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09-19 投稿


lulls 发音

英:[lʌlz]  美:[lʌlz]

英:  美:

lulls 中文意思翻译




lulls 词性/词形变化,lulls变形

动词第三人称单数: lulls |动词过去分词: lulled |动词现在分词: lulling |动词过去式: lulled |

lulls 相似词语短语

1、lull ─── v.使平静;使安静;哄骗;平息,减弱,停止;使(人)放松警惕;n.间歇;暂停,暂时平静;n.(Lull)(美、西、德、加、英、法)勒尔(人名)

2、culls ─── v.挑选;部分捕杀,选择性宰杀;(诗、文)采集(花果);n.选择性宰杀;被选出宰杀的体弱(或过剩)动物;n.(Cull)(美、英)卡尔(人名)

3、bulls ─── n.公牛队(美国篮球队名);布尔斯(地名)

4、lolls ─── vi.懒洋洋地倚靠;vt.懒洋洋地倚靠;n.(Loll)人名;(德)洛尔

5、fulls ─── n.滩脊(等于beachridge)

6、lalls ─── v.发音不正确;把/r/音读成/l/音

7、gulls ─── n.[鸟]鸥;气球假目标雷达反射器;笨人;易受骗之人(gull的复数形式);v.诈欺,骗(gull的第三人称单数形式)

8、hulls ─── n.[植]外壳(hull的复数);可控点;v.[粮食]去壳(hull的第三人称单数);n.(Hulls)人名;(法)于尔斯

9、dulls ─── adj.钝的;迟钝的;无趣的;呆滞的;阴暗的;vt.使迟钝;使阴暗;缓和;vi.减少;变迟钝;n.(Dull)人名;(罗、匈)杜尔;(柬)杜;(英)达尔

lulls 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a soothing song with which to lull a child to sleep ─── 将小孩带入睡眠的安慰性歌曲

2、A trader gets some sleep during a lull in business at the Karachi stock exchange in Pakistan. ─── 在巴基斯坦、卡拉奇证券交易所,一商人小憩,在业务平静时。

3、It was a lull between events, and people were milling around clearing things away. ─── 在这暂时的平静期,四周的人们忙着把东西清理得一干二净。

4、There has been a lull in the ground fighting in southern Lebanon, where Israeli troops have sustained heavy casualties in battles with Hezbollah guerrillas in two villages near the border. ─── 在黎巴嫩南方现在战争已经暂停,在黎巴嫩真主党游击战的两个边境旁边的村庄,以色列军队在战争中已经经受了严重的伤亡。

5、First, in the thought that cannot have lulls slightly. ─── 一是在思想上,不能有丝毫麻痹。

6、a midlife lull when it was feared he was finished(bCurtis Wilkie) ─── 一种中年的消沉,人们简直担心他已经完了(b柯蒂斯 威尔基)

7、"a midlife lull when it was feared he was finished" (Curtis Wilkie) ─── “一种中年的消沉,人们简直担心他已经完了”(柯蒂斯·威尔基)

8、a midlife lull when it was feared he was finished(Curtis Wilkie) ─── 一种中年的消沉,人们简直担心他已经完了(柯蒂斯 威尔基)

9、that honeyed charm that he used so effectively to lull his victims ─── 他使用的甜言蜜语有效地骗取了他的受害者的信任

10、Several years ago, Iris Arc Crystal, a company I co-founded with Francesca Patruno, experienced a 1)lull in business. ─── 几年前,我和弗兰西斯卡·帕楚诺共建的爱里斯·亚克水晶公司经历了一个困难期。

11、A lull in sales. ─── 商业的暂时停滞

12、Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. ─── 看书只能解决部分问题。车轮与铁轨间单调的咔哒声很快就会送你进入梦乡。

13、It lulls you to sleep only to stand by your bed and jeer at the dignity of the flesh. ─── 它哄你入眠,为的是要站在你床边,揶揄你肉体的尊严。

14、Several years ago, Iris Arc Crystal, a company I co-founded with Francesca Patruno, experienced a lull in business. ─── 几年前,我和弗兰西斯卡?帕楚诺共建的爱里斯?亚克水晶公司经历了一个困难期。

15、At a lull in the entertainment the man looked at me and smiled. ─── 在文娱节目中间休息的时候,那个男的看着我微笑。

16、In a lull period, our recons formed the combat guard. ─── 在战役的相持阶段,我们侦察分队担任战场警戒任务。

17、For a space there was a lull in the AchehJohore struggle. ─── 亚齐和柔佛的争斗停息了一段时期。

18、the routine of ordinary life lulls us into complacency, blinds us to the great mystery of our place in Christ's kingdom. ─── 日常生活令我们陷入充满自得的状态,使我们看不见自己在基督的国度里那奇妙的位置。

19、It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. ─── 它依然持续他不均匀地蠕动,伴随着怪异的摇晃和拖泥带水的间歇,它仍旧移动着。

20、As soon as he had gone, there was a lull in the general gaiety, and the guests began conversing sensibly in low tones together. ─── 他刚刚走出去,大家的娱乐就停止了,客人们开始审慎地低声地彼此交谈几句。

21、a quiet song that lulls a child to sleep ─── 使孩子入睡的轻声吟唱

22、Up on Athens, Normandy and Sparrow Hawk, the Royal Marines like to soak up the sun during lulls in the fighting. ─── 在“雅典”、“诺曼底”与“食雀鹰”山头之上,战事间歇时,皇家海军陆战队员喜欢沉浸在阳光中。

23、to lull people into a false sense of security ─── 使人们产生虚假的安全感

24、The photo of the pooffy fluffball kitty you see below is placed there simply to lull you into a false sense of security!Stay alert, dear Flickrites, to the rumblings of... ─── 安徒生在他的自传中也曾说过:“我的童话故事刚刚出现时,人们并不欢迎,只是到了后来,才得到应有的承认。

25、Periods of precipitation are referred to as the "active" monsoon, and the lulls in between are called monsoon "break" . ─── 有降水发生的时期叫做季风活跃期,而它们之间的静息期叫做季风中断。

26、BMW is taking advantage of what it predicts to be a temporary lull in new car sales by investing about $300 million into refurbishing and expanding its 338 United States showrooms. ─── 宝马正在利用它预测将暂时放缓在新的汽车销售,投资约3亿美元到整修和扩大其338美国陈列室。

27、Russia's Defence Minister, Igor Sergeyev, vowed a merciless drive against guerrillas who used a holiday lull to inflict record losses on federal troops. ─── 俄罗斯国防部长表示,由于叛军对联邦军队造成了严重损失,俄军将发动无情的进攻。

28、Your pulse lulls the tympans of my ears, ─── 你的脉搏令我耳鼓难安,

29、In multiplayer games, you can lull your human opponents into a false sense of security by building huge numbers of military units, but leaving them undeployed and in limbo. ─── 在多人游戏中,你可以建造很多军队而不部署,这样你的人类对手会因你较低的军事力值而感到一种虚假的安全。

30、a quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep. ─── 使一个儿童睡觉的安静的歌曲。

31、There was a lull of a few seconds before the oiled machinery came into action. ─── 上了油的机器启动之前,要有几秒钟的间歇。

32、During lulls reps must make outbound calls to those still on the fence. ─── 在闲时他们要给那些犹豫不决的人打电话。

33、However, scientists fear that the expected lull in temperature rises may dispel any sense of urgency in tackling global warming, and provide ammunition for climate change sceptics. ─── 大约十年之内这些现象的效果逐渐减弱以后,二氧化碳排放很可能使气温迅速上升,温室效应将重新成为气候改变的主因。

34、Yossarian was alone in a ponderous, primeval lull in which everything green looked black. ─── 在这阵给人一种太古时代沉重之感的寂静里,尤索林有种孤独的感觉,他觉得绿绿的东西看上去好象是黑的。

35、The UNWIND programme uses gentle yet firm air pressure massage to lull you into a state of calm, while the AMBIENCE music relaxes your mind to prepare you for a restful sleep. ─── 优质睡眠模式运用轻柔且紧实的气压按摩,让您进入放松状态。搭配舒柔环境音乐,有助于释放压力,让您舒适入眠。

36、There have been lulls in violence, and shifts in strategy or fortune among actors. ─── 暴力行为总是会有消停的时候,战略总是会有转变的时候,演员们总是会迎来好运的时候。

37、While it's true that teams at least the equal of the Boston Celtics have suffered a post-championship lull, it's probably not going to be an issue in Beantown. ─── 在过去,至少是在去年,能和凯尔特人相抗衡来争取总冠军的球队在波士顿还没有诞生。

38、There were also comedy acts, impromptu skits, and DJ music to fill the lulls between acts. ─── 也有充满在行为之间的间歇的喜剧行为,即兴之作若干,和DJ音乐。

39、Lull ( Level 30) ?Calms the target. The enemy will no longer assist friends and ignores all pleas for help during the duration of this spell. ─── 30级,威压目标,在有效时间内使目标不再援助同伴并无视同伴的所有帮助请求。

40、She should not inflame my imagination with these pictures of heavenly innocence and joy and arouse my heart from the sleep into which the monotony of life often lulls it. ─── 她不应该用这些圣洁纯真和快乐的场面来点燃我的想像力之火,从而把我那颗常被单调生活催眠入睡的心唤醒。

41、Before today's lull came into effect, sounds of heavy gunfire and thick plumes of smoke engulfed the Zeitoun neighbourhood, east of Gaza City. ─── 在今天的间歇到来之前,重型武器的声音和浓重的烟雾吞没了泽图恩附近,加沙城东部。

42、Six water-dropping planes and two helicopters were involved in the effort to contain the blaze, aided by a lull in high winds that had earlier threatened a village in the area. ─── 六水坠飞机和两架直升机参与了努力,以控制火势,得益于停息强风曾威胁说,一个村庄,该地区。

43、"We still have sections where we go through lulls and don't play as well as we can," Duncan said. ─── “球队仍然有些地方不尽如人意,并没有发挥出自己的全部水准。”

44、Since Tuesday, Gazans took advantage of the lull in fighting to return to work and shop for daily necessities. ─── 从星期二起,加沙人民利用战斗的间歇恢复工作,购买日用品。

45、But occasion-ally, during a brief lull in the honking, I’d hear the tinkling of a bell behind me. ─── 但有时候,在鸣笛之后的短暂平静时间里,我会听到有铃声在我身后响起。

46、Oh, for the hundredth time, I'm sorry, there was a lull. ─── 喔,再次跟你道歉,对不起,我一个不小心就。

47、During a lull in the fighting the Mobile Units can work at the Base Hospitals. ─── 在战斗暂时停止时,战地医疗队可以在后方医院工作。

48、They'll live in a wonderful world together, shimmering with soft lights and sweet music, which will lull them into a luscious lullaby of love. ─── 他们会一起生活在一个奇妙的世界里面,轻柔的灯光,甜美的音乐,会将他们引入甜蜜的爱之催眠曲。

49、In addition honey still lulls on function, can make people fall asleep quickly, does not have a headache either after but also got up the next daying. ─── 另外蜂蜜还有催眠作用,能使人很快入睡,并且第二天起床后也不头痛。

50、"The order that I just issued is ' stand at attention ' , either ' lull ' ! ─── “我刚下的命令是‘立正’,不是‘稍息’!”

51、They'll live in a wonderful world together, shimmering with soft lights and sweet music , which will lull them into a luscious lullaby of love. ─── 他们会一起生活在一个奇妙的世界里面,轻柔的灯光,甜美的音乐,会将他们引入甜蜜的爱之催眠曲。

52、Israel's security cabinet Wednesday approved a continuation of its ground assault in the Gaza Strip, and resumed strikes in the territory after a lull it called to expedite the distribution of aid. ─── 在结束了以加速完成救助物资的发放为目的的停火之后,以色列安全内阁周三通过了继续在加沙地带进行地面袭击的决议并重新恢复了其在该地区的进攻。

53、What happened after the first year of the 3-point line in the NBA was a lull in its use. ─── 在NBA执行三分球规则的第以年所发生的是使用这个规则的“平静”。

54、a quiet song that lulls a child to sleep. ─── 使孩子入睡的轻声吟唱。

55、We don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls people into lives of complacency and dependency. ─── 我们不想这个社会保障系统变成一个诱导群众变得自满和依赖的毒药。

56、Capello has never had to live with the lulls before. ─── 卡佩罗以前从来没有经历过这种中断。

57、A lUlL wal' LUUf~. place in 1275, and in 1287 Kaida formed a new coalition of princes. His ally Nayan was defeated by Kublai himself, who took the field at the age of 72, and Kaida was never able to interfere in the affairs of China. ─── 1287年,海都组成了一支新的王子盟军,他的同盟乃颜被忽必烈亲自击败,当时72岁高龄的忽必烈仍亲临战

58、He will have to learn how to recover momentum after a lull and the frustration in the empty weeks will be new to him. ─── 他必须学会如何在中断一段时间之后重新恢复活力,而连续数周没有比赛对他来说也是新的体验。

59、When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar. ─── 午餐时间逐渐临近,喧嚣之中慢慢出现片刻暂息。

60、Slowly, the daylight faded. There was a lull in the artillery barrage, although the heavy rifle fire continued. ─── 天色渐渐模糊起来,炮声暂时停止了,枪声还是跟先前一样地密。

61、The mayor of the main oil-sands district has called for a lull in new projects. ─── 主要油沙开采区的区长已经叫停了新报的开发项目。

62、To put to sleep; lull. ─── 使进入睡眠;使缓和

63、The dictatorship of bureaucratic impotence fills in the lull before the battle, before the forces are openly matched. ─── 在各种力量公开较量之前,虚弱无力的官僚专政填充着战斗前的空白。

64、Deploy new tools during lulls in the development cycle. ─── 在开发周期的间歇部署新的开发工具。

65、That done, she laid it in her arms, and sang to it softly, to lull it to sleep. ─── 包好以后,她把它平放在手臂上,轻轻歌唱,催它入睡。

66、Up on Athens, Normandy and Sparrow Hawk, the Royal Marines like to soak up the sun during lulls in the fighting. ─── 在“雅典”、诺曼底”与“食雀鹰”山头之上,战事间歇时,皇家海军陆战队员喜欢沉浸在阳光中。

67、For this purpose, we ought to give lull scope to market mechanism sufficiently, choose policy instrument and finish making use of. ─── 为此,本文提出,我们应当充分发挥市场机制的作用,选择并利用好各种政策工具。

68、Jean waited for a lull in the shop talk before attempting to return the conversation to personal concerns. ─── 吉音等着这所有的对话结束后才开始询问私人情况。

69、and it may involve transitions in mood, lulls in energy and a puzzle for you to start solving. ─── 它会使你现在的心情得以转变,暂时平息你此时的情绪至使你的问题能够解决.

70、A few years ago, during a lull in conersation, we got onto the heady subject of finances. ─── 几年前,在一次谈话的间歇,我们又聊到了金融这个老话题上。

71、It's not uncommon to see even the better teams accepting their regular-season lulls without panic, but the Celtics are trying to avoid those situations. ─── 即使是更好的球队,坦然接受常规赛的低迷也不是什么不寻常的事情,但是凯尔特人好像在努力避免那种情况。

72、She lolls on the sofa and lulls herself with mulled beer or by mulling over how to make a mull of all dolls that dare to loll their heads on the shoulders of her sterling darling. ─── 她閒躺在沙发上,而藉加料温啤酒来给自己催眠,或藉熟思如何搞垮所有那些美娃们,那些美娃胆敢把头閒靠在她真正的爱人的肩膀上。

73、Malcolm Harrison of ARLA says: “Buying with the intention of flipping and regarding the tenant merely as a back-up option lulls investors into a false sense of security. ─── ARLA的马尔科姆哈里森表示:“房屋可以用来出租给投资者在购买期房时一种虚假的安全感。

74、Lull sb. Into a false sense of security ─── 哄骗某人产生一种虚假的安全感。而

75、You're definitely moving into a new phase in the middle of the week, and it may involve transitions in mood, lulls in energy and a puzzle for you to start solving. ─── 你一定在星期中间的时候进入一个新的阶段,可能会包括一些情绪的转换,激情的消失,还有一些困惑让你开始去解决。

76、Proving they can still fight for their right to party, the Beastie Boys returned in style from a six-year recording lull to top the U.S. pop album charts with their latest release, "To the 5 Boroughs". ─── 为了证明他们仍旧在为自己的参与权而战斗,宠物男孩以一张最新专辑《到达5个城区》成功地结束了自己6年未录唱片的历史,重新占据了美国流行专辑排行榜的首位。

77、A fantastical landscape of flowing folds and shapely curves tenderly embraces you before it lulls you into a magical world of captivating dreams. ─── "在你进入一个如魔幻般著迷的梦境前,让流动的折叠与匀称的曲线轻轻地拥抱著你的身驱吧。"

78、There was a lull in the fighting before the army crossed the Yangtze. ─── 大军渡江前暂无战事。

79、If youre macros or landscapes with flowers and leaves and you would like them nice and sharp, wait for a lull in the wind and fire when your subjects are most still. ─── 如果你拍摄微距或者风景有时候为了保证画面的锐度,你需要等到风的停止。在风中不停晃动的被摄物体会成为你拍摄锐利画面的一个大敌。

80、"I never said anything about sharing out all the money," said Owen, during a lull in the storm. ─── “我从来没有说过要把所有的钱平均分配,”欧文乘着暴风雨暂息时说。

81、Her love made all the more shameful her inability to stay with him, to lull his panic at the passage facing him as he had once lulled her panic at entering womanhood. ─── 但爱只让她更加无地置容,因为她无法留在父亲身边,无法像当年她进入青春期父亲安抚她那样,去安抚惶惶然的父亲。

82、English: 60.Periods of precipitation are referred to as the “active” monsoon, and the lulls in between are called monsoon “break”. ─── 中文: 有降水发生的时期叫做季风活跃期,而它们之间的静息期叫做季风中断。

83、The missions flown throughout February and March were mainly close air support and attacks against German communication lines. These alternated with lulls in operations, because of the weather. ─── 3月执行的任务大部分都是近距离空中支援和德国通讯线.因为天气的原因,这些任务渐渐停止了.

84、English: 60. Periods of precipitation are referred to as the “active” monsoon, and the lulls in between are called monsoon “break”. ─── 中文:有降水发生的时期叫做季风活跃期,而它们之间的静息期叫做季风中断。

85、" the soldier answers, "Of lull is my uniform only. ─── 士兵答道,“稍息的只是我的制服。”

86、They lead a life of comfort in the life also lulls in the life. ─── 他们在生活中享乐,也在生活中麻痹。

87、During the long lulls between patrols he never hinted that he had a passion for art. ─── 在那漫长而又沉闷的巡逻见习,他也从没暗示过他对艺术的热爱。

88、His purpose is to lull us into a false sense of security. ─── 他的目的就是使我们产生虚假的安全感。

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