smattering 发音
[ 'smætərɪŋ]
英: 美:
smattering 中文意思翻译
smattering 网络释义
n. 一知半解;少数;略知adj. 肤浅的;些许的;点滴的v. 略知;肤浅地学习;粉碎(smatter的ing形式)
smattering 词性/词形变化,smattering变形
名词复数形式:smatterings 原型:smatter
smattering 短语词组
1、smattering of ─── 少量
smattering 相似词语短语
1、slattering ─── n.石板瓦工;鼠妇(等于slater);v.穿戴不整洁;n.(Slatter)(美)斯拉特(人名)
2、scatterings ─── n.散射;分散;adj.分散的;v.散射;散布;驱散(scatter的ing形式)
3、mattering ─── n.物质;事件;vi.有关系;要紧;n.(Matter)人名;(英、法)马特;(西)马特尔
4、smatteringly ─── 微不足道地
5、scattering ─── n.散射;分散;adj.分散的;v.散射;散布;驱散(scatter的ing形式)
6、smatterings ─── n.一知半解;少数;略知;adj.肤浅的;些许的;点滴的;v.略知;肤浅地学习;粉碎(smatter的ing形式)
7、spattering ─── n.[冶]飞溅;焊溅物
8、shattering ─── adj.破碎的;令人震惊的;令人极度疲劳的;非常响亮的;v.打碎;削弱;使震惊;使筋疲力竭(shatter的现在分词)
9、splattering ─── n.飞溅;散点;v.溅;结结巴巴地说(splatter的ing形式)
smattering 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The room was strewn with various possessions and a good smattering of rubbish. ─── 屋里散乱着各种各样的东西,还有一些垃圾。
2、Investors appeared to take heart from a smattering of news from banks and the government. ─── 投资者似乎从来自政府和银行的只言片语中获取了信心。
3、to smatter a vase ─── 打碎一只花瓶
4、crumbs of knowledge; smatter(ing) ─── 点滴知识
5、A smattering of English language postings are all pretty on message, as is this useful exposition of the patriotic overseas Chinese view of the western media. ─── 极少数英文帖子都是浮华的消息,例如西方媒体对热爱祖国的中国华人的报道。
6、His intention was to create a very Chinese album with a smattering of traditional sounds that has international market appeal. ─── 他试着加入少量让国际市场感兴趣的传统声音,力图创造一张非常中国化的专辑。
7、Most civil servants, custom officials, police, hotel staff and men in the street do not speak English or at best a smattering of English. ─── 大部分居民,官员,警察,酒店职工和大街上的人都不会说英语或者对英语只知一些皮毛.
8、The remaking of the industry -- where the strongest names are larger, more-complex commercial banking institutions, followed by a smattering of insurance companies -- has been relentless. ─── 金融服务行业的重组过程十分严酷。该行业实力最强的是综合性的大型商业银行机构,其次是少数保险公司。
9、Different types of consumers do not understand the same material, but mostly for materials name, the performance generally have a smattering of knowledge. ─── 不同类型的消费者对材料的了解不甚相同,但是他们多数对于材料名称、性能普遍都一知半解。
10、A smattering of Labour MPs blamed Gordon Brown for the party's defeat in a by-election for a seat in Norwich, which was won handily by the Conservatives. ─── 零星的几个工党议员指责戈登.布朗因为其政党在诺威奇补选席位中败北,而由保守党轻松赢得。
11、In contrast, a conceited person, while having only a smattering of knowledge, shows it off and dissatisfied with what he has achieved. ─── 反之,一个自负的人则炫耀自己的一知半解,不再进取。
12、Here is a random smattering of events that have taken place in the past week in countries that demanded this change. ─── 上周,要求联合国改弦易辙的那些国家的境内,随机的零星事件已经发生。
13、If you know a smattering of Italian, the lyrics are poetic, sometimes humourous."Like a tomcat in love, like an ice cream at the equator. ─── 专辑介绍: Great music - you catch yourself tapping your feet and humming the tunes, even if you don't have a clue about the words.
14、Rather, the purpose of this list is to offer a smattering of some of the most interesting, influential business models and the major companies that implemented them successfully. ─── 但是,这个榜单的目的在于给读者列举一些易懂的最有趣、最具影响力的商业模式和因为成功贯彻这种商业模式而取得成功的主要公司。
15、Have a smattering of; know only a little about; know sth. About ─── 稍知一点点
16、Which is not to say travelling in Syria with only a smattering of Arabic is entirely straightforward. ─── 不说在叙利亚旅行懂一点点阿拉伯语就行,实在很直截了当。
17、Mr Chabot is still a recognised figure in the district, and a smattering of polls give him the edge. ─── Chabot先生仍是这个地区被公众认可的人物,少数民调显示他具有优势。
18、He has a smattering of knowledge about physics. ─── 他对物理一知半解。
19、And it's human natural too that parents want their children to be healthier and smatter then other people's. ─── 拥有后代是人类的本性,让自己的孩子比别人的孩子更健康更聪明也是人类的本性。
20、With only a smattering of knowledge, ─── 你呀,就别一知半解
21、But it wasn't able to leverage those offerings with the relative smattering of users it had. ─── 它无法平衡那些支出和相对一知半解的已有用户的关系。
22、But over and above this exciting smattering of knowledge, students should bite deeply into at least one subject and taste its full flavor. ─── 但是,在对所有知识都一知半解的基础上,学生应该深入钻研某一学科,体味这一学科的酸、甜、苦、辣。
23、But now some leading academic medical centers are restricting the use of samples, and a smattering of physician practices are shutting down the sample cabinet. ─── 但是现在一些大的学院医疗中正在限制样品药物的使用,而只有一小撮从业机构关闭了样品药柜。
24、On his wanderings he's picked up Spanish, Italian, French and a smattering of Russian. ─── 在流浪途中,他学会了西班牙语、意大利语、法语和一点点俄语。
25、1.fur; a coat (covering an animal's body); 2.[Figurative] smattering; superficial knowledge ─── 皮毛
26、The Chinese families nearest mine were a Cantonese and a Hainanese family. As I spoke only a smattering of Teochew, I did not mix much with them. ─── 住得最靠近的华人家庭,有一家是广东人,一家是海南人,由于我只会讲几句潮州话,因此跟这些华族邻居没有什么来往。
27、I've only got a smattering of experience with computers. ─── 关于计算机我只略微有点经验。
28、a smattering of raindrops. ─── 一点点降雨
29、He only has a smattering of French. ─── 他只懂一点法语。
30、A smattering of cars, mainly Japanese-made, had to make room for bicycles, wheelbarrows and the occasional donkey cart. ─── 那时的北京机场只有几幢年久失修的建筑,还不如一个普通的省级机场。
31、His intention was to create a very Chinese album with a smattering of traditional sounds that has international market appeal. ─── 他试着加入少量让国际市场感兴趣的传统声音,力图创造一张非常中国化的专辑。
32、I had acquired a smattering of Greek. ─── 我学会了一丁点儿希腊文。
33、to smatter a little Spanish ─── 略微会说一点儿西班牙语
34、522. It is dangerous that you have a smattering of superficial knowledge on a subject. ─── 对于任何问题一知半解的知识都是危险的。
35、"a smattering of everything, and a knowledge of nothing" (Charles Dickens) ─── “对所有的事都略知一二,而真正的知识却一点也没有”(查尔斯·狄更斯)
36、get [ have,know ] a smattering of ─── 略知...的一二
37、"As I spoke only a smattering of Teochew, I did not mix much with them." ─── 由于我只会讲几句潮州话,因此跟这些华族邻居没有什么来往。
38、Although China has further opened the door, but many foreigners have a smattering of knowledge or awareness of domestic, venturing to purchase property or their style. ─── 虽然中国的大门已经进一步打开,但许多外国人对国内的认识还是一知半解,冒然购置物业也不是他们的作风。
39、Everybody is Everybody's happy, healthy and more smatter a little bit smarter, so that things go onwell. ─── 每个人都开心、健康和更聪明,这样才能一切顺利。”
40、It also benefits from the now familiar smattering of upgrades to the suspension, brakes, transmission and exhaust that we've come to expect from every SEMA car. ─── 它的动力同时也受益于现在非常流行的一些升级改装项目,比如悬挂、刹车、变速器、排气。这些升级我们期待在SEMA展上的每辆车上看到。
41、a smattering of French ─── 懂一点法文
42、a smattering of everything,and a knowledge of nothing(bCharles Dickens) ─── 对所有的事都略知一二,而真正的知识却一点也没有(b查尔斯·狄更斯)
43、The most ridiculous person in the world is the "know-all" who picks up a smattering of hearsay knowledge and prodaims himself "the world's Number One authority"; this merely shows that he has not taken a proper measure of himself. ─── 世上最可笑的是那些“知识里手”,有了道听途说的一知半解,便自封为“天下第一”,适足见其不自量而已。
44、Here's our store in China, Germany." Smattering of claps."Just look at the crowds of people lining up. ─── 我们的苹果店在世界上很好的发展着。
45、A time-lapse photo reveals a smattering of stars dotting the sky above Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. ─── 意译:主标题:在峡谷跟踪星的轨迹,亚利桑那州,2007年。
46、and I spoke to them in as many languages as I had the least smattering of ,which were High and Low Dutch, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, and Lingua Franca, but all to no purpose. ─── 我就用种种稍稍能讲一点的语言跟他们谈话,其中包括高地荷兰语和低地荷兰语,拉丁语、法语,西班牙语,意大利语和利凡特等地通告的意、法、西、希腊混合语,但是毫无用处。
47、customers tend to have a smattering of knowledge of how to select decoration materials, the quality of materials, use and buy Zhicijiegao little understanding of the material; ─── 客户往往对如何挑选装饰材料一知半解,对材料的质地、用途了解甚少而买到质次价高的材料;
48、David has only a smattering of astronomy. ─── 大卫对天文学只是一知半解。
49、The doctor spoke some pidgin Vietnamese, and the nurse a smattering of highschool French. ─── 这位军医能讲几句洋泾浜的越南语,护士也能讲几句半生不熟的法语。
50、Is he smatter than you? ─── 他是不是比你聪明?
51、For the foreign language readers, there are approximately three bays of shelving holding English books, with a very small smattering of other European languages. ─── 对于外文阅读者,大概有三个书架是英文书,还有一小部分是其它欧洲语言书籍。
52、Such a smattering of artificial additions, however, represents but a drop in the ocean. ─── 然而,人为地补充这么一点点,只能是杯水车薪。
53、He has a smattering of French. ─── 他的法文是半瓶醋。
54、have a smattering of French, German, etc ─── 懂一点法语﹑ 德语等.
55、Have a smattering of knowledge, blind imitation is the lower view of history and international outlook. ─── 一知半解、盲目的模仿是低级的历史观和国际观。
56、to smatter some scientific field ─── 涉猎某个科学领域
57、There's only a smattering of people who oppose the proposal. ─── 只有少数人反对这一建议。
58、She speaks fluent French and has a basic smattering of German. ─── 她的法语说得很流利,德语也略知一二。
59、However, most people appeared in the eyelid son under this new concept, or have a smattering of knowledge or cold. ─── 然而,大多数人对出现在眼皮子底下的这个新概念,或一知半解,或敬而远之。
60、While many jobs require at least a smattering of Chinese, some employers that need other skills are hiring people who do not speak the language. ─── 虽然许多工作要求至少一点点中文,一些雇主需要有其他技能,不说中文的员工。
61、Where there may be a smattering of snow, and then reprieve seems to be near and things get a little warner for a few months. ─── 校园里最常见的就是樱花茶花和杜鹃,那一片樱花现在还是光秃秃的,可是茶花和杜鹃却好象是没分清时节似的开得很精神。
62、Ma are of the view that Many people only have a smattering of knowledge of home environmental awareness level. ─── 马都认为,很多人对家居环境的认识只有一知半解的程度。
63、In addition to anecdotal experience, a smattering of studies suggest that children praised for doing well at something were less interested in pursuing it, or did less well at subsequent tasks. ─── 除了奇闻轶事经历以外,少数研究表明:当做好了某件事表扬孩子将导致孩子继续做这件事的兴趣将低或导致其后来的任务做得没那么好。
64、Have a smattering of French,German,etc ─── 懂一点法语、德语等.
65、Through both brief introductions and close-up readings, the students are expected to acquire a smattering knowledge of American literature. ─── 另外,该课程要求学生积极调研,查找相关的作家和作品的参考资料,以便参预课程讨论。
66、Those with a smattering of education, plus a great faith in logical thinking, would advance various arguments denying that butterflies can dream. ─── 而略具知识、重视逻辑思维的人,便会举出各种例证,以否定蝴蝶能做梦;
67、We do not have any reason to be conservative and complacent, to stop after getting a smattering, also does not have any reason fraught with uncertainty, the waiting to wait and see. ─── 我们没有任何理由固步自封、浅尝辄止,也没有任何理由畏首畏尾、等待观望。
68、People with a smattering of physics may bring up "quantum mechanical vacuum fluctuations". ─── 对物理学一知半解的人们可能会提出“量子力学真空涨落”。
69、A typical lamb shish kebab gives you about 232 calories and 6g of fat (even less if you have a chicken version) and a useful smattering of minerals, including iron. ─── 一个典型的羊肉串给你大约232卡路里,6克脂肪(如果你有一个鸡版,甚至更少)和有用的零星的矿物质,包括铁。
70、And why, my lady wisdom? Hold your tongue, good prudence; smatter with your gossips, go. ─── 为什么不该!我的聪明的太太?谁要你多嘴,我的好大娘?你去跟你那些婆婆妈妈们谈天去吗,去!
71、A time-lapse photo reveals a smattering of stars dotting the sky above Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. ─── 这张间隔拍摄照片显示出一些点缀在亚利桑那州大峡谷国家公园上空的星星。
72、But Mr Reid will still have trouble mustering the necessary votes to support a “public option”, with Republicans and a smattering of Democrats remaining adamantly opposed. ─── 但是在共和党和一小部分民主党仍然顽固反对的情况下,雷德得到足够的支持政府健康计划选择的选票有一定的困难。
73、a smattering of everything,and a knowledge of nothing(Charles Dickens) ─── 对所有的事都略知一二,而真正的知识却一点也没有(查尔斯·狄更斯)
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