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09-17 投稿


liming 发音

英:['laɪmɪŋ]  美:['laɪmɪŋ]

英:  美:

liming 中文意思翻译



liming 词性/词形变化,liming变形

现在分词:liming 原型:lime

liming 短语词组

1、dry liming ─── [化] 干灰澄清作用; 干法澄清作用

2、furnace liming ─── [机] 炉衬

3、liming still ─── [机] 石灰乳槽

4、a party for liming ─── 黎明派对

5、continuous liming tank ─── 连续浸灰罐

6、liming of resin ─── [机] 树脂的石灰处理

7、liming tank ─── [化] 石灰槽; 加石灰槽

8、juice liming ─── [化] 糖汁的澄清

9、liming material ─── [机] 石灰浸物质

10、liming stains ─── [机] 石灰斑

11、liming process ─── [化] 灰浸法; 浸灰法

12、light leather liming ─── [机] 薄革浸灰法

13、liming tub ─── [化] 石灰乳槽

14、liming chamber ─── [机] 石灰乳室

15、liming apparatus ─── [机] 制石灰乳器, 石灰熟化器

16、liming out ─── [化] 灰析

17、liming vat ─── [化] 石灰乳槽

18、insufficient liming ─── [化] 灰处理不足; 灰碱处理不足

19、over liming ─── [化] 灰处理过度; 灰碱处理过度

liming 相似词语短语

1、sliming ─── n.泥浆化;v.用(稀泥、粘液等)涂抹;覆有黏液(slime的现在分词)

2、limning ─── vt.描写;描绘

3、riming ─── n.淞化过程;v.淞化(rime的现在分词形式)

4、laming ─── n.(Laming)(英、美)拉明(人名)

5、miming ─── v.演哑剧;用手势表示,模仿;假唱,假奏乐器(mime的现在分词)

6、limping ─── n.跛行;v.跛行(limp的现在分词)

7、limina ─── n.阈

8、aiming ─── n.瞄准;目的;引导;v.将(武器、照相机)对准目标;将(导弹等)对准;意在(aim的现在分词)

9、gliming ─── n.半明冰,雨雾淞

liming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Zhang Liming:Porfessor,Image and Intelligence Lab,Department of Electronic Engineering,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433. ─── 张立明:教授,复旦大学电子工程系图像与智能实验室,上海200433。

2、He added some water into the lime . ─── 他往石灰里加了些水。

3、Your comments are out of lime. ─── 你的批评不合理。

4、They sprayed sulfur and lime mixtures into homes of the infected. ─── 他们在有感染病例的房子里洒满石灰与硫磺的混合物。

5、Township enterprises and lime factory farm machinery market. ─── 乡镇企业有农机修配厂和石灰场。

6、As the heat penetrates your hair the lime vapours really perk you up. ─── 发热渗透着你的头发,会产生石灰雾气,你可以看到。

7、Use financial information to help with strategic planning, liming a reactionary approach. ─── 运用金融信息限制消极因素的发生,从而有利于战略性计划的制定。

8、Add the orange sauce, lime sauce, mustard and butter to the process 2. ─── 在步骤二中的沙司中加入澄汁,柠檬汁,黄芥末和黄油.

9、If Liming had known the truth, he won't help her. ─── 如果李明知道真相,他不会帮助她的。

10、Yang Liming, lawyer from Beijing Wei Heng Law Firm. ─── 委托代理人:杨黎明,北京市炜衡律师事务所律师。

11、In these days the oaks shall burn in the forest glades, and acorns shall burgeon on the lime trees' boughs. ─── 在那些日子里,橡树会在林间空地里燃烧,橡子会在酸橙树的主枝上萌芽。

12、A broad avenue of lime trees led up to a grand entrance with huge oak doors. ─── 一条栽有酸橙树的宽阔林阴道通向巨大的橡木门的雄伟入口。

13、We may burn limestone to obtain lime. ─── 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。

14、A lot of people ask Luo Liming: What is his successful recipe?He gives out, it is a compendious answer: Simple assiduous learn. ─── 很多人问罗立明:他的成功秘诀是什么?他给出的,是一个简明的答案:简单 勤奋 学习。

15、Ingredients : Aqua, Azalea acid, Mink oil, Caraway extract, Lime enzyme. ─── 成份:杜鹃花酸、貂油、水芹萃取、莱姆、酵素。

16、LIME: Who was the last person to catch your eye? ─── 你最近最感兴趣的人是?

17、Most hard water or lime scale removers are only acidic cleaners. ─── 大多数水碱或水垢清除剂只是酸性清除剂而已。

18、He ordered two lime sodas. ─── 他要了两杯酸橙苏打汽水。

19、LiMing: We have white shirts of all styles and sizes. But I think this one fits you best, don't you? ─── 我们有各式各样的白衬衫。我看这件最适合你你看呢?

20、Blend the trimmed-off balance with icing sugar, orange and lime juice. ─── 将剩余水果放入搅拌机中,加入糖粉、橙汁和青柠汁,搅拌均匀。

21、Other materials such as lime and cement can be added to strengthen the adobe. ─── 其他的材料,像石灰和水泥,也能用来增加土坯粘性。

22、Beijing Liming Furniture Group Door Industry Co., Ltd. ─── 北京市黎明家具集团门业公司。

23、Liming thanked me for helping him with his study. ─── 李明感谢我在学习上对他的帮助。

24、She bought a lot of white lime, preparing to build a new house. ─── 他购买了许多灰膏准备新建房屋。

25、Producing salts of lime,as in the formation of eggshells in birds and reptiles. ─── 产生石灰盐基的产生石灰盐的,如鸟壳和爬行动物卵壳的形成

26、LIME: Teel us something about yourself that would surprise us. ─── 告诉读者一件会让我们对你感到惊讶的事。

27、A lot of people ask me Luo Liming: What is his successful recipe?He gives out, it is a compendious answer: Simple assiduous learn. ─── 很多人问我罗立明:他的成功秘诀是什么?他给出的,是一个简明的答案:简单 勤奋 学习。

28、A clown tries to steal their lime light by making the crowd roar with laughter. ─── 一个小丑努力用让人哄堂大笑的方法来吸引人们的注意力。

29、Specialists now debate over whether the kiln was meant for ceramic or lime production. ─── 专家目前意见不一,未知该窑状构筑物是用来制陶还是制造石灰。

30、Tianjin China Liming Jia Earthworm Farm CO., Ltd. ─── 中国天津贾立明蚯蚓养殖有限公司。

31、This mixture of pozzolana and lime was then added to an aggregate. ─── 人们把火山灰与石灰的混合物加到集料中。

32、The wall surfaces of his new house were brushed with greenish lime. ─── 他家新房的墙面是用青灰上的色。

33、Why do lions like cherry, lemon, and lime popsicles? ─── 为什么狮子喜欢樱桃,柠檬和酸橙冰棍儿?

34、Acidity in soil can be neutralized by spreading lime on it. ─── 土壤的酸性可以通过在它上面撒石灰来中和。

35、An iced cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, and sugar. ─── 代基里酒一种由朗姆酒、莱姆汁或柠檬汁和糖混合的加冰鸡尾酒

36、The inside of the kettle is encrusted with lime. ─── 壶的内部嵌着一层石灰。

37、Lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit trees would respond well to having a cooking herb garden beneath. ─── 在柠檬、莱檬、橘子或柚子树下种植药草是适宜的。

38、If light rum and lime juice are used then the cocktail becomes a DAIQUIRI. ─── 如果加入淡朗姆酒和莱姆汁鸡尾酒酒成为了黛克瑞.

39、Congratulations, Liming, you are the talk of the town and the pride of our class now. ─── 祝贺你,李明,你现在是我们班的骄傲,大家都在谈论你。

40、Do not use slaked lime or unslaked lime. ─── 不要使用生石灰或是熟石灰。

41、I plan many improvements. I intend to throw out a bough and plant a lime walk. ─── 我已经计划好了,我想要清掉一些大树枝然后种一条菩堤树小道。

42、The liming efficiency, leather qualities and also area yield can be improved after applying NUE in leather processing. ─── 使用后可提高浸灰效率和成革质量、增加得革率。

43、To network education, luo Liming's happiest hour, the such-and-such student that hears him namely scores the success on the career again. ─── 对于网络教育,罗立明最开心的时刻,就是听到他的某某学生又获得事业上的成功。

44、Internal walls and whether there is lime burglary? ─── 内墙墙面上有否石灰爆点?

45、But Wang Liming thinks, even if is now, of China " the branch is legislative " still exist on certain level, drafting level especially. ─── 但王利明认为,即便是现在,中国的“部门立法”仍在一定程度上存在,特别是在起草阶段。

46、It included gentle and uniform liming and bating; retanning with many kinds of retanning agents; reasonable technology and practical processing route etc. ─── 包括缓和均匀的浸灰和软化;多种复鞣剂联合复鞣填充;鞣后切实可行的工艺路线等。

47、I suggested that LiMing (should)be sent to The south. ─── 我建议把李明派往南方。

48、We spread lime where the soil was sour. ─── 土壤酸性大的地方我们就撒上石灰。

49、LIME: What kind of roles are you looking for? ─── 你希望演出哪一类型的角色?

50、A tall iced drink made with liquor, such as gin, and lemon or lime juice. ─── 冰镇果子酒由杜松子酒和柠檬汁或酸橙汁调制而成的一大杯冰镇酒

51、It is in his house that I first saw Liming. ─── 我第一次看见李明就是在他家。

52、This paper discuss liming and chrome-tanning effluent recycling technology for goat garment leather. ─── 对浸灰碱,铬鞣废液循环利用生产山羊服装革进行了试验研究。

53、Ma Zhiying,Chen Xiaoning,Xu Liming,et al.The intelligent operation of ehv SF6 circuit breaker[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,1999,19(7):11-13(in Chinese). ─── [11]马志瀛,陈晓宁,徐黎明,等.超高压SF6 断路器的智能操作[J].中国电机工程学报,1999,19(7):11-13.

54、Liming and Lihua are twins,but they are different from each other.liming is vivider and taller than Lihua ,but Lihua is wiser than Liming. ─── 怀特先生是我们的英语老师。他比其他在我们学校的老师严肃。但是有时候他很有趣,他也很和蔼.

55、Tasting notes: Vibrant straw in colour with flashes of lime green. ─── 品酿笔记:鲜明如稻草色般的酒泽,但又带著几许柠檬绿色。

56、In this regard, Minsheng Bank headquarters, said spokesman Li Liming, Minsheng Bank listed in Hong Kong have been prepared, but no. ─── 对此,民生银行总部新闻发言人李利明表示,民生银行香港上市一直都有准备,但时间未定。

57、THESEUS Would you desire lime and hair to speak better? ─── 忒修斯:石灰和泥土筑成的东西,居然这样会说话,难得难得!

58、Thanks for your time first, let me introduce myself to you . my name is liming . ─── 首先感谢您的时间,让我给你介绍一下自己,我的名字是胡建燕。

59、Add sugar and muddle until dissolved into lime juice. ─── 加入原糖,搅拌至其融入青柠汁。

60、Paul and Liming are quite happy. ─── 保尔和黎明非常幸福。

61、Eat natural with a squeeze of lime, or add to a fruit salad. ─── 可加酸橙汁食用,也可做水果色拉。

62、Ingredients: Spearmint, Orange, Lime top, Bergamot. ─── 成份:欧洲薄荷,柑橘,莱姆,佛手柑.

63、The gas has been tested with lime water. ─── 已经用石灰水对该气体进行了检验。

64、A:Sure. Would you like to try a Daiquiri? That's rum and lime juice. ─── 当然有,你要试试台克利酒吗?那是甜酒加莱姆汁。

65、The part also elaborates Liming and Qiming, inviability and chance of his thought,and relations between nature and mandate. ─── 张载对命“求”而能“得”的思想实质是:以“德”胜“气”。

66、Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants. ─── 土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。

67、Hey, LiMing! How'd it go at that meeting yesterday? I know you were pretty anxious about it. ─── 嘿,李明!昨天的会开得怎么样了?我知道这让你盼望已久了。

68、If you were to play, would you want to be LiMing or ZhangLing? Why? ─── 如果让你来参加这个游戏,你想当李明还是张玲?为什么?

69、Ok, I can give you some technical data regarding our product and production lime. ─── 好的,我可以给您一些有关我方产品和生产线的技术数据。

70、The rendzina is rich in lime and has an upper humus-rich horizon. ─── 其富含有石灰和较高量的腐殖质。

71、Ningxia produces coal, petroleum, mica, asbestos , lime and Chinese wolfberry. ─── 宁夏出产煤、石油、云母、石棉、石灰和枸杞子。

72、It would not be bad to eat with a little lime or with lemon or with salt. ─── 如果加上一点儿酸橙或者柠檬或者盐,味道可不会坏。

73、This type of drum is one of the reasonable drum today using in the soaking, liming, and tanning process. ─── 该转鼓是当今世界上用于毛皮浸水、浸灰、鞣制加工工序的最理想设备。

74、The train pulled out of the station fight on lime. ─── 列车准时从车站开出。

75、Clearly, and for the first lime, he saw Ruth and her world. ─── 他第一次清楚地看到了露丝和她的世界。

76、Soil analysis is useful for detecting gross shortages of lime, phosphate and potassium under grazed grass. ─── 对于放牧的牧场,应用土壤分析对石灰、磷和钾是否不足进行粗略的鉴定,是有用的。

77、Combine ingredients in a tumbler glass filled with ice. Stir gently with celery stick. Garnish with lime wedge. ─── 在塔博杯中加满冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,用芹菜杆轻轻搅动后,用青柠角装饰。

78、Do you hear the latest about LiMing? ─── 你听说过李明的最近情况吗?

79、The village and a nearby lime kiln were gazetted as a monument in 1981. ─── 一九八一年宪报刊登公告,宣布该村庄及附近的灰窑为古迹。

80、LIME: Is there a bad review in your career that you always remember? ─── 在你发展音乐事业当中,有没有抨击你的乐评让你念念不忘的?

81、And test the soil before adding lime and fertilizer. ─── 在添加生石灰和肥料前,先检测一下土壤。

82、Unlike LiuDeHua, LiMing, GuoFuCheng other artists about their marriage and the other partners do not dare to admit, That they're man? ─── 不像刘德华、黎明、郭富城和其他艺人对于自己的婚姻和另一伴都不敢于承认,那还是男人吗?

83、If shales prover non-reactive, allow Lime content to deplete. ─── 如果证实页岩没有反应,就允许把钻井液中所含的石灰耗尽。

84、you know Liming? ─── 你认识李明吗?

85、Products of township enterprises has lime, cement, brick, stone,bai hui powder. ─── 乡镇企业产品有石灰、水泥、砖瓦、石料、白灰粉。

86、Info:100% polyester lime tricot,print Birdseye pattern,elastic band to fix. ─── 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:涤纶适用对象:中性款式:其它

87、Add the orange sauce, lime sauce, mustard and butter to the process. ─── 在步骤二中的沙司中加入澄汁,柠檬汁,黄芥末和黄油。

88、Carbonate liming materials - Determination of reactivity - Potentiometric titration method with hydrochloric acid. ─── 碳酸盐浸灰材料.活性测试.盐酸电势滴定法

89、Dilute the hydrated lime in oil and add chalk to obtain a fine quality paint. ─── 将熟石灰稀释到油中,然后加入粉笔,制成优质的颜料。

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