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09-18 投稿


knuckling 发音

英:[ˈnʌklɪŋ]  美:[ˈnʌklɪŋ]

英:  美:

knuckling 中文意思翻译



knuckling 词性/词形变化,knuckling变形

动词过去式: knuckled |动词过去分词: knuckled |动词现在分词: knuckling |动词第三人称单数: knuckles |

knuckling 相似词语短语

1、chuckling ─── v.暗自发笑;轻声笑(chuckle的ing形式)

2、Suckling ─── n.乳儿;乳臭未干的小子;adj.尚未断奶的,哺乳的;初出茅庐的;v.哺乳;养育(suckle的ing形式);n.(Suckling)人名;(英)萨克林

3、knurling ─── n.[机]滚花,压花纹;滚花刀,压花刀

4、unbuckling ─── v.解开、松开……的扣子;放松(unbuckle的现在分词)

5、knulling ─── 砰砰作响

6、buckling ─── n.[力]屈曲;膨胀;扣住;褶皱;下垂;(铸造中)粗糙度;熏鲱鱼;v.把…扣紧;连接(buckle的ing形式)

7、duckling ─── n.小鸭子

8、knubbling ─── 噪声

9、nickling ─── 尼克林

knuckling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Weak pasterns and knuckling over are serious faults. ─── 松懈的骹骨和关节属于严重缺陷。

2、Q.One of the most significant things last year was that you kept your head up and kept smiling, and re-established your reputation and respect, for just knuckling down, and doing the best you could. ─── 去年我们注意到你始终保持着良好的心态,重建你的名声,你一直没有放弃认真工作,尽你所能地做到最好。

3、Nearly every kick seems to send the ball knuckling, slicing or hooking past the goal. ─── 几乎每一个一脚在看来似乎迫使球超过目标屈服,斜击或者扣上。

4、Bitzer picked up his cap, which the concussion had knocked off, and backing, and knuckling his forehead, pleased that it was an accident. ─── 毕仄捡起了他那顶被撞下来的帽子,退后一步,用指节摸了一下头,为自己辩护说,是出于无意。

5、Knuckling over, straight front, fiddle front are serious faults. ─── 笔直指向前方,指向错误属于严重缺陷。

6、The boy is wayward, but he'll knuckl down under discipline. ─── 这男孩任性得很,不过用纪律约束他会服服帖帖的。

7、The team must remain focused on the goal of the treble and that includes knuckling down against league opponents such as {41} who we are visiting tonight in this midweek league match. ─── 队必须保持焦点所在目标上那最高音部和那包括下来反对如此的联盟对手以指节打当做{41}我们在这一周之半内正在拜访今晚联盟比赛谁。

8、"Thank you, ma'am," said Bitzer, knuckling his forehead again, in return for the favour of Mrs. Sparsit's improving conversation. ─── “谢谢您,夫人,”毕周说,又用手指抹了一下额头,以回敬斯巴塞太太那一番有教育意义的谈话的盛情。

9、Let's have no more nonsense and knuckl down to work. ─── 别再瞎闹了,还是认真地干活吧。

10、That is when we see structural issues such as knuckling over, down in the pasterns, etc. ─── 这样就会发生膝关节过分弯曲,趾关节向下等现象。

11、Knuckling at fetlocks, ataxia, tail deviation and tail may be flaccid. ─── 扣打距毛,运动失调,尾偏斜和尾可能松垂。

12、Businesses will object to strict regulations without the prospect of their international competitors in America, China and India knuckling under. ─── 各公司看不到美国、中国和印度的竞争对手服从政策的迹象,也将会对严格制度加以抵抗。

13、Yet it was not spontaneous. Carlo's reply had been a manly knuckling of his forehead. Michael had absolutely ignored everything. ─── 卡罗的回答等于把自己的前额碰在地上,叩响头,而迈克尔对这一切压根儿没有注意。

14、Bitzer picked up his cap, which the concussion had knocked off, and backing, and knuckling his forehead, pleased that it was an accident ─── 毕仄捡起了他那顶被撞下来的帽子,退后一步,用指节摸了一下头,庆幸这是出于无意。

15、Knuckling over is to be faulted. ─── 关节突出也属于缺陷。

16、Knuckling over of the front legs is a disqualification. ─── 脚掌:厚重,非常沉重,脚垫沉重、坚硬。

17、Forelegs. The forelegs are short, powerful, heavy in bone, with wrinkled skin. Knuckling over of the front legs is a disqualification. ─── 前肢:短、有力,骨骼沉重且皮肤有皱纹。肘关节超过前腿属于失格。

18、Knuckling over is a disqualifying fault. ─── 关节超出属于失格。

19、Knuckling over of the front legs is a disqualification. ─── 前腿有突球是不合格的。

20、Businesses will object to strict regulations without the prospect of their international competitors in America, China and India knuckling under. ─── 各公司看不到美国,中国和印度的竞争对手服从政策的迹象,也将会对严格制度加以抵抗。

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