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09-19 投稿


napier 发音

英:[nəˈpɪr]  美:[ˈneɪpɪə(r)]

英:  美:

napier 中文意思翻译




napier 短语词组

1、Napier's bones ─── [网络] 纳皮尔算筹;纳皮尔骨头;纳皮尔的骨头

2、napier grass ─── 紫狼尾草, 象草

3、John Napier ─── [网络] 约翰•纳皮尔;律劳卑;内皮尔

4、Napier's aldehyde tests ─── [医] 纳皮尔氏醛试验(黑热病血清反应)

5、Napier's rods ─── [网络] 纳皮尔算筹

6、edinburgh napier university n. ─── 爱丁堡龙比亚大学

7、Napier Peak ─── 纳皮尔峰

8、Napier's aldehyde test ─── [医] 纳皮尔氏醛试验(黑热病血清反应)

napier 相似词语短语

1、Dampier ─── 丹皮尔

2、nappier ─── 尿布工

3、drapier ─── 窗帘

4、snappier ─── adj.厉声说话的;生气勃勃的;时髦的;爽快的(snappy的变形)

5、napper ─── n.打盹的人;拉毛工人;n.(Napper)人名;(德、英)纳珀

6、Napier ─── n.龙比亚大学

7、campier ─── adj.不自然的;装模作样的;举止言行显示有同性恋之倾向的(campy的变形)

8、Waspier ─── adj.似黄蜂的(waspy的变形)

9、rapier ─── n.轻巧细长的双刃剑,长剑;adj.(言辞,智力)机敏的,深刻的

napier 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Napier University is situated in Edinburgh, Scotland's capital and a major UK city. ─── 纳皮尔大学位于苏格兰的首都兼主要大城爱丁堡。

2、In 1614, John Napier discovered the logarithm which made it possible to perform multiplications and divisions by addition and subtraction. ─── 1614年,蘇格蘭數學家納皮爾發現了對數,使得數字的乘跟除可以加減替代。

3、Napier - Cardan spokesman said the two Chinese companies are Guangzhou Jian Sheng Trading Co., Ltd.Corporation and Cardan. ─── 皮尔-卡丹发言人称,这两家中国公司分别是广州健升贸易有限公司和卡丹路公司。

4、There's a haunted house performance in a disused prison in Napier every week. ─── 在纳皮尔的一个废弃监狱里,每周都会有“鬼屋表演”。

5、The following quote is said to be from an officer of the British army of the time General Napier. ─── 但时至今日,在印度的某些偏远地区仍被奉行著,2004 年间也还有人曾经目睹过。

6、So how did Napier's logarithms work? ─── 纳皮尔的对数要怎麽使用呢?

7、Biological Character and Cultivation of Hybrid Giant Napier in the Three Gorges Reservoir. ─── 三峡库区皇竹草的生物学特性与栽培模式

8、Ms. Reynolds's monthiong apprenticeship was the creation of a medical anthropologist, David Napier, at Middlebury College, where Ms.Reynolds is a student. ─── 雷诺兹小姐的一个月的实习是米德尔伯格(Middleburg)大学医学人类学家戴维·内皮尔创建的,雷诺兹小姐就是该校的一名学生。

9、Napier had simplified computational tasks, but ready access to books of log tables was crucial to the procedure. ─── 纳皮尔简化了计算工作,但手边必须有对数表手册才能进行计算。

10、Napier also has a contract to deliver an MSc in Insurance Accounting to the Southwest University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu. ─── 比亚大学还获得了一项在成都的西南财经学院开设保险会计学士学位课程的合同。

11、I am a BA student in Edinburgh Napier University. ─── 我是英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学的BA学生。

12、Sharon Napier is CEO of Partners + Napier, and a member of the global strategic leadership team of Project: WorldWide. ─── 作者莎朗•纳皮尔是Partners + Napier广告公司的首席执行官,也是全球战略领导力团队世界性工程(Project: WorldWide)的成员之一。

13、As a child, she loved to hear the story of how Charles Napier, the British conqueror of Sindh, had in 1843 marvelled at the extent of the Bhutto holdings. ─── 当她还是个孩子的时候,她最喜欢听的故事就是,在1843年,Sindh省的英国征服者CharlesNapier是如何对布托家族的领地之大感到惊奇的。

14、Abstract: Embryonic calli could be obtained from explants such as terminal buds and axillary buds of hybrid giant napier inoculated in induced media during tissue culture. ─── 摘 要: 以皇竹草腋芽或顶芽作外植体,接种在脱分化培养基上培养,可获得胚性愈伤组织。

15、I am a student from the Edinburgh Napier University in BA (Hons) Accounting.I am conducting a research on the customer satisfaction in the Cathay Pacific Airways Limited. ─── 您好,本人现在于爱丁堡龙比亚大学修读会计学荣誉学士课程,现正进行一个有关顾客对国泰航空有限公司的服务质素的研究。

16、These processes have been further simplified by the incorporation of logarithmic functions into digital calculators and computers.See also John Napier. ─── 将对数函数加进数字计算器和计算机后,这些过程就被进一步简化了。

17、Ms. Reynolds's monthiong apprenticeship was the creation of a medical anthropologist,David Napier,at Middlebury College,where Ms.Reynolds is a student. ─── 雷诺兹小姐的一个月的实习是米德尔伯格(Middleburg)大学医学人类学家戴维·内皮尔创建的,雷诺兹小姐就是该校的一名学生。

18、This paper analyses and compares the works of Jacques Rho and some Chinese scholars t8 study the diffusion and development of Napier,s bones in China. ─── 该文在介绍了纳贝尔设计的原筹和罗雅谷的作品的基础之上,研究了纳氏筹在中国的流传与发展情况。

19、This appears to confirm Napier and Jost's contention that right wing political beliefs can guard against the potentially upsetting effects of inequality. ─── 这更确认了他们的争论点:右翼的政治信仰能够排斥潜在的不平等影响。

20、To improve customer service, Napier was also looking for a real-time Web portal that linked to their operating and database systems. ─── 为改善客户服务,Napier还在寻找一个可以与它们的操作系统和数据库系统连接的实时网络门户。

21、John Napier, a Scottish mathematician, physicist and astronomer, invented logarithms in 1614. ─── 苏格兰数学家、物理学家和天文学家纳皮尔(JohnNapier)于1614年发明了对数。

22、Embryonic calli could be obtained from explants such as terminal buds and axillary buds of hybrid giant napier inoculated in induced media during tissue culture. ─── 以皇竹草腋芽或顶芽作外植体,接种在脱分化培养基上培养,可获得胚性愈伤组织。

23、Steve Stradling, Professor of Transport Psychology at Napier University, Edinburgh, said: "A key factor is that women get less fun out of risk-taking. ─── 爱丁堡纳皮尔大学的运输心理学教授史蒂夫·斯特拉德林说:"其中一个关键因素是女性不太热衷于冒险。

24、And in Napier you'll see a wealth of fabulous Art Deco architecture, which only materialised because the city was almost entirely destroyed by a huge earthquake in 1931. ─── 内皮尔曾于1931年发生大地震,全城几乎被夷为平地,但美轮美奂的装饰艺术派建筑因此获得了生存空间,如雨后春笋般大量涌现。

25、Navis has become a strategic selling point with shipping lines for the Port of Napier. ─── Navis已经成为Port of Napier销售航线时的战略特色。

26、Napier prides itself it its wide choice of courses, from engineering, science and IT, to business, media studies, design, social sciences and health care. ─── 纳皮尔大学以提供多元化的课程而自豪,包含工程、资讯、商业、媒体研究、设计、社会科学和健康学。

27、How you do become in my heart fragrance napier son? ─── 你又如何成为我心中的香奈儿?

28、After service in the Peninsular War, against the USA, in Greece and at home, British soldier Charles Napier was sent to Sind, in what is now Southeast Pakistan. ─── 英国军人查理.内皮尔曾参与半岛战争,曾出征美国,又曾在希腊、英国本土服役,之后奉命到信德,即今日巴基斯坦东南部地区。

29、The two methods can both be applicable to hybrid giant napier but KP-AQ process is better as a whole. ─── 两种蒸煮方法均较好地适用于皇竹草,但综合前者更优。

30、I am a BA student in Edinburgh Napier University. ─── 我是英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学的BA学生。

31、This, Mr. Napier contends , is a good thing. ─── 内皮尔先生认为这是一件好事.

32、Guy Stone, Napier's Terminal Operations Manager says, "When you have a terminal that grows the way we have, you'd expect to bring on extra labor to cope with the influx. ─── 纳皮尔码头运营经理Guy Stone说:“如果您有一个象我们这样发展态势良好的码头,’为应付这样的货物流入,照道理您将需要更多的劳动力。

33、Napier has particular strengths in the fields of business engineering, journalism and publishing, photography and film, biological and health sciences, computing and IT. ─── 纳皮尔大学的强项有:商业工程、新闻与出版、摄影与电影、生物学和健康科学、电脑和资讯学。

34、Napier's graduates have a high record of employment, demonstrating the University's achievement of its primary mission: preparing students for the world of work. ─── 纳皮尔大学的毕业生就业率相当高,论证了纳皮尔大学的宗旨:帮助学生为将来的就业做准备。

35、The Port of Napier wants to handle as much cargo as they can profitably, and become the major port for the lower North Island area of New Zealand. ─── The Port of Napier希望处理尽可能多的货物,盈利,并使纳皮尔港成为新西兰北岛低地地区的主要港口。

36、Napier has four faculties: Arts and Social Science;Engineering and Computing;Health and Life Science;and the Napier University Business School. ─── 纳皮尔大学分 4 所学院:文学和社会学院、工程和电脑学院、健康和生活科学院、纳皮尔大学商学院。

37、Napier Students' Association staffs are also on hand to help with any practical or personal concerns. ─── 学生组织的员工也会随时帮忙解决任何课业与个人方面的问题。

38、Here Napier's "Smoke" shows a blueprint-like white outline of the Empire State Building folded over on itself, limp and twirling from its iconic mast as if drained of steel. ─── 在皮娜的编排中,有一具少女装扮的“死尸”,舞者们跟这具尸体开玩笑,把她在舞台上滚来滚去,后来用滑轮车将尸体升高到天花板上,直到演出结束,那具尸体就一直挂在那儿。

39、The purpose of this study is to find the delignification rate equation of pennisetum (napier grass) by Soda pulping method. ─── 摘要本论文是有关于利用苏打法制浆法蒸煮狼尾草,寻求脱除木质素之速率方程式以作为制浆设计之用。

40、Napier went on to invent the decimal point and calculating rods (known as Napier's bones) and to lay the groundwork for Isaac Newton's calculus. ─── 布立格兹的确慧眼识天才,纳皮尔后来又发明了小数点和计算棒(称为纳皮尔算筹),为牛顿的微积分打下基础。

41、The business has 73 employees as well as a research and development center in the town of Napier, and will operate as part of ABB's Automation Products division. ─── 该公司共有73名雇员,并在纳皮尔市拥有一个研发中心,它将成为ABB自动化产品部的一部分。

42、Guest author Ken Barclay is a lecturer in the School of Computing, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. ─── 客座作者Ken Barclay是苏格兰爱丁保的Napier大学计算学院的讲师。

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