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09-19 投稿


ld 中文意思翻译



ld 短语词组

1、control ld ─── 控制ld

2、ld cad ld cad

3、h ld abbr. ─── 半致死药量(HalfLethalDose)

4、ld l abbr. ─── 低密度脂蛋白(LowDensityLipoprotein);基于逻辑的数据语言

5、Ld. abbr. (=Limited)(=Lord) ─── [网络] 有限的;半数致死量;路迪卡登

6、ld k ─── 江西赛维LDK高科技集团公司(LDKSolarCo.Ltd.)

7、f ld abbr. ─── 油气田(field);野外(field);液体的(fluid);流质(fluid)

8、ld e abbr. ─── 线性微分方程(lineardifferentialequations)

9、LD-50 ─── [医] 半数致死量

10、ld card ld ─── 卡

11、ld converter ─── [机] LD转炉

12、ld process ─── [机] LD法, 转炉吹氧炼钢法

13、b ld n. ─── 梁式引线掐

14、ld club ld ─── 俱乐部

15、ld ct ld ct

16、ld ast ld ast

17、cl ld cl ld

18、lethal dose (LD) ─── [化] 致死量; 致死剂量

19、d ld abbr. ─── 暗线缺陷(DarkLineDefect);数字光偏转器(DigitalLightDeflector)

ld 相似词语短语

1、lcd ─── abbr.液晶显示屏(liquidcrystaldisplay)

2、gld ─── abbr.格尔德霉素(geldanamycin);基尔德(guilder)

3、cld ─── abbr.中央生活区

4、lad ─── n.少年,小伙子;家伙;n.(Lad)人名;(英、捷)拉德

5、fld ─── abbr.油气田(field);野外(field);液体的(fluid);流质(fluid)

6、Ald ─── abbr.自动逻辑设计(automaticlogicdesign);模拟线路激励器(analoglinedriver)

7、Qld ─── abbr.昆士兰州(Queensland,澳大利亚的第二大州)

8、ld. ─── adj.有限的(等于limited)

9、eld ─── n.高龄;古人;n.(Eld)人名;(芬)埃尔德

ld 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Individual businesses and lease holding farm househo ld s don't have independent capacity for civil rights or capacity for civil conduc t. ─── 个体工商户”和“农村承包经营户”并无独立的权利能力和行为能力。

2、The LD 50 of EDMP in mice is 7.1 mg/kg while the LD 50 of ?JS153,D,Z?m EDTMP in rats is>370 MBq/kg. ─── EDTMP对小鼠尾静脉注射的LD50 为 7.1mg/kg ,1 5 3Sm EDTMP对大鼠的LD50 大于 370MBq/kg。

3、The more common Lethal Dosage (LD) tests are used to determine the amount of a substance that will kill a predetermined ratio of animals. ─── 通常的致死剂量测试(LD)被用来确定能够一次杀死动物的几率。

4、You sho ld not use a computer to harm other people. ─── 不可使用电脑伤害他人。

5、In DD or LD condition, both of Clock and NAT mRNA levels in the pineal gland showed robust circadian oscillation (P < 0.05) with the peak at the subjective night or at nighttime. ─── 在DD或LD光制下,松果体Clock和NAT基因mRNA的表达均呈现夜高昼低的节律性振荡(P

6、SETTING,PARTICIPANTS and INTERVENTIONS:Totally 4 915 subjects above 60 years o ld in the commuties of Chongqing City were randomly selected by chester sampling . ─── 地点、对象和方法:采用随机整群抽样,抽取重庆市社区60岁以上人口4915人进行调查。

7、Properties of Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) of the phosphate glass waveguide laser pumped by LD at 980nm are also studied in detail. ─── 利用数值分析的方法模拟了980nm二极管激光器抽运时激光器的放大自发辐射(ASE)特性。

8、Legionnaires' disease (LD) (being the more serious) and Pontiac fever are the two most common types of legionellosis. ─── 军团菌病一种感染军团菌病原体引起的疾病。

9、Ornidazole (200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg) was given to the LD and HD groups, and 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose sodium (CMC) administered to the normal control, all for 20 consecutive days. ─── 低剂量组和高剂量组分别给予 200、400mg/kg奥硝唑灌胃,正常对照组给予0. 5%羧甲基纤维素钠灌胃,连续 20d。

10、A protect circuit was designed to protect the expensive LD from over shot, sharps, arcs etc. ─── 同时电源中的保护电路采用自断电等保护措施,能有效保证LD的安全工作。

11、Ld partial files were restored. These files were not successfully backed up. ─── ld部分文件已得到恢复。

12、Mr. Kodama was involved with the development of the LD Player in the early beginnings, and later moved on to the contents manufacturing business. ─── 儿玉先生本人曾经参加过LD播放机初创时期的硬件设备的开发,后来又致力于其内部产品制造。

13、Peak searching algorithms are the key issue in alignment automation between a laser diode(LD) and a single-mode fiber(SMF). ─── 半导体激光器(LD)与单模光纤(SMF)耦合时,峰值功率搜索算法是实现自动对准的关键。

14、DJGPP's linke (LD) can produce AOUT files, one of the formats that GRUB nativly supports for loading of kernel files. ─── DJGPP的连接器(LD)可输出AOUT文件,这是GRUB所直接支持的一种格式,可用来装载内核文件。

15、The maximum of %ld filegroups per database has been exceeded. ─── 已超过了每个数据库最多 %1! 个文件组的限制。

16、Design of LD Pumping Solid Laser-generator Power Supply. ─── 一种LD泵浦固体激光器电源的设计。

17、There are %I64d rows in %ld pages for object '%.*ls'. ─── 对象 ''%3!'' 有 %1! 行,这些行位于 %2! 页中。

18、The reentered light mixes with the original light in the LD cavity and changes the output power and spectra of the laser. ─── 半导体激光器的光学反馈效应会产生跳模,频率不稳定或者混沌,增加噪声,加宽谱线,一直被认为是严重影响激光光谱性质的干扰源。

19、One calm, bright, sunshiny day, an angel slipped out of heaven and came down to this world and roamed fie ld and forest, city and hamlet. ─── 对任何人而言,母亲都是灵魂的故乡,生命的绿洲,至爱的港湾。人世间最美丽的爱莫过于母爱,它神圣博大,可以跨越时间、空间的距离,永远停留在孩子的身边。

20、There is a disability in selective attention of LD children,and it is suggested that frontal-basal ganglia circle amy play a important role in neuropsychological mechanism of LD. ─── LD儿童存在选择注意缺陷,提示与其额叶-基低神经节环路功能障碍有关;

21、The agent is suspect. No response within last %ld minutes. ─── 代理程序处于置疑状态。在最近 %1! 分钟内没有响应。

22、Good afternoon. This is Zhang Hong speaking from LD Company. ─── 下午好,我是LD公司的张红。

23、It avoids the manipulation of complicated control algorithm due to the saturation of parameters, especially the direct axis inductance Ld. ─── 介绍了同步磁阻电机控制的研究现状,提出了同步磁阻电机适合使用直接转矩控制技术。

24、In DD or LD condition, the circadian expressions of NAT were similar in pattern to those of Clock in the pineal gland (P > 0.05). ─── 在DD或LD光制下,Clock和NAT之间显示相似的节律性表达(P>.05)。

25、One method to improve fluid flow without compromising product quality wou ld be to confine process temperature in creases to around the evaporator outlet. ─── 一种能改善磷脂流动性又不损害磷脂质量的方法是提高浓缩器出口范围的温度。

26、The results show that hydrogen increment occurs mainly in LD tapping process,about 75%. ─── 实验结果表明增氢主要发生在转炉出钢的过程中,大约占75%;

27、A study for laser ablation at coupling interface of high-power LD and optical fiber is conducted with three different fibers. ─── 对大功率半导体激光器与三种不同直径球端面光纤耦合界面的防烧蚀进行了实验研究。

28、In comparison with DD regime, the amplitudes and the mRNA levels at peaks of Clock and NAT expressions in LD in the pineal gland were significantly reduced (P < 0.05). ─── 与DD光制下比较,LD光制下松果体Clock和NAT的表达振幅及峰值相的mRNA水平均降低(P

29、A high power LD pumped acousto-optic Q-switched Nd:YVO_4 laser is reported. Short pulse of 1 064nmis obtained. ─── 利用半导体激光器(LD)连续单端泵浦Nd:YVO4晶体,实现了声光调Q输出1064nm的短脉冲。

30、Removed %ld history records from %s. ─── 已从 %2! 中删除 %1! 条历史记录。

31、LD instructs cl to create a.dll file. ─── LD指示cl创建一个. dll文件。

32、The temperature of soil of dibbling wheat in film-mulched field (DM)and no-film-mulched field(LD)was obviously increased, as the wheat development stage was delayed. ─── 地膜小麦和露地小麦土壤温度随生育阶段推后均呈增加趋势,拔节之后增加最快;

33、The modulated emission power of LD is 3 dBm and the sensitivity of PD is -27 dBm. ─── 半导体激光器的调制发射功率为3 dBm,光电探测器的探测灵敏度为-27 dBm。

34、The histological characteristics of LD (M. longissimus dorsi) and PM (M. psoas major) in pigs were mensurated and compared between the cross-breeds or parts. ─── 对肌纤维特性与肉的食用品质(尤其是嫩度)的关系进行了相关性研究。

35、Individual businesses and lease holding farm househo ld s don’t have independent capacity for civil rights or capacity for civil conduc t. ─── “个体工商户”和“农村承包经营户”并无独立的权利能力和行为能力。

36、Many types of lensed fibers were used to test with the LD and the coupling efficiencies were increased over 30% comparing with the conventional LD. ─── 将其与多种形式和规格的透镜光纤进行测试,耦合效率可以提高30%以上。

37、The next thing that we now need to do is to ensure that the user _id is unique by placing the p roper index on the user_id fie ld. ─── 下一件我们现在需要做的事情是通过在 us er_id 域放置恰当的索引确保 user_id 是唯一的。

38、In 1952 in the austrian towns of Linz and Donawitz, a steelmaking process was established. This was the LD process, which used oxygen gas for the oxidation of impurities in iron. ─── 1952年在奥地利的林茨和德那维茨两地诞生了一种炼钢方法。这就是氧气顶吹转炉炼钢法(ld炼钢法)。这种方法使用氧气来氧化铁水中的杂质。

39、Five chronologies, three of which (LD, QL and AN) have acceptable quality, were obtained from five sites in Lanzhou City, including ST, LD, QL, AN and XG. ─── 实验中得到了市区五个样点(ST、LD、QL、AN和XG)的树轮年表,其中LD、OL和AN三点树轮年表质量较好。

40、He to ld the class that the best w ay to w in m ultiple awards was to m ake a film containing plenty of my stery . ─── 他对同学们说,获取多项奖项的最佳途径就是把电影拍得很神秘。

41、Try a5hew ou ld ,hec ou 1 dn tm ake her change her mind . ─── 尽管他努力,仍不能让她改变主意。

42、Each information storage point of the new invention, with a diameter of 0.6 NM, has an information storage capacity that is 1 million times of a LD. ─── 0.6纳米的直径意味着信息存储的密度可达每平方厘米10的14次方比特(信息存储基本单位),其信息容量比现有光盘高100万倍。

43、Now let's analyze the options passed to ld. ─── 现在我们分析一下传给ld的选项。

44、His peripherals stats are basically the same. GB%, LD%, Stk%. His BABIP has shot up from .275 to .356, which is abnormally high. He should be fine. ─── 他的次要的数据基本上是相同的,制造滚地球比率、制造平飞球比率、好球率(请看最上面那个图表)。他的BABIP由0.257窜升到0.356,这是异常地高,他应该没什麽问题才对。

45、Also at that match between CJ &PG, we can see PG not in his form as against LD in semifinals. ─── 在陈金与盖德的那场比赛中,盖的并没有处于与林丹在半决赛时的那种状态。

46、LD and LC had lower hereditability on EW40. The genetic correlation between BW140 and FEA was negative, while LD and LC were positive. ─── LD系和LC系40周龄蛋重(EW40)的估计遗传力偏低。 W系140天体重(BW140)和开产日龄负遗传相关,LD系和LC系为正相关。

47、AR puts his hands on his face, like hes not watching and shares some not so kind words with the LD. ─── AR把手放在脸上,好像不像看也不想听LD骂脏话。

48、Wi ld orangutans in Borneo hold leaves to their mouths to make their voices sound deeper than they actually are, a new study shows. ─── 一项新研究显示,波罗洲的野生星星将树叶贴近嘴边使它们的声音听起来比平常低沉。

49、He opened his mouth as if he wou ld say something. something . ─── 他张开嘴好像要说什么。他张开嘴好像要说什么。

50、Arithmetic overflow error for data type %ls, value = %ld. ─── 发生数据类型 %1! 的算术溢出错误,值 = %2!。

51、The LD II+ is not as microphonic as the LD II. The problem is not completely solved and I still hear some ringing, but it is a big improvement. ─── 小不点II+的麦克风效应比小不点II有很大改进.但是还是这个问题还是”未解决”.

52、Ld should agree to sympathize with a certain man at a certain hour, they could not cure his headache. ─── 即使全世界的人都同意在某一时刻同情某个人,也治不好他的头痛。

53、The SERS spectrum of LD induced by spermine was similar to the normal Raman one, indicating that the B-form conformation of DNA was remained. ─── 寡核甘酸的SERS 光谱与一般拉曼光谱相似,表示吸附于银上的寡核甘酸仍保持B 结构。

54、The effects of addition quantity of hot water on liquor quality and liquor yie ld during adding materials in the production of Maotai-flavor liquor were studi ed. ─── 对酱香型白酒生产中糙沙时量水加入量对酒质量及产量的影响进行了研究,结果表明,糙沙时量水的加入量对轮次酒的质量和产量有较大影响。

55、The manual of GNU linker, LD. ─── (译):这本手册的GNU连接器,半导体激光器。

56、Removed %ld replication history records in %s seconds (%ld row/secs). ─── 已删除 %1! 条复制历史记录,花费 %2! 秒(%3! 行/秒)。

57、Control models on LD convener have been optimized and developed, to make control model suitable to new steel - making technics. ─── 宝钢持续优化改进、研发转炉控制模型,使控制模型适合不断变化了的炼钢生产工艺。

58、You shoul ldn't have donethat! ─── 你真不应该那样做!

59、It is concluded that the drive circuit works stably and is suitable for driving the LD. ─── 实验结果表明,该驱动电源工作稳定,能满足单模尾纤输出脉冲LD重频、脉宽、峰值可调的要求。

60、Nancy LD,Robert ES,Malignant lymphoma and granulocytic sarcoma uterus and vagina.Cancer,1984,53(2):2530. ─── 刘英,梅卓贤.原发性子宫恶性淋巴瘤的病例分析.中国实用妇科与产科杂志,1999,15(10):633.

61、The first two Secretaries-General were Trygve Lie of Norway and Dag Hammarskj?ld of Sweden. ─── 头两任秘书长是挪威的特里格夫·赖伊和瑞典的达格·哈马舍尔德。

62、Hitherto, LD would refer employees in the above types of cases to apply for legal aid to take winding-up or bankruptcy proceedings. ─── 在此之前,劳工署会将以上个案类别的雇员转介申请法援,以便进行清盘或破产程序。

63、On the other hand, children with LD reported significantly higher scores on composite negative attribution (CNA). ─── 对积极事件的归因上 ,一般儿童显著高于学习不良儿童 ;

64、lt was lying next to you. l opened it to see if there was an ld. ─── 它丢在你旁边,我打开看了下里面有没有身份证

65、Her husband is an engineer in LD Company. ─── 她的丈夫是LD公司的工程师。

66、Linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based association analysis is an effective approach to find new genes and favorable alleles. ─── 基于连锁不平衡(LD)的关联分析是基因发掘也是等位基因发掘的有效途径。

67、l opened it to see if there was an ld in there. Okay? ─── 我只是打开看看里面有没有身份证,好不好?

68、To introduce the software structure of computer process control system for LD converter of Baotou ironand Steel Corporation. ─── 介绍了包头钢铁公司转炉炼钢过程控制级的软件结构,详细地说明了应用软件、基础软件。

69、LD: Singing? Singing, I started it just as a hobby. I sang in choir at school and in church. ─── 唱歌?我把唱歌当成是一种嗜好。曾在学校合唱团以及教堂都唱过歌。

70、The MPH can control hyperactivity and improve the selective attention of LD children. ─── MPH不仅改善LD儿童多动症状,亦能够改善其选择注意功能。

71、LD Real Estate Agency Co., Ltd. ─── 力度房地产经纪有限公司。

72、Compared with children without LD, Lag does not exist in all self-concept of children with LD, physical self-concept has the most prediction function to general self-concept. ─── 与一般儿童相比,学习不良儿童并非所有领域的自我概念发展均呈现出“迟滞”现象,运动自我概念对其一般自我概念具有最大的预测力。

73、The minimum CW threshold current(I_(th))of the LD is 20mA at room tempe- ratue,with the typical value of 30mA. ─── 在室温 CW 工作条件下,该激光二极管的最低阈值电流为20mA,典型值为30mA。

74、SHANG HAI EADUS ELECTRIC CO ., LD. ─── 华纳---怡达电气(上海)有限公司

75、I was a party animal, LD was just companying the animal. ─── 你们不是忙着造,就是已经造成功了。

76、I immediately noticed less congestion during complex music passages. I noted this congestion in the original review of the LD II and I am glad to see this area improved. ─── 在播放大动态音乐录音时,我马上注意到声音不这么拥挤了.在做小不点II+的评测时,我曾注意到声音拥挤,现在这方面有改进,我很高兴.

77、In conclusion,both LD and TOF methods could be used as the tools during the research process,and the latter one was more suitable for the quality control. ─── 在控制吸入剂质量研究中可采用快速的LD法和TOF法,而质量控制则以TOF法更为合适。

78、The rheology of hot water dissolving section and co ld water dissolving section of sophora bean gum is comparatively discussed. ─── 对槐豆胶冷水溶部分和热水溶部分的流变性进行了比较研究。

79、From the viewpoint of minimizing cost and environmental protection, the utilization of LD slag as dephosphorizing agent has been studied. ─── 基于环境保护和降低成本的需要,研究开发将转炉渣作为脱磷剂加以使用。

80、LD 50 was 51.85 g/kg for Clematis mandshurica and 3.28 mL/kg for its essential oil. ─── Bliss法计算其LD50 ,分别为 5 1.85 g/kg、3.2 8mL/kg。

81、proper specification for a long is %ld. ─── 对于 long 类型的变量来说,正确的用法是 %ld

82、Shanghai Weiming electricity whole set equipment Co, Ld. ─── 上海为鸣电气成套设备有限公司。

83、LD and SOD are detected each by enzymic method, xanthine oxidase method. ─── LD检测采用酶法,SOD检测采用黄嘌呤氧化酶法。

84、In each period, LD lights in advance of the time of the output laser pulse occurrence and quenches behind the laser pulse. ─── 在每一个周期中,激光二极管在输出激光脉冲前的某一时刻打开,在输出脉冲后的适当时刻关断。

85、LD: You know I cannot answer to this question but, of course, there are budget limitations as it is for every videogame production. ─── 你知道我不能回答这个问题,但是,每个游戏当然都会有预算限制。

86、The LD II+ has a different presentation and is not as bright as the LD II. The LD II+ has a smoother high end with longer decay of notes. ─── 小不点II+表现不同于小不点II,不如小不点II那么亮,并且高频部分衰减不如小不点II那么明显.

87、The drugs above with different concentrations were gived to the mice by stomach and the mortality within 72 h were observed. LD 50 were counted by Bliss method. ─── 以 0 .8为系数给予同容量不同浓度的药物灌胃 ,观察其 72h内小鼠死亡率 ,计算LD50 。

88、AR puts his hands on his face, like hes not watching and shares some not so kind words with the LD. ─── AR把手放在脸上,好像不像看也不想听LD骂脏话。

89、Removed %ld replicated transactions consisting of %ld statements in %ld seconds (%ld rows/sec). ─── 已删除 %1! 个重复事务(由 %2! 条语句组成),花费 %3! 秒(%4! 行/秒)。

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