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09-17 投稿


lodgement 发音


英:  美:

lodgement 中文意思翻译



lodgement 反义词


lodgement 同义词

billet | inhabit | cabin | hostel | hostelry | guild | hunting lodge | implant | embed | order | inn | auberge | wedge | file | social club | gatehouse | stick | stay | reside | motel | dwell | hotel | camp | bed | society | gild | club | entertain | resort | cottage | harbor | accommodate |live | occupy | deposit | charge | room | house | settle | chalet | building | quarter | board

lodgement 词性/词形变化,lodgement变形

动词第三人称单数: lodges |动词过去式: lodged |动词过去分词: lodged |动词现在分词: lodging |

lodgement 短语词组

1、uncleared lodgement ─── 未经清理的交存

2、lodgement till ─── 一直到

lodgement 相似词语短语

1、judgement ─── n.意见;判断力;[法]审判;评价

2、dislodgement ─── n.变位;移动;驱逐

3、lodgments ─── n.沉淀;贮存

4、bodement ─── n.预兆

5、addlement ─── n.混乱

6、lodgment ─── n.沉淀;贮存

7、judgements ─── n.判断(judgement的复数)

8、lodgements ─── n.住宿;寄存;沉积(等于lodgment)

9、abodement ─── n.住处;营业所(abode的变形)

lodgement 习惯用语

1、effect [find, make] a lodgement ─── 占领阵地, 获得据点; 取得立足点 ─── 占牢固的地位 ─── 征服人心

lodgement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Electronic Lodgement Service Project , to provide for telefiling of tax returns . ─── 电子递交服务计划:提供电话报税服务。

2、Notice of Lodgement of Money in Court ─── 向法庭交存款项通知书

3、Manage receipt and lodgement of outbound shipments from country operations to ensure timely departure and uplift. ─── 确保所有出口货物按时装车出发。

4、lodgement area | bivouac ─── 宿营地

5、Lodgement Document Insurance? Registered Post (Overseas) ? Security Post ─── 挂号信寄件凭证保险?挂号邮件(海外)?保价邮件

6、The Department’s preferred lodgement channel is eVisa which streamlines the application processes, offering clients a faster and more convenient lodgement method. ─── 澳大利亚移民和公民事务部倾向申请通过电子签证途径递交,该方式提高了签证评审效率,为客户提供了更快速和更便捷的递交方式。

7、If you have applied for an onshore or offshore GSM visa and your nominated occupation is on the CSL, it is estimated that your application will be finalised within 12 months from your lodgement date. ─── 其他有效申请按收到顺序处理 第三:关于案例审理的估计时间 在CSL清单的申请人可以在12个月内获得签证。

8、If a tax return is mailed, the date on the postmark shall be regarded as the actual date of lodgement. ─── 邮寄申报以寄出地的邮戳日期为实际申报日期。

9、On incorporation under the Companies Ordinance, a local company pays a registration fee of $1,425 and a lodgement fee of $295 plus a capital duty of $1 for every $1,000 of nominal capital, subject to a cap of $30,000 per case. ─── 根据《公司条例》注册成为法团的本地公司,须缴交1,425元注册费及295元存放文件费用,另就每1,000元法定资本缴交一元的资本税,但每宗个案的税项上限为30,000元。

10、compensation, the average postage of each item under the same lodgement and service class will be applied. ─── 赔偿,邮费将按该批使用同一服务级别的平均邮费金额计算。

11、Lodgement of Returns, Documents and Information You should file correct returns and documents and provide complete and accurate information within time limits specified. ─── 你应于指定时限内提交正确的报税表和文件,并提供完整和准确的资料。

12、An application that provides all of the information and documentary evidence required to decide the visa application, at the time of lodgement. ─── 在递交是提供了签证申请所有需要的材料和信息。

13、Declaration of the availability in Italyof appropriate lodgings (letter of hospitality, mortgage deal, declaration of lodgement from University) ─── 在意大利相应的住宿证明(款待信、租房协议、学院的寄宿证明)

14、He gave me the file containing the fund lodgement documents and I quickly left Bouake to Abidjan for our safety. ─── 他给我的档案载有基金报关文件和我很快就离开布瓦凯阿比让,为我们的安全。

15、Electronic Lodgement Service Project, to provide for telefiling of tax returns. ─── 电子递交服务计划:提供电话报税服务。

16、idea found a lodgement in his mind. ─── 主意占据了他的心头。

17、If you decide to undertake these checks before being allocated a case officer it is suggested that these checks be initiated when allocation dates are within three months of your date of lodgement. ─── 如果你决定在分配审理官员前体检或作无犯罪证明,我们建议你在你递交了申请3月后再进行。

18、On the Lodgement Management in Vocational Colleges ─── 高职院校学生宿舍管理研究

19、5. A registration fee of $1,425, a lodgement fee of $295 and some incidental filing fees are payable in such cases. ─── 这些公司须缴付1,425元注册费、295元存放文件费用,以及一些附带的备案费用。

20、Yes, if they are still under 18 at the time of visa lodgement. ─── 可以,只要申请签证时年龄未满18岁。

21、Electronic cargo lodgement; ─── 电子货物存放;

22、Money deposits must have been held for 3 months prior to the lodgement of the application, in an acceptable financial institution. ─── 存款必须在申请递交前在被认可的金融机构中有三个月存期。

23、We will help you in: choosing the right course and institute;preparation and lodgement of application for institute enrolment; ─── 我们可以协助客户选择最理想和适宜的学校,使您实现获得澳洲名牌大学和理想专业文凭的梦想。

24、Lodgement Document Insurance? Registered Post (Overseas) ? Security Post. ─── 挂号信寄件凭证保险?挂号邮件(海外)?保价邮件。

25、Winning cheque,Winners Certificate and Certificate Of Lodgement. ─── 住宿赢取的钞票、优胜者证明和证明。

26、May every dogma which has found lodgement in your consciousness be overcome. ─── 愿你们克服在你们意识中的每一个教条。

27、lodgement area ─── 滩头占领区空降作战初期占领区

28、Block Extension Scheme for Lodgement of 2006 07 Tax Returns by Tax Representatives ─── 税务代表申请整批延期提交2006 07年度报税表

29、assisting you in preparation of the migration visa application package and lodgement of the application to proper Australian DIMA (Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs) mission office; ─── 如果您的签证遇到困难、遭到拒签,我们可以帮助您分析案情,解决疑难,脱离困境,保君满意成功。

30、8. The idea found a lodgement in his mind. ─── 那个主意占据了他的心头。

31、How do you feel about the lodgement conditions in Beijing? ─── 你觉得北京的住宿条件怎么样?

32、A decision on the issue of a visa is taken normally within 10 working days from the lodgement of application and/or additional documents. ─── 在接受所有必须文件/补充文件后,签证受理时间通常为十个工作日。

33、“Points for work experience are awarded on the basis of the nominated skilled occupation and the length and type of the applicant's employment in the 4 years before application lodgement.” ─── 是不是可以这样理解,175独立技术移民,评估的职业为60分但不是紧缺职业,必须工作满4年,在这个基础上,你之前有3年以上的相关工作经验,才能加分。

34、If you want to use electronic lodgement of application for block extension, please register with IRD and collect password for accessing the system. ─── 如你希望以电子方式申请整批延期提交报税表,请向税务局申请及索取用户密码以便登入系统。

35、Failure to provide all the necessary information at the time of lodgement will delay the application process. ─── 若申请人递交申请时未提供要求的所有必要信息和材料将会延长审理过程。

36、Failure to provide all the necessary information at the time of lodgement will delay the application process. ─── 若申请人递交申请时未提供要求的所有必要信息和材料将会延长审理过程。

37、Applicants must also supply the copy of police clearance certificate letter isseed by the local Public Security Bureau or Vice Squad which is less than 6 months old at the time of lodgement. ─── 申请人进驻我国之前,必须提供一份由当地公安局或者副警队6个月内签发的许可证明。

38、For enquiries regarding this electronic lodgement facility, please telephone 2594 5137. ─── 查询这项以电子方式传送申请的设施,请致电2594 5137。

39、The idea found a lodgement in his mind. ─── 那个主意占据了他的心头。

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