就老实了

41、constructive larceny ─── [法] 推定盗窃罪

42、While many indoor theft, it is very difficult to criminate those of larceny according to the above standard. ─── 但很多入户盗窃行为,仅以以上标准难以对其进行定罪处罚。

43、Legislation Thought of Increasing to Establish Act of Larceny in Unit ─── 增设单位盗窃罪的立法思考

44、Haggerman now faces two to 20 years in prison on grand larceny charges. ─── 哈格曼因重大盗窃罪现在面临2至20年的刑期。

45、petit larceny ─── n. 轻盗窃罪

46、Former it is blame of larcenous finance orgnaization, weigh more than general larceny measurement of penalty. ─── 前者是盗窃金融机构罪,比一般的盗窃罪量刑重得多。

47、felonions larceny ─── [法] 重大窃盗罪

48、It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny. ─── 它是构成普通法中的盗窃罪的必要条件。

49、petty larceny ─── n. [律]轻盗窃罪

50、But this kind of theft is in maintain it is difficult to go up to have very much, usually, do not go up quite larceny, calculate at most undeserved benefit. ─── 但是这种盗窃在认定上很有困难,一般情况下,够不上盗窃罪,最多算不当得利。

51、Larceny no longer exist in english law, have is replace by the crime of theft. ─── 在英国法中不再存在盗窃罪,现在被偷窃罪所取代。

52、Attack Electric Larceny According to the Law to Reorganize and Normalize the Order of Power Supply and Utilization Market ─── 依法打击窃电整顿和规范供用电市场秩序

53、"This adjudicative court basically is maintain with what larceny undertakes, because this term of imprisonment is compared,grow. ─── “此次判决法院主要是以盗窃罪进行的认定,因此刑期比较长。”

54、commit larceny ─── 犯偷盗罪

55、However a charge of larceny, rather than armed robbery, will probably only keep him in jail for one year at the most. ─── 然而韦罗内被控犯有盗窃罪,而不是持械抢劫,可能最多只能在监狱里待一年时间。

56、you over been arrested for larceny? ─── 你有偷盗被捕的经历吗?

57、First he established the fact that Whittet had been convicted of grand larceny . ─── 他先确定一项事实:惠德特曾犯过大盗窃罪被定罪。

58、If it is nece ary, the power co umption i ector may collect the related evidence according to law by videotaping, taking photos, keeping the device of electric larceny on the scene, etc. ─── 必要时,用电检查人员可以依法采用录像、摄影、现场保存窃电装置等方式收集有关证据。

59、he was arrested on a charge of larceny. ─── 他因盗窃指控而被捕。

60、The man was put in jail for grand larceny. ─── 那人因重大盗窃案而被监禁。

61、Doubts on the Criterion of Establishment of the prevailing criminal case of larceny ─── 关于对现行盗窃刑事案件立案标准的质疑

62、mixed larceny ─── [法] 混合窃盗罪

63、Tweed unsuccessfully attempted to bribe both Nast and Jones to leave him alone, but on November 19, 1873, Tweed was tried and convicted on charges of forgery and larceny. ─── 特威德本来想要用金钱贿赂奈斯特与琼斯,希望他们不要再穷追猛打,但是失败。后来特威德在1873年的11月19日被控犯下伪造文书与窃盗罪。

64、ordinary larceny ─── [法] 普通盗窃

65、larceny of property having a value less than some amount (the amount varies by locale) ─── 盗窃数额少于一定数量的盗窃行为,数额依据现场不同而不同

66、grand and petty larceny ─── [法] 重大盗窃及轻微盗窃罪

67、The punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person. ─── 惩罚完全在以后也有偷窃行为,但是在大米的慈善的主教悲伤的影响,转化是流的一个自己举止人。

68、That is to say, if pass what the network carries out theft, although do not have the home that enters the injured party, also do not affect room larceny hold water. ─── 也就是说,如果通过网络实施盗窃的,即使没有进入被害人的家,也不影响入室盗窃罪的成立。

69、From slightly exercises the larceny ability which from Far East"s orphan Templer flies up to the eaves and walls. ─── 来自远东的孤儿坦普勒自小练就飞檐走壁的偷窃本领。

70、Have you over been arrested for larceny? ─── 你有偷盗被捕的经历吗?

71、larceny after trust rather than after unlawful taking. ─── 基于信任的非法占有。

72、larceny act ─── 盗窃条例

73、Unfortunately, the all-pervading phenomenon of electric larceny seriously obstructed the normal development of arisen enterprise. ─── 不幸的是,普遍存在的窃电现象严重阻碍了新兴事业的正常发展。

74、larceny by trick ─── [法] 玩弄诡计而非法侵占他人财产

75、With a potential larceny conviction hanging over my head, I looked for a teaching job. ─── 我的头脑里徘徊着潜在的盗窃罪名,我寻找一份教学工作。

76、The day before yesterday, ran away more than one year of Tian, is sent under escort finally Rui'an, he confessed fully to his larceny behavior. ─── 前天,逃窜一年多的田某,终于被押解回瑞安了,他对自己的偷窃行为供认不讳。

77、larceny of public property ─── [法] 盗窃公共财产罪

78、simple larceny ─── [法] 单纯的盗窃罪

79、Application of electricity larceny preventing technology ─── 反窃电技术的应用

80、However adroit in financial larceny, he was an amateur in more rudimentary forms of crime. ─── 尽管克鲁格精通于金融盗窃,但他对早期的诈骗犯罪形式却知之甚少。

81、The second paragraph of Article 31, which reads: "those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny", is deleted. ─── 将第三十一条第二款“私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的,以盗窃论处”删去。

82、2、He wanted to be accused of larceny, because he felt comfortable in prison . ─── 他想被控为盗窃犯,因为他觉得监狱里很舒服.

83、larceny case of criminals on the run ─── 流窜盗窃

84、He wanted to be accused of larceny, because he felt comfortable in prison. ─── 他应该被指控为盗窃罪,他会在监狱里觉得舒服的。

85、Hae you oer been arrested for larceny? ─── 你有偷盗被捕的经历吗?

86、1.It provides the solution using two ADE7755 chips to realize defensing electric larceny for the single-phase watt-hour meter and other measures to defense electric larceny. ─── 为实现单相电能表的防窃电功能,提出了用两块ADE7755计量芯片的解决方案及其他防窃电措施。

87、Discussion About Utilizing Power Load Management System to Realize Function of Preventing Electric Larceny ─── 探讨利用电力负荷管理系统实现防窃电功能

88、grand larceny ─── n. 大窃盗罪(指所窃财物超过一定价值的盗窃)

89、larceny from the person ─── 从人身上窃取财物

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